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Comment Feed:


21 February 2006

Hi Specklet. I'm in your house. So far I've been through the medicine cabinet, the underwear drawer, and the kitchen cupboards. You like Twinkies? I like Twinkies too! Hey everybody, Specklet likes Twinkies!

Also, Things I've Learned in Portland.... [More:]

Triode is an incredibly sweet and gentle soul, he's funny as hell, and he knows all the good spots to hide a battalion of soldiers if you're stuck in the woods.

Matildaben has as big of a heart and personality as you'd expect. She has balloon theories about soccer and she occasionally licks her hair when there's General Tso's chicken involved.

Lipstick was a big, bounding labrador retriever in another life. He's very sweet and -- dare I say it -- loving, and he's in awe at almost everything.

Rebirtha has, I think, great depths. I didn't get the chance to get to talk to her much, but I get the impression that she's very smart and independent and she doesn't let anything get by her.

Specklet is, well, you know, wonderful and hawt and an excellent (and sexy) pool player. Too bad for you people, I got to watch her play. So there.

Pieisexactlythree in tres dapper and erudite and he really does look like Kevin Spacey.

Ramix can only be described as "awesome." She is the queen of awesomeness. Awesome awesome awesome. And awesome to boot.

Cmonkey is very quiet, but he's a big sweetie, and he has a thing for brothels. (Not what you're thinking. It's an intellectual pursuit. Really.) He's about to show me the town, so I oughta put some clothes on and go meet him.

To all the rest of you whom I had the chance to speak with briefly (or at length, but drunkenly), thanks so much for a great time on Saturday night. Man, y'all rock, and I don't want to leave.

*draws hearts and flowers and bunnies*
More about the underwear, plz. ;)
posted by sciurus 21 February | 14:25
posted by me3dia 21 February | 14:26
A wrap-up - so cool! It sounds like you're having an amazing time. I too am jealous.
posted by iconomy 21 February | 14:27
*seconds me3dia*
posted by gaspode 21 February | 14:27
Heya Pupsicle,
You too are upper case AWESOME!!
posted by ramix 21 February | 14:35
*plans trip to Seattle*
posted by pieisexactlythree 21 February | 14:37
*thirds me3dia*
*seconds gaspode*
posted by richat 21 February | 14:38
I'm really sad I missed the Portland fun, but at least my wife made it worth my while to stay at home with her. :)
posted by agropyron 21 February | 14:38
For the record, although I do have an underwear drawer (and yes, it has sexy black silky things in it) and a medicine cabinet and kitchen cupboards, I do NOT have any Twinkies.

And I'm wondering if it was a wise idea to leave pup at home while I went to work.
posted by Specklet 21 February | 14:45
I'm really sad I missed the Portland fun, but at least my wife made it worth my while to stay at home with her. :)

Pssh. No amount of Trivial Pursuit: 90s Pop Culture Edition is worth missing us awesome Portlanders.
posted by cmonkey 21 February | 14:52
I've got a tear in my eye at reading this. No, seriously.

Here's some of my impressions of meeting people in RL.

Specklet is brilliant and stylish and kind and *way* more complex than the personality she projects on the Internet. I have such new appreciation for her and I hope to consider her a friend.

Mudpuppie, on the other hand, is a lot quieter in real life, but it's a very active quiet. She sits observingly and occasionally something insightful and often bitingly funny will come out of her mouth. She's also shorter than I expected - in a very appealing way. And it was great to hear her say "woolsucker" in her own voice.

Cmonkey I have met before, but am always happy to meet him again, whether online or in RL.

Triode is just, well, smart and funny goes without saying, but also majorly, rampantly sexy.

Ian Would Say is a nifty MonkeyFilterite that I think would fit in over here in Mechaland, and I hope he comes and hops with us sometime.

Ramix is awesome, and a wonderful cook. I have just given her the keys to Radio Mecha, on Dodgy's approval, so we may have a wonderful set of African music pending for our ears. I was just so very excited to be in Portland and meeting everybody, so I may have groped Ramix a bit more than would necessarily be appropriate. For that, I apologize.
posted by matildaben 21 February | 14:52
Yay, Specklet's unmentionables!!!
posted by danostuporstar 21 February | 14:57
Rebirtha has, I think, great depths. I didn't get the chance to get to talk to her much, but I get the impression that she's very smart and independent and she doesn't let anything get by her.

I get the feeling rebirtha is simultaneously astute, acute, and cute. But don't tell her I said that.
posted by Eideteker 21 February | 15:03
And just in case anyone gets the wrong idea, I have this thing about researching the history of vice in Portland, leading to me telling people (like mudpuppie) all about brothel owners like Madam Fanshaw, who ran Portland's infamous (at the time) "Mansion of Sin", catty-corner to the old Portland Hotel, a massive and high caliber hotel that used to stand where Pioneer Square is now.

Everyone that was there on Saturday was totally rad, and if they don't make it to the next one, they will recieve a telegram that just says ":(", the electronic equivalent to a frowning of a lifetime.
posted by cmonkey 21 February | 15:05
The seemingly disparate entities of Specklet's unmentionables, metachat, mudpuppie, a digital camera and photobucket should be brought closer together towards some kind of unity.
posted by peacay 21 February | 15:08
cmonkey: that stuff is fascinating. That's what local history should be, but you don't often encounter these things at the Hysterical Society.
posted by Miko 21 February | 15:15
cmonkey, we also played Boggle, which made it all totally worth it.
posted by agropyron 21 February | 15:31
*seconds richat*
*fourths me3dia*
*thirds gaspode*
posted by dg 21 February | 15:37
Look for porn under the mattresses!
posted by eamondaly 21 February | 15:38
*8 the sandbox*
posted by Eideteker 21 February | 15:42
I've been quartered!
posted by me3dia 21 February | 15:43
Maybe I should have drawn you first?
posted by dg 21 February | 15:46
yay, ramix is calling you pupsicle, too! I started something!
posted by gaspode 21 February | 15:48
You don't have to look for the porn, eamondaly, it's displayed prominantly in the bathroom in the form of a biiiig boobie collage!

