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Comment Feed:


31 August 2006

Oh good lord. For all of the Football Widows whether you're a wife, girlfriend or just a smart single lady who wants to have some fun, this is your answer to man's football addiction. We will provide a weekly domestic scenario wherein you choose three men to be your Fantasy Husbands.[More:]

The men’s responses are graded by award winning, relationship experts according to their potential to foster a normal, healthy, loving, and mutually supportive marriage. Our panel will provide feedback on the men’s answers, suggest the answer most likely to promote a “healthy relationship,” and give tips on how to improve your relationship or spot a potential Fantasy Husband of your own.

Cuz we wimmins hate us some football, and luuuuuuuuve us some dreamy mens committed to long-term relationships!

(Also, can they get some award-winning grammar experts to help that prose?)
hey, occhi, go long...

posted by jonmc 31 August | 11:28
Notre Dame v. Georgia Tech this Saturday! Woo!
posted by sciurus 31 August | 11:29
So stupid. I *love* it when my husband watches football or hockey. It gives me a break from servicing him so I can get some chores done, you know?
posted by iconomy 31 August | 11:30
my wife is occasionally a scripps national spelling bee widow, but that's only for two days in may...
posted by syntax 31 August | 11:33
You people are making me laugh. I need it.
posted by taz 31 August | 11:36
I know a lot about football ('real' football I mean, the English sort) and can talk tactics and technical stuff with all the fellas, but I always ruin my credibility by making some comment about Figo's thighs or how I'd do Gaby Heinze in a heartbeat.
posted by essexjan 31 August | 11:52
Hey, *I'm* a football widow! (Seriously!)
posted by BoringPostcards 31 August | 11:55
Dude, I think the safe money's on Reid, Zach and Kevin. It's all in the eyes.
posted by dno 31 August | 11:58
I don't know. Zach looks a little gay to me.

Which... you know... you're probably right. Bring on the fantasy gay husbands!
posted by occhiblu 31 August | 12:08
If you go to the rules, one of the things they respond to the responses with is the "Christian perspective." I'm Jewish. Damn, I'm out. ; ) But that's OK, because I am too busy with my three fantasy football leagues to play this. ; )
posted by sisterhavana 01 September | 00:05
Remember. || ProjRun - Episode 8