31 August 2006
Radio_Replica: limited-time offer.
Sheesh! This job transition thing is making me a nervous wreck. →Read more...
Pop psych book recommendations? I'm cross-posting because I know a lot of people here read. :-) I need a pop-psych/self-help book to review for one of my courses; it should focus on normal human developmental things (mother/daughter relationships, romantic relationships, adolescence, bereavement, etc.) Any suggestions?
Your Skin is Like Vinyl, the Perfect Companion! (now come to IRC)
I'm at the Apple Store Waiting for my iBook to break so the Geniuis sees what happens to me pretty much everyday. Come keep me company in IRC, yes? And cheer when I randomly disappear.
Hard rain's gonna fall... Well, here I am in North Carolina awaiting the rain that Ernesto's gonna dump on us.It's pouring right now, and it hasn't even gotten here yet. And I'm snug in my new house that does NOT have a leaky falling-in roof (shudders whilst thinking of former abode.)
Soooo glad I mowed the lawn yesterday.
Jackass lawsuit of the month: A New Orleans man who said he rescued more than 200 residents after commandeering a boat during the flood after Hurricane Katrina is being sued by the boat's owner for taking it "without receiving permission."
Here's a fun timewaster Rotate the tiles to connect the lines and cause a chain reaction. Pretty fun.
Breakfast Food Queries: Why is it called "
Special K Red Berries"? That's so general. The cereal contains big pieces of dehydrated strawberries. That seems like a selling point to me. But before I ate a bowl of it a few minutes ago, I figured that "red berries" was Kellogg's way of saying that they are some sort of berry-flavored fake fruit specks, and I sort of avoided it. Also, who is the genius that invented
1% milk that tastes like whole and
fat free milk that tastes like 2%? Is this a new thing?
Breaking News! Terrorist Ninja Cabbies Walk Among Us!!
I want to preen a little bit: My school scored top 20 on the Princeton Review's "Best Academic Experience", "Profs Get High Marks", "Profs Make Themselves Accessible", "School Runs Like Butter", (that is, "smoothly"; not "clogged with dairy fat"), "Students Never Stop Studying", and "Most Beautiful Campus" lists. Sure, you can't take the lists too seriously, but I'm still proud of my school.
This is a biting thread! BITE BITE BITE
Help me shop... I am in the market for a new shoulder bag, and since I always have a hard time finding a good one I turn to you meta shoppers and denizens of taste for help.
I just got a pack of Chuckles from the vending machine. I'm enjoying them, except for the black one, since I detest licorice. I offered it to my cubies, but they don't want it either. Nobody likes the black Chuckle. Why do they keep making it?
Blanks on a Blank Pretty much run into the ground now.
ProjRun - Episode 8 [spoilers]
Oh good lord. For all of the Football Widows whether you're a wife, girlfriend or just a smart single lady who wants to have some fun, this is your answer to man's football addiction. We will provide a weekly domestic scenario wherein you choose three men to be your Fantasy Husbands.→Read more...
Remember. When God closes a door...
Earth Shoes n Bell Bottoms →
FORGIVE ME, forgive me, ignore me if this bugs you, DELETE me even, but I have an honest political question: If the ever-elusive Osama bin Ladin had been caught early on and so the U.S. public had someone to blame and hang for 9/11, would Geo W have been able to invade Iraq?
Yesterday's Forgotten English entry (the calendar, not the
book) was
with squirrel:
Pregnancy is seldom mentioned when both men and women are present ... If no women are about, a hillman may remark to a comparative stranger that his wife is ketched ... or with squirrel ...
-Vance Randolph's Down in the Holler: A Gallery of Ozark Folk-Speech, 1953
And the wigs come off So, I work mad early in the morning,
Argh It's 3:16 am and I'm still at work and things aren't working right.
I was at the supermarket today, and they had this promotional stand for "professional chewing gum." What is that even supposed to mean? Is there much money to be made in chewing gum these days?
Once there was a redheaded man without
eyes and without
He had no hair either, so that he was a
redhead was just
something they said. He could not
speak, for
he had no mouth. He had no
nose either. He didn't even have
arms or legs. He
had no stomach either, and he had
no back, and he had no spine, and no intestines of any kind. He didn't have anything at all. So it is hard to understand whom we are really talking about. So it is
probably best not to
talk about him any more.
Ask Mecha: Music about (Northern) California Gearing up for a big vay-caysh to the San Fran coastal area. Need some good Cali tunes. Anything goes.
30 August 2006
The Sunday Comics . . . Charlie Brown is a tough act to follow.
But we'll try...
Good night! (Note: LARGE files! Posting suggestions welcome.)
Hoping lightning doesn't strike twice So I find out that
another friend of mine might possibly have cancer...
Is that Metachat thread about iconic blondes closed? 'Cause I have
one for the ages.
Calling jonmc Migs needs your help!
Somebody please help me get the Boozehound Beacon working.
A found MeCha shoutout! From my trip to Ottawa a couple weeks ago. Also
Admit it! How many of you have ever eaten bunny?
This thread is for posting retro 20th-century links. →
Am I a bad person for finding this thread really, really funny? I mean, this girl has two 21-year-old virgins and best friends all tied up by the ears. I'm impressed in spite of myself.
Requiem for a Seattle Dive Bar I already knew that Broadway is turning into yet another of the soulless corporate strips that define today's Seattle, but the closing of Jimmy Woo's Jade Pagoda is definitely a nail in the coffin. I'm sad that I only went there once.
This is just wrong on so many levels.
OMG snakes on a cheese toast! (it was bound to happen sooner or later...)
Reminder - Fantasy NFL Draft Tonight! 9:30pm EDT
We need 1 more team!→
Sokobannination! Do you like Sokoban games? If so, check out BoxUp, a similar puzzle with a disorienting twist: instead of pushing boxes around, you have to get inside hollow boxes and navigate your way around to get the little red box inside the little blue box. Kinda tough after the first few levels.
AAAAGH! BUNNY FOR DINNER! Does this mean I just can't like Andrew Bell anymore?
AskMeCha: Shopping Question. →
Foto Phriday Schedule at last... →
A few weeks later, he sat down with his laptop and began trolling Google for cities he thought he would like. One of the places that popped up was a town he had seen and liked years before: Asheville, N.C. (elevation: 2,133 feet). Looks like MGL
Blasted Furry Vermin! →
Foto Phriday tomorrow? Please list your phtheme ideas concisely and we'll vote? Or has it already been decideded?
There's a rose in a what? →
Unlike most street gangs, the Meta'd typically organize around paranormals (thus the word 'meta'd,' which is derived from the slang term 'meta,' which means superhuman or paranormal human)
29 August 2006
Come out, come out, wherever you are! I've been seeing some new names 'round these parts
Ask MeCha: How can I become a kept man? The nine to five is gettin' mighty old.
Eye Are Sea Tuesday night IRC. Not sure how long we'll last.
random restaurant chat Has anyone eaten at or know anything about
L'espalier in Boston? I'm thinking of making a reservation there for our wedding anniversary. Any other good/romantic Boston restaurant recommendations?
Arrgh, assistance please. Does anyone remember a website showing how to make a mini comic out of one sheet of 8.5x11 paper? [more description inside]
yesterday with nature. I saw 2 hummingbirds zipping in & around our trumpet vines. They were green, and made me smile.
Help. I've got an old friend/old flame coming in from out of town (just'passing through') in a matter of minutes. She's going to, without fail, do two things: 1. hit on me, and 2. bother me to spend the night. She's already hinted at #2.
Miracle in the parking lot I've had a bad couple of days. Nothing major, just usual life plus pms plus some misunderstandings...I needed some encouragement.
I got it.
poetryfilter: I've been thinking today about the differences in poetry style the two sides of the pond. Especially after trying to read
Ellyn Maybe's "Walking Barefoot in the Glassblowers Museum".
nothing makes me want pizza like watching a little girl hug a big, square, furry turd
On the way home, I stopped at the key food to pick up a few things. I got sugar for coffee, a box of Dulce De Leche Oreos, and a big bottle of
Bittersweet Lenny's R.I.P.A. from the
Shmaltz brewing company. I'm coating my throat with a Bud to warm up, then it's onto the beer named after a dead comic. If you hear somone kvelling at the moon later, that'll be me.
Bookselling experiences? →
Final meal? We've probably done this already, but hey, it must have been a while ago.
It's your last day on Earth. What do you eat and/or drink?
so, i'm like... all dumb and stuff →
First day of classes! Wish me luck. Or smartsiness. Or something.
Mastercat is watching you celibrate.
Consumerism: While waiting for one
$75 book to come out, I found out that another
$75 book is back in print! These are the kind of choices I don't want to have at the moment...
Princeton, New Jersey Meetup →
To Do Lists →
Radio_Replica: [:[pressure drop]:] Ska, punk, odd stuff.
linux for christians! (can you play
doom 3 on it?)
Tonight's dinner →
Ode to Pink... an evening at Waltz-Astoria. →
From the "who would have ever guessed?" files... Original song:
"Hey Ya" by Outkast.
Acoustic version:
"Hey Ya" -- wow. absolutely gorgeous.
Radio Primer? At the risk of hassling new admins who just had birthdays and all, a lot of us are confused about the radio and had some questions.
Wide awake in the cheap seats I want to take my ballet-mad, nine-year-old niece, um, "Peaches Swan", to see her very first National Ballet of Canada performance this year.
I've got tsuris in my tuchus. →
We're not exploded. Just a public FYI, since I got a concerned e-mail from a concerned Mechite :-) We're off to Greece tonight, which should be free of angry, bomb-possessing Kurds.
Has anyone used senduit.com? Looks like it might be a good alternative to
YSI, which only seems work about half the time for me.
I am discouraged about my cats. →
Tomorrow I give notice I'm leaving my job. →
28 August 2006
Anyone Up for IRC-ing me after my return to the States? I missed you! I'll be playing some music too if the radio's free, so stop by and say hi.
Cross-posting from AskMe: sliding-scale L.A.-area divorce attorney (for a friend).
This past weekend I visited Princeton Cemetery, the final resting place of Aaron Burr, Grover Cleveland, John O'Hara, Jose and Kitty Menendez, and many others. Unfortunately, it started raining shortly after my arrival so I had to cut my visit short. I plan to go back and take some more photos, but I doubt I will find an epitaph cooler than
this one.
What kind of dog are you? Inside all of us, is a breed of dog..
Music to clean by. Undertaking a fairly large cleaning project (woo hoo, it's my birthday!). You are welcome to tune in to the music motivating me.
Bunny writers, hope me! So I need to start writing stuff (fiction, mostly) on a more regular basis. Thing is, I really suck at *starting* stories. Does anyone know of a site that has a daily or thrice-weekly (or something) writing prompt that is basically the first sentence of a story?
Cheap lodging in Colorado Springs? →
Argh! Moving! Who else is moving in the immediate future? Share your moving stories, tips, or something, people. Help me chill a bit (yeah I hate doing these kinds of posts but hey; desperate times, measures).
George Washington. (NSFW, profane, juvenile, stupid, YouTube, whiteboy rap)
Oh great Mecha, holder of quirky goodness, help me find the perfect birthday gift for a friend in the USA!
Seattle Meetup Thursday with Eamon Daly! Taking suggestions for downtown/Belltown venue in the MeTa thread.
Turkish Record Covers. They seem to be very DIY, which is good, but when they're not reeking of the '70s, they seem to be a little ...off... somehow. In a "bad record cover" sort of way.
Note the "Erotik Plaklar" is NSFW.
How many versions of 12XU do you need? As many as possible. This should help.
The Myth About Homework Sachem was the last straw. Or was it Kiva? My 12-year-old daughter and I had been drilling social-studies key words for more than an hour. It was 11 p.m. Our entire evening had, as usual, consisted of homework and conversations (a.k.a. nagging) about homework...
Four Eyes! A chatty thread about eyeglasses.
Happy Birthday Mudpuppie! Whuffles for my irc buddy and favorite DJ! Arugula salad and Jameson's for everyone!
Obscene Confession! →
Last night while twirling radio dials in a car (something I rarely do, cause I'm rarely in a car) I discovered that
Little Steven's Underground Garage is broadcasting in New York now!
Happy birthday, ikkyu2! Because even though you didn't list it in the wiki, I'm going to put you up for public accolades anyway.
Ever feel like you're turning into your parent(s)? →
Pro Football Pick'em league No spread, no confidence points. You just pick the games each week, most correct wins! You don't need to know anything about football to do well.
There will be non-bunnies in the league.→
Embarrassingly easy math problem. I don't know how to figure this out. A truck here at work was filled with 20.00 worth of gas, and was driven 110 miles before it ran out of gas. How much did the gas cost per mile? How do you figure this out?
The sum of the squares of the first seven prime numbers???
Headline news! Read all about it!
News flash: Canadania gives LT honourary citizenship. We've taken a vote, and the next time he comes up, we won't be giving him back.
Why the hell am I all alone in IRC? Did I miss a meeting? It's Sunday - *the* night for hot, arousing IRC action, and it's... it's...
27 August 2006
Pics of pinky's party. Start here.
End here.
Anyone want to help come up with a tagline for my new catering co.? →Read more...
A fool and his money are soon spammed. →
An overdose of cuteness Click the'start slideshow' link if you want your overdose in a full-screen slideshow.
Do we have a theme for this week's photo phriday? If not... →Read more...
i just joined last.fm! so i guess now the whole world can see my crappy taste in music! :)
We are bad bunnies. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO DANF!! (It was Thursday. We ought to pay more attention.)
Children of the Storm (link with sound) A multimedia presentation of
Brenda Ann Kenneally's photo essay on children displaced by Hurricane Katrina, with audio interviews and additional images
Props to thepinksuperhero for a wonderful party!
i saved a butterfly! It had been on the stairwell window for two days, but today it was fluttering stumblingly and desperately.
Embarrassing soup story... What to do now?
I met John Canemaker last night He was giving a lecture/presentation on
Winsor McCay. It was fascinating!
Photo of a pack of dogs attacking an alligator. *warning* - very graphic. Don't click if you're squeamish.
26 August 2006
What are your favorite OSTs? Back in my younger years, I discovered a lot of new music off of movie soundtracks. What cinematic tunes spring to mind?
Any Toronto MeChazen want this painting? Also, any MeChazen own a handspring visor?
Radio Mecha - Music Box I'm on the Radio Mecha (the link in the post works), and I'm taking suggestions in the #bunnies.
I DID IT!! I painted my hallway! all by myself! :proud:
Paging Omiewise y2karl's posting about you (but only partially).
Live Kraftwerk music as requested by FunMonkey last night:
"Computer World"
(and even if you aren't FunMonkey, if you like Kraftwerk these will rock your robo-socks off)
What LT's Been Doing Up in Canada! Okay, so, got here at noon yesterday, and lounged with E. out in her backyard drinking cider and eating vietnamese sandwiches. We went into her neighborhood for food and what-all, and she knows everyone! All her merchants, by name. Why does this not surprise me?
cmonkey makes me swoon It's time for me to fess up: I have a huge MeCha crush on cmonkey.
This comment on AskMe made me fall over.
Has anyone heard from arse_hat? He's been on my mind a lot today.
Last night I leapt out of bed at about 4:15 am when the loudest clap of thunder I've ever heard scared me out of a deep sleep. Has anyone else noticed that thunder seems to be getting louder lately? I've observed it over the last year or so, and I've heard a couple of other people make the same observation independently. But I can't figure out why - seems like it must be a result of global warming, but I don't know enough about meteorology to make the connection. My uneducated hypothesis is that lightning has been getting hotter, which makes the thunder louder. What do you think?
Bump up the Books... extending our Photo Friday. The theme is "your bookshelves", and images have been posted
here and
here .
Loose tire on racetrack... Looks to be one of those net vids where someone is horribly hurt, but isn't.
OMG! Kitty! video, crappy local news banter
I don't know if anybody's posted this before but... OMG!
Ninja Bunny!! WOMG!
Ninja Bunny vs. Mummy Bunny!!! That is all.
25 August 2006
did anyone just see "Real Time" with Bill Maher? Did it (he) totally suck, or is it just me?
BP Radio is on, just not where I said it was. Apparently there were some changes while I was away. :)
This whole "wraith" plotline on SG-Atlantis sucks Couldn't they show BSG reruns instead?
Ask Mecha: What's going on with this wireless network? Hello, friends. All of a sudden, some domains aren't pulling up while others load just fine. It took 20 reloads just to pull up metachat.org. Why? I need my bunnies, boingboing, and blogs, and this is getting ree-deek-u-lus!
Back, buzzed, and broadcasting... BP Radio is gonna be on the air at 10PM Eastern, as I re-acquaint myself with connectivity after the camping trip.
A Different Debate - Reporting Religion via the BBC (audio 30 minute stream rm or wm). Anti-Semitism and Lebanon discussed from Iran, how British Hindu's feel about the current religious climate and Pakistan's debate about softening it's discrimination against women and non-muslims. It's not a happy bunny chat, but worth a listen.
Barbados, here I come! Oh yeah! we just got our tickets to 2 games of the cricket world cup in Barbados, April '07. We've booked our flights and got our house rental.
Just wondering →
This is my last hour of employment. I got laid off today.
Aren't Crayons Awesome? (youtube) Some of you will remember this from Sesame Street.
Pianolina looks a bit like Pong, only you can make music with it.
Virginia Beach bunnies! Let's hang out!! .... oh.
NW Bunnies: Is anybody planning on going to Kumoricon?
Hey, Chicago Bunnies! Want to go see a free Lucha Libre show tomorrow?
Vote for Joe and Marissa: Assisted Living Because my friend Joe is a great guy, and he really deserves this. You can vote multiple times!
I had my first dream about sugar gliders. →
Pfhoto Pfriday ... How about "Bookshelves" for today's theme, extended over to tomorrow 'cuz it's so late? And I promise I'll start back in and do better next week. Post 'em here?
The Amish chronicles I spent the years between ages sixteen and nineteen living in a little town in southwestern Ontario. There were lots of Amish and Mennonites in the area. There was a hitching shed in the centre of town for the convenience of Amish shoppers and I regularly waited on Amish customers at the local KFC. I went to school with some Mennonite kids - in fact, one of my closest friends is a conservative Mennonite woman I knew in high school. Here's a little collection of stories I've gathered from my brushes with the bonneted set....
Portland(OR) MetaChatters: Wanna get drunk next Friday? We haven't kicked in months.
psst.... what's for Photo Friday?
RADIO ON, apply directly to forehead RADIO ON, apply directly to forehead
RADIO ON, apply directly to forehead
24 August 2006
Cowboy joke →
*Yawns, stretches* Good morning, peeps! :) Well, it's morning for me, anyway... 7:30 a.m. So,
metachat.org is now resolving for me; if it's resolving for you, too, let me know inside and once we're sure it's pretty much across the board, We can change the altered links to go back to metachat.org instead of poetrypeeps.
Database problems? Or is 6 <= 5?
Why do I see this: "posted by: orthogonality at: 21:44 | 5 comments(6 new)" ?
How much should I charge?
Century Century is a chronological series of nude photographic portraits of women from the moment of birth through one hundred years of age ,[nsfw].
One Martini, Two Martini, Three Martini, Floor --
America's Drunkest City?
Planet X, by Christine Lavin A musical lament for a former planet.
I think I just got free airplane tickets and I'm not sure if I should point it out to the airline.
How Much Should I Charge? →
Wow. Just wow. Sad and appalling story, this one is. (Makes you want to read it, no?)
Gourmet Amigurumi : a bit of yarn and some imagination. Knitted cuteness in a Japanese style - thought people could use a bit of an overdose. Here's the direct link to
the Flickr site. Makes me wish I could knit, almost.
New mnemonics for our crappy eight planet solar system →Read more...
HOUSEWARMING! I'm having a party and you're all invited!
Radio Dodgy Since we got the show on the road sooner than expected - here's another set. Come and listen!
Mods, start your engines! Hi, it's me, spaz! You guys can feel this breast or whatever to flex your superboners.
Apparently Bunnies Can't Cook Eggs (interesting weird short youtube clip)
Beasame Mucho →
Welcome back. You may be redirected to poetrypeep for a couple of days, and you'll have to log back in, but welcome back. No need to show you around - it looks exactly like it did.
Are you tired of people shrinking away from your big attack dog in terror? →Read more...
Hot Library Smut! Completely SFW. Ogle some beautiful libraries, that's all.
Mira! Any idea where I could buy these other than on eBay? My fu is weak today.
Hmph. random low level anxiety attack happening right now! I get them sometimes for days on end and generally ignore them.
I got Finder yesterday From Trisha Lynn, who happens to rule. And I read it in an hour or so and enjoyed it very much.
Weekly Project Runway post (spoilers) Man, I love it when Tim Gunn gets bitchy.
