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Archives for: October 2006

31 October 2006

they are talking to a ghost hunter on the local news. Read more...
The Departed was poo. Agree with me or are you misguided?
We just gave away 22 bags of candy in 3 hours. Plus 50 snack packs of peanuts. How about you?
Pips made oatmeal scotchies. They just came out of the oven. They're delicious. I wish I could invite you all over for some, but we don't have enough milk.
Radio Mecha - Music Box It'll be vaguely-Halloween-related music for a while, then I don't know what. And I'll be in IRC, in case anybody has a better idea.
A Nail's Life Warning: cute. Adorable, even.
Nuts for your truck. Hang them from your hitch. There are so many things I could say...
Matt Kicks Ass. That is all.
Just back from the movie theatre: I watched The Departed. Worst Scorsese, well, EVAR? And I say this as a Scorsese nut.
Happy Halloween from Barney! The dog, not the purple dinosaur. Read more...
Great pumpkin. (Vulgar language)
Look, we need to talk.
Josh's (our cortex's) Polyorama project is still open to submissions! ...and John (our interrobang) had his polyorama mentioned on the very cool Drawn: the Illustration Blog. Am I supposd to think of "polyamorous" when I read "polyorama" ? ;-)
There were two cigarettes left in the Marlboro pack on my desk, and there was room for two in the Camel Light pack I bought this morning. So I slid the two Marlboros into the Camel pack. I feel so subversive.
MetaChat is broken. The left column is overtaking the middle column, at least in IE. I say this only in case no one has noticed/complained/whatever yet.
To pop or not to pop... that is the question I have a huge blister on the ball of my big toe (too-thin socks rubbed it). I can never remember, are you supposed to pop it or leave it? At the moment it's uncomfortable to walk on and there's no way I'll be able to walk a mile to the station in the morning with a big blister on my toe.

Hope me!
snow cone
I'm giving everybody a million dollars each. Happy Halloween. Now, what's the first thing you're gonna do?
Government's abstinence-only message now targeted at adults, too. Apparently no one under 29 should be having sex, according to the federal government. Which actually means no unmarried women under 29. Because we all know women stop being people at 30 if they're not married, so no one will want to have sex with them anyway, so the government doesn't have to worry about their welfare kids.
What do you think? 1. Google is still bitching because people use "Google" as a verb. Evidently elevator and zipper and other words, not just Kleenex (and Biro in the U.K./Eire) were once trademarked brandnames. I understand Google's point, but if I had a product I think I'd be happy the more times people said its name. Does "genericizing" a trademark really hurt it? [Paging Dabitch?]
2. The vet confirmed that fleas are practically epidemic in OH this year and, yes, I have to flea-bomb the house I live in. Should I worry about toxicity? Argh. I suppose I should even open closet doors and let the bomb-spray hit my clothes. *&%*!
Do you find lack of ambition to be weird or worse?Read more...
Another emcee update...they're done! Ta Da!
It's not a costume. LT becomes a New Englandah.
Radio_Replica Halloween set, part 2. It's late starting, so I may rebroadcast later on this week, too.
Your Halloween stories?
Your Halloween Bunnyboy has been brought to you by LunaticFringe! Happy Halloween, everyone! And thank you, LunaticFringe for designing a most ghastly and ghoulish costume for boy and bunny. *shivers*
This is a Thread for Showing Off Your Pumpkin Carvin' Skillz! So, show 'em if you got 'em!
IRC, people. Or else I will keep posting lies about mudpuppie.
mudpuppie finds us boring. Discuss.

30 October 2006

Betcha Never Thought a John Denver cover could sound like this
Evel Knievel: Office Daredevil (via YouTube) (Possibly NSFW: one use of "fucking" about 30-40 seconds into the video.)

SQUEE I'm so excited: tangerine is going to be my coworker!
Black8 Radio...Until 7PM PST
My New House! I started the interior remodel today (pulling up carpet and refinishing the hard wood floors!!!) and should be moved in by the end of the month. Me is happybunnyiest.
Hooray! I have a new job!!!
I think the city towed my car. Is this going to be a problem in the future?Read more...
Baby Bunnie Project - not babies, nor bunnies, but soft toy animals made out of real animals. Some awfully cute, some a bit manky.
Ask Mecha: I don't have porch lights , and that's not normally a problem. However, tomorrow's Halloween. What can I do to let the kids know it's okay to knock?
Attn Mind-Hive: I own my own legal copy of Win XP Pro. I would like to buy a new laptop that comes with Win XP Home. I don't want to upgrade the order to Pro b/c they want another $100 to do that. Can I just install my Pro right over the Home installation? Will that introduce any other weirdness uninstallation gyrations?
I'll get more done if you get off my damn back! Can I get an "Amen," my bunnies?Read more...
So, how does this work?
A sugar glider nibbled on my ear last night. That is all. Carry on.
Stephen Colbert's guest tonight will be none other than Barry Manilow. Already set the DVR. I have a feeling this will be classic. : )
yay happy fun anxiety attack day. I am dutifully ignoring it, but the physical symptoms are difficult to ignore.Read more...
My Goodness My Guinness See? Toldja all along I was drinking it for my health.
I shot the sherrif So I went to a Halloween party on Saturday night dressed as a sherrif. There was another girl sherrif there, but I shot her;-) I spent some time talking to the only single cute guy there (he was dressed as a satyr), but he turned out to be a dick. When I was leaving and making my way across the dance floor, jacket in hand, to say goodbye to my hostess, he came straight up to me and slam danced into me. I slammed him back with somewhat more force. Given the amount of crap I've taken from men recently, there was an elegant and satisfactory symbolism in my getting to belt a satyr halfway across the dance floor.
Oh, dear Lord. Product tie-ins reach their inevitable conclusion.
Sigh. Computer woes inside.
Kim Jong not just il, he da bomb! Official site of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
Is SaveWalMart for real? They say they want to save Wal-Mart from the radical homosexual agenda. I can't decide whether this is satire or serious. What do you think?
I have four cats. One got outside and brought fleas back in. HELP! Fleas are hell. Especially in a messy house. Do I have to do one massive (impossible) cleaning and sweeping!? Or one room per day?
This weekend sucks Friday - two flat tires in the middle of nowhere (it's ok I had 2 cans of fix a flat) Read more...

29 October 2006

Is there anything more fun than watching episodes of Scrubs when you should be writing essays about the effect of land reform on German economic development?Read more...
ooooooooh, to much gin Sunday, bloody Sunday
Sunday in IRC Join me!
OMG Nellie McKay! This is why I love Wikipedia. Read more...
Fried Coke... Because everything tastes better fried.
Tell us a story, Uncle Jason
MeFi/MeCha Meetup in Cambridge! We're going to go to a formal meal in a medieval college building to do a MeFi meetup Cambridge-style on 17 November! The main thread is on the grey. If you want to come, please e-mail me (address in MetaFilter profile).
My Halloween Costume: A Flickr set What were/are you this year?
Ask MeCha Londoners What's a good number to get a cab in London? A friend recently had a very long walk because she couldn't find a taxi. There are loads on the internets but I was looking for one you have successfully used before.
Remember To Set Your Clocks Back!
AskMeCha: Knitting question
Bunnies! OMG! There's enough for everyone, so please wait in line to select your bunny.
Portland meetup pix. Unedited raw stream.

28 October 2006

Candy Cane Ice Cream is Delicious A new seasonal flavor I got tonight at Nob Hill and its excellent! Red and green candy canes bits in a light (not green and not too strong) creme de menthe ice cream!
Let's all go to the moooovieeees.... I never get to go to the movies. I have two little kids, one with "special needs," and I never ever ever get to go to the movies... until tomorrow! What should I see? I'm in the mood for something funny and / or escapist, but not dumb.
“I don’t like it here". Africa’s World of Forced Labor, in a 6-Year-Old’s Eyes.
Music I am learning to play, now on MeCha Radio So these past few months I have been slowly learning to play guitar. Today as I was practicing I thought "Hey perhaps all these songs I am learning would make a good playlist" so, on Radio edgeways for the next ~hour are songs I have been learning.

Folk to punk and ponts inbetween.

Perhaps next time around I'll play songs that intimidate the crap out of me, can anyone say Django?
You can put eyes that follow the cursor around on any picture with Eye Maker.
Dilbert Meets Godwin. It was inevitable. Surprised it took so long.
Describe Metachat as a Big Chill-Type Movie! Who comes, what happens? Read more...
How can I resist... This morning I got an IM on Lava that read:

when do uwant to have kids and will u move to Calgary

Oh yeah!
Physics Question. If you were on a cruise ship and your cabin had a waterbed, would that even things out or would it just make you twice as seasick?
Wild Orchid No, not the movie. An actual wild Rocky Mountain Orchid.Read more...
Bumpity bump-bump Final reminder: Portland meetup. PANTS VERBOTEN!
Awwwwwww. That's better.
AAAAaaAAaaAAhH! *runs screaming*
Anybody seen the Cthulhu movie? If so, is it any good?
My new career: Makeup Artist to the Dead. Why do I do these kinds of things? I just don't know. Believe me, I'm as puzzled as you are.
Tried Firefox 2, but ...
Argh! No TV! Got back from work last night to find no TV signal. "No worries", I thought, it'll be some transmitter work or something and it'll be back in a few minutes (I don't have cable and Murdoch take his Sky and shove it).

Saturday morning: NO TV! I don't watch much TV, but there's good stuff on at the weekend. Now I'm going to have to do something intellectual like read a book. What's the world coming to, I asks ya?

The only plus point: the woman downstairs seems to spend a lot of nights away and leaves her cat outside when she does so. I popped out last night and found the cat outside wanting attention, so I persuaded it to come upstairs to my flat where it spent an enjoyable few hours asleep either on top of me or on my bed.

