Duran2's The Chauffeur on youtube [nsfw]. This ought to help you on your way towards
Miko's goal.
It's a really beautiful song, visuals aside. For some reason,
this thread on MeFi had me composing a mashup of Boyz N Tha Hood and The Chauffeur in the shower this morning (where I do all my composing), which led me to look for a video (I didn't even know there was one; hooray for YouTube). If I had the equipment and know-how, I'd sing the lyrics to Boyz to the tune of the Chauffeur for you all; it had me laughing, at least.
Oh, and I have the uncensored Girls on Film video if you want your nudity gratuitous rather than artsy. If anyone wants it, I'll try to YSI it. It's 63 MB, so it might take awhile.