Happiness is . . . [insert comment here while you still can]. Sadness is: the second to last page :-(
no hugs or shoves for me, i need a laugh. please! this week sucks. got any fun cartoons or pics or jokes? we can always use a little humor.
forget the hugs- I need a shove →
Wally Wood's 22 Panels That Always Work. Or some interesting ways to get some variety into those boring [comic strip] panels...
How freaky is this... →
23 August 2006
This post is a double dog dare.
Let's Talk About Sex (Partners), Baby! →
This double-double is toast!
IRC Anyone? LT would like to say hello to you! And maybe paw at your sweater.
backslash???? Is it just me or do the talking heads of the marketing world constantly direct people to enter a backslash when trying to reach a website?
rrrrrrrrrr: It's the kind of week where I start drinking on Weds. It's not often it happens but this week both blows and sucks, so it's off to liquid comfort land wheee.
Rube Goldberg follies... →
Ahhhh I've lost my purse!
This post is a double too. And there's not a damn thing wrong with that.
Bump! This is going to get bumped a lot. This post is going to have more bruises than a week old banana.
Askmecha - password crack? So I've forgotten my password to pitas.com and can't be reached by the email I used when i signed up, 7 years ago....
Doggles! OMG! My friend
Ed, who's serving in Afghanistan, met this really cool explosive-sniffing dog at the base!
Some guy just called, offering to pay me for writing dirty emails. I understand that adult sites need content, but having some dude with not-the-greatest phone manners calling up random women whose resumes he's found online and asking them if they're comfortable with adult content as one of the *first* questions might not be the way to go when attempting to find such content providers.
A week or so ago, me and the Wino had a conversation that gave me an idea. Unfortunately, I have neither the technical nor music talent to execute it. I'm sure one of you electro-whizzes could make Dictadelic a reality? Huh? Huh?
Lettuce bring out our puns In the young adult novel I'm writing, the heroine winds up having to wear a really nasty frou frou pale green crinolined bridesmaid dress complete with butt bow for her horrible aunt's wedding. The boy next door/her love interest isn't unsympathetic but is addicted to puns and so keeps making some cracks about the dress after the heroine's father comments it makes her look like a big head of lettuce. I'd like the word play to range from the really awful to the inspired. What are some suitable lettuce/salad-related puns?
what not to do at the airport (especially in this day and age...)
This thread is for posting your three highest bowling scores from last night 190: bowled six strikes in a row during this game
178: got seven spares and two strikes
163: don't remember what i got in there, but it was still pretty damn good
as you can see i'm pretty damn impressed with myself
Thermal wax separate mankind
The Pancakes! Posted simply to fill in the breakfast trifecta.
Ask MeCha: Maple Sugar. Maple Syrup Powder. What's the difference? Of is there any?
Chunklet Magazine's list of 118 Acts That Will Never Become Retro-Hip. Several of them (Marshall Tucker band Blues Image, Blues Magoos, Wishbone Ash, Jobriath, Kathy Mattea, Jason & the Scorchers and a few others) I actually enjoy on occassion. I'm not sure whether to be insulted or relieved.
According to Forbes, letting your wife leave the house, meet people, and have a life will mean you'll have a dirty house, become an alcholic, and die early. And yes, I do believe those are listed in order of importance. Dirty houses suck.
Time to feel old. Beloit College's annual Mindset list, this time for the class of 2010, is out. Most of this year's incoming freshmen were probably born in 1988.
Hey kids, know what time it is? Time for another MeCha emcee! More inside. Much, much more inside.
Happines Is... Hey, good job, Chuck!
Any bunny made a "blog card?" →
Boring Ass Work Question At the risk of putting myself - and all of you -to sleep, I need some help with Excel.
Voices of MeCha: A blast from the past. In which I notice that matildaben is yet again putty in the hands of any guy with an English accent. And
Mecha Voices, too, which hasn't had any contributions in a while.
Fantasy Football Update: We have a draft time! I scheduled the draft for Wednesday, August 30 at 9:30pm EDT.
Site Changes: What's happening at Metachat.
Did anyone catch Keith Olbermann tonight? They replayed a pretty good report where they go over the timeline of bad press for bushco as it relates to various terrorism alerts. I
recorded it and put it up on yousendit (61mbs) but it's about 30 seconds too long for youtube.
I put it on googlevideo too but it's still processing and I bet it'll be deleted. So uh, check it out if you haven't seen it.
22 August 2006
In Honor of the Dodgy Geezer! Radio LT Spins an "All Dodgy" Set starting now in IRC! →Read more...
My candle burns at both ends It will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends -
It gives a lovely light.
I need some cheering up Strep throat sucks! Especially the fever that comes with it. I'm stuck at home for a few days - please show me some loooooove!
Overheard at Target... →
Radio Dodgy It's been pointed out to me that it's been a while since I've done a session. So I'm doing one right now. Come and listen!
Dodgy and Metachat. What dodgy did next. A video (with a strangely abrupt ending).
Cat emoticons I get the :P and the OMG just too damn often from my two furmonsters.
Q. How obsessed is the
Daily Express with a woman who died nine years ago.
A. Very. As of July 24, 2006 the Daily Express has devoted its front page to Diana on thirty-two occasions.
Anything can't miss to do in Not Constantinople? →
Waltz-Astoria? Who knew... →
armor of god pajamas! (not to be worn with buddha underoos)
Is there a better place to sell musical instruments than eBay or craigslist?
A thread for pen lust Just placed an office supply order and tacked on a fresh box of my
current favorite pens.
Come in and tell us about your pens.
I had my first MeCha-related dream last night! And it involved most of you.
I used to believe is a collection of ideas that adults thought were true when they were children.
21 August 2006
Party 'til the World Obeys - A brief essay in radio format. Also,
IRC. Come cheer up LFR!
Audition Tomorrow →
Sweden's state broadcaster SVT on Monday faced ridicule for mistakenly showing a porn movie in the background of a news broadcast over the weekend.
Here's the video, bottom right monitor starting at 3:58 for about 30 seconds.
a red state grammer lessin that's what i like about the south.
Let's design t-shirts for female musicians! Fender has some great new t-shirts for women. I can't decide which I like more:
My Boyfriend is a Rockstar! or
Groupie looking for musicians.
I'm going to make a "Silly woman. Put down that bass and give me a blow job" t-shirt with the Fender logo prominently featured.
Does anyone else have any good ideas for the most offensive girly-tee ever?
Quick Opinion Poll Quick--I've got five movies from the library here, and I'm going to start one in the next few minutes. Which one should I watch?
Crash (not Cronenberg)
Dead Presidents
The Elegant Universe
George Washington
Tokyo Olympiad
Vegas package deals. w00t. Also,
here. Who's still on the fence?
Darwin would be proud. This happened yesterday near where I live. And some people say dolphins are stupid.
Unusual but good ethnic food combinations? We have a restaurant here... →Read more...
So I asked for a correction to an article at SFGate... ...and I got a bitchy and unprofessional response from the reporter.
What should I do?
Quick opinion poll: A - F, G - L, M - R, S - Z. [More inside!]
One of the most unexpected headlines ever. File also under "statistically improbable phrases."
Have you ever asked yourself.... →
Tarragon Ideas? What do you do with an overabundance of tarragon? Also, how do you know when to harvest your arugula?
Cat query.... Warning, involves feline up-chucking. →
Which greek god or goddess do you identify with? Feel free to choose from Titans and Olympians but also the demigods and the heroic characters (like Jason and Odysseus). Roman variations are OK too.
To refresh your memory: One
Greek godlisting site,
another very nice one, and one for the
[N] best. flash. game. ever.
SLAVE NARRATIVES A Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves
So, It's movie night at Casa Del PipsMc! We've got Bachelor Party and OldBoy (and a lot of others, too) and a lot of beer and booze, and a great big porch to chill on and great tunes. All NYC bunnies are encouraged to attend. Just email me or pips and we'll send directions.
Bunny! OMG! My friend Jess found a giantic stone bunny last weekend on Mt. Hood!
Movie Night??? →
Feel Free to Chime in, Here or There! This has left me with a slight level of upset and concern, but I don't know where to put those things, in this case.
Give me some rumors that I can start to spread. Please God I'm bored and grumpy and need to giggle.
Happiness is ... Comfort food?
*siiigh* We're almost to the end of the book.
Ever feel like someone designed a record label just for you? Just discovered this and must share it. Roots, country and mountain music mixed with hip-hop beats. Where do I sign?
Dee Dee Ramone Bunny! I snapped this at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame despite a threat of ejection for the crime. I figure Dee Dee would have approved.
20 August 2006
MetaComic (not a comic about MetaFilter or MeCha, but it's just meta. and it made me laugh.)
Come to IRC! Come to IRC? Come to IRC. I would like the company. I would.
This calls for a dump truck.. Wow. Words are not necessary.
Here's Ayreon rocking out with fiddle, recorder, mandolin, and didgeridoo. Post some equally awesome music videos, please.
Bass Amp Purchased Thank all you bunnies for your advice and encouragement. It was hard to actually select, but this was the closest that fit her needs. She is the kind of kid that would have said 'no don't buy anything for me' but then appreciate that we did. So I did this on my own and did not take her shopping for one.
I decided to go smaller (70W) but go with Gallien-Krueger quality. She is quite thrilled, and it is portable enough for her to shlep up to her room and down again.
Bunnies -What happens when a bunny becomes a Printed Circuit Board
-What happens when a bunny becomes a Mousey?
-what happens when a bunny become a road sign?
I just invented a cool snack. →
...can't do a little cuz you can't do enough... HR Pufnstuf blog by people who are redoing it (for online? for tv?)
Basement things... What fun old things from the past or your childhood or such do you sometimes come across?
Happiness is... yeah, 18 was pretty cool. A rainy day and some scrap paper. We should all have a set. Do you?
i luv youtube →
Language is a Virus On this rainy Sunday morning I've been having a nice time with this site. The 'cut-up machine,' in particular, delivers excellent results! Why not create a little something there and post it here?
An In Person Tribute to Director Roger Corman, August 25 - 27. Film director Roger Corman,
80, will appear in person at the
American Cinematheque on the opening night, Friday, August 25th. This series includes triple feature screenings of Little Shop of Horrors, The Intruder, Attack of The Crab Monsters, Wasp Woman, Bucket of Blood. (
OMG! Snake
on a plane in a
Little Miss Sunshine. Great movie!
Really weird timing - I bet the makers sweated the release given the [jonbenet] news this week. It's a thinker.