27 October 2006

Radio Mecha - Music Box Per initapplette's request, I'm playing some songs on the Radio Mecha. Drop by IRC if you've got an, uh, suggestion.
post by: box at: 21:48 | 2 comments
A Cat Tale (violent content)
Hello? Is this thing on?
OMG Itty Bitty Suits! Has anyone seen anyone wearing one?
Hey Blockheads! The Great Pumpkin is on in one hour.
Hey, what's it like in the past?
I saw this ... and thought of jonmc.
Paging All Creative Types In the midst of a new company and need some feedback design help with a full colour A3 2-side flyer about to go out to 4000 homes. Read more...
No one reads MeFi any more. So click my FPP linky, bunnies, and shiver as you share my appalled delight!
In 30 minutes, mrs chewy and I will be in the fireplace room at the Irish pub. It's raining, and they have Guinness. I wish you guys were here.
AskMecha: I just got a call from some dude Read more...
I just got interviewed by the New York Times! I can't say much more, but it had something to do with Flickr. He said I was the most articulate of all the people he had talked to. And there may even be a photo of me taken by a professional photographer!
Things You Like About Your Job Today I got an information sheet that made me happy to work here. Read more...
Eine Kleine N@musik is now on, following dodgy. Today's theme is all songs with long titles (7 or more words, including parentheticals). Read more...
Six-word short stories! Awesome. Anyone here got a six-word short story in them?
Cheat Ball Physics Slate breaks down what the use of pine tar, vaseline, suntan oil and other substances enable pitchers to do to a baseball. Pretty interesting stuff, especially the part about pitchers not really considering pine tar much a cheat at all.
I'll have a whiskey, thanks.
I want to be a star! A bunch of us at work have gotten the idea for a group Halloween costuming effort: to come as a bunch of famous Hollywood actresses. We've all been picking characters - we've got a Marilyn Monroe, an Audrey Hepburn, a Liz Taylor, a Grace Kelly. But I'm at a loss to decide who I should be. I want my costume to be fairly easy to put together and easily recognizable. Well, MetaChatters, if you're visited by inspiration, please share same with me.
Peeve: people who use "finite" when they mean "non-zero." Zero is a finite number.
Radio Dodgy On now, just for the hell of it.
Presentation remotes: good, bad & ugly. Recommendations, por favor.
The Stakeout as Male Bonding Experience This story happened to a guy I met off some dating system or other.

Photo Friday - Things You LOVE
Ask MeCha I just had my last annual PhD advisory committee meeting, which includes my supervisor and three other faculty members. (My thesis itself will be examined by total strangers, for alleged objectivity purposes.) This was really an unpaid volunteer activity for all of them. What would be a good way to thank them?Read more...
. Any Dirty Projectors fans here? I just discovered him and am loving the music so far, especially thru headphones. Sounds like Moondog meets Bobby Birdman to my ears.

26 October 2006

Good vs Bad Friday tomorrow, Yay.
gotta be at work by 7am, until 5pmish with a masters class inbetween, boo

haven't touched the hooch in a few weeks, that well may change come 5:30pm (18 1/2 hours)
"Who is Barbra Streisand?" My dad reaches a new stage.Read more...
The best cemetery inscription I've ever found. Seen while I was taking two out-of-town friends through Atlanta's amazing Oakland Cemetery. I visit this place once or twice a year, and always see something that I've never seen before.
Two questions for MeCha dog owners
Best. Spam. Ever. A very nice gentleman named Emerson Rivas helpfully sent me an inside tip on a hot stock offering.Read more...
Ah, City Life! A motherfucking mouse just crawled onto my desk. I think he might've been going for my beer. He can get his own, dammit.Read more...
Anyone know if pneumonia is contagious? Argh...mrs. richat has pneumonia, and me ol' Ma is due tomorrow for a visit!Read more...
OMG! Clean Stove! - and washed dishes!
Radio_Replica: 80's stuff! mostly. Just about all of it ya could dance to, some even gazing at yer shoes. heh. There's a bit of punky stuff, but not much. Starting in ~10 minutes.
The Bridge - review
AAAAAARRGH! aaaaaaargh! aaaararg! Clean your data people! Make it consistent. So I don't fucking have to! Data cleanup sucks ass!
I'm kinda drunk. What are you?
What's your post to comment ratio?
I Love Being Wrong.
AskMechaUK: airline/travel advice for London → Dublin in January? Read more...
"...where your genitals tell it like it is" I cannot believe Planned Parenthood thought this video was a good idea. Possibly NSFW. Read more...
I'm roasting some poblanos right now. And damn do they smell good.Read more...
Goddam holiday travel. Shit!
Is there a web service that can do this? Read more...
Chris Rose a columnist for the New Orleans Times-Picayune, describes his experiences with depression following Hurricane Katrina. Really well written column, from a writer who was skeptical about the medical validity of depression.
Barney Frank tells it like it is. "There are fifteen year olds in this country today in high school whose lives are being made miserable because they're gay and lesbian. And people who are themselves gay adults and are enjoying positions of power in Washington who advance that kind of abusive society, no, it has nothing to do with their economics, I find that contemptible."
R. Lee Ermey tells it like it is. "The old Gunny won't be coming out of the closet anytime soon. I love tanks and things that make loud explosions".
Things I am not in favor of:
Things I am in favor of:
Who's got the button? Okay, so, probably, I'm late to this particular party, but did you know that you can buy a limited-edition set of buttons designed by Metachat's own Mrs. Pants?
post by: box at: 11:46 | 8 comments
I feel lucky. This week my landlady's been training me in the workings of her vast real-estate/antiques/reception-space/photo-and-film-shoot-space empire.Read more...
Last night I could NOT sleep. Now I'm dragging hiney. Also, my second blood blister is about to come off. This is good.
A new show opening soon on Broadway based on the play Spring Awakening. Music by Duncan Sheik. It got rave reviews off Broadway, and is working the internet marketing angle pretty well. Here's a "music video" of one of the numbers. I think it just might be a smash.
I feel bad when I've obviously been routed to a customer service center in India, and the obviously Indian person talking to me must claim to have a Western name. It seems so dehumanizing. Read more...
Paws as legs. It's almost Halloween!

Some photos are repeated. From Cute Overload!
Wedgie! A principal suspended?
Oh god yes coffee... Unf. Mmmmmpppf... *slurp*
Food Poisoning: What a fabulous way to lose 5 pounds in 12 hours. It was a rough night, folks.Read more...
Girls kicked out for going to school dressed as Captain Underpants. Here's the photo gallery (which may or may not resize your browser, so don't freak out). I think they look adorable. This round goes to you, Professor Poopypants.
I have two (2) job interviews next week!
Ms. Dewey is the hottest search engine ever.
Pool's closed. MeFi down. Tubes clogged. Sigh.
The Webcam. I wouldn't normally cross post like this but I thought this was too good not to share.
You know what really grinds my gears?
Because Only Squares Eat Round(ish) Eggs This makes me laugh. What goofy product makes you laugh?

25 October 2006

OMFG! I'm almost done with me Emcee and I tried out my Wacom tablet (like this but smaller/cheaper) seriously for the first time. Now, I've had some lousy relationships, so I haven't had much good sex... but this scares me... 'cuz my Wacom is better than some of the sex I've had.
is the rightside part of metachat missing for everyone else too? (the part that mentioned bunnies metafilter posts etc.)
Dress Like Mac Guy for Halloween, or be a naughty, sexy librarian. I'm pretty sure jessamyn dresses like this.
This is so fucking hot. [note: graphic photos of a scarification process. I am not to blame if they upset you.]Read more...
The difference between MeFi and MeCha As I just explained it to someone.

[00:48] grouse: metafilter is intellectual, snarky, and caustic
[00:49] grouse: metachat is intellectual, friendly and OMG BUNNY
How to hack LEDs into Lego minifigures for Halloween. "In what seems like a miraculous coincidence, a standard LED fits exactly into the head of a Lego minifigure".
FollowupFilter: I can't believe I just did this.
Riddle There was a girl whose only possessions were a leopard, a goat, and a yam. (Stay with me on this.) One day she had to cross a river in a boat that could hold only one of those three possessions at a time.Read more...
Ask MeCha: What is the origin of "I'm in ur [something], [something]ing ur [something]? I'm seeing that all over some of my LJ communities!
Photo Phriday theme for this week: "Things you love." Hobbies, pets, art... your woobie... anything you love. I'm winging it 'cuz I'm brainless. As soon as Elections are over I'll revamp the Wiki and post themes ahead of time, etc. I promise.
Pig-faced Stockport loons V/Vm have released 500-odd free-to-download tracks this year. Essential MP3s: the meat-drenched 1996 split 7" featuring Lady In Red (Is Dancing With Meat) by Chris De Burger and Loin El Richie's All Night Long (Butcher All Night).
Oops. -- 'Matrix' re-creation spawns a real-life rooftop drama.
Embarassing ignorance thread. Until this summer, I didn't realize that steel is made from iron ore, and that in fact, steel really is a kind of iron. I can't believe I lived 29 years without knowing this.

What have you learned recently that you probably should have known already?
Harry Nilsson - "I Yam What I Yam" (demo) More Popeye demo tracks below the fold...Read more...
What would the bunnies do? If you had the power to eliminate only one of the following from humanity, which one and why: either prejudice or ignorance?
Camera phones: today's 110 film? I just realized that I can get a new phone from my cell phone company, which is nice because the sound quality on my current one is right around the "tin can on a string" level. Some of the free ones they're offering me have built-in cameras. Are they as crappy as I think they are?
Ask MeCha. Damn popunders.
OMG Bunny made of tofu! Cool.

So, I saw this article about e-mail management and thought I'd give it a go at work. So far the sky has not fallen on my head and it seems a bit clearer what the hell I'm supposed to be doing. In doing this exercise I discovered the oldest mail in my Inbox was from March 2004 asking if anyone had seen a lost scarf.

What's the oldest e-mail in your Inbox?
Things I Don't Like Today:
Etiquette Question: At a Department Meeting, is it bad form to bring a newspaper and read the classifieds?
Ask mecha: histories of creative hubs? I'm looking for some histories on places like Paris that were/are breeding grounds for creative thinkers and artists.
Bunny Concentration! I am useless at this type of game, but am compelled to keep trying, keep trying ...
Public Speaking Update: I lectured for 45 minutes last night with no notes. F and S bombs started creeping in near the end and I was very thirsty but shit, it worked!Read more...
Hitler as Salsa king Strange mashup radio ads for some Belgian mag. George Bush is in one too, as a rastafarian. That kinda works.
Whoa. These people are seriously enabled.
The mashup may be dead, but it's still twitching. It's too damn long, but good for a snicker. I give you Michael Jackson vs. Gary Glitter.

24 October 2006

Most Frustrating game ever. My best is just over 17 seconds. The worst part is, when you land between 10-15 seconds, it talks smack to you in French that seems to make some comparison between you and Paris Hilton. Good luck.
I got a very cool gift today from my friend in Canada. It reminded me of the "meh" clock and that reminded me of cool metachat t-shirts. So now I'm gonna get one of those too. Yay!
Anyone can have an opinion Anyone can join in and jump
Anyone can pay or just stay away
Anyone can crash and thump

words to live by
Music Box - Something Something Something After the talented black8 finishes playing, please join me for some songs I haven't picked yet. I'll probably be taking suggestions in IRC, if you're into that kind of thing.
post by: box at: 19:56 | 1 comment
Dear Bunnies Hi how are you I am fine Read more...
What Would YOU Name Your Radio Program If'n You Had One? Read more...
Black 8 Random Radio ... Until 6PM PST
Portrait of the artist as an Alzheimer's patient.

