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17 February 2006

My desk. Your desk?
I'm too embarassed by my slovenliness to post mine. But I like yours, goat!
posted by mudpuppie 17 February | 01:09
Come on! Unless there's rotting food on it, post away.
posted by goatdog 17 February | 01:10
Sadly it has not changed since we did this last month.
posted by arse_hat 17 February | 01:19
We did this last month? I didn't get the memo.
OK, so I didn't even try to search the archives.
posted by goatdog 17 February | 01:21
Here but the wording was different so it's ok. :)
posted by arse_hat 17 February | 01:28
No rotting food (anymore), but lots of empty beer bottles. It's trash/recycling night.
posted by mudpuppie 17 February | 01:30
Books on Chandler, Cagney, and Winsor McCay. You sir, are one who understands the finer things in life! I salute you.

My desk is boring, because two days ago I cleaned everything off it, which, gets rid of the clutter, and dust, but also all the character. My home workspace has become like a showpeice. Maybe I will go and grab the book on pulp magazine covers from the bookshelf, grab my DVDs of Louise Brooks, my paperback of Bridge of Birds, my stacks of loose CDs and DVDs, and... oh wait, I just put that stuff away. There is a lot to be said for clutter I guess.
posted by King of Prontopia 17 February | 01:58
Here you go. (Click for larger images)

In the last one, it was night, and I had a glass of wine on my desk... This time it's morning, and I have a cup of coffee. Just so everyone knows, if my blinds are totally closed, and you find yourself lost and confused in my office, that's how you can tell whether it's night or day.
posted by taz 17 February | 02:02
Mine at home. I might take one of work on Monday. But then, I might not.
posted by dg 17 February | 02:12
Working at home today.
posted by essexjan 17 February | 03:57
I'm ashamed to show mine. It's a disaster area. However, it would be sort of neat to show how I've built my PC into my desk.
posted by kmellis 17 February | 04:45
Here's home. Don't have a picture, or a camera to take a pic here at work. It's less interesting anyway. Or maybe it isn't and I am just hiding something? Makes you think eh?
posted by richat 17 February | 08:51
Would somebody please fix gotdog's wireless card?

My desk is in the soundproofed high-security confines of the Tower of Doom. It came with its own knife set and blood trough.

I used a flamethrower to comb my hair this morning.
posted by Hugh Janus 17 February | 08:58
Here. Tagged with "desk" there are two others. It's not a cube, it's a room approx 6 x 9.
posted by warbaby 17 February | 09:11
I don't have a current one, but here is a picture of me at my old job. I think this was taken in 2000. My desk here continues the Hit By A Tornado theme. ; )
posted by sisterhavana 17 February | 10:24
Here. :) It is a shared desk, but it has a fabulous plastic garbage bag room divider.
posted by halonine 17 February | 10:54
My desk is my lap. Right here on the comfy sofa in front of the fireplace.

(richat, your family is gorgeous.)
posted by jrossi4r 17 February | 10:57
This is my desk at home, though it currently has two projects on it.

This is the closest thing I have to a desk at work.

Dig that garbage bag divider, halonine!
posted by Frisbee Girl 17 February | 11:41
Here's mine. I'm not ashamed of my messy desk at all.
posted by muddgirl 17 February | 13:01
Here you go.
posted by me3dia 17 February | 13:07
Here's my desk at work. It's not very interesting. My sweet, mild decorative-arts-oriented co-workers can only handle so much, so it's a neutral space. But there are a few pieces of flair.

For context, the desk is in a nice, large, yellow sunny office on the 3rd floor of a 1761 tavern. Paul Revere stopped here on one of his rides. I can see right out over the river to the Portsmouth Navy Yard. And, because it's on the third floor, people only trek up here to bother me if it's really important.
posted by Miko 17 February | 13:11
miko are you in the old Stoodley's Tavern?
posted by arse_hat 17 February | 13:50
*gasp* Yes.
posted by Miko 17 February | 14:06
posted by mike9322 17 February | 14:24
miko, I used to work for a company at Pease. I used to hang out downtown when in town.
posted by arse_hat 17 February | 14:29
I'm glad you explained. I was burning with curiosity. Good spot!

I love this city - very happy here.
posted by Miko 17 February | 14:34
I like Portsmouth but the winters could be a bit nasty.
posted by arse_hat 17 February | 14:39
This one's been ridiculously mild, and it's only my second one here, so perhaps I have yet to feel the true wrath of a NH winter.
posted by Miko 17 February | 15:02
I really need to dig out my camera.
posted by deborah 17 February | 15:15
Aw, Mike...your sprout's a cutie, too. Mechazens have good lookin' offspring.
posted by jrossi4r 17 February | 16:13
I just took two pictures of my current desk. Taken with my camera phone, so they aren't the best quality, but here they are.
posted by sisterhavana 17 February | 16:15
Father of a Boy named Sue || I'm in lust