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11 October 2006

Iraqi deaths: 650,000 - Darfur deaths: 200,000. Now tell me again, "Who is committing genocide?" ;-P
650K? Where does that number come from?
posted by danostuporstar 11 October | 09:10
The American action in Iraq, however awful and misguided, does not systematically target civilians for extermination.
posted by thirteenkiller 11 October | 09:10
dano: From Johns Hopkins, published in the Lancet.
13: Are you sure about that?
posted by mischief 11 October | 09:12
as Freda Payne said: Bring The Boys Home. Or put them somewhere they can do some good.
posted by jonmc 11 October | 09:15
13: Well, even ignoring the use of WP in Fallujah, we unleashed a bunch of people who do systematically target civilians. Like the guys who stop cars in traffic and kill everyone named "Omar".
posted by orthogonality 11 October | 09:16
Yes, I'm sure. Iraq is not the same as Darfur. And ortho, those guys exist, but they are aberrations. The Iraq war is a lot of things, but it is not an attempt to annihilate an entire ethnic/national group.

I just think suggestions like the OP's do a disservice to a rational anti-war movement.
posted by thirteenkiller 11 October | 09:26
13: yeah, the object of the war wasn't genocide. But that's the consequence of going in there ill-prepared and under-equipped to handle occupation following the military victory. It's the consequence of hiring 24-year-old ideologues to try out, for the first time, conservative theories during the reconstruction. It's the consequence of a terrible and pervasive arrogance by the administration.

So, no, it's not first degree murder, it's more like negligent homicide. But the victims are just as dead. And their survivors aren't going to be forgiving of an America acting like a drunken trust-fund socialite running down poor kids with his SUV.
posted by orthogonality 11 October | 09:33
13: According to the report, coalition forces were directly responsible for 203,000 of those civilian deaths.
posted by mischief 11 October | 09:46
Yes, the victims are dead. Yes, the survivors are unhappy. Yes, this war was a horrible idea from the start and was poorly managed and the people who thought it up are probably evil. We've destabilized the country and now they're having a civil war.

I just don't think genocide is an appropriate term here. I suppose Iraqi factions that kill each other because of religious affiliation are genocidal, if the scale is big enough.

mischief: Killing isn't the same as genocide. Even widescale killing isn't the same as genocide.
posted by thirteenkiller 11 October | 09:53
Reading the book A Problem From Hell: America and the Age of Genocide by Samantha Power will be helpful if you want to talk about genocide.
posted by matildaben 11 October | 10:16
13: In that case, Darfur is not genocide because civilians are being killed by the secular rebel groups, the Sharia rebel groups, unaligned bandits, the out-of-control janjawid, and the Sudanese military.

The only distinguishing characteristic between the refugees and the many different groups killing them is the rufugees are not armed despite the fact that weapons are there free for the taking; just walk up to the corpse of a rebel or a soldier.
posted by mischief 11 October | 10:21
i agree with 13 here. that 600,000 people have been needlessly killed is shocking enough without throwing words around like genocide. as this discussion shows, it just distracts from the real issues.
posted by dodgygeezer 11 October | 10:48
Genocide is not a real issue?
posted by mischief 11 October | 10:57
mischief, "genocide" means more than "a whole lot of people got murdered". "Genocide" specifically refers to a deliberate attempt to exterminate an entire racial group. Are you seriously suggesting that the US is trying to exterminate all Iraqis?

Genocide is a real issue. It's just not the issue we're dealing with in Iraq.
posted by agropyron 11 October | 11:10
Mischief, every time conflict breaks out, there is a disproportionate portion of causulties borne by a particular group or groups. In every conflict, the dead and maimed are not an even representation of the overall demographics of a region. This is because in every society and every region there are disparities of power and access to resources.

Those with the least power and resources/allies typically pay the highest cost in blood. This is NOT the same as intentional genocide, and by conflating the two, you weaken the impact of accusing a party of calculated ethnