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12 August 2006

Do you have any graphic novel recommendations? [More:] I am going to the comic book store this afternoon. What should I get? I tend to like dark and depressing stories, particularly about zombies, the apocalypse, or superheros.

Note: I already have all of Alan Moore's work, and most of Neil Gaiman's.
walking dead(zombies)

Y:the last man(apocalypse)

both really good.
posted by slackshot 12 August | 16:22
Ooh, yeah, I don't think I have the newest Walking Dead yet!
posted by cmonkey 12 August | 16:26
'The Clouds Above,' by Jordan Crane

'La Perdida,' by Jessica Abel

'Peculia and the Goon Grove Vampires,' by Richard Sala
posted by box 12 August | 16:27
'Blankets,' by Craig Thompson

'Black Hole,' by Charles Burns

'Night Fisher,' by R. Kikuo Johnson
posted by box 12 August | 16:32
Just a Pilgrim by Garth Ennis is post-apocalyptic.
Just a Pilgrim:Garden of Eden is post-apocalyptic woth zombies.
posted by lekvar 12 August | 16:55
Transmetropolitan by Warren Ellis and Darick Robertson

Battle Angel Alita is one of my favorite anime movies, so if you can find the translated manga it's probably pretty good. The manga came first. Might as well do it before James Cameron ruins it! :-/
posted by halonine 12 August | 17:04
Definitely Y the Last Man. I don't like comic books and I love that series.
posted by YouCanCallMeAl 12 August | 18:05
Black Hole, seconded. You have Jimmy Corrigan by Chris Ware, right? You might have better luck finding that one at a bookstore. No one has suggested the Invisibles, so if you can deal with Grant Morrison, give those a shot.
posted by Eideteker 12 August | 18:16
graphic novel? like stephen king? or did you mean like COMIC BOOKS lolololol pwnd
posted by Wedge 12 August | 18:26
Dudes! Where is Beeps with his rec from awhile back about the Japanese comic about how spirals are mystically causing people to lose their minds?

Paging BoringPostcards!
posted by Lipstick Thespian 12 August | 18:30
Ultimate Spider-Man can be really funny, really superheroic, and really dark. I never read Marvel titles as a kid and the Ultimate line has been a kick for me to get into. I didn't like Mark Bagley on the art at first but, well, lets just say he makes Wolverine really, really hot.

If you want to feel filthy, well, read Morrison's The Filth.
posted by WolfDaddy 12 August | 18:48
I'm not BoringPostcards, but I do highly recommend Uzumaki by Junji Ito, which does mean "spiral" and of which a live-action movie of dubious quality was made. But the manga will freak you out in ways you never thought possible.
posted by TrishaLynn 12 August | 19:06
Probably too late, but Marvel Zombies is out. Post-apocalyptic superhero zombies!
posted by tetsuo 12 August | 19:11
Preacher was good, if a bit over-rated (and not terribly depressing, other than the character Cassidy.) The Loeb & Sale Batman books are good, as well, and very dark. The Long Halloween and Dark Victory are pretty excellent.
posted by HeadlessAgnew 12 August | 20:38
WolfDaddy: Have you read Spider-Man: The Other? It's pretty good. Marvel 1602 is another fun reimagining of the Marvel universe.

I took this nice list to the store and of course they didn't have any of them in stock (well, they did have Y: The Last Man, Black Hole, and The Filth, but I already have those), so I will order over the internets.

I ended up with Earth X, Freaks of the Heartland, Bloody Mary, and Spooked.

Thanks! Your suggestions will keep me reading the picture fables for a long time.
posted by cmonkey 12 August | 20:41
I know you already went, but I still must say...

I second Walking Dead, but also anything by Daniel Clowes (seriously)and also Persepolis (1 and 2) by Marjane Satrapi. And Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Kim Deitch. And like ten billion others.
posted by SassHat 12 August | 21:13
Woah, Boulevard of Broken Dreams looks great. Maybe we need a wiki page for this. MetaChatters Favourite Graphic Novels (And Other Art-Based Storytelling Devices).
posted by cmonkey 12 August | 21:51
cmonkey: I'm trying to stay away from the original Marvel continuity (though Civil War Frontline has sucked me into the main Civil War crossover) but I'm picking up 1602 just as soon as I'm done getting all the Ultimate Spidey and X-Men TPBs :-)
posted by WolfDaddy 12 August | 22:24
Daniel Clowes' David Boring has an apocalyptic edge to it, as does Like A Velvet Glove Cast In Iron...

I third Black Hole by Charles Burns!

and box wasn't Night Fisher amazing???
posted by Mrs.Pants 13 August | 12:51
Planetary (Warren Ellis / John Cassaday) Though they weren't released as graphic novels, they are re-released as collections. Currently there's three and a crossover compilation. NOTE: If you're going to read the comics, DO NOT read the spoiler section as it'll blow major parts of the comic and really sucks a lot of the impact out of a few scenes. A link to the first story in pdf form is here.
Also Global Frequency (Ellis again).
posted by Zack_Replica 13 August | 17:50
Seconding TrishaLynn's recommendation. Uzumaki is super awesome.
posted by agropyron 13 August | 18:05
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