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Comment Feed:


21 August 2006

Awesome. I love this stuff.
posted by viachicago 21 August | 22:46
Oh hey, I remember this from a whiles back. It was at an aquarium, right?

Octopodes are cool. I really want one as a pet, but I'm not responsible enough to keep one.

Y'alls have heard to story about an octopus at a UCSF (or was it UCSD?) marine biology lab, right?
posted by porpoise 21 August | 23:06
The one who snuck out of its tank every night, crawled across the lab, and ate all the neighboringh starfish, then crawled back home to its own tank?
posted by mudpuppie 21 August | 23:39
Hey, an octopus at the Shedd Aquarium did some tank jumping at night a few years back, too!
posted by me3dia 21 August | 23:44
I think this was on MeFi a while back... yup. I still say the multiple camera angles and closeups makes it look either suspiciously staged, or divers waited and waited and then sacrificed a shark to see what'd happen (a la Wild Kingdom). Cool clip though.
posted by Zack_Replica 22 August | 00:50
Zack_ - I think there's a voiceover on this clip that explains that this is an aquarium tank, and that the aquarium employees were puzzled by the shark corpses they kept finding on the bottom of the pool every morning. they couldn't figure out why they were dying, so they set up the cameras to catch the culprit.
posted by comments on the world as will 22 August | 07:58
holy awesome creepy nature films! that's gotta be a freaking uuuuuge octopus to be pulling down 4 foot sharks tho.

tank wars... fish are crazy. the convict cichlid in my roommate's aquarium will mangle anything you put in the tank smaller than him, that can't hide well enough. he's nowhere near as cool as a ginormous octopus tho.

Zack, will's right if you listen with the sound on the narrator pretty much explains why they have this clip.
posted by lonefrontranger 22 August | 08:44
Wow. That's some scary shit.
posted by Specklet 22 August | 10:43
I watched it last night with Radio LT playing. I thought the sound from the vid would override the radio, and was amused by the incongruity of the bouncy ambient soundtrack. Realizing that it was just timing didn't really take away from that. In other words, this video is even cooler with a bouncy ambient soundtrack, preferably provided by LT.
posted by elizard 22 August | 12:29
Yip, it makes sense why they'd want to get to the bottom of why the sharks were disappearing, and why they'd get some cameras down there, as I'm sure that it'd end up being expensive (having to buy new sharks) and difficult to explain to the aquarium visitors why there's shark corpses floating around. I'm just saying that it's possible that the divers may have herded the shark past the octopus to see what'd happen. If there were shark corpses, then there may have been evidence on them that they were grappled by the octopus, which would cause me to think, well, were they fighting or did it eat the sharks? Let's find out. Thus my Wild Kingdom reference (putting two enemies in close proximity to each other and filming the fight).
posted by Zack_Replica 22 August | 12:57
wow || Parts of this almost made me pee my pants.