When he learned in 1995 that he had Alzheimer’s disease, William Utermohlen, an American artist in London, responded in characteristic fashion.Read more...
LT is Gainfully Employed and Helping People Die
Is It Just Me? -- or, is MetaFilter painfully slow today for others? Click on a link ... wait, wait, wait, wait...
Ok Ok I'll post another emcee update.
More DumbCo Hijinx. I was just walking down the corridor to the men's room and over lunch, posters emblazoned with the words "Values" "Beliefs" and "Vision" followed by bullshit lists have been put on the walls. This is the equivalent of redecorating the Titanic as it capsizes. Somebody shoot me up with some tranqs and wake me when it's all over please.
Thanks, Microsoft!
Daily Mail: ex-magistrate spent GBP 250,000 on nude cleaners I know the Daily Mail sucks. But this story is all kinds of awesome. Especially the unattributed quote at the end.
Today sucks.
Worst band logos
animated gifs are people too
Worst band names, real and imagined.
Sandy West, Runaways Drummer, Has Died 47 years old and lung cancer, not surprising for anyone who watched Edgeplay. Sandy, Lita and Joan were the real deal in the Runaways.
We're gonna party like it's my birthday Because, you know, it is.
Candy corn. It's so wrong, yet I love it so much.
Bunny! Oh Noes! Rabbits are denuding hillsides causing landslides
Little Steven's Underground Garage salutes one of the two most important songs in rock history (Flash)
AskMeCha: Responding to eBay idiots So I'm trying to get rid of a lot of possessions and someone asked a question about international shipping.Read more...
Hey guys!
No one knows what to do with me.
We're all big babies: Life vs. lifestyle. I'd appreciate some thoughts on this. While there's a lot I agree with here, these types of rants always seem creepingly conservative to me.
I'm at work. I wish I was at my bar.Read more...
Hot Rod Cartoon Magazine Covers For Halloween:[see first comment]
Online Translation, how far you have come.... I found an old email in my sent items; it's about 5 years old. I had used some site to translate, from Spanish to English, a short bio of Willy Deville.Read more...
this is oddly cathartic
recommend shane some music in the same vein as this (thanks, specklet!) and this (yousendits)? please? thanks!
Barak Obama. Thoughts?
Knitting for Nieces Last night I spent quite a while on the net searching for ideas for the sweater I want to make my ballet-mad little niece "Peaches Swan" for Christmas. I thought it would be nice to make something with a ballet motif on it. But not anything too cutesy, as she is very nearly ten. So I rejected a bunch of sweaters with ballerinas on them (some had actual tulle attached for skirts), and think I will settle for this one. I'll do it in a slate blue with the slippers in cream and white, and change those rolled edgings to neckbands, cuffs and hem in a neater and more interesting textured stitch. You can see a few of the things I've made for Peaches in past years here. The pink tutu earned me a two-minute hug.
I've overdosed on This American Life I've started to begin my conversations with saying "In act one we are going to discuss ..."

omg bengal kittens!!!1!!!! I want two bengal kittens right now.
"Inquiry Regarding Potential Sale of Adland Website" So, some lawyer claims that someone wants to buy my site - feels a lot like a "you are the lucky winner" mail. ;) And what is it with the Cap Every Word In A Subject Thing? They Are Not All Equally Important Cut It The Hell Out.
Favorite torrent search?
Did Someone Break Foto Phriday?
You're the Best in Town, Kitty! Powerpop motivational anthem meets Fluffy McCwootums in bizarre OK Go knock-off. Booze up, and prepare to be mesmerized!
Both bitmetv and metafilter are down Fricking suck.
Fact: In the history of this planet, there has only been one real Superman. And it's not Chuck Norris.

23 October 2006

So, you're watching a play. There has just been a surprise entrance onstage. Who is it and what do they do? Read more...
The only thing that sucks about being me is... Read more...
Worst. Loss. Ever. I got absolutely clobbered in the MeCha fantasy football league this week!Read more...
Mitch Ryder was the leader of the Detroit Wheels, one of the Motor City's finest blue-eyed soul outfits. After they split he hooked up with future Alice Cooper/Lou Reed sideman Steve Hunter and reunited Wheels' drummer Johnny Badanjek. Read more...
Handbags of Horror. via defamer
More art blogs. Artists working for various art design houses, and the art challenges they do, artily. Big art one. Not so big art one.
Also (from boingboing), Jack Black (an artist) says, "Don't be a douche. Stop piracy." No rocket sauce for YOU! (yootoob linky)
Nixie clocks I hate posting twicet in the same day, but these are awesome.
Here I am, 180 degrees from where I once was.
Four Brothers. In memoriam...
My boss needs a new PDA and I'd appreciate any suggestions. Read more...
I'm not really down with Halloween, but I have to go to a party, and I have to dress up. There is a theme: Good vs Evil. I have no imagination. Help me, bunnies!
(ask MeCha) - i need help identifying an orchestral piece! it's a very, very familiar melody that i'd like to use for a web video project, but for the life of me i can't think of the name or the composer... and i can't really hum it for you, being behind a desk and everything...Read more...
I need a new MP3 player and I'd appreciate any suggestionsRead more...
Why so many people don't like David Caruso?
How can I get people out to my Sunday DJ night? Read more...
Things you like about people.
Better, than nothing, I suppose.
Define the goal.
Outside the snow falls like ashes while rabbits shoot lasers out their eyes.Read more...
Performance Tonight! Last minute announcement, I know. Details inside!
One time, there was this girl I worked with and she said, "I can just see you in ten years. You'll be in some bar, face down in your nachos, telling the bartender what a genius you are." She was wrong. I don't have any nachos.
Bunny has the munchies ... but no arms, so its hard to find food.
OMG Beenapig! Just in time for Halloween! From Cute Overload.

22 October 2006

Don't ever change.
I'm going home! The documentary is finished, and I've never been this tired in my life. But it'll air Tuesday night on CNN, and features an appearance by a MetaChat bunny.Read more...
You Big Bully! *bats eyelashes*
HEY CORTEX Where's our fundraising song?
I do loves me some Coyle and Sharpe {youtube, and an MP3 Jennifer Sharpe donated to my 2003 Blogathon}
Blog Radio. It's been a long time. A short one to get back in shape.
Anyone on WinXP familiar with Address Book can give me a hand... ? Read more...
I am now insane. Anyone want a quesadilla? (NSFW)
OMG Baby Goat in a tire! (self-link, of sorts)
Lego Flame Thrower. It's good they decided to test this indoors.
Best music video you saw recently? I dig stop motion day and OK Go dancing on treadmills - there must be plenty more gems out there!
GSM chip in baby the link is rubbish Chatfilter: what do y'all think of the concept? Read more...
Really Disgusting Things to make for Halloween and Halloween parties. Read more...
Pumpkin Brownie Muffins. As noted in IRC last night. Here's someone who made the recipe and posted pics.
What are some words with an "a" in between each of its consonants. For instance, I know a guy named Saba Jalala, and I wish he were from Jalalabad. I need more words like this!
Thomas J. Allen "photographs books, but does so in a way that's never been done before—by selectively cutting out the figures on their covers and interior pages with surgical precision and setting them up in compositions, bringing them into the third dimension. It's as if the characters have suddenly woken up, that what's happening to them is so intense and vivid it can't be contained" -- Chip Kidd
What would you say? I'm not clean and refreshed until I pass out.
Not the Right Way to Wake Up
Ask MeCha: What phrases have you lifted from your friends? I've two that now live in my own unconscious arsenal of catch phrases, one from a dead reporter and one from an ex-policeman.Read more...
1st MeCha dream! We were all meeting up in NYC & apparently the only thing on the agenda was to take pictures of ourselves dressed up in these.
The departed Fuck! That is a fucking good movie!

That is all.
“Hollywood is a town where they honour their heroes by writing their names on the pavement to be walked on by fat people and peed on by dogs. It seemed like a great place to come and be ambitious.” --- Banksy gets profiled by The British Times.
I saw "Flags of Our Fathers" tonight. The movie was good enough, but what really impressed me was what happened when the movie was over.Read more...
good lord, i think i'm wasted and it's my caps lock birthday. this birthday stuff is a piece of piss, whatever that means.

21 October 2006

These hats are made from real beer boxes and are officially licensed. They are made in the USA and made with quality.
Woo-hoo! Boston sets Halloween ‘Jack-o’-lantern’ record -- Beantown lights 29,000 pumpkins, but nearby town vows to out do ’em.
IRC! Join the Saturday night party.
Radio Mecha - Music Box: Piggy Bank Songs about money, more or less, right now anyway. Please listen, if you're so inclined.
Radio UWS - techno hour I'm playing a mix first. And then maybe some other stuff later.
I'm Really Cold But I will stick around IRC for the next hour or so...come chat!!!
Quick! Radio help! I lost my mecha radio connection info when my computer died. Id like to play tonight (if its not booked.) Could someone send me the info (address, port, p/w) to Thanks in advance.
Dating dilemma? Is it wrong to go on a date with a guy when you're more interested in someone else?Read more...
Department of Bad Names: I passed a shop yesterday called Nada Coffee & Tea. What do they sell instead? (Cars, I suppose.)
Ok, I'm going to try this tomorrow , I'm desperate now ... Read more...
I learned a new word today!
So...I have a date tonight. Leaving shortly for it. (we are meeting up in the city) This is the first actual date I've had in a while. eeek!
He doesn't like his parents. AND...? On the blue: "I've been estranged from my family for 3+ years. How can I explain this to a girl that I'm dating without seeming like a nutcase or weirdo?" There are lots of good/sensitive answers, but I'm confused by the question. I guess the poster lives in a very different environment from me (different age? location? culture?), but such a revelation wouldn't mean anything to me or anyone I know. I have friends who continually visit their relatives, friends who do so occasionally and friends who never do. I can't imagine thinking someone is weird because they don't like their parents. It seems fairly common to me. Am I the weirdo? (I'm not implying that the poster is stupid or off-base. I'm just really curious as to how many people would feel awkward around someone who doesn't talk to his family, since it's a factor that would never occur to me to care about.)
I am stumped by this SQL problem, and I used up my AskMefi Read more...
Narco Netherworld by photojournalist Kosuke Okahara. Other Okahara images here and here
IRC 'cause I love yous

20 October 2006

i like the new doctor who Was not crazy about the last one, but I like this one.
I can't stop listening to this very old song. It's called The Ghost and it's sung by George Formby, who was huge in the states (and I think, in his native England) in the 30s and 40s. This song is so evocative of that era. It's Halloweenie, a bit creepy, charming, and weird. I love it. Lyrics.
BSG: another amazing episode, spoilers inside
We choose not to work for homosexuals.

There. That's my contribution for the "hometown" theme today. This is right in my backyard!!!
Harold Ford's uneventfull relationship with a collage student turned into campaign issues. Ex declares: "he's a politician ... no more douchebaggy or less douchebaggy than any of the others."

