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19 February 2006
It's not the end of the world, →[More:] But I feel like I've just lost a great friend. If you could take a couple of moments to commiserate with me, then that would be great.
A number of reasons. I was really, really getting tired of bed-head. Every day, I'd wake up with the frizz of knots sticking an inch and a half out of the back of my head. Any form of brushing or combing would liberate what seemed to be half the hair on my head.
Secondly, I only had to put my coat on for it to be suddenly covered with hair. That was annoying.
Finally, I bought some new round the back of the neck style headphones for the iPod. (I was worried that the ear-phones were making me deaf) I was permanently trying to untangle my hair from these.
I don't know how people cope with really long hair. It's a logistical nightmare.
Did you suddenly have an overwhelming desire to wear a tie, vote conservative and kick a homeless person?
It's those repercussions that prevent me from going to the barber for the time being.
Does society treating you with new respect weigh heavily? I'm scared by the responsibility that goes along with standing up straight and flying right.
Smoking ganja and frequenting online chat-o-bulletin boards will soon start to look childish. But I'm sure it's worth it for the bevy of sensible-shoe wearing ladies who now seek your opinion on current events in snooty bookstores.
I'm all for the low maintenance haircut. No bed head. No hat head. No combs. I've had close cut hair since I was about 16 when it was part of the punk rock dress code, and I actually forgot that hair knots up until you just mentioned it.
Heh. Mister taz usually has long hair, mostly because he just doesn't get around to getting it cut... and it's led to some pretty funny stuff in terms of dealing with it at work in the summertime. I'm talking about wacky, scrunchy fun.
Here's a recent photo, that sort of, but doesn't really even begin to address the whole hair thing.
Ah! I forgot to say that he and you are both lucky, anyway... though he's a lot older than you are. Just the having of the hair is a really nice thing after a certain age, however annoying.
I'm always changing my mind about how long my hair should be. The last time I had my locks lopped off I promised myself I'd never have long hair again. I used to cut my own hair with clippers and a one inch guard. But then Mrs Geezer prefers me with long hair and she'd be quite upset if I had it cut short - every time I go to get my hair trimmed she demands to know exactly how much I'm intending to cut off. I've come to conclusion lately that my hair is just meant to be long, it's just a hairy celtic thing.
Yeah, I'm at that ladyage where I really shouldn't have long hair... but mr. taz freaks out when I get my hair cut, so I leave it long. In fact, at this point, I just let him trim it. I'm going to be that wacky 65-year-old lady with the freakyweird long, long hair, I know it.
- As long as you have healthy, thick hair, let it grow as long as you want no matter your age or sex. Don't fall into the stereotype crap. If you have beautiful hair - flaunt it.
- seanyboy, has anyone told you you have gorgeous eyes?! The short hair really emphasizes them. That said, I like your hair long, too.
I have nice thick hair, but when it grows past my shoulders it's flatter than a pancake, dammit.
I don't know how people cope with really long hair. It's a logistical nightmare.
At one point in my late twenties, my hair was about 4 inches past my shoulders. I usually wore it tied back but that started giving me a headache for some reason, so one day I wore it down. I happened to be opening boxes at work that day and it was difficult to avoid slashing my hair. I cut it off the next day. Since then it's been short. With all the recent changes in my life, I'm getting itchy to make some kind of change in my appearance. Not sure what though.
I've been long-hair- and beard-less for about 3 years now. I think I look *much* better with them (think a very tall Kevin Smith), but the amount of time spent grooming could better be used towards lazing about and being shiftless. Plus, it's too damned hot in Houston and people look at you funny ... almost as if they're getting ready to point and scream at you, Invasion of the Body Snatchers style.
It looks good seanyboy. I like long hair myself, but you know, it grows back. ;-) When I moved to Asheville from Baltimore almost 6 years ago my hair was about 3/4 of the way down my back (shorter than a few years earlier, when it went to the middle of my ass.) I decided to get it all cut off and the woman who did it told me it was a good idea because your hair collects old karma: if your hair is really long, like mine was, then the ends of it are old - like several years old. And presumably just stuffed chock full of oldness. So I had my hair chopped, cried a little and decided well, that was the end of one part of my life. So now you can start with a fresh karmic slate.
Since then I've kept it a couple inches below shoulder length, because I don't feel like me without long hair, although I'll never have it as long as it used to be again, because, yes, it's a PITA to take care of. Also, I have my braid from the first time my hair was ever cut, when I was almost 6. My mom used to braid it in one long braid all the way down my back every morning ~ then one day she just got fed up and chopped it off. I cried. But it's kind of cool to still have it, if a little creepy.
fff: aw,nostalgia! I remember when ponytails were controversial, too.
Seanyboy, I like it a lot. I agree about how it enhances your eyes, and in addition, you've got a cool, 80s Pete Townsend thing going on. You might even find there's an intermediate, texture-y length that works well, too.
I'm ready for a change, too. But I don't want my hair to go any shorter; it's short in the back now, though I kept the front/bangs long. So what I've been thinking is to get one of those upper-ear earrings. It might happen soon.
Hey - Thanks people. That means a lot. I'll find out tomorrow / tuesday what outside people think of it. & mgl - that karma thing rings frighteningly true to my normally cynical mind. Strange to feel that an amount of history has been despatched to the bin. Last time I cut it was just before I went to Australia in 2003. It's like I'm cutting that and all the time after that away.
Wowsers - Flickr tells me that the after picture has had over 100 views. That's just scary.
Seriously, dude, you're kinda cute now. That is, if I had teh ghey. Get ready to fend 'em off.
Apropos of absolutely nothing, except perhaps the bit about Mr. Taz, my niece calls a scrunchy, or rubber band, or barrette, or whatever, a "hair piece". I have explained what this actually means, to no effect.
hey yeah, re: karma stuff, a lot of cultures consider cutting one's hair symbolic of a fresh start or spiritual rebirth...(I wrote about it & took pics, about 6 yrs ago when I shaved my hair off due to chemo, but keep getting errors when I try to include the links - it's at
seanyboy looks ready to join the jet-set. Zoooom! Dashing.
I'm going the other direction. After thirty years of short "business cut" hair, I'm turning into a hippie freak again. Since I've been losing my hair, it thinned out to the point where cold and rain were uncomfortable. I'll get it cut when the weather warms up or I get a court date (long story, I'm the plaintiff.) Right now, I'm about a month from a minimalist ponytail.
Thirty years ago, I was one of these long-haired weirdos.
Last time mine was long (around 1999) I got it cut quite short...there is something to a drastic haircut leading to a new beginning....which is why I am a little leery of doing it again!
thanks, sean. the link seems too long to get past preview with, but the pics are also still up but just in the "oldsite" folder, which is why if you tried to click thru you wouldn't have seen them - they're at - apologies for being so - complicated :). also, am I just missing some obvious html trick or is something buggy or what?