Comment Feed:
If you are cooking any foods that can be described with the following adjectives, please prepare them in the cafeteria microwave rather than the 1st floor copy room:
aromatic, balmy, dank, effluvious, fetid, flavorsome, flowery, foul, fragrant, heady, honeyed, loud, odorous, mephitic, miasmic, moldy, musty, nauseous, odoriferous, offensive, olfactive, olfactory, perfumatory, perfumed, perfumy, pewy, pungent, putrid, redolent, reeking, rotten, savorous, savory, scent-laden, scented, scentful, skunky, smelly, spicy, stagnant, stale, stinking, stinko, stinky, strong, sweet, sweet-scented, sweet-smelling, unsavory, whiffy