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Comment Feed:


01 August 2006

Rabbit Rabbit -- So -- who here abides by the old superstition of saying “rabbit, rabbit” upon waking on the first day of each new month, in order to insure good luck for the remainder of that month?
Or, some variation -- when you wake up in the morning shout 'White Rabbit' and when you go to bed at night shout 'Black Rabbit.'
posted by ericb 01 August | 10:13
Here's a 'rabbit, rabbit' for Mechas and the month of August!
posted by ericb 01 August | 10:14
Interesting. I'd never heard of this.
posted by danostuporstar 01 August | 10:17
Hmmm - should I make this into a more expanded, potentially $30 MetaFilter post?
posted by ericb 01 August | 10:24
When I remember, I do it. Did it today.

I think it's come up on MeFi before - at least in Ask.
posted by Miko 01 August | 10:28
Referring to the first day of each month as “Rabbit Day”.

Happy Rabbit Daaaaaaay! Whuffles for aaaaall!
posted by Specklet 01 August | 10:29
No rabbits here. Instead, we (by which I mean 'I and some of the people I know') say 'pinch, punch, first of the month - AND NO RETURNS' - the last bit prevents the other person coming back with the rejoinder which is 'punch, kick, for being so quick'.

All with actions. On balance I prefer the rabbits.
posted by altolinguistic 01 August | 10:40
I read this in a Nancy Drew book as a kid. I could never remember to do it, though.
posted by rainbaby 01 August | 10:42
Done -- made it into a MeFi FPP.

Ah -- Coldchef made a comment like it in AskMe in 2002.
posted by ericb 01 August | 10:42
Yep, knew I remembered in Ask 'cause I like to track the folklore questions.

Here are all the Ask posts including the words rabbit, first, month.

I love stuff like this.
posted by Miko 01 August | 10:56
Campers in OH used to say "I HATE RABBITS!" when smoke from a campfire blew towards them. Supposedly it made the wind shift. I never said it when I was a kid, 'cuz I liked rabbits and wasn't about to say otherwise. I just got smokey.
posted by shane 01 August | 10:57
We could just say "white rabbit, white rabbit, white rabbit" over and over to get rid of the smoke.
posted by Miko 01 August | 11:01
Heather Champ used to (and maybe still does, though I can't find it) run a little service that emailed you on the last day of the month to remind you to say "rabbit rabbit" the next morning.
posted by me3dia 01 August | 11:19
Miko, oops, I guess my post is more than a double! Thanks for digging those up from the bunny holes of AskMe!
posted by ericb 01 August | 11:20
I uploaded whatever Jawbreaker song it is that they mention that here one month.
posted by Eideteker 01 August | 13:07
Well, it's different when it's in the blue, ericb. All good.
posted by Miko 01 August | 13:29
Did tricks, I hoped you wouldn't notice.
posted by Triode 01 August | 14:23
Just plain RABBIT here. I didn't get this from my family, but from a friend in kindergarten. Her family name was Fox. My parents, who'd never heard about this custom, speculated that it might be specific to Foxes.
posted by tangerine 01 August | 14:56
I knew Triode would have my back. Here's the live version (and the intro, for those who want to hear him talk about Rabbit Rabbit).
posted by Eideteker 01 August | 16:04
Down heah in 'Bama, the way I heard it was you had to say "Rabbits, rabbits, rabbits" (yes, three times) before you spoke to anyone else on the first day of the month to ensure good luck.

I actually did this last night after midnight before going to bed. So, now to drive to Gerogia for lottery tickets...
posted by BitterOldPunk 01 August | 19:10
For some reason, I said "Rabbit Rabbit" to myself this morning when I awoke; I've never observed the custom before. I don't know why it occured to me this morning, but I blame Blake.
posted by Triode 01 August | 22:55
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