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01 February 2006

Team Vag: Can't a gal catch a break? [More:]
Number of dates planned for this week: 3
Number of dates who cancelled with less than 24 hours to go until said dates: 3

Is the universe telling me that I shouldn't get some?
My advice is to go after Clooney.
posted by iconomy 01 February | 11:25
I think that's the universe telling you that you shouldn't try to date such flaky people.
posted by cmonkey 01 February | 11:34
Boys are crazy.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 01 February | 11:40
TPS: So are you implying I should go after girls instead?
posted by TrishaLynn 01 February | 11:47
No, girls are crazy too.
posted by occhiblu 01 February | 11:49
3 different people, or all the same person?

If same, consider dumping.
posted by Miko 01 February | 12:11
3 dates in one week? The Universe is telling you that we are jealous.
posted by Triode 01 February | 12:43
Boys are dumb.
posted by sisterhavana 01 February | 12:45
And yes, I agree with Triode: mucho jealous.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 01 February | 12:49
Hey, at least the people who cancelling on you are bothering to cancel. That's something.
posted by tangerine 01 February | 12:59
um, who *are* cancelling...
posted by tangerine 01 February | 13:00
I think you should skip the dating and start a band called Team Vag.
posted by Hellbient 01 February | 13:51
Three in a week? Aiya!

Well... on the plus side, you must be hella cute to find yourself in such a predicament!

Yeah, I said it. hella cute.
posted by mosch 01 February | 14:20
iconomy: Would that I could, but a fellow co-worker likes him, too, and I'd feel bad about "cock blocking" her. BTW, I really wish there was an equivalent term for girls to use that meant the same thing as "cock block".

miko: Three different people, over a span of one week.

Triode: Can I help it if I'm prime real estate right now?

hellbient: Hells yeah! Except I can't play an instrument, so I'd have to be the lead singer by default.

mosch: *points you at the Faces of Metachat section on the left*
posted by TrishaLynn 01 February | 15:53
I really wish there was an equivalent term for girls to use that meant the same thing as "cock block".

Well, "Pussy" is more or less the equivalent slang term, and in basketball, a "Pick" is a blocking manouver, so....

That won't work at all. Any other suggestions?
posted by Triode 01 February | 19:57
I think "cock block" can work well in both situations. In this case, you'd be blocking her from access to his cock.
posted by Miko 01 February | 21:24
well, that's what happens when you try to date 3 guys from the same bowling team. did you think they wouldnt find out?
posted by Wedge 02 February | 00:29
Girls are full of surprises. || I hesitate to call it a collective maddness,