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19 February 2006

It's Sunday afternoon and I'm drubk at a friend's bday party and I love you all. And I love my cats. And animals. What do you love?
At leat I think it's Sunday. Is it? I used to hate Sunday. Guilt day. "What the fuck have you done with your life?" day.

Et tu?
posted by shane 19 February | 14:18
Damn, you are drunk. Don't you realise it's Thursday?
posted by Smart Dalek 19 February | 14:20
We love you, Shane!
posted by interrobang 19 February | 14:28
I love that the grocery store delivers, so I can buy all I want and not have to worry about carrying it home on a very cold day. I love that NYC has trashy tabloid papers full of fun stuff to read. I love that tomorrow is a holiday and I don't have to go to work!
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 19 February | 15:20
I love ramix's cooking
posted by pieisexactlythree 19 February | 15:30
I love getting drunk on Sunday.

*pops open another Red Stripe*

And I love my cat, my dog, all animals. I love you all!
posted by tr33hggr 19 February | 15:54
I love waking up at noon, hangover raging through my head, thinking "I will do absolutely nothing that does not involve my bed today".
posted by cmonkey 19 February | 16:02
I love little baby ducks, old pickup trucks....
posted by jonmc 19 February | 16:05
I've been watching the Daytona 500. I've discovered that NASCAR is actually pretty cool. I don't completely understand all the rules and jargon yet, but I've decided I don't like Jeff Gordon, I do like Dale Jr, and that Michael Waltrip is weird.
posted by jonmc 19 February | 16:09
Social Science at 190 MPH on NASCAR's Biggest Superspeedways by David Ronfeldt
First Monday, volume 5, number 2 (February 2000),
posted by warbaby 19 February | 17:13
Eating solid food again. It's a nice change.
posted by weretable and the undead chairs 19 February | 18:12
I love sleeping in the wintertime, hot tea at night, radio mecha, baked potatoes with lots of butter and good yogurt piled on 'em - all stuff I had/have today! yay.

And I love you!
posted by taz 19 February | 18:44
I love that every day gone takes me a day closer to the end of this shitty life.

jonmc - NASCAR is kid's play - if you want to see some real tin-top racing, go here.
posted by dg 19 February | 19:05
My pappy said, Son, you're gonna drive me t'drinkin' || I'm playing your shit.