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Comment Feed:


19 February 2006

Has anyone done notpron? It's touted as "The hardest riddle available on the internet". I missed it on MeFi when it was posted a couple of years ago, but a friend showed it to me a couple of days ago, and I got up to level eight really quickly... which doesn't mean much, since it has 138 levels. Just wondering if anyone wants to play this with me? [More:]

But, if so, you really, really have to be honest. It's no fun playing with someone who uses walkthroughs to cheat... I can do that myself, thanks. I just like having little puzzles to think about every day (aside from the regular, existential ones!), and this is long and involved enough to be fun to do with friends.
post by: taz at: 06:25 | 5 comments
I was ready to put my foot through the monitor after less than a minute. First, I thought it was a dating site, because this is how the site opens up. (Despite pop-up blockers, btw)

Then when I scrolled down and found the riddle and entered the door, every time the cursor hovered over the next door this fricking pop-up prompt kept coming up saying 'The door is closed. Trick it or reach Level 3 in a different way'. And it wouldn't go away. Every time I clicked it away, it popped right back when the cursor moved a fraction of an inch.

Probably the most annoying website I've come across in ages.
posted by essexjan 19 February | 08:16
I hate it and love it at the same time. Thanks for yet another time consuming obsession to fill me with grief and small victories. I'm currently at the "#%$@&*#@## Google password" stage. My brain hurts. Hurts, but good.
posted by Slack-a-gogo 19 February | 08:23
Oh, wow. I've never seen that view. Shit. I don't want to lead people to a site that does that.

The second prompt, though, is for real... designed to sort of help you work out the problem.

But the Singles thing is bullshit. Totally. Now I'm wondering whether to take down this post. Why didn't I get anything like that, I wonder?

What are other people seeing? Is this all just crap, after all?
posted by taz 19 February | 08:23
I got a different pop up ad - but I thought it was there intentionally since you need to know how remove it to move on.
posted by Slack-a-gogo 19 February | 08:41
Hm. The only popup I got was to do with answering the question... no ads.

So, should I delete this whole thing do you think?
posted by taz 19 February | 08:46
Disappeared in America || It's not the end