19 August 2006
I'm outta here! We're leaving in the morning on a camping trip to
West Point Lake in southwest Georgia... we'll be back sometime Thursday.
I watched the entire Psych marathon on USA today →Read more...
Lipstick Thespian Has the New Boy Gender and Will So Tumble For You! But.... →Read more...
Speaking of snakes on a plane... Many of you know my son goes to the Air Force Academy. Well, he called me today. Seems that yesterday (yes, yesterday of all days) there was a snake-that's what I said, a snake-slithering down his squadron (dorm area) hallway.
Of course he stepped on it. RIP serpent.
I told him he should have left it alone, since in the past week they have already killed five mice in the area.
(He doesn't think it was a prank, as apparently his floor is snake accessible from the outdoors.)
Radio Mecha - Music Box I'm playing some music. Songs about snakes and planes and flying (good idea, Eideteker), though I won't be able to keep that up for long. Please listen, if you're so inclined.
now Virgin Mary appears in chocolate drippings... →
AskMeCha: Where do Mexican babies buy their hats? Anyone have links to online sombrero stores with infant sizing?
Duran2's The Chauffeur on youtube [nsfw]. This ought to help you on your way towards
Miko's goal.
Masturbate for Peace I just couldn't resist posting this.! Don't miss the
"Take a master class in badass from Samuel L. Jackson" But they forgot True Romance. And Out of Sight. Those were frighteningly badass, too.
now I'm getting horribly misspelled spam for erectile dysfunction! →Read more...
So, who ended up having a hamburger last night? →Read more...
YSI Request - Graham Parker "Temporary Beauty" It's stuck in my head and the only copy I've got is on a disc at work! Help!
One groovy wedding party.
Tiki torch? Check.
Hot pink bridal dress? Check.
Hot pink bridal hair? Check.
The woman on the far left seems to have angel wings, if you squint just right.
Great American Yard Sale So I'll be in attendance tomorrow. Anything I should know?
18 August 2006
We have officially entered the end times. The Ramones' "Blitzkrieg Bop" is featured in a commercial for Cingular Wireless.
Hug the ones you love, and love the ones you're with.
dragonfly fashionista WITH link... sorry! →
Pureed Vegetable Dip. I made this for lunch, in an attempt to find some way of using up some summer squash in a recipe that would hide their essential summer squashiness. The resulting dip is way better than squash, broccoli, and green peppers have any right to be.
Thanks in advance for not killing me. My brain is fried, but I think I remember a post here recently - it the last 2 weeks - that had some poetry in it, can't remember the guy's name.
AskMeCha: Will I regret getting a circuit diagram tattooed on my head?
Friday Night and Dateless; I couldn't even get anyone to go to see Snakes on a Plane with me. I'm on IRC watching
Adult Swim Fix in another window, if you'd care to distract, disturb, or carouse with me.
OK, really stupid question follows →
Octopus dogs! I don't know why I think this is so funny, but it is.
This post intentionally details a coherent narrative. →
Audio Blog Aggregator Actually a bit scary. For instance, God save me from (ugh) Phish, but check out this post of
covers of Loving Cup by the Stones.
I still miss A Common Reader. Can anybody recommend some good book catalogs?
Let's talk Burgers →
Question for those of you who have experience with newly put-together futon sofa frames: Is it unusual for it to be impossible to flatten into a bed? Is it just that I'm a weakling and if someone helps me it will flatten? Or is it more likely that I have put it together altogether incorrectly? I'm having guests tomorrow night who would probably like somewhere to sleep.
Best family-friendly YouTube videos? My sister's kids just discovered YouTube. They think the Numa Numa guy is the height of YouTube awesomeness. Help me remember the best-ever family-friendly YouTube (or Google Video) links.
Help me with some research real quick? →
My plan worked perfectly! →
mmm... giant hamburger... if you've been thinking about becoming a vegetarian, this might be the tipping point for you. (shudder)
This is a non sequitur thread.
I'm hung over and am desperately craving a spicy beef salad from Muu Muu's. And I don't have enough time at lunch to get there and back! *sob*
I'd like to thank the academy for my 1099-MISC! Hi! I'm pieisexactlythree's roommate, hemanhasamullet in PDXland! This is my first entry, it just seemed so fantastic.
Unusual Musuems of the Internet A simple webring I could lose my day to. Something for everyone, whether you dig
furnace stickers,
Soviet calculators,
weird fortune cookies, the beauty and elegance of
power lines, or
Zippo lighters. May there are even some odd ducks out there who dig
vintage radio technology!
I'm Keeping Track of How Many Spams I Get Today In My Work E-mail. Give a guess on how many I'll have by today at 5:00 p.m., and possibly win a prize.
Chocolate Bath... I just wonder why it was his ankles, not his stomach, that was hurting.
[Woohoo! My first post!]
Absolut Judaism The
Orthodox Union — a kosher certifying agency and an umbrella organization for 1,000+ Orthodox synagogues — a longtime
supporter of the fight against underage drinking, enthusiastically announces the
kosher certification of six Absolut products;
the Forward thinks that something is not kosher.
Levitra Pen! I heard about this last night and now, thanks to the glory of tha intarwebs,
Soft-core koi pron!? Yes indeed. And, with the purchase of a Gilcee print, YOU RECEIVE A LOCK OF
KIMMY'S HAIR... *sigh* It's that crazy Intarweb...
A culinary puzzle: Incompatible Food Triads. (It's sort of a subjective problem, but I trust MeCha will have good ideas.)
Is anyone here on Consumating? Because they're having a meetup in Toronto tonight... So.. if you want to meet a brave new kind of nerd, or just don't have anything to do tonight, come on out.
Photo Friday? What the *bleep* is our theme? Tell you what: I won't be around later to play, so I'll post a couple of photos inside, and you tell me what the theme is, eh?
A Recipe in Search of a Name: Since the bunnies are heating up the
Mecha Cooks blog again, I'd like to share my great, great, flexible, amazing, layered noodle salad recipe... if you will help me give the dish a nice name, yes?
Snakes! On a Movie Screen! Photos of the (Chicagoland) premiere!
Metafilter weather report Maybe my perspective is being distorted by the awesomeness of the
FSI Languages post but it seems to me that the quality of the posts to Metafilter today was unusually high.
17 August 2006
[car]-Toon for Tuesday... But it's Thursday! Yeah, but it's just an intro to Toon for Tuesday. You're crazy! I am not! Then why are you talking to yourself, and why do you love this idiotic ancient Garfield, I mean GARFIELD fer f'ksakes, cartoon so much? I dunno, but I wonder what 'toons are other people's faves.
We had a bunny in the oven, but she hopped out... What do you do when your state is wrecked by natural disasters and your home is full of refugees? Babymaking, man.
So the thing you need to know is this: →Read more...
o vinho verde é maravilhoso! Chalk up another great success to the cumulative power of the MeCha party planners. Thanks bunnies!
Old, Weird, North Carolina. Some old photos I scanned and uploaded to flickr.
Shitty Cellphone = Missed call by Casting Director Arg! So I may or may not have missed out on being cast in my first play in Seattle because my cell phone is a piece of shit.
Someone needs to bring the Metachat recipes blog back to life We've been having so many good recipes here the last few weeks, but it's hard to find them in between everything else. It would be cool if the Mecha cooks blog got more active again.
anyone have a ergonomic mousepad reccomendation? →
In honour of Hugh Janus's newfound freedom. Hey! you! Let's brew!
Toronto Meetup Sept 8 or 9 (Fri or Sat)? I'll be in town. The 8th might be best for me.
Is there a way to have Firefox NOT CRASH whenever there's an embedded video on a page? I don't want to switch browsers; this is the only thing about Firefox I can't stand. I'm sure it's a simple setting but my laziness is going to let one of you who've already figured this out to tell me how. It happens at work and at home, latest version of Firefox, Windows XP/NT.
Here's the plan →
Help me name my future charges! →
Zucchini SOS I planted some wacky yellow zucchini for my upstairs neighbours, but they're not eating them and now the damned things have gone berserk, as is their zucchini way. Favourite zucchini recipes? Canning recipes especially welcome. I know I could google, but polling the bunnies is so much more fun, and there are some excellent cooks here.
Could we have a Question Only Thread?
Aurora Alert
Also, the International Space Station will be visible every night this week. Well, here in
Seattle, at least.
Spicy peanut heaven I just made a drool-inducing curried peanut marinade from
this book. Beef short ribs for everyone!
50 State Fairs. It's state fair time. So, because I like you, here's highlights from all 50.
My boss' boss insulted my work ethic this morning, for the last time. I quit; I'm coming in tomorrow to help sort out my absence, and I've requested an exit interview. I've been yearning to breathe free for awhile. Anyone want to grab a beer this evening?
So I watched an Australian documentary last night called "Illuminati"... →Read more...
shouting thread AARRRAAAAHHRRR!
*punches wall*
Akshun Bunny! Found during convoluted flickr wanderings. Lots of cute bunnies in
this set.
50 Hoff videos! oh yeah baybeh.
Hug somebody you care about today. I just got home from a
friend's funeral.
Sometimes, you just need a good belly laugh.
Things you are sick of seeing on TV... →
Where Loquacious at? →
Laydeeez an gennelmennn ... I bring you .... →
Bring me the Head of Charlie Brown {google vid - lotsa violence - stolen from
So why *are* manhole covers round? What do you think I should put for my answer?
Yay, ten bunnies are playing Fantasy NFL. Let's talk draft shall we?
Project Runway Again [spoilers]
Hi Bunnies It's been awhile. I'm loving the new job but it keeps me SO busy.
So, I have a request. Can I get a little ceiling cat this morning? I am feeling overworked, tired and puffy. Why puffy? I don't know but I feel puffy.
And I decided to visit my old friends and get a little love.
this was on a&e last night and it gave me bad dreams.
News from Europe: A group of artists has constructed a large pink bunny on an Italian hillside. It's a (an) historic event.
Humptse Update I got into the office super early when there was no-one else about but the cleaners, the pictures have been taken and will be posted when I get home this afternoon.
OMG yawning bunnies! I don't think this has been posted here yet.
16 August 2006
huge gigantic possum from hell →
OMG Bunny Found via Flickr Explore.
LT is Doing the Following in Public: →
I'm going to the farmers' market. Who wants sumthin'?
OMG! Corpseflower! Hey Seattle bunnies, wanna smell something nasty?