God this campaign season is bringing out the weird.
The tampon story. Because it seems to be a theme for the week. (Actual story starts below the numbered list.)
IM IN UR MECHA P04STN M04R C4TPIX (some NSFW) Found a thread on a forum with some different ones. Although many were seen previously here.
what what?
"Greetings to your president. What a powerful man he turns out to be! He raped 10 women,'' Putin was reported as saying yesterday by Russian newspaper Kommersant. "I would never have expected this from him. He surprised us all. We all envy him.''

Dmitry Peskov, a spokesman for Putin, confirmed today the newspaper's account was accurate. Peskov said the joke suffers in translation from the original Russian.

Oh yeah, Israel's president has been charged with rape. (Note that in Israel most of the power rests with the Prime Minister, as in Canada)

I would just like to say that rebuilding a computer is deeply satisfying. ...most especially so, when it's my old, wheezing Mac G4 Cube that I thought I'd have to drown in a barrel.
Okay, I'm going to be stepping out for a while. Y'all be good while I'm gone.
The Pina Colada song: Worst song ever recorded or menace?Read more...
Anything cats can do ... ... big dogs can do better.
Hymenectomy? You know, I'd never even heard of this procedure until I was browsing around Hells, what else don't I know?
Mecha Money Radio On Monday I did a money-themed radio set. I'm playing it again now!
Tyra Banks loses her mind. Y'all gotta check this out.
Remember the beer?
What's your "top secret!"?
Top Chef Any impressions of the first episode?
The meanderings of Mr. Bobby Farouk. Sometimes it's a good idea to go swimming. For instance now. It's quite lovely, I assure you. I think someone put wine in the water. There's fine jewels at the bottom of the lake. Hurry up, before the water becomes too red.
For the Project Runway fans: A great, long interview with Tim Gunn.
How to Make Friends and Influence People. Or Not. This is the story of… an acquaintance… I had as a teenager, and some subsequent fallout.
Hi. My name's Mike. It's Friday afternoon, the sun is out, I'm leaving work in three hours, birds are chirping, and all is right with the world. I think it's just about time for a spontaneous musical number, don't you?
I don't drink coffee. However, I do have dinner parties. I suspect that guests are disappointed that I don't even have coffee in the house (though they never say anything as they know in advance). I was considering buying some of this Ass Coffee to surprise them. If I do, should I tell them what it is before making it? Or do I just serve them the world's greatest coffee and not tell them what it is, ever?
Five Inches of DANGER!! Who would win in a fight? The Batmobile or the General Lee?
free beer
Your Weekend in *8* words or less.
DumbCo just held it's semi-annual fire drill. This may be the most exciting thing that'll happen today.
This Post is for JonMC, and lovers of great baseball everywhere... Read more...
Bumpity Bump Bump - Don't miss Photo Friday. Please post your photos in the original thread. I'm just drawing your attention to the PeePee post so you don't miss it!
You can shove your Trident missiles up your aaaaaaaarse!!!!! No politics inside, don't worry. I have just been merrily whistling this all morning. It's to the tune of "she'll be coming round the mountain."Read more...
"Hey Eideteker! About your photos..."
What's your favorite weird podcast?

19 October 2006

St. Louis salutes jonmc, a valiant foe.
post by: saf at: 22:47 | 1 comment
Photo Friday: (Hey, it's Friday somewhere.) This week's theme is My Hometown.
Casey's last ride.
The Bluesky Studios Challenge: It's time for art! "Every monday a new challenge is posted. The participants do their "take" on the subject matter and post it."Read more...
A breakthough!!!!!
George is gay! I like him even more now.
Eskimo's only have one word for Love. Philosophical ramblings. Read more...
I called my insurance company, expecting a fight. But they were perfectly pleasant and helpful. What do I do with all this psyched-up righteous anger?
Have you ever taken diclofenacum natricum?
One of my favorite singers as a teenager (an teenager with admittedly odd taste) has just released a children's album. I'm not sure whether to be bemused or elated. Well, perhaps it'll help create future cowpunkers and rockabilly chicks, which the world needs.
MeCha Survey: Are you a picker and a squeezer, or do you leave it well alone to heal itself?Read more...
Aren't we going to discuss the Project Runway finale? (Don't click if you don't want to know who won.)
MeCha Tech Help: The Page Up and Page Down and End and Home buttons don't work for me on this site. Or they'll work for a bit in the morning, and then stop after a while. I'm on IE. Thoughts on how I can fix this? It's really annoying.
OMG ANGRY BUNNY! Of course you'd be angry too if this was chewing on your ass all the time.
I don't think I like eggplant. I've always wanted to like it because I love the color and shape of a nice eggplant. I finally got to try it, and I didn't like it. I keep trying it hoping I'll like it and I don't.
Is there anything you really want to like but don't? Do you like eggplant?
Three galleries of photos from before, during and after the war in Iraq (req flash 7). Photographer Sean Smith, winner of the 2006 Photograph of the Year at the British Press Photographers' Association competition has a new piece up.
I hesitate to even post this. Because it's ridiculous, asinine, appalling, and it doesn't surprise me one bit.
Best 50 Cent song evar. Nevermind the lame video, and too bad it's censored.
Help! Where did I get these things? This comic panel is so cool. Look closely. Where's it from?! And this is a cool t-shirt. And this makes me laugh--I guess it doesn't matter where it came from, just curious.
Taking the edge off a beautiful day with a frappucino and a creme brulee
you know it's all over
when you see a Range Rover
and to my bodega, I say 'hasta luega'
it's not what you do, it's what you say
and it's not who you know, it's who you pay
down on Avenue A....
Brazil… / Where hearts were entertaining June / We stood beneath an amber moon / And softly murmured someday soon… / We kissed… / And clung together / Then… / Tomorrow was another day / The morning found me miles away / With still a million things to say / Now… / When twilight dims the skies above / Recalling thrills of our love / There's one thing I'm certain of / Return… / I will… / to old… / Brazil.
Christopher Walken's Life Lessons. "It helps if you drink".
Sacred Ignorance Via Crooks and Liars
Sticky Wickets: what do you think about this? We have so many posts every day, it's really easy to miss things, and I thought maybe we could bump some to the top for a while for especially interesting participation posts (play-along games, particularly interesting questions, meet-ups, collaborations, etc.) using the sticky function seanyboy has concocted for us. Update: No way, Jose. Ain't gonna happen. Forget about it. Calm down. Relax.Read more...
I Had a Good Day Today was a good day at work, lots of successes on a couple of accounts. And a friend from my old company is interviewing on Friday! And I rode my bike at lunch today.

Oh yeah, I'm also almost all not sick anymore and that's also making a huge difference.

How was yours?

18 October 2006

Music Box - As I Go Along I'm on the Radio Mecha, for a little while anyway. Hip-hop, maybe, or jazz. Please listen, if you're so inclined.
I Miss IRC. So Hello and Pretend For Me Here, Okay?
Are any advertising people members of metafilter? Is the thewonderchicken OK? Read more...
Still Alive! That last inning had me worried. I'm gonna have a heart attack before this post-season is over.
I don't usually make poitical posts ... but I thought Olbermann's speech was pretty impressive. {wmv or qt}
Dog Bite. On My Leg. It's not Right. S'posed to Beg. That's all.
Frugality Anyone else get all frugal with their bad selves? What's the craziest thing you do in frugality's fair name?
Anyone ever found something weird in your house?
Okay, I'm going bed. But while I'm sleeping... why not post your desktop here, so I can have something nice to look at when I wake up in the morning, hm?
I'd just like to say that Firefox 2 RC3 on the Mac is soopa fast and so much more betterer than the heap that is 1.5.x. Over one hour in and not a single beach ball - something that would take less than 5 minutes before.
It ain't going to get done, dammit. And that's what I'm going to say. "Look, I'm sorry, but it's just not happening today. I know it's a bit of an inconvenience for you, but I'm going to have get it to you tomorrow. Anything I send you today will be crap."

That's okay, right?
Winter legs. So yeah I just went outside in a pair of shorts with the dogs. Said hello to the neighbors. While I was waiting for one pooch to poop, I glanced down at my legs and realized I had about 1/4" long hair all over them. ACK.
They're planting ferns outside my office window in about 3 inches of soil. Read more...
How to Make Indie Comic Books Part 1 (kinda SFW) Just make sure you have your headphones on.
OMG big bunny.
Graphical representations of pretty much everything and anything you can think of.
Ack, writer's block! Please fill this thread with words. Thank you.
OMG Canadian Bunny! A very cute bunny, found on Flickr. Read more...
Please help me with this stupid piece a shit Mac monitor. Read more...
Lethal Bunnies I had my first lesson in karate last night. Some years back I took kickboxing for four months or so and found to my delight that I still remembered a good bit of what I learned. And I was just wondering, who among us has some experience/expertise in the martial arts? Which bunnies could kick the other bunnies' asses? Not that they ever would, of course.
Here's a list of songs. What comes next?
YEEE-HA! We just had a screening with the president of the network to show him the (completed portion of) the documentary we're working on in DC, and he liked it. This is HUGE news.Read more...
Happy birthday, getoffmylawn! May your grass be ever green and your seeds prosper!
Hey dersins! How was your date?
OMG!! A flying squirrel has invaded our office! He keeps sneaking out to go for an apple or something, but nobody can catch him. Teh cuteness perhaps, but also, if you're me, teh heebie-jeebies.
Mispronounce sapling.
Finish Them Lyrics...
How do I stop getting mad? Work is really frustrating.Read more...
Wanna play Name The Sprog? It's the funnest part of the whole baby thing!Read more...
So, I took these pictures of the Egg Cuber and they ended up posted in a couple of places, including Fark. Today I got a message from a reporter in S. Korea asking permission to print them in the dongA libo. What a weird world we live in.
Which one is the prettiest? (This is a followup to my earlier metal post. Pretty jewels are so metal.)
Damnit. If anybody has access to a UK charity database that would be awesome.Read more...
What Dummies Book would you write? What Dummy™ books could, would or should they commision you to write? I'm feeling curious. Feed that curiosity. Please.
I just realized something.
0mg! Painted bunny b00bs on a m0m fr0m Sarah! Read more...
I have my sword.. it's METALLLLL! This is the most incredible perfect song ever, imho. From this album. Good grief, download it. I am not kidding! Just do this!
The 30-Second Bunnies Theatre Library ... in which a troupe of bunnies parodies a collection of movies by re-enacting them in 30 seconds, more or less. Read more...
Ask MeCha: Google Maps API
Dogsitting! I have the Uncle's dog today so I took some pics 1 2 3 around Bærum where Claude Monet painted some fantastic Norwegian landscapes back in 1895.
Party in the house! My baby is one year old today and to celebrate I'm playing 3hrs 37 minutes of covers found on my laptop. Party! Please join us! Read more...
Polyorama-rama-rama-ding-dong: Cortex is open for business! Cortex has expanded the Polyorama site he created to show off interrobang's original card set, and the divine madamjujujive has made a MeFi post about the project, so we're hoping to see more people making their own endless landscape sets. If you are interested in contributing, contact cortex via polysubmission (a) joshmillard (o) com. Read more...
post by: taz at: 03:33 | 4 comments

17 October 2006

Are you self-medicating right now?

more than one of every eight US residents showed at least one sign of "problematic Internet use."

