My Mom is leaving N.J. for Seattle!!! :^( →[More:]The story in a nutshell..She's never lived outside of New Jersey. She ran in to a man she went to high school with at their reunion three years ago. They were previously just aquaintences. A small group kept in touch and had a mini reunion a year later. He takes gorgeous landscape photos as a hobby and makes his own calendars which he brought with him. He didn't have enough, so when he got home he sent my mom one. She wrote to thank him. (Snail mail-he's not online although he does use his computer for work). He wrote back. And so on. What started as two or three letters a month turned in to two or three a week. He came out here for Christmas and met us; she went out there and met his kids/grandkids. Today was her last night in Jersey. We went out for dinner for that and my upcoming birthday. She's my best friend and I'm going to miss her but what a great adventure she's having!! So, Seattle MeChas, anyone know the town of Bothell? Maybe next year, we'll come for a visit!