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Comment Feed:


08 August 2006

My Spam Come On I got a kind of weird little email yesterday; I think he's asking me out, but I'm not sure I should respond. [More:]Interesting photo on your blog. Face washed out by sunshine leaves a lot to the imagination. Since you like to walk, would be like to meet you downtown and walk around (in very public places) . You have peaked my interest!

Is that a little on the freaky side or is it me? And by freaky I mean the axe wielding gibbering drooling kind of freaky as opposed to the happy happy fun fun joy joy kind. So, bunnies, what should I do? Ignore it or answer it? And if I answer it, I should say. . . ?
Bad grammar, misspelling, pussyfooting... delete.
posted by eamondaly 08 August | 20:46
I've been waiting for an opportunity to say this:

I'm from the internet, and I'm here to accost you.

Besides, he doesn't know how to spell piqued. You're too good for him.
posted by mike9322 08 August | 20:51
One word - Dimitri.
posted by court siem 08 August | 20:52
Depends on how curious you are... if you're curious, maybe agree to meet him "with some friends while we're downtown," and then take a pal with you on that first walk. That way it's more just a social thing.

If he insists on meeting you alone, then I'd delete.
posted by BoringPostcards 08 August | 20:53
Ask for a pic in return. If he sends you one of his face, consider it.
posted by danostuporstar 08 August | 20:56
Face washed out by sunshine leaves a lot to the imagination.

This is creepy.
posted by halonine 08 August | 21:05
[ ] Not creepy
[x] Creepy
[ ] What the Christ?!
posted by cmonkey 08 August | 21:19
Good, it's not just me who thought it was edging into creepy world. I kind of want to delete it but I don't want to make him mad or anything - I don't want him to go get his axe, you know.

*falls over laughing at dano & mike*
posted by mygothlaundry 08 August | 21:20
Should I answer it and tell him that my 300 pound 7 foot tall biker cop boyfriend would like to come along?
posted by mygothlaundry 08 August | 21:22
Firmly in the realm of the creep. The best response is to ignore. This kind of email is sent by guys who email all kinds of random girls hoping for a reply.
posted by agropyron 08 August | 23:26
If his interest has peaked already, what's in it for him?
posted by tangerine 09 August | 00:08
Friends don't let friends date people who can't spell.
posted by punch 09 August | 01:27
[ ] Not creepy
[x] Creepy
[x] What the Christ?!
posted by mosch 09 August | 02:06
[ ] Not creepy
[x] Creepy
[x] What the Christ?!
[x] Fuck off, weirdo!
posted by dg 09 August | 02:16
"I can't see your face, and that's hot!"


On the other hand... The poor guy might just be struggling for something to say. But on the first hand, someone who struggles for something to say + ourgothlaundry = probably not a great match. Also, "peak". But on the other hand, I've seen lots of perfectly intelligent people make this mistake.

Hope this was helpful. :)
posted by taz 09 August | 02:36
Eh, obviously its creepy if he creeped you out. Plus the refrence to "public places" as if he'd expect you to be creeped out. Oh well.
posted by delmoi 09 August | 03:04
Well, you can't blame him for being smitten, or really for being creepy. That said, smitten and creepy don't blend so well.
posted by Hugh Janus 09 August | 07:39
Go for it.

What could possibly go wrong?
posted by sarah connor 09 August | 08:07
Dating terror is reflexive. What would you say to a stranger you'd like to meet? That being said, delete and save everybody involved the stress and strain. The internet makes meeting people so much easier.

In the old days, you could invite him to your church social. And several people there would know him.
posted by warbaby 09 August | 09:49
I will not date anyone who doesn't use proper spelling and grammar.
posted by matildaben 09 August | 13:41
I used to think that way, matildaben, and then I started chatting while playing Final Fantasy XI. I'm a pretty fast typist (80 wpm, boo-yeah!) but there's no way you can talk during a battle or waiting for a battle and actually spell out "you" and "your/you're". It's not possible.

Especially on the keyboard I'm using. I'll bet you anything, though, that if I finally install it on my PC at home, I'll go back to typing and chatting correctly.
posted by TrishaLynn 09 August | 18:21
these women -- they EAT BABIES?? || OH NO! Zoo crash!