My question is this:
Am I sweating blue ink?
Web rage? More like old fashioned rage, if you ask me.
Thanks southpark. This evening, I have mainly been playing World of Warcraft. Killed a few boars. Did a couple of stupid quests. Really - I have no idea how people become addicted to this game.
Truth in Advertising Welcome to the Muang Kulaypan hotel!
Photo Friday theme this week: My Hometown - thanks, getoffmylawn and danf.
What's up with The Wire on Bittorrent? This week the BT sites seem to have the rest of the season 4 posted instead of just ep05. WTF is going on? Did it get leaked or something? (I haven't dl any of them as it takes forever; just curious.)
Let's talk about toe hair Why? Is it icky? Shave? Or even wax?
You have just been given a chance to go back in time and change one thing. What color are your socks?
LET'S GO METS!!! Tonight's the night, folks. Glavine and Weaver again. Should be a nailbiter.
Bring out your crayons! Especially the grey one. For here is the executive coloring book. hi all. I'm good, but busy and terribly offline all the time. you? missin yas! mwah mwah!
Erik Satie pieces for guitar. These simple pieces are just gorgeous, and perfect for the rainy afternoon here in Baltimore (although they'd also lend a kind of desperate poignancy to a sunny spring day). The whole UbuWeb site is great: Debord, Maya Deren and William Burroughs films, audio performances by Dan Graham, etc. From this fabulous FPP.
OMG glider! Blurry photos of Scout asleep in my hand, for the first time evar! Read more...
Alphabet Playlist 1. Alphbetize your playlist.
I have a date tonight! Well, this afternoon, but still.Read more...
I'm so great.
ChatFilter: Who are your favourite "recognised strangers?" These are the people you pass on the way to work and recognise but never greet. Mine are:Read more...
Insectivorous Bat Milk Replacer That is all. OK, talk to you later!
What's the scoop, Betty Boop?
The elder gods seem to be angry today.
birds! These are cool too. What do you put up for halloween?
The Quitters' Club: What triggers an "attack" So I think I just discovered one of my biggest triggers when it comes to me and smoking...Read more...
Happy late birthday, dno! Because I am a spectacularly bad sister who forgot to post this yesterday.
Stay in Canada and eat more ice and snow. This was just said to me on MeFi. Isn't it the most utterly crushing Amerk to Canuck put down EVER? Fight on, wolverine. What are some of the best and worst put downs you've ever seen on MeFi?
Fat Possum Records Rules! They record all these old unknown bluesman in the South in addition to other guys. I've been sampling their free mp3s all morning.
This kid is awesome and makes me feel incredibly grateful and humbled too.
Flash video
Ate another freezedried soup today. Maybe I need to start packing my lunches if I don't feel capable of venturing out in public.Read more...
Alien egg sac removal. Anyone have any experience with it?Read more...
Another scintillating, titillating, fascinating, supersexy emcee update!
It's not surprising that I'm laughing my ass off. Read more...
post by: taz at: 04:38 | 7 comments
Ah, crap
Thank you, bunnies!!!!! We've met (and exceeded) our goal for hosting and radio costs for the next year... in only five hours!!! You are spectacular!! Read more...

16 October 2006

Two animal questions:
Ah, memories. This thread, brough to life by the metafilterhistory tag MeTa thread, really brings back memories of my childhood.Read more...
post by: dg at: 22:44 | 3 comments
Music Box - More songs about money Rap, soul, Afrobeat, hip-hop, etc. Money money money. Radio Mecha.
What goes with chocolate that "shouldn't"? So, I just made chocolates with pumpkin inside 'em. They taste great! What other unconventonal things could I stuff inside these suckers to catch folks by glorious surprise?
Ever cook a spaghetti squash? I got a spaghetti squash from someone I work with. I've eaten it, but never cooked it. What do I do?
Shout me out!! Pretty please?

I'll even settle for a flameout. Who wants to go first?
My office is dead. Half the people took the day off, and the other half left i'm here all alone. And bored stiff.
Oh, and someone please show me how to do the more inside thingy...
ProgrammingGeekfilter: Sometimes it's worth going back to the days when I was a smartarse. Check out how different things are now. See how the world has changed. This may have been a fun article in its day, but it's hella scary reading it now and thinking "I used to believe this."
Continuing with the $$ theme (since Metachat got a bunch and I got cheated out of some), more money-themed songs. Starting on the half-hour.
I like big butts... Yeah, well i do, considering i have one myself. But that's not the point.
I'm looking for the latin translation to "I like big butts" by the Sugar hill gang. Some guy did it as a latin assignment or so. I think i read it on metafilter a while back but my search brings up nothing. Does anyone know what i'm going on about?
I am being insufferably lazy today. Rile me up.
Radio Doshy A special money themed radio session starts on the hour (8pm GMT / 3pm EDT)
Mecha advice? I just got a check for some work I've done, but the amount isn't what I thought we agreed to. Read more...
eatitlive fundraiser. Please help me raise $4 million so I can go live in the Hit Factory. Read more...
Another kind of pink bunny Spotted amongst my Flickr contacts.
In honor of my happy marraige, Today I am eating a sandwich of kosher salami and gorgonzola cheese.
Hey mike9322! I know you are worried about being tonsorially exposed from thisRead more...
Reuters has opened their Second Life newsdesk.
I went to Canada and visited Elizard, and took some pretty pictures (including one of Elizard chopping wood). I hope you enjoy them.
Hey, is it just me or is the sidebar missing? I see the bunny and About...Feeds on the left, but I don't see the orange dot or the linkies or anything on the right. Wah.
I'm doing a hell of a lot better than before. Read more...
This just in: rainbaby is hilarious and brilliant.
I screwed up at work Terrified.
Share your plantain recipes?
Get your word or phrase into a customized cortex song!
UPDATE: Our fundraising goal has been met! But go ahead and read this if you haven't... Read more...
Dress the Boy: Feed the Bunny. UPDATE: Our fundraising goal has been met! But go ahead and read this if you haven't... Read more...
Metachat Fund Drive: As you can probably tell, we're running a fund driver over the next few days to cover the hosting over the next year.

UPDATE: Our fundraising goal has been met! But go ahead and read this if you haven't... Read more...

15 October 2006

Wow ... just wow.
This is my quarterly post begging for tunes
I'm All Alone in IRC. ::cries::
I been gypped! A week ago I bought two cans of Goya HOT! (their words) vienna sausages. That night I opened a can and they were not hot, at all. They were positively mild. No spice taste whatsoever. I thought maybe it was a fluke until I opened the second can tonight. Mild again. I added some tabasco, but still that was their job. Shaking that bottle took 30 seconds out of my life. I'm steamed.
so I am watching Die Hard And there is something that has always bugged me about the start of the movie.
What would you call your magnum o-porn-us?
Cashews, beer, and the Supersuckers version of "Hey Ya!" are a great combo. Later I'll move onto scotch and coke and The Big Lebowski.
Don't Mess with Seanyboy... he's feeling a little testy. Read more...
Come to IRC! And chat with us.
Ask Metachat.... I almost never take cold medicines, so I'm at a loss here. I'm extremely congested, and I'm giving a presentation in 2 hours. What's the absolute best thing to take? What time should I take it to have the least congestion between 4 and 5:30 pm?
I'm all alone in IRC!
OMG bunny eraser! And whales and penguins and WTF is that thing next to the dolphin?

Continuing thought from this thread, WRT poverty and women, this gentlemen is doing what *I* would call something active to help. YMMV
Rare albino moose found in Norway. Locals say "Kill it! Kill it!"
I think I might be old. I'm terribly excited that a new teeny grocery just opened in my backyard.
I loooooove this. Mary Worth fanatics act out one month of the slow-moving strip using camera angles based on the actual drawings. (via memepool) I'd love to see the actual month of comics for comparison.
Radio Dodgy Well it's been a while so I'll do a wee session right now
LT is Alive and Well and Wants To Say Hi to All of You! So Hi To All of You! Read more...
Two years ago I asked this ... today, some stranger sent me this.
I GIVE YOU HEAD(S) because BunnyHead and ElephantHead are not enough... Read more...
It doesn't matter if it's raining or it's shine... As long as you ... ignore this post.

14 October 2006

I am watching...
I'M IN UR MCD'S EATN YR MCRIB I wrote this, and I'm prouder of it than most things I've typed lately. Now do I have to rejoin the MeTaWriGro?
HEY BP!! I'm in ur house surfin ur internets!
AskMeCha: Buying a new PC, what do I need to support dual monitors? (and other advice)Read more...
Albums of the year 2006? So, there's only about 2½ months left of this year and most album releases now are cash-in re-issues or best-ofs. What, so far, are your albums of the year and what, if anything, are you still really waiting to hear before the year is out?
the elephant was much better than the bunny. That's all, it was cute, fun and different..
It's raining in Vegas...
I am in love with a gay man ... Read more...
A front page post disappeared??? What happened?
I'm stone fucking deaf. And the Dictators rule!
Guy's fashion accessories: I know that some men regret that men have very few fashion accessories, but a handkerchief in a back jeans pocket is not the answer. Especially when it is a brite yellow to match your shirt.