Employer Advises Laid-Off Workers To Dig Through Trash To Save Money -- "Northwest Airlines Corp. advised workers to fish in the trash for things they like or take their dates for a walk in the woods in a move to help workers facing the ax to save money."
Polluted water disposal? San Francisco east bay area: Anyplace to legally dispose of oily water?
AskMecha: Wiring money? →
YSI request →
My least favorite word I don't like the word 'commentator'. It has an extra syllable. It should just be 'commentor'. That is all.
Just Curious →
404 File Not Found! What's your favorite creative/funny/clever 404 error page?
DumbCo Saga continues... →
"at the end of the day"... Seriously, if I hear one more person say "...at the end of the day, blah blah blah..." I'm going to have to kill him/her. I have NPR on & just listened to some guy going on about the eternal violence in the sand... he said "...at the end of the day" 11 times... aaaahhhhhh! When does this goddamn day end!
(p.s. hi, meta people from the internet! I met some of you at mygothlaundry's fabulous par-tay...I, too, can now say "I'm from the internet"... or France?...)
Hope me MeCha! Music request inside.
I had a dream last night that I was reading MetaChat. Computer screens have replaced human interaction in my dreamlife. I feel I should worry.
Another book post. We haven't had a book roundup in a while. What's everyone reading at the moment? Just read? Recommendations?
I'm back! Did you miss me?
Happiness is [WHAT!?] Yeah, I guess as a kid it was kind of a thrill figuring this out.
BookMooch A site for the free exchange of secondhand books.
Fandango Matt puts the "dang!" in "Fandango"... again! (
warning: clicking while at work may result in loss of esteem/hopes of promotion/any respect your sysadmin used to have for you)
American Hardcore the film. Trailer
here. Looks promising!
15 August 2006
Cheney Lawyers Up -- With Clinton Impeachment Counsel
*looks way up, nods happily* : >
Bunnyfire oh my.... what the heck is this????
I demand royalties! ;-)
Please Come Talk to LT in the IRC Box-of-Talk!
What's YOUR ring tone? Mine is the theme song to "Animaniacs."
OMG Mathematical Bunny! NY Times, may require login/bugmenot.
Statistically improbable phrases: →
AskMe Jeopardy! - I'll take Potent Potables for 100, Alex →Read more...
Pepsi Blue? Naw -- Coca-Cola Red! Grand Theft Auto inspired Coke commercial [Google video].
Calling all shadetree mechanics →
hope me MeChas! (costume ideas?)
okay, so... I dug myself into this, looks like I'm not gonna be able to weasel out. awhile back I lost a bet. I'll spare you innocent bunnies the sordid (and mainly irrelevant) details in order to skip to the gist:
I need a naughty schoolgirl outfit for tomorrow night's Denver Cruise.
no, I said *really*, just don't ask→
The Top 10 Reasons to Be a Librarian As a high school library media specialist, I have the good fortune to work with, and sometimes mold, young people. If I’m lucky, I discover what they do after graduation. Recently, one of my favorite students informed me that..
Go Mets! Friday Night Lights here we come! →
Neurotransmitter earrings. Display your favorite neurotransmitters close to your brain!
Journalist Jill Carroll, held captive in Iraq for 3 months, details the experience in a series of articles in the SF Chronicle.
Part I ran yesterday. Here's
part II.
Things just get weirder. I just saw a butterfly with two totally different wing colors (Swallowtail, yellow and black). Perfectly natural or a mystical portent?
"I got my crabs from dirty dicks crabhouse."
I am home with a cold and I can hear the upstairs neighbors rockin' out to Bob Dylan I don't know why this makes me giggle...anyone else giggling?
Wifi Bunny can help men who have misbehaved win forgiveness from angry partners.
When you're temporarily disabled, people treat you like you're 12. →Read more...
Eels! On a plane! contains sweary word
Holy crap, "Cracked" is back. As a send-up of "lad mags" like Maxim and FHM.
Dude, Good Stuff A thread for good news, 'cause I have some. Tell me yours.
I added lotsa new pics to my Tiny Animals On Fingers set.
Note to self : take camera to work on Thursday →Read more...
I just now saw my Bunnystock shoutout! →
For the ladies... Need help finding the jeans that fit you best?
Another high-school-related literary thread, this time about your, um 'Independent Reading.' Come in!
Experience with Dogs with Allergies and Administering Shots? →
If you can do a home pregnancy test, you can boil an egg! Or something. Coming soon:
self-timing eggs let you know when they are ready - via heat sensitive invisible ink.
Update I am not getting the operation until they figure out what is wrong with my blood.
That's some tasty shit! What is it you say to cats that are annoying? Oh, right — "
How many tame lawyers do you have?
FAFSA day Back to Grad school in a few weeks, Biology Anthropology this semester I think, then just a bugger big paper and I'm done Yay.
14 August 2006
Liger! OMG! I went camping with some friends last weekend, and someone brought along
inflatable Ligers to guard our campsite!
Radio and
IRC to make your life complete.
I'm completely wasted. It's a Monday. How are you?
MetaChat spelled with zombies inside... →
Weird electromagnetic things happening right now... →
Deep Fried Pizza In which our protagonist, having learned the limits of healthy eating and clean living, decides to go over to the Scottish side of The Force.
Rainbaby I've "known" rainbaby online for many years...she told me of this place and its addictive qualities. So I am here now.
I like the bunny, brainless, handless, footless sketch...
ShavedHeadFilter - Should I or shouldn't I? Photo of me for shape-of-head references. Soliciting bunny opinions, should I go for the clippsers or leave shaggy enough alone?
so... at the risk of a huge anticlimax, what's the next Photo Friday theme? →Read more...
Askmecha: Like a dummy I wasted my askmeta question this week, so instead I'm bringing this to the bunnies.
Why in the world would they schedule an abdominal CT on my 21-week pregnant daughter? They left a message on her phone and when she called back they'd gone for the day...the doc's office will call her tomorrow according to the message.
AskMecha: I recently reinstalled Windows XP SP2. For some reason, my Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) service is dropping and I can't restart it without rebooting.
Snakes on an audience member... I would like to make a prediction: People will bring those fake rubber snakes to the movie to scare other patrons with. Some people will freak, others may get mad at the disturbance when a rubber snake hits them at 70 mph, spilling their $20 Diet Pepsi all over their SO's new hemp tunic. In at least one theater, someone will sneak in a real, live snake, which sadly, will not survive the night. Eventually, some moron will take it too far and crash a plane into the theater, ruining the fun for everyone else. In London, they will ban liquids in the theater.
So I have finally convinced my brother to join MeCha. As a way of saying hello and welcome to
dno, give him your best tips for answering online personals.
Snakes on a Space Needle Seattleites! Let's meet up. SoaP 9:45 p.m. Friday at the Cinerama.
Okay, for the next meetup? I have this
really clever plan for how to get plenty of table space and chairs and free drinks. All we need is a video camera and a laminating machine....
Snakes on a Plane on a Big Apple We can't let the Portlanders have all the fun.
OMG Weird Bunny (
I dig the woman in the background, too.
AskMecha: Oh, the stressful life of a party girl... I'm trying to plan a little party for my other half's 30th bday next month. Help!
SoaP - Coming to a theater near you Umm...Portlanders: I miss you guys. I also want to see SoaP Friday. I figured i could kill two snakes with one post:
So anyone up for a SoaP meetup? After the movie, we can go get wasted and yell "GET THESE MFKING SNAKES OFF THE MFKING TABLE"...or something...
If i dont get any takers, i'll just slither back into my den and feel sorry for myself and wait till it comes out on DVD.
This thread is thinking of By the Grace of God
Tucker Carlson on Dancing With The Stars?!?!?? What will Jon Stewart have to say about that?
OMG bunny!!! The Chronic—what!?—cles of Narn-ni-ah! Scroll down.
Anyone here read Hebrew and want to help me with something?
The jaw muscle on the left side of my face has been twitching all morning →Read more...
Venting thread. →
What do you NOT reccommend?
This is a public service announcement for UK bunnies →Read more...
Happy birthdays! To nomis and dg! May your days be full of exclamation marks!
Moss! I've been on a
favoriting rampage, gathering
moss photos on Flickr. It all started with my decision to grow a moss lawn after a recent thread. (Here's my current
lawn moss, mixed with the dying grass.) But really, I've always had an
affinity for moss.
A Lucky Break So we made two round trips from Eugene to Portland and back over the weekend.
Voxy Lady Any other bunnies on the
Vox yet?
So I just got out of our team meeting
What do you recommend? Please recommend something. Anything goes.
Music Monday Music for a dreary Monday!
Possible Scripting help? 2003 server question inside... →
When I woke up this morning, my apartment looked like a crime scene. Kaylee somehow nearly tore the front of one of her pads completely off, and there was blood
Um, No You're Not... Possibly the most ill-conceived
charity ad ever.
13 August 2006
AskMeCha! Mattress Shopping? How in the heck is one supoposed to buy a new mattress?
OMG Kitty! I don't know where these people are from, but thems some cute kitty cats.
I will be in London: Sept 6 - Sept 18 (actually a bit longer but I'm taking the boy to see kevin Spacey): Bunny Meetup?
wherefore art thou caterpillars? →
The Cardigans vs religion. Gaspode's
link below made me finally share what has been my favorite song of the summer, even though I think it came out last year.
Hoppy 23rd anniversary.... ....toooo meeeeeee!
Someone has actually voluntarily stayed happily married to me for 25 years! (and vice versa!)
Here's to hugbunnies!
Is it time to open up the Mecha fantasy league to non-bunnies? I have at least one interested in a spot. If there're no objections, I'll invite him. It'd be nice to get to 8, anyway.
Join the league, bunnies!
Not that it's surprising or anything... People in the United States are much less likely to accept Darwin's idea that humans and apes share a common ancestor than adults in other Western nations, a number of surveys show. (and I already knew this... but come ON!)
Ask yourselves this question: Why aren't I in IRC?
Please help me get my *&^%$#@! remote to work Yes,
again. It's the same problem as before. The DVD player is tracking and responding to reverse, play, forward, etc., but I can't get my TV to switch into DVD mode. Last time as I was frustratedly hitting buttons at random, something worked, but I don't know what.
Question from the clueless: How can I specify the home page for a .com to be something other than index.html?
AskMeCha: Should I be concerned if someone told me "Ah, I see you've got an ironic t-shirt on", but I wasn't wearing the t-shirt ironically at all?
AskMeCha: I recently installed a "stripped to the bone" Windows XP, and it's nice and zippy, except: it doesn't include the Language Pack, hence I can't configure my keyboard layout to Spanish. This will not do. Is there any way to download the Language Pack, or am I S.O.L.?