Incidentally, I'm disappointed that neither matildaben nor Triode nor Lipstick Thespian contributed to the collage like I told them to. mudpuppie has the rest of today and part of tomorrow to comply.
posted by Specklet 21 February | 15:50
You've been in my underwear drawer? Boil your hands.

posted by jonmc 21 February | 15:51
Maybe I'm just waiting to take a photo of my own boobies, huh, did you ever think of that?
posted by matildaben 21 February | 15:58
No. No I didn't. That is a very good idea, bean.

I expect a pic by the end of the day.
posted by Specklet 21 February | 16:09
Incidentally, I'm disappointed that neither matildaben nor Triode nor Lipstick Thespian contributed to the collage like I told them to.

I tried, Specklet, but there weren't any bare boobies left to cut out in that copy of the New Yorker!
posted by Triode 21 February | 16:32
Maybe I'm just waiting to take a photo of my own boobies, huh, did you ever think of that?

There IS a God and he loves me.
posted by jonmc 21 February | 16:43
So tell me about this collage. Is it something i can contribute to?
posted by ramix 21 February | 18:17
More God evidence!

*runs to church to light candle*
posted by jonmc 21 February | 18:18
Yes, ramix!!! Please send me pictures of your boobies (by all means, bare all if you like, but it's not a requirement) and I will paste them up on the collage.

It's getting pretty big now. I'll have to take a pic and post it on flickr...
posted by Specklet 21 February | 18:28
Aren't most of them from magazines, though?
posted by matildaben 21 February | 18:36
Yeah, but we should change that!
posted by Specklet 21 February | 18:51
Add me to the CC list on these, TIA.

Also, mudpuppie is damn awesome.
posted by cmonkey 21 February | 18:54
*begins hitchhiking west*
posted by jonmc 21 February | 19:08
Someone took a picture of my boobies during a Chicago meetup, so I hereby allow Specklet to use said photo in the aforementioned college, with the understanding that a reproduction of said collage will be made available to MetaChat forthwith.
posted by eamondaly 21 February | 19:34
For the record, although I do have an underwear drawer (and yes, it has sexy black silky things in it) and a medicine cabinet and kitchen cupboards, I do NOT have any Twinkies.

posted by DeepFriedTwinkies 21 February | 19:35
DFT, you'd better follow Jon's lead and hit the road. Then I'd have Twinkies!

eamon, the only catch is that I have no way of printing them in color. You'll have to send me a pretty hard copy if you want your ta-tas immortalized in my art work...
posted by Specklet 21 February | 19:48
Yeah, no shit, DFT, if you're not here for the next meetup - frowning of a lifetime. I'm not joking around here, buddy.
posted by cmonkey 21 February | 20:19
Oh Speck, I wanted to be there, I really did but the Vancouver quota in Portland was filled for the day and I was stopped at the border.

Jon and I on a road trip is a frightening thought. Especially when we hit Iowa.
posted by DeepFriedTwinkies 21 February | 20:20
Okey dokey c, I am trusting you upheld the dignity of bald dudes in my absence though.
posted by DeepFriedTwinkies 21 February | 20:23
What's wrong with Iowa? Huh?

I like Iowa.
posted by killdevil 21 February | 20:24
Dignity? I don't think I know what that is.
posted by cmonkey 21 February | 20:35
DFT, if it involves getting scalp massages from me, he's already got you covered.
posted by matildaben 21 February | 20:41
Iowa is a wonderful state chockful (chockfull? chock full? who knows?) of kind and happy people. Any state that has almost as many syllables in its name as letters is ok in my book.
How was that?

Dignity? I don't think I know what that is.

I knew I could count on you!
posted by DeepFriedTwinkies 21 February | 20:42
Lipstick Thespian barks and barks, tail awag and jumps on the fence, paws up!

What LT the Wonderdog learned in Portland:

- That Mudpuppie is good to talk to in the quiet margins of the hectic rush of the world.

- That Specklet is a Ninja, and dresses immaculately. She also plays a badass game of pool.

- That Ramix is unendingly patient, graceful and welcoming. She's also a damn good cook.

- The above is also true of Specklet.

- Cmonkey is a great late-night bar-hopping buddy.

- As is PieisExactlyThree, provided he can keep track of his clothes. Okay, his coat. That came out wrong.

- Triode is all-around good folks.

Okay, time for kibble!
posted by Lipstick Thespian 21 February | 22:40
And I'm wondering if it was a wise idea to leave pup at home while I went to work.

You left newspaper out for her, right?
posted by trondant 22 February | 00:15
You left newspaper out for her, right?
posted by trondant 22 February | 00:15

I'm a big girl. I can clean up my own puddles.
posted by mudpuppie 22 February | 16:27
Pieisexactlythree in tres dapper and erudite and he really does look like Kevin Spacey.

Good comparison, but I really found pie to look more like Rick Hoffman (anyone remember The $treet?).
posted by hyperlith 23 February | 03:09
I really like the photography of Jess Cohen. || What I'm wondering is this ...