13 October 2006

If you live in a city where "Shortbus" is playing . . . Read more...
This thread has no sauerkraut. And never will.
Your old albums are back and they're pissed. (animation)
This is the only known photo of ...
"He made it clear that he was a cocaine dealer and that if I wanted to follow him around and take pictures, I could". Photos by Jessica Dimmock, winner of the F Award. Gallery here
In honor of the grilled cheese survey Shirts: do you button top to bottom or bottom to top?
Oh, thanks, GMail... "Gmail doesn't recognize dots (.) as characters within a username." But Google DOES allow you to CREATE usernames with dots. So I'm receiving shaneguy's emails at my shane.guy address. Is he receiving mine? &%$#!
I've no idea how I ended up there, but [NSFW and probably not home, either] must be the weirdest newsgroup I've ever seen (FAQ).
Grilled Cheese Survey
3 questions. 1. are you supposed to eat the skin when eating salmon?
2. Is there such a thing as a keyboard that has the number pad on the left?
3. What is proper etiquette when viewing an exhibit at the art museum that is really crowded? Walk in front of people?
"How long, O Lord?" Charlie Brown wails, flat on his back.
"How long? All your life, Charlie Brown ... all your life." (10/11/70)
AskYou: GoogleTalk question...
Blankie: A cautionary tale for those planning on having children This is the story of a three-year-old boy and a lost, beloved blankie.
I have one word to express my feelings about today: Read more...
Go Fish (Friday Flash fun)
Eponysteria, right in my own AskMe! Woo.
I lost my cherry today!
Momentous [spam] post. You should read.
My iTunes Ate My Favorite Song I know it's lame as hell, but my favorite song is the Stones' Wild Horses and my iTunes ate my favorite version - Dave Matthews singing with the Stones live. I can't make the stupid thing cough it up anywhere. I found it during the Days of Napster and we can't seem to find it online now! Can anyone come up with this file? I would be eternally in your debt.
Your Weekend in 10 words or less.
In Honor Of Tonight's Show:
Has anybody got an MP3 of Squarepusher's Come On My Selector?Read more...
Attention Bunnies I am a fucking rock star. I rule so hardcore that all the rest of you had better run in TERRAR!!!!!11Read more...
Ask GeckoDundee: What the hell is that Aussie bird called that never shuts.. oh the kookaburra, that's right. Anyway,Read more...
P h o t g r a p h i c a l   F r i d a y . . . D o o r s !    I believe today is when we are supposed to reveal our depictions of apertures, egresses & ingresses, entranceways & exitways, hatches, openings & portals; be they to vehicles, homes, offices, or other dimensions.
Name That Tune. What's the name of the first music piece in this video that dobbs linked to here yesterday? It's driving me nuts.
Inspired by this phonetic alphabet based on "The Big Lebowski"... ...I respectfully propose a MetaFilter/Chat Phonetic Alphabet...
Dreaming Methods. Back in the day, I knew this guy called Andy Campbell. This is his website.
So listen up Buster, and listen up good. Stop wishing for bad luck and knocking on wood.

12 October 2006

in this thread, we cannot use text (images only, please)
METS! DICTATORS! WOO-HOO! *head asplodes*
Specklet is in IRC. Come talk to her before she vanishes into the aether!
The Story of Hamlet as sung by Richard Thompson with Danny Thompson on bass. Read more...
I'm drinking beer and selling posters at my wifes art show how about you? Here until the battery runs out, already a kittle buzzed.
Do you know any proven sneeze-avoidance tricks? Please?
In an unprecedented journalistic coup, The Broward New Times has uncovered the last instant messages that Congressman Mark Foley sent to an underaged congressional page just one day before the news broke that led to his abrupt resignation....Read more...
Most of the time I think the president looks like an Read more...
Hi hi hi hi hi hi!
interrobang + perl = awesome That good man John Ralston has been doing some drawing, and I liked 'em so much that I started hacking up a bit of perl to bring the combinatorial artform to life.Read more...
Emcee update
This makes me sooooooooooo mad! Damn Philistines! No wonder most of our new buildings around here are boring and show no creativity or inspiration! We're not the only ones either. Read more...
What would the Earth be like without people? This question seems to be quite popular nowadays. Here's a view from Pripyat, another one from the demilitarized zone between two Koreas, and another one from Manhattan before the humans took over.
Pope to allow Tridentine Mass again! Your choice: put on either your Know-Nothing-the-Pope-is-the-Anti-Christ or your Opus-Dei-to-eliminate-Vatican-II tin foil caps, that "obscurantist popish frippery" the Latin Mass is back!
Scary New World Order S**t
Ask MeCha Two Things. I have two questions. Help?
Oakland Portraits I discovered this photographer (who goes by the name "under one sky" on Flickr) while doing a tag search for the kind of film I am using. He's got some amazing medium-format shots of all sorts of real, gorgeous people. Start with the Oaktown set and then check out the rest of his photostream.
Today's controversial post topic: Bok choy. My produce delivery service keeps giving me bok choy. Other than making kissy faces at the cute widdle cabbages, what on earth do I do with them?
How grand is this!
I think I know now why Wikipedia sucks.
I hate anniversaries
Tomorrow I Do My Annual Custodial Safety Training And I could use some help. I need some pg or pg-13 jokes about custodians and custodial work.Read more...
I like Hebrew people and Hawaiian people and I like thier music. But both their languages have too many damned apostrophes.
Travelling music? paging Lipstick Thespian, recently of a long road trip...Read more...
My Jr. High Bully How I told him off and what happened next. Read more...
Why should I join the straying mass who want to make everything angular? That sexy-ass DSLR with external displays, ergonomic controls and round contours? It was designed -- for the most part -- more than 20 years ago by Luigi Colani, the industrial designer and "form philosopher" who created, among many other things, the Canon T90 (18 MB pdf file of the manual is here). Princeton Architectural Press, God bless them, has paid homage to the man's work.
jonmc, thanks for turning me on to Uncommon Goods. My neck is now decorated. :) That is all.
Ask Mecha: ICT Training Pack for Workshops? I posted a question about this on AskMe last week, but maybe it was too complex. I am looking for websites that sell curricula for training laypeople in basic ICT computer literacy in a workshop format. Any help? I'm just finding stuff for people who want to work in the computer industry.
Ask Mecha: MockCrockPot ? When we left the U.S., we left our beloved crockpot behind, because, of course, it wouldn't work on 220v outlets. As it turns out, we should have kept it and used a converter, since we haven't found crockpots for sale here. Read more...
Paging auntbunny. Because she never acknowledged getting the next slice of the emcee. Hullo? Want a carrot?
Paging sciurus. Or anyone else that knows oodles about the science fiction canon.

11 October 2006

1 can guava nectar, 6 frozen strawberries, juice 1 lime, 2 shots dark rum. Blend until smooth. Yum...
Radio @ about 10 central. Aight? Aight.
stupid damn moronic drug laws
I passed the bar exam! You may all make with the lawyer jokes now.
Thanks for the interest in a stag night but we are impoverished, and a stag night would necessarily include my once again imbibing a medically lethal dose of ethanol from within Old Krupnik.
Me & Pips recently bought a box of spaetzle at the supermarket. What's the traditional and/or best tasting way to serve this stuff?
Decent Christian Blogs/Websites? Does anyone have any recommendations for good Christian blogs or websites?Read more...
Haha, check out this picture of Weird Al. So cool that he's still kicking ass.
I just met Wolf Blitzer in the men's room. I'm happy to report he isn't a urinal talker.

My day's surrealism quota has now been fulfilled.
getoffmylawn + mygothlaundry = Get Off My Laundry?
STOP 0x00000024 Help me with my Blue Screen of Death!
Oh, no. (hopefully, this is some kind of tragic accident, but I felt that pit-of-the-stomach fear when I heard the news).
Yesterday, I saw video footage of Hitler playing with puppies. Later in the day, I saw a very cute golden retriever puppy being fed a large quantity of beer. Something seems not-right here.
This thread marks the comeback of the 'this thread' meme.
So I broke my CBGB's cherry last night. And the Bad Brains still shred.Read more...
Someone made a movie about Dr. Bronner and his soap. It's playing tonight at the Mill Valley Film Festival.
Hypothetical Situation:
Iraqi deaths: 650,000 - Darfur deaths: 200,000. Now tell me again, "Who is committing genocide?" ;-P
Stock up now, I am going to buy every Tastykake in PA! Read more...
Do you have an online namesake? I have one who makes cool, if rather angry, postage-stamp art.
Ask MeCha: Mask Making How would one go about making a mask like this?Read more...
Metafilter... DOWN?????
I am so smrt I figured out how to moblog on my Vox blog!! Also, beautiful street-art.Read more...
MeCha dream
I've caught thousands of punk bitches on Livejournal using the MyHeritage engine to inflate their little monkey-ass egos: "73% Leo Dicap! I be handsome!"

But now, now, I have manufactured definitive proof that those numbers ain't worth shit.

10 October 2006

My painkillers want me to tell you that I really like you all. All of you. A lot. Except YOU. Yes, you. YOU, I love. And also Tabasco. And corn. And tiramisu.

What do you love?
Hi. *waves*
Crutch! aka Bill Shannon. For a greater explanation, see his siteRead more...
What metachatter or celebrity would you like to be for Halloween? And what would you need for their costume?
Maybe its just me, but I love this kind of stuff. In 1924 Karel Capek for the Guardian writes about life in "Londons miles and miles of grimy houses, hopeless streets, a superfluity of children, gin palaces and Christian shelters."
I just signed up to be a Bone Marrow donor! I filled out this form a few weeks ago, and mailed in my $18 check. Today I got my cheek swabbing kit at my house- did it in 5 minutes, and tada! I am now a potential bone marrow donor, and I didn't even have to leave my house!
What theory? Am I just dense? Is there something to "get" here? Because I'm not getting it. Hope me, MeChatters, you're my only help!
open the door, get on the floor
My nephew and I (he's four now) were talking on the phone the other day, mostly about cars,Read more...
First of all kudos to Jean Paul Gaultier for this (mildly NSFW, underwear). Second, I have a nut problem.Read more...
Umm, metatalk-chat question:
Strategies for dealing with a mircomanaging boss? Because physical means are starting to move up the list and I'd like to avoid going to jail...
I've a Jung Emergency. This is odd, I know. But I need to steal a glance at an essay by Carl Jung ... Read more...
Is it just me, or is Howie Mandel starting to look like a genie? Maybe the suitcase is a magic lamp.
Animated album art. Freaking brilliant.
YAEP: Yet Another Emcee Post. The list, she is inside.Read more...
Three Point Status Report 1) My boss sent me out to deliver a letter, which means...Read more...
Best headline ever. Say what you like about "The Sun" newspaper, but they've got a fantastic way with puns. Read more...
My beard smelled like pumpkin this morning
Public Service announcement for image linkers: I've been noticing quite a lot of image links that aren't showing up on pages. Some of you are hotlinking images, and you don't realize that they often don't show up for the rest of us because they are in your computer's cache memory... So you see them, but nobody else does. Read more...
post by: taz at: 07:11 | 5 comments
Once upon a time, there was a glamorous attorney named Jan. She lived in Essex. One morning, while it was bucketing down with rain, she left her house and went to work.Read more...
I am so glad the bunny is back.
This is a Haiku Thread.