Raise your left hand, it's a left handed day. It's ten percent of the population, they say, so out someone today.
You won't find it in the wiki... which means I could be wrong...but happy birthday black8!
YouTube Comment Ruined Her Life [WMV video, NSFW language] Poor little bunny. The intertubes can be tough on the thin-skinned sometimes.
12 August 2006
West Wingers: should I watch Seasons 5-7? So, like, I love Aaron Sorkin so much I should marry him. I watch
Sports Night more than I should and
bleh. i hate light pollution →
My new digs! I hate my current place, so I didn't take part in the pictures of your house photo friday. But, better late than never.
Irrational Ridicule of Counterculture! (LT's watching 60's Docs on VH-1....) →Read more...
Say Something Funny! Please I'm writing an appeals letter regarding my resignation from my previous job last February and its making me pretty upset and unhappy to dredge up alot of the miserable history and to relive what a pretty crappy time it was.
Do you have any graphic novel recommendations? →
Queridos Amigos... 1960 -- Jackie Kennedy -- recorded message to voters in Spanish (youtube) : >
You don't want to fly today Trust me. The whole experience was totally gross.
I'm pretty sure you don't have enough new music to listen to →Read more...
Flying eggs Any bunnies know some good places to get breakfast near O'Hare Airport? Small, indie cafe type thing preferred...
Best movies to rent for a night of hanging out with the s.o.? Thanks for the great
advice last time --- the evening went great. ;) So now, in preparation for a relaxed night of chilling with wine, food, and a movie, I'm looking for the best one to rent.
Both of us like movies that make you think, (a la American Beauty, Waking Life), but I also don't want things to get
too serious and cerebral and kill the mood...
So fire away. Thanks, metachat!
Guess who has a date? I called her and we had an interesting conversation for about an hour. Then I asked if she wanted to get a drink this week sometime. She said she was going out of town on Monday so suggested tomorrow? Yay! Thanks, bunnyfriends, for all your advice and moral support.
Wordpress guru peeps. I'm setting up a photo blog for someone, and want to use wordpress, mainly b/c this person is non techy and wants to update easily. There's bunches of plugins for WP. Which are best?
I'd like to thank the academy... Yay me!
11 August 2006
Ohmygodohmygodohmygod. I just spent NINE HOURS without power (i.e., without the Internet). What'd I miss???
Free Online Logo Creator? My wife and I have begun our own business and it would be sweet to have some kind of logo to put on our cards and documents. Surely here is a place online where I can create a simple logo with a graphic for Cebula Historical Consulting? Google does show me sites that do this, but they are crap.
BP Radio for a couple of hours, starting now. Some power pop off the top, and deeper stuff later on.
Utterly disheartened. Warning: medical stuff inside. Perhaps not for the squeamish.
You couldn't make it up →
Fred, the undercover kitten. →
looooong weeeeek does it seem like the first week back from a vacation is at least 3x the subjective length of a normal week? I am amazed at how frikken long this week was. *whew*
OMG! DOGS!!! I'm just a little more proud than usual of my "Top Dogs for the 21st Century" piece, so I share it with you...
Cortex Inspired Me (Again) The Laundryroom blog reminded me that I have this languishing blog project. I invite you to help me.
One final reminder NYC MeChazens: meet me3dia and (new bunny!) cinnamon one night only, tonight at
Bull McCabe's on St Mark's. The time was still floating around... let's say 6.30pmish onwards?
Laundryroom Swapmeet. cortex's interpretive record of his building's laundry room swap table makes me laugh out loud. Now it's your turn.
"When you're sleeping, you cannot dream a continuous dream. But when you're a writer, you can continue your dream every day. So it's fun". Interview with
Haruki Murakami
Weekend! Tell me your weekend plans. What fun things are bunnies up to?
My Hat arrived! Whatta cool lid.
A song for taz on her birthday. I hope you all like it.
Happiness is . . . being in DC this weekend. Anyone want a drink? Wear your fuzzy sweaters. No Happiness posted here till Monday. Just kidding, feel free to be happy ;-)
PHOTO FRIDAY: MySpaceFace. You go first. No, you.
Things I am sick of. →
Wow, Jan!!!! *kisses Janbunny, who found not one, but
two simple white shirts, and sent them so they arrived on tazbirthday!* Wotta sweetie!
Hey weretable! Can we see some pics of the caterpillars please?
Conflicted... I loves me some webcomics...
Well, HowwwDeeee! Some of y'all may know OF me.
Happy Birthday to our Mecha goddess!
10 August 2006
Does anyone know how to get to the Finger Lakes? As in, is there an airport nearby?
unexpected rain! →
My evening sucked and I feel like shit. →
How is "interestingness" determined on Flickr? It seems totally random.
Also: how can I tell if one of my pics gets on the Explore dealie?
dammit cmonkey!! where's your bloody →
MetaChat is an informal place for MeFites to touch base and post, discuss and chatter about topics that may not belong on MetaFilter
I love spam names. →
Modest Marr! Jonny Marr of the Smiths has joined up with
Modest Mouse. Shameless fans can watch them practice from pi's back porch.
For those of you who like Tove Jansson's Moomintroll series, the
first of four collections (see the first entry) are going to be (re)published by
Drawn & Quarterly.
Kintaro Walks Japan (SFW) What an amazing journey.
My cubemates and I play coffee mug basketball at least an hour a day lately. I still haven't made it in the damn mug a single time. The other two guys each have one or two successes over the past week. I need cheerleading.
I am ready for some football! 4-6 more teams wanted to fill openings in the Metachat fantasy football league. You know you want to play...
Yes. Working from home is the *only* reason I might object to my neighbors blasting music at 2:30am. On a Wednesday. Directly over my bedroom.
I've had lunch, but nevertheless I'm absolutely starving. I wanna talk about food. What would you like to eat right now?
Some of the NYC crew will be at Antarctica on Hudson & Spring streets this evening around 5. All are welcome. Me3dia, if you're out there, come meet us.
Okay, some football player gets arrested carrying 4 guns whilst driving like a crazy man. I could give a good goddamn about this if it wasn't for this tidbit from the linked article: "On the console, a police photo shows, was a compact disc of children's songs recorded by prison inmates".
Today's Post About Vegas Because I'm so excited!
Sun is in the sky, oh why oh why would I wanna be anywhere else? Hello Metachat, how are you, I am fine, anyway, enough small talk. I've used science (Science!) to determine that the linked song is, in fact, the song of the summer, 2006.
Weekly Project Runway thread (spoilers) →
I've never had Ruth but I miss her. Because now I'm ruthless and I don't want to be ruthless. I have no list either... What do you miss? What I miss is inside.
So, me3dia, you still up for a drink-up tommorow? Is the time and place set?
Hold on, we really weren't yet done with
Oh darn. The Knitting Hall of Shame site I
linked to on MeFi awhile back has gone inactive. Its devoted members have launched their
own copycat sites and suggested other sources of
similar entertainment, so the
aesthetic travesties will go on.
Specklet's on Boing Boing! Specklet's flickr set of tiny animals on fingers is listed on Boing Boing...just neat seeing people you recognize on other sites :)
What? Why? How? Probably the best photo ever.
Ask Bunnies: An anti-glare filter - without the SHINY? I ordered a cow-orker an anti-glare filter for her CRT monitor, and it cuts the glare but reflects too much. But the ad for the beast said that it was anti-reflective too! Boo.
09 August 2006
Buried in a list of 20 million Web search queries collected by AOL and recently released on the Internet is user No. 4417749.
name: brillemann pass: brillemann
It's like North by Northwest. Does that make me Cary Grant?
Lipstick Thespian Is Playing Music Again That You Like, please join us in IRC!
I am going to bed. Goodnight.
Work is tiring. I'd forgotten just how tiring it is. That's all.
Thankyou essexjan! My bunnyshirt is awesome! [pics inside]
Life on Mars --is that girl with doll on tv a real thing from the 70s? is he really there or just in a coma/icu? will that girl cop get to be a detective? ... (but don't spoil it for me)
loving it!
You know what else I haven't done in a while? I'll play whatever strikes my fancy for an hour or two. Listen. Or don't. I'd be playing it anyway.
Please listen!
who needs a hug? →
Find me a new home page →
This is not a farewell thread redux →
I went to the Aquarium and I took some pictures. I hope you enjoy them.
The world's many mysteries puzzle AOL users. Why does my cast iron skillet smell like metal? Why doesn't lake water seep into the ground? Why does toilet bowl bubble when flushed? Why doesn't god answer prayers? Why does crack cocaine gives you the shits?
Yesterday my nephew (he'll be four in a month) called me
How to defeat the feminists? Give them lots of orgasms.
I'm actually OK with this plan of attack.
? WHY is it that a little spice of deviltry lends not an unpleasantly titillating twang to the great mass of respectable flour that goes to make up the pudding of our modern civilization?
-Howard Pyle, from his preface to
Howard Pyle's Book of Pirates.
But Beware The Kludd.
Last night's dream →
Pimping is not easy. I had to share this with y'all because I'm trying really hard not to pee my pants laughing in my cubicle.
Overturned tractor trailer on my route home. Dontcha just love it when you know your commute is going to suck before you even start it?
Las Vegas Update about Me →
Missing Bunnystock Already I've updated the wiki with links to the recap threads and the photo sets.
Fhoto Friday Theme this week: MYSPACEFACE . . . by
popular demand. Explanation is in the link.
I can actually SEE my pulse in my wrist. →Read more...
Moo! I'm sitting on the couch starkers watching the Simpsons. Fascinating poll inside.
Moscow transportation? Help a friend...
Today's Jackpot is 32 million! →
Paging A Special Group of Mechazens! →
Photos from the Salzburg Festival
production of Don Giovanni (Thomas
Hampson, Melanie Diener, Isabel Bayrakdarian, Daniel
Harding conducting)
This is a Miko happy birthday thread! So every one get on in here and shout it out!
What is this lady doing to her
poor cat?
Happiness is the Hiccups. Maybe. I guess. I love the picture, though. What are you happy about today ?
Some Souptoys ratchets of various quality.
WTF? lol. View it at a large size.
08 August 2006
What goes with alcohol? Oh yeah,
Music and IRC and Some Happy Time with People Who Care →Read more...
My Spam Come On I got a kind of weird little email yesterday; I think he's asking me out, but I'm not sure I should respond.
Separated at birth? Check out the second belly on the left!