09 October 2006

I never thought I would say this, but...
Adobe Illustrator help... I'm average with Photoshop but Illustrator makes no sense to me. Can anyone offer some advice?Read more...
The Horkatorium So it's Sunday night and I'm taking a warm bath to calm down before I go to sleep. Read more...
An Adventure In Slumberland (The rest is inside.) Sorry it took so long, redvixen! It's a good one, though. And I promise I'll get you your Flickr testimony, ico, and anyone else too, now that I'm getting better at the delusion of being in control of my life! (And I'll mail my bookmark this week, john.)Read more...
YSI Request I Got No Mojo Nixon and My Life Could Use Some FixinRead more...
It's Elizard's Birthday Today! She's having a monster birthday/Thanksgiving feast all by her lonesome on Galiano Island. Aww. She's also on dial-up and so is on only sporadically, but post birthday wishes here so she can read 'em!
Why should it be so hard to find, at any given convenience store, something that is a) carbonated; b) cold; and c) unsweetened? Read more...
I'm at my library! And it's really nice! I figured out their wireless internet, and they have complimentary coffee and tea!
This is my thread. Noone else can post here but me. I'm going to bed now, so please do try to behave and not post in my thread, ok?
I got the weirdest e-mail today from someone trying to "protect" me from trolls...Read more...
Um... Job security?!
As Australia braces for a scorching summer wildfire season, firefighters are being forced to spy on their own ranks amid suspicions one-in-five bushfires are lit by firefighters.
He is not pleased. In a perfect world he would hunt them down, much like the giant teddy in the Bjork video.
When 29 still doesn't equal "mature enough" Things have been rather interesting over here in TrishaLynn-landRead more...
A friend got this spam today:
Free hugs Even if you've already seen it. Can't get enough free hugs, can you? I'm so ready to have t-shirts made, give them to a bunch of my friends and hit the streets.
The Heroic Nerd That the work of H.P. Lovecraft has been selected for the Library of America would have surprised Edmund Wilson, whose idea the Library was. In a 1945 review he dismissed Lovecraft's stories as "hackwork"... Since then, though, for a writer who depended entirely on the meager sustenance of the pulps and whose brief career brought him sometimes to the brink of actual starvation, whose work did not appear in book form during his lifetime (apart from two slender volumes, each of a single story, published by fans) and did not attract the attention of serious critics before his death in 1937, Lovecraft has had quite an afterlife.
Happy Thanksgiving, fellow Canuckians! So what are you having for dinner?Read more...
Emcee peoples - should we have a theme? And if so, what? List of participants is inside.Read more...
By popular demand: the name of this song is Mississippi Goddam [yousendit] and she means every word of it.
Ask MeCha: Rechargeable AA Batteries for a digicam.
How is mudpuppie? Anyone heard from her?
Thumb bashing. Maybe this should be Friday's photo theme? Nah. I can't wait that long.
Saddle up, honey?
Bookmart Art Swap Update
There's something inexpressibly sad, yet perpetually cool about extinct sports teams.
This is a flameout thread. Flame on.
So, what's with the elephant? Are we no longer bunnies?
The Rock 'N' Roll Geek Show interviews Andy Shernoff. (that's the bassist and lyricist of my beloved (and soon to be seen live) Dictators)
Last chance to get in on the new emcee! Participating in the emcee will increase your popularity and cure your acne. Sign up today!
Sweet I've gotten 439 diggs! My first digg story to make it to the front page.
now that north korea has tested a nuke...

08 October 2006

I am so not answering my phone until after the election! Recorded phone calls! Grrrrr!
OMG BUNNY LIPS [this thread is a pachyderm-free zone]
I'm addicted. Sometimes the dumbest things can be the greatest joy! A couple years ago, a Japanese tv studio made a live action Sailor Moon series, with wigs, goofy costumes and crappy CG effects. I lurve it, and I found all the episodes are there for the watching, on the internets. It ain't Citizen Kane, but damn, is it fun!
Babyname Filter: Hey, everybody, help these cute kids out!
This thread does not deliver
Proud Widget guards his girlfriend Boots, who can (and often does) kick his ass (for little or no reason at all.)

Anyone for an impromptu Furry (Photo) Friday Sunday?
Like Father, Like Son Roger Kornberg wins 2006 Nobel Prize for Chemistry, 47 years after his father, extending his father's work.
Hope me, hope you. Wondering about the types of websites you like, etc.Read more...
What's up with The Onion's print edition comic strip? I can't seem to locate it online, but it runs on the opinion page and it's horrible. It's seemingly heart-on-sleeve, a little red-statey, and without humor or irony. This week it basically blames the spinach contamination on illegal immigrant workers who don't know enough english to read the "employees must wash hands" sign.

Perhaps it's trying to be way over the top red-statey as an ironic statement. But these days the Right is so far out there that it's hard to lampoon them by going even further.

What is this strip doing in The Onion?
Orange Swan dating life: the odessey, part two thousand and something I was on Lavalife yesterday...

this is a cat jumping. Apologies: no current access to live bunnies.

Also, I have a MeCha account now woo yeah !!!! thanks taz etc. gaydolfshitler is officially retired, god bless him.
Ask Dr. Trotsky -- advice to the lovelorn Leon Trotsky is best known for his role as a leader of the Russian Revolution, his later falling-out with Joseph Stalin and his eventual death in Mexico City at the hands of a Stalinist assassin.

But few people know about his career as an advice columnist. Read more...
Is there a way to search Google to find pages where a word appears within the same sentence as another word? Or within a certain number of words of another? Say, for example, "Foley" within 3 words of "pages."
Bunny cousin! OMG! Google vid link
when you hear the noise of the Tartan Army boys, we'll be coming down the road! My Better Half and I went to this match yesterday and it was terrifically awesome.Read more...
Bob Dylans Words Turned into Art pssst - don't forget to have the sound on and flash installed, it's well worth it.

07 October 2006

This is one of my more favorite songs which happens to be by Richard Thompson.
No it's not.
agropyron may just be the most wonderful person I have ever known.
The post just above this one is really lame.
IRC Big party, big party.
Don't you love it when you compliment your waitperson and... Read more...
I spent the day at the Mall. Photos from my hike up and down the Washington Mall today. Unfortunately it was dark and overcast all day, but some of them still came out okay. Read more...
Win 2003 server hosting: How prevalent/up-to-date is this approach to hosting a website? My hunch is not very, but I'm not a tech guru...
I literally fell asleep during the BSG season premiere.
Hullo. I have pictures and a couple of stories.
wooooooooo pig sooie!
This is the song that has no end
The Gay Agenda (7th comment down) I can't believe I am linking to a Fark thread, but somehow this just cracks me up.
Secret Service agents watch as President Bush signs an appropriations bill on a patio at the Camelback Inn in Scottsdale, Arizona. Via Time
Are you getting a flu shot? I can't decide whether or not I am (and this thread has only made me more uncertain). I haven't had the shot in years and I can't remember the last time I had the flu. Should I leave well enough alone, or am I pressing my luck? How do you decide if you're getting the shot?
Cool Pools. At flickr, I mean. I just got invited to join the taz group!

06 October 2006

I can't find the cuteness! What's the name of or the url of the newish website that features animal twosomes; that is, animal friends, like the turtle and the hippo, or the hamster and the snake? It isn't Cute Overload or Adorablog or any of those, it's a new one, devoted just to unlikely friends.
poisoned? So, I just bought a package of cookies from CVS and had already eaten a few before I realized that the other end of the package had already been opened. Am I right to be freaked out?
ChatSurveyQuestionFilter: How many email addresses do you have?
A post of appreciation for the music.
Cockrings, Cockrings, Cockrings! Eat your heart out, Michelle Malkin.
Bunnies! OMG! This is specially for pieisexactlythree.
OMG! Peekaboo Walrus! I am powerless before it's cuteness.
It's only a matter of time before DumbCo removes the windows and replaces them with these.
This thread inspired me to answer the question mentioned which then prompted me to ask a question of my own.
From the prehistoric days of the 'net, an oldie but a goodie. I'm 49.6% pure. Who'd've guessed.
MeCha Dream! I had a dream my company was starting an outdoor restaurant near Union Square, and occhiblu was going to be our hostess.Read more...
I'm going to see Terry Gilliam tomorrow. If you could ask Terry Gilliam one question, what would it be?Read more...
Photo Friday: Are You Gonna Finish That? The theme is 'Your Lunch'.
This thread isn't shouting. It's just coldly grim and grumpy. Read more...
Do you know what I really, really miss?

05 October 2006

Iggy Pop Presents: Best Concert Rider EVAR. I'm still reading it and enjoying.
THIS... is a doubting thread!
What's up with all the political threads, ortho? It's the political season. Just like baseball is the boys of Summer, and Fall is for American football, and Spring for the NCAA play-offs, every two years from August through November, I get to follow my favorite sport's Super Bowl.
This is a politics-free thread.
Please wipe the Santorum off your car.
What are you gonna be? My town has a Halloween Parade, and this year, for the first time, I can be in it. [Warning: spooky music]. What are YOU gonna be for Halloween?
And now a pouting thread. So I uploaded my bookmark for the swap to flickr and Read more...
Have you ever looked at someone, and after a long dramatic pause, said, "Be careful"?

Because it happens all the freakin' time on TV and in movies.
Probably really dumb questions about diabetes...
How do viral marketers advertise their services?
Radio_Replica: Starting in about 10 minutes or so. Or whenever I can get my laundry started cos people aren't taking their clothes out of the machines. It's going to me an 80's set, mostly. New Wave, bit of punk, stuff like that.
Windows XP administration question: What is the simplest way to allow users to release and renew their own IP addresses?Read more...
I woke up on the floor at 4:00 this morning. Guess I got home from a late meeting, laid on the floor to pet the cats, and decided it wasn't worth moving five feet to fall asleep in bed. I need 24 hours to just sleep and eat but I'm not going to get much sleep for days (or longer.) And I should be doing my job right now. Feel free to give me tips on sleeplessness, or commiserate, or share your own stories of sleep deprivation. I sleep.
I am obviously a child of the Midwest. The sky's starting to do a weird eery "light behind the overcast clouds" thing, and all I can think is "Duck and cover! Tornado!" But they don't have tornados in California. Right? Read more...
Well, hello there!
The Seven Dirty Words found via Google Code Search. (Profanity inside)
OMG Puppy! I would like to announce a new addition to my household. Read more...