Ask MeCha. So let's say a nice male bunny meets a nice female bunny at a party and gets her phone number. Is there some sort of way of figuring out whether it would be better to ask her if she wants to go for coffee or to a pub?
hi hello and whatnot - bunny Just wanted to say hi... finally wandered over from the blue space, and as a small token of greeting a pic of a bunny in the front yard yesterday
Circle of life →
Hey fenriq! I finally updated my tiny animals on fingers set.
Jonmc's nuts have arrived! →
OMG Cow! NSFW! (certainly not safe for cows) and udderly disturbing
Happy Birthdays to RedVixen and Knave! Sheet cake for all!
Need some bunny brainstorming.... →
NYC Meet-up! Oh yeah, I'm coming to New York this weekend! Who's up for drinks Friday night?
Ask Mecha One for the Web Wizards, Old Timers, and UI experts.
A Bunnystock retrospective. We Bunnystockers have combined our collective best-of-bunnystock photos into a Flickr group. Please check it out, and come inside for a final Bunnystock retrospective.
HEY!!! What's Friday's photo theme?
A Couple Divided by Faith She's from a Jewish family; he was lured by radical Islam. She's now home in Paris, he's in Abu Ghraib.
My wife just got back from holiday.... (Pun related word game) →Read more...
dogs + soccer fan = animal cruelty collection of ads with the same idea
the ninth gate →
07 August 2006
stuff I find amazing →
This looks just like my dog It isn't, but I'm still proud by proxy :-D
Earlier today, I
mentioned a co-worker on the 'corporate' side of DumbCo (where the sales, programmers and execs sit, as opposed to us drudges in Data) who has taken her cubicle decor to frightening lentghs. It looks like either a French whorehouse or Stevie Nicks' mudroom. Anyone who puts that much effort into cube furnishings is someone who would bear watching, methinks.
See for yourself. My world is a strange place.
Weird Summer Evening... →
Soul Heaven Radio Is on until 9:30PM PST
I swear I hear this and I am going CRAZY! Is there currently some sort of tune that's a big hit, popular with the teens, that features the music from "Manos, Hands of Fate"?
This has been bothering me: how can I make a ratchet in
I'm having food blueballs! →
F*ck you. I've had a difficult day. I know this isn't the best come on, but who cares.
Signs of the apocalypse #1 Paris Hilton gets Hello Kittied
The Textile Museum of Canada has an online collection featuring thousands of high quality zoomable pictures.
Lawn alternatives! Has anyone here tried replacing their high-maintenance grass lawn with an alternative lawn? I've read about some of the no-mow lawn grass types, and I understand other people simply let the moss and clover grow. Have you seen a lawn like this? How did you like it?
This is a hug tr33hggr thread .
Because he has a big heart, and it seems to be aching today.
So do it.
greasemonkey script or something that can do this? →
#44: Eat anything. McDonald's employee makes a list of things that customers to do irritate her. Then she posts it to a public LJ community. Then it gets quoted on Consumerist (part of the Gawker blog empire). I'm wondering what, if anything, will happen next.
Career opportunites: advice needed A few weeks ago I accepted a new job. I made the switch for more pay and less responsibility. I was quite miserable at my last job and wanted out badly. A big part of why I hated my last job is because it's in advertising, and so is my new job, tho the new place seems to be a more pleasant environment.
Wookin' Pa Nub →
Muppet Bolt: Muppets and Lightning Bolt.
Done at the dentist! →
Tonight Is My Show! Would love to see you there!
Porn Update I just sent out the packages for the folks who ordered porn from me; did anyone else want to buy copies?
Your favorite (happy) love poem? My parents 40th wedding anniversary is today and I would like to send them a heartfelt email that includes a poem. It appears most of my favorites are not appropriate, what are your suggestions?? Thank you!
I need the help of someone who a) doesn't know me in person and b) didn't enter my blogathon draw...
I really like this photo. But the flower isn't really multicolored like that, is it?
A mole fell off my arm this morning. →
In case you missed it, several NYC bunnies have decided to head to Vegas! Why don't you
update the Vegas Wiki with your own status?
Uncanny Valley? Today at lunch, I saw the cutest little pixie of a girl, around six years old, wearing this adorable little summer outfit of pink, grey and white sports skirt and top, with a baseball cap and matching sandals... but...
I don't know if anyone else reads Copper but July's strip was called "
Bunny". If, like me, you missed it (it's only updated sporadically so sometimes I forget to check it), now you can see it!
my fridge is shot Is it ok to keep dry ice in my fridge to cool my food until I can afford to troubleshoot or fix what's wrong with it? Where can I get dry ice?
Running the Radio. For you early morning people, and folks in different time zones, I present some tunes.
Bunnies! OMG! This is a work of genius.
I found the BEST radio station tonight (a story about love).... →Read more...
So it turns out much of my education came from Satan. "Appropriately, The Communist Manifesto, by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, earned the highest aggregate score and the No. 1 listing."
06 August 2006
OMG kitty!!! →
Bunnystock Catchphrase T-shirts On Sale Now! You had to be there, but since you weren't, why not have a t-shirt?
Lipstick Thespian on What It Means to be a DJ...on now in IRC or in your haid....
Completely Selfish Non Topic-Related Post! I Just Want To Say Hi to People!
Inexplicable Rain Clouds! ... Come frolic with Mr. Item while the wetness lasts - as it certainly won't for long.
Our new family addition →
YSI Request! The Vinho Verde party planning continues apace. Who's got some wonderful Portuguese-y music for me? Some classical or jazz guitar, some wifty pop love songs, some obscure traditional ballads or dance songs, some Brazilian bossa nova? I welcome anything you care to donate to the cause! Thanks!
What hapn to Capn? He went on vacation for a week in the middle of July, and hasn't posted since.
Radio Mecha - Music Box: Rockbox I'm playing some songs on the Radio Mecha, revisiting my interrupted set of somewhat-rockin' music. Lots of covers, lots of stuff that's borderline-rock at best. And I'll probably shoehorn in a bunch of versions of 'Stagger Lee.' Please listen, if you're so inclined.
Wow! This is good news for my Vegas trip.
Ask Mecha: be my girlfriend, and tell me what I should do with
this hair?
On the writing of a good post I tried one, the Queen Ranavalona post, and it's harder than I thought to compete at this level.
Meetups: Another about the Las Vegas Invasion It's very likely I'm going to come to the LV meetup. In fact, I'll make the arrangements on Mon or Tue if I can get stuff sorted out. But I need some help and to know a bit about what people have planned. And the days when most people will be there.
05 August 2006
RFE stands for Radio Frequency Emission or Really Fucking Excellent; it's your call. Tune in!
Come Join the Fun! The "Perversion for Profit" remix!
Argh. What's the song in this trailer? Can someone tell me if the song that's in the beginning of this trailer has a full version? Or was it just a short piece written specifically for the trailer?
If there's a full version, anyone know what it's called? Where can I get it?
The deluge of Bunnystock photos continues. You have to check out
mgl's updates as well - she has some really awesome long exposure shots like
this one.
My Mom is leaving N.J. for Seattle!!! :^( →
It's Really good Crack ... join us and we'll share.
Radio Mecha - Music Box I'm on the Radio Mecha, trying to do a set that's (at least slightly) more rock than my usual. Lots of covers, lots of things that aren't rock music at all. Please listen, if you're so inclined.
Get On Your Pony and RIDE! Bunnystock revelers, if this dosen't get you boogieing, I'll have to assume you all died.
The Monks - Oh How To Do Now --youtube, way way ahead of its time, i think--incredible beat : >
Bright Light City Gonna Set My Soul, Gonna Set My Soul On Fire... We're coming to Vegas! Pips and I booked our flight and rooms. We're counting the days!
Studio 360 is such a fine fine radio show today it delayed my attempt get out the door for a bike ride by featuring
Dana Gioia.
Bedhead Radio Just rolled out of bed. Playing whatever my brain demands at the moment.
"And if you can't be with the one you love ... →Read more...
I wonder about that road sometimes. →
Bunnystock Photos More to follow when people have some energy again.
i got a new job this week! goodbye hot factory! hello air conditioned office with a desk and a computer! i start on the 15th!
04 August 2006
Small Ruminant For Queen of Something or Somewhere! →
You need a little Melvern for Friday night. Because everybody needs ukelele-driven sweet-as-standards pop songs, with songcraft featuring overtones of Nilsson or good McCartney or Costello, wry but hopeful and never mean-spirited.
It doesn't matter if it is good, It only matters if it rocks. Please recommend new (not 'nu') metal or hard rock, let's say post 2004ish.
Straight up rock, not rap-, nu-, electro-, or anything-.
Sorry, stupid question about IRC →
Bose SoundDock or iPod HiFi? I read the AskMeFi post for this question but would like the opinions of you fine Mechazens.
If I go home early this afternoon, what should I do with my time?
I'm hungry I am jonesing for Taco Bell and a chocolate protein shake. wtf. Why can't management leave so I can go home early and get this?
Pssssst! I'm alive and very, very well...really.
I saw an old friend's picture in Interview magazine last night. Someone I haven't seen in years. Apparently she's a video artist in NYC these days. That was kinda weird. Have you stumbled across anyone unexpectedly recently?
if the thunderstorms to the east do not spread this way and give me some relief... →Read more...
I Got the Job!!!! →
Instrument talk! What are your favorite instruments? What do you play, and what do you wish you could play?
Ok, don't laugh, this is serious. I have told a few people what happened to me today. For some reason, they all thought it was funny, so I bring my sad tale of woe to the bunnies for some sympathy.
Awesome juggler. Music (Beatles). And juggling. Wow.
My boss is really pretty cool. While walking around the grounds today, I saw a large backpack up against a fence.
Soul Food in NYC tonight! We're going up to Harlem for some delicious grubb. Anybody want to come?
It's a YSI party, and everyone's invited! Let's get this party started! Here's a burning version of Fela Kuti's '
Waka Waka!' All my sentences end with exclamation marks!
Distract me →
Happiness is jellybeans . . . but I'll have to disagree with Chuck and Linus on their tastes. What's your most and least favorite jellybeans? Happiness is going away for the weekend to
Farm Sanctuary Hoe Down, so no Happiness posts from me till Monday. But, anyone interested in 'Toon Monday or 'Toon Tuesday, in which you post a fave cartoon?
I had a dream. Instead of text messaging via cell phones,
Photo Friday: Found Alphabet. Post em if you've got em.
Very, very tired. Last night I put the finishing touches to my 30 minute opus "Vicky is 30".
My Tomatoes are Coming In! Now if only I can keep my two year old from pulling them off before they're really ready!
03 August 2006
Wootville: Bunnystock is less than 24 hours away. Please express yourselves regarding this event herein.
Eat Shit and Die!!! (youtube) I want Graham Norton to read a MetaTalk thread on the air.
Bunny powers... activate! Gift ideas for female co-worker turning 30?
Umm, Where's Frisbee Girl Been? →
The prize of my comedy mp3 collection. It also contains helpful hygeine advice. There's a few lines relevant to 'pode's digestive difficulties in there, too. I am not responsible if you wet yourself laughing.
Pssst .. Uma Thurmans gran when she was young naked! More inside! Hawt!
This is a picture of a flying piano.
pecans I like to eat pecans.
vent:open. I'm fading.
Rejected! I just got a call. Didn't get the job. Bollocks.
I demand similies! →
OMG GIANT CAT! Stumbled on this at flickr. This has to be one of my favourite photos of a cat. Ever.
I too demand sympathy! →
What's on your walls when there's a cat on the ceiling?
How have we not had a Project Runway post yet today? *90 percent chance of SPOILERS inside*
Good luck moving, Mullacc! May you (and all your crap) arrive safely in AZ!
Happiness is . . . meeting Dan Piraro of
Bizarro at a
conference and buying his new book, which he signs and sketches in,
including a bunny for MeCha.
I demand sympathy! Either I ate bad chicken yesterday or I have suddenly become highly sensitive to alcohol and 3 beers kept me up all night. (a little bit of TMI inside)
Help me understand just what is this person asking? What do they want?
FireFox is infuriating! Am I the only one that has come to really hate FireFox?
droolworthy backyard transformation I'm digging the soundtrack too :)
I'm between jobs for a few weeks and want to throw up a little potting shed and *did not* need to see anything like this today. wow
There's Rock and Roll Fantasy Camp, Texas Hold 'Em Fantasy Camp, and
Baseball Fantasy Camp. You can go to
Auto Racing camp,
Covert Ops camp, or
Rodeo Camp. All this makes me think about what kind of fantasy camp I'd like to go to...or run. A few ideas appear inside. What about you?
Your most senseless fears and worries. →
Reminder: Photo Friday Ironman/woman Challenge. The theme for tomorrow is
Found Alphabet, in case you've forgotten. Are there any letters you're trying to find and can't? I tried for a couple of hours to find a really good Q and then I gave up. So far I have a w, an i, and an h, I think. I'm going to go out at lunch today and find a Q, damn it.
You want cute? I'll give you cute. (mefi via popbitch)
02 August 2006
I Really... Care? Or something? IRC people!
4.7 Earthquake 10 miles from Santa Rosa Does anyone know if Wimpdork and other North Bay folks are okay?
I would just like to continue the
Pipettes love
3 Things That Annoy Me →
OMG BUNNY! on my the walk back from my truck tonight, and just as I was coming inside and thinking of my favorite bunnies! Was it an omen? Your presence on IRC could be the deciding factor! Also,
Any MeChas in Ireland... Wanna help me track down a book that's out of print?
It's 94° outside! Let's go for a nice long bikeride! →Read more...
Elton John Sick of American Bands' Style -- "Attention, rock 'n' rollers. Elton John is sick of your tattoos and piercings.... he'd like American bands to adopt the cutting-edge, glam-rock style made popular by his peers."
Nicholas or Nicole? A Florida family deals with a transgendered 5-year-old. Born a boy, Nicholas insists that he has a "girl brain in a boy body." The parents are totally supportive. Really fascinating article.
Easy Science fiction Costume Help. Say you only had half of saturday to create a great sci-fi costume for a fancy dress party. Oh, and you were also allowed Comic Book Hero's. What would you do, and how would you do it? I've got a
Backup Plan, but would like to hear what the bunnies have to say. (Bonus points for short chunky hirsute bespectacled men costumes)
Banhammered. →
Divine Thanks to the Divine Wino. →
Oh man. My brain is fried. I've been working on this set of drawings for two days straight, and the end is not in sight.
jonmc is having another fanatical food craving. This time it's for
Mauna Loa Island Fruit & Nut Mix. I had it a few years ago, and eating a macadamia the other day made me think of it. I'd kill for a few pouches, but I can't find 'em in NYC, or any place to order them online. These
Onion & Garlic macadamias look pretty badass, too. What's a nut nut to do?
Hot Cross Bun A storm is coming in. Here's an hour or so of moody soundtrack from one of
my favorite movies.
eek! goml farked my wiki!! →
Bald Babes? We've had discussions about the
best blondes,
beautiful brunettes and
two different readhead threads.
What about the lovely hairless ladies? I myself had a shaved head at one point, and was often called "Sinead-o Potato."
Homeowner tracks down toilet-paper prank suspects using store receipts, surveillance tapes, yearbooks and online databases. The suspects now face felony vandalism charges.
Video. [via waxy]
Making It New. On February 5, 1916,
Hugo Ball, a German avant-garde theater director, and
Emmy Hennings, his mistress and a nightclub singer, opened for the first time the
Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich where they presented exhibitions of
contemporary art and performances of experimental music, poetry, and dance. The cabaret had a small stage, room for forty to fifty people in the audience, and was located in a seedy neighborhood of bars, variety shows, and cheap hotels in an otherwise respectable city in which many expatriate artists, writers, journalists, actors, intellectuals, and professional revolutionaries were then living, as well as international war profiteers and spies. Lenin rented rooms on the same narrow alley. Joyce worked on Ulysses in a neighborhood not very far away.
Dada did not yet exist
as a movement, nor did it have
a name.
why does my post not show up on the MeCha sidebar? How do I get into that thing? or is the post too long?
Ah well, it got derailed into a Movie Casting discussion anyway.
Love me up with your music, MeCha! →
What world record do you hold? Inspired by wendell→
elizard does the happy dance. 'cause I'm back, baby!
"Ladies and Gentlemen! Your attention, if you please. There is a new rock group in the house; their name: The Pipettes. As a teen tycoon of rock I know I'd like to hear them and I'm sure you would too..." [Embedded MOV]
Happiness is... Hmm, I never knew Linus was a know-it-all. I would've guessed Schroeder was the A+ student. In related news, I just found out that the
Sunday Opus comics are online! What comics do you read, online or otherwise? And what makes you happy today?
Sweet Lord, it's hot in New York, today! Anyone got a fireman's wrench so we can open a hydrant? (seriously, this is like the Augusts we used to have in Miami, only with less cocaine).
Wah! I just want this one simple thing! What's something you've been lookng for that should be easy to find, but isn't - that one simple thing that just keeps eluding you?
Four alarm red So we've had a thread about
iconic blondes, and
dark-haired sirens, and so now it's time for a thread about redheaded vixens. Yes it is. Because I say so.
PUNT! We need at least 6 more teams, and preferably 8.
OMG!!unhappykitty!omg!!!!1 i do not know the proper form for the OMG posts. nevertheless this kitty is supercute and unhappy.
A thousand faces of Walthamstow Photographer Hal Satterthwaite photographed a thousand people in Walthamstow, which is in north-east London and just a few miles from where I live. It's a multi-racial, multi-cultural area, and the photographs reflect this beautifully.
Related article from The Times.
I had intended to link to various pictures, but for me the delight was finding the faces I liked best by browsing the site. I even found a friend in there.
Hollywood just doesn't know how to make REAL crap TV anymore.... While looking up what I hoped was an answer to
this AxMe thread, I was reintroduced to the seminal, ultra-snarklicious "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea" (link in title). Sadly, I was mistaken, but those wishing to peruse
Voyage plot summaries might do well to focus on the following eps (among others): The Shape of Doom, The Plant Man, and The Brand of the Beast.
Any other nominees for best/worst episode or other lamentably lost series?
01 August 2006
Big haircut BUMP! Pictures of my new haircut coming up!
Hot Cross Bun Learning to rock the rabbit. Some music, possibly spotty, til the top of the hour.
Chinese County Clubs to Death 50,000 Dogs -- sorry for the "buzz kill," but this is outrageous!
More martini music? I can't find the original post that had Moonlight in Vermont, Fly me to the Moon, Wives and Lovers, etc. :(
Hey ugly single chicks i just ran across this bbc article from last year re: estrogen & "attractiveness".
Question for the bunnies-- I've totally had it with being yelled at, and I need help. Rant and
The moment I wake up... I'm home early tonight...I feel like singing.
I miss you guys. That's all...I say a little prayer for you!!!
But, Daddy ... Website Leads Police to 2,000 Pot Plants -- "On ['a social networking'] website, a juvenile girl indicated there was marijuana growing at her house. When agents from the task force and Drug Enforcement Agency responded to the residence, they found approximately 2,000 marijuana plants growing on the property."
OMG Hairless Squirrel! Looks like a cross between a dwarf dinosaur and a rat to me!
Brunettes make me sweat. Who are some of the iconic raven-haired ladies of yore?
There are some wonderful travel posters up at the Los Angeles Public Library site from the '20s and '30s. Art deco and Futurist styles from around the world.
Damn, there go my 15 minutes A friend just emailed me saying he'd seen me on some TV show (here in Chile).
The other night me and my beautiful wife where walking out of a local bar, and some hair-gel dude and a silicon-titted chick were leaving ahead of us. Three 'journalists' popped out with cameras and started pestering them. Apparently they're 'famous' in small-town B-list way.
Thing is, I have no idea who these people were, and feel cheated of my chance at fame and over-exposition. I don't even know what show we were on!
Hope me with my new haircut? I'm chopping it all off!
25 Years. Can you give a television channel Botox?
60s music on the radio now Dunno for how long.
Rumi quote of the day: This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival: A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. →Read more...
Bunnystock!! Does the wiki accurately reflect
your attendance status? My camera and lots of spare batteries are ready to go. Hell and yes.
Groups buying lottery tickets. What's the best way to set it up, other than with people you trust explicitly? A contract? (I'm thinking of the 8 concrete plant workers who won a big one recently, and am wondering how they worked it out.)
OMG bear cavalry!!!! [one NSFW word in smaller font]
iiirrrccc!!! Entertain me. I promise at least 45% fun for all that enter.
Madre de Dios! First there was that
hospital window, and then that
motorway wall, but I just brushed it all off as unnerving chance, but
THIS. . . I believe! I believe! (NSFW - images of extreme miraculousness)
I'd like to pick your brains.... Which is the worse/better scenario?