Sheesh. I just accidently hit the print button in Explorer, and printed MeCha. The formatting was all squished and narrow so it took FORTY-SIX pages. Such a day I'm having.
Mississippi goddamn is a great song, but it's not what this post is about.Read more...
Three Point Status Report 1) Although I think everyone in the Meta Community is pretty damn smart, I think paulsc is very smart, empathetic, and opinionated (with backup) and have a huge intellectual crush on him.Read more...
It's raining. This is a very big deal, because

04 October 2006

Aw, shit! My office crush is getting married.
IRC! Need I say more?
Floaty Pens Abound! These are both hilarious and awesome. Which one do you want?
How do you pronounce these words?
Thanks metachatters. For helping me stress the server. It was inconclusive. Next step; reinstall linux. Read more...
OMG Corn Maze! I got lost in this maze last weekend, or rather the 2006 version (I think this one is two years old).Read more...
WhereAreTheyNowFilter: While the latest political scandal rages on, I started to wonder what the hell happened to Monica Lewinsky? The last I remember she was designing handbags or something in 2003?
This was a comment. Now it's a post.
Woooooo! I summoned The Woz! I can die a very satisfied nerd, now.Read more...
Electronic Labyrinth THX 1138:4EB [Youtube] is a student film made by George Lucas, later remade as THX 1138.
Guess what!!!
Speaking of Male Aggression, it's the Dodgers and Mets at Shea tonight.Read more...
Lunchables. Not just for kids, folks.
I was really amazed by how many people seriously thought that there's no miniature power contest going on between two men passing on the sidewalk.Read more...
Concerts we narrowly missed :-(
THE DICTATORS (Handsome Dick Manitoba, Ross the Boss, Andy Shernoff, Scott Kempner and J.P. "Thunderbolt" Patterson) will play the last-ever Friday night at CBGB on October 13th!!!!!

who's in?
Spontaneous 'first concert' confessions happened in this thread. I'd like to hear more, please.
This is kinda cool. It would be even cooler if you could find six people to play it at once.
I have to spend the next 5 hours in the Warsaw airport Read more...
"My Lunch" = this week's Photo Phriday theme . . . though my breakfasts, my brunches, my snackfoods, or other my general foodstuffs will not be frowned upon. ("My" = "Your.")
This is Good. Russian folk art versions of popular films (at least I think they are all films). Help me figure out what they are. I see The Matrix, Spiderman, Harry Potter, LOTR... what are the rest? Via the magnificent dinrao at Vox (our dhruva).
Worldchanging! A friend of mine

03 October 2006

The Skippy List Yeah, it's been around. But if you've never read it, or haven't read it lately, it's worth a look.
VERONIC A MARS! I am so beyond excited.
Why do Atheists care about Religion? I don't consider myself an atheist but I find them terribly agreeable people, moreso than most of the "faithful." I think the atheists among us may enjoy this clip.
Radio a play-list in alphabetical order, almost 2 hrs long crossing genres like butter off a cats back
Some CowPunk from SoCal for jrossi4r Sadly, I can't find Mommy's Little Monsters, or Prison Bound, but here's Social Disortion, Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell, and Mike's first solo record, Cheating at Solitaire, which I really liked.

Enjoy some Social D, please.
i love this plan! i'm very excited to be a part of it! let's do it!
By the Grace of God... How did the speech go? Enquiring minds need to know.
Where should I go to buy a small piece of super thin balsa wood? Like, around 8.5x11 or smaller. I have no idea where to find it, and I bet there's someone here who knows. Will I have better luck looking for it at a craft store, or an art supply store, or at a Home Depot type place? Or somewhere else? Thanks, Mechazens.
This is my last post of the day. See you all tomorrow. (I may comment on some others today though.)
i kinda like some nickelback songs
Chicken Salad! What's your favorite recipe?
[CTA] help me [OMG] So. Where's the best place to get off the Orange from Midway to jump on the Blue to O'Hare? Cheapskate needs to travel between the two airports with ample amount of spare time. THX.
Ping Pong Pixel picture making machine robotic thing in an actionpackedvideoyeah
Excel Help Time! I have a file of rows and rows of numbers. I need two blank rows between each row of text. Anyway to do this other than manually?
Attention All Smart Asses. Spend 5 minutes making fun of The Matrix and you could win 500 bucks. Honorable Mentions get a used copy of Mariah Carey’s Glitter. Brought to you by the fine folks over at Rifftrax.Read more...
I [heart] Amy Lee
Text Messaging for the Uninformed. So, is there a way to check how many text messages you've sent in any given amount of time? Is there a record stored somewhere in the phone itself, or online? Verizon, if it matters. I just spent about 35 minutes on hold with them and got disconnected...grrr.
Built to Spill: Do you prefer the heavily layered studio constructions of their earlier work or the more organic jam-band sound of their recent release?
In a shocker, I pulled off the win in the MeCha fantasy football league! How about that?

And oh yeah, my Bears are pretty darn good this year!
Speech without a net! This evening, I will be giving my speech without notes, preparation, paper to bury nose in, or anything like that. This is deliberate. Thoughts on extemporaneous speaking are gratefully received within.Read more...
I'm the man now, dog - My first ytmnd. It has to do with Lost, with a bit of a season 2 spoiler in there.
Midlake - "Roscoe" Breezy listening.
My ten-person cube is empty today, except for me and my cubie and sparring partner Kev, and he leaves at noon. When I was in the elevator, the panel over the floor indicator lights had been flipped open, yet they still lit up, making it seem as if physics had been inverted. As I passed, I noticed, on the security desk, a binder emblazoned with a logo featuring the word "Pompeii."

This cannot bode well.
Computer Hope, Bunnies? My Inspiron 2650 laptop all of a sudden, upon booting, is giving a message of the config.sys file being missing or corrupted. Read more...
Nice. Unusual. Curly. Artwork by Kamala Dolphin-Kingsley, via mjjj's vox blog. (See? I'm Voxxing.)
post by: taz at: 08:33 | 9 comments
Another emcee, anyone? Some of us have expressed interest in doing another one right away, so just let me know here in the thread if you're interested. The more the merrier. It's open to everyone. Who's in?
Photo Phriday ideas . . . Goofy Clothes, Skylines, Your Lunch and Phunny Photos are all fun and easy ones. Others? Any preferences for this week?
This thread is for corrupting jrossi4r's parasite.*
Go, Team Corpse! The second emcee is up, and it's yummylicious. (Here's the first.)
TotalChatFilter A friend and I were talking the other day about how much marketing affects, or tries to affect, which actors and actresses we find attractive - and how often it backfires. My question is: which heavily lauded Hollywood beauties and/or hunks do you find not attractive at all and which performers are, in your opinion, underrated in terms of looks and charisma?

02 October 2006

O TiVo! O cruel mistress! I just sat down with an order of pad thai to settle in to last night's "Amazing Race." Or so I thought. Read more...
omg the long enumploidment streek is ovar!?!?? I have a job interview Wednesday! Read more...
Kthxbye... Saw "Kthxbye" as a vanity license plate, today. Almost gagged. Also: I've made 666 comments on MetaTalk as of today. Coincidence? I think not!
BATTLESTAR GALACTICA is new this friday on sci-fi
Soulheaven Radio until 10PM PST I'm rebuilding my
I'm Reasonably Certain that you should come IRC with a few of us. Because it's Monday, work sucked, and it would be a nice way to end the day. Join us!
For some reason, today's BoaSaS seems extra awesome.
OH HOLY SHIT OH HOLY SHIT OH HOLY SHIT Somebody post this to matt's-a-filter.
I made it! I'm in Washington, crashed out at my hotel after getting here this morning and then working pretty much a full day.Read more...
I am tired but ...
Vox in my socks. I'm pretty wary of social networking sites generally but Vox looks like something I might be able to live with (and it's come at a good time for me). Any other bunnies out there on Vox? Do folk like it, dislike it?
PS: I got an instant invite from here in case it's not common knowledge
Help me, Spanish speakers! Okay, so we're making a display of Spanish-language childrens books. But none of us speak Spanish. Which is preferable--'los libros de ninos en espanol,' or 'los libros en espanol para ninos'? Or neither? Help!
post by: box at: 15:35 | 9 comments
All of Tintin's Cars as drawn by Hergé, with a corresponding photo of what each car really looks like, painstakingly researched. Read more...
You know what I'm fucking tired of?
Two for one on songs of 100 seconds or less.
So, I'm supposed to be speaking on a platform tomorrow with this guy. I am writing my speech. I have lots of thoughts, many colourful and full of cuss words, on the issue.Read more...
Sports, with it's emphasis on competition and victory and natural dramatic tension, makes for good movies. Prison makes for a volatile setting with explosive characters which also often makes for good movies. However, to my knowledge there's only ever been two prison sports movies. Anybody know any others?
So what's the theme for Photo Friday this week? There are a bunch of suggestions at the bottom of the wiki page. Let's pick one of those, or throw some ideas out there.
This post is a sigh of relief... I started the new job today. First thing I did? Check to see if I could access Metachat, Metafilter and gmail. I win on all three. Woot.
Movie Moratoriums? So in preparation for tonight's viewing of "Tideland", the boyfriend and I watched "Brazil" last night... [lotsa spoilers, OMG!]Read more...
The Sorrows of Young Werther. In 1774, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wrote a book about a love-lorn man who kills himself. Such was the power of the book that supposedly over 2,000 readers committed suicide after reading it. The book was banned, and even now, clusters of copycat suicides are attributed to the Werther Effect.

This may be the most dangerous link I've ever posted, but you can read it (in the English translation) here.
Monday Chat: What's your favorite office supply?
Good Lord. (possibly disturbing) I'm partly shocked by the brutality, but another part of me dosen't feel much sympathy for him. Still, quite a thing to see pre-coffee.
One of the emcees is ready for its closeup, Mr. DeMille! Read more...
What happened to my post? I made a post last night; some people commented on it; now it's gone. What happened to it?
Ask MeCha: Screen Captures from DVDs Hey! How can I get a screen grab from DVDs? I try ALT-Print Screen and paste it into Photoshop just fine, but when I save it is just a black frame.
AskMeCha... Photoshop tutorials. Where do people recommend I go for some good ones?Read more...
This is my first time on IRC. Break my cherry! (Before I go beddy bye.)
The Sistine Chapel. In spray paint. In Iowa. "I wanted to do something absolutely unique and interesting," said Paco Rosic, 27, the artist.

01 October 2006

Name this (Chinese?) fruit...
Com-mix Is anybody else playing with this site, linked on Mefi yesterday? It's kind of funny and surreal, what with all the mixing and matching of different elements. Check it out and make a funny!

Anybody want to IRC with me? Because anything is better than cleaning my house, mwa ha ha.
Radio_Replica: The weather report is mostly downbeat, with the occasional dancey sunny break. Also, scattered ambient showers every now and then.
My granty grant grant is done... it's time for the FUNDING SONG!Read more...
Happy/sad day
Can anyone help fix my radio woes?
Follow up to this condo-related AskMe question... If somebody could cross-post this to the Green as well I'd be grateful. I'm still within 7 days of my last question but with the first-time home-buying the question marks are coming at me fast and furious. [more inside]
Post processing: DOF through Alpha channels (4 different levels of DOF), BW through Lab mode, Sepia tonning, cropping. Here is the original shot. (via)
Anyone else seen the film Brick? I've seen it three times now (though once with the directory commentary) and, obviously, quite like it.Read more...
Radio Mecha - Music Box I'm on the Radio Mecha. Please join me, if you're so inclined.
post by: box at: 09:15 | 2 comments
Finally home: A white gay couple wanting a family. Five children of color needing a home. A San Francisco church seeking a minister.
OMFG T-Rex soft tissue???? 65 million years old and still pliable?
Stoned Professor o.m.g. I don't even know what I'd do if I were a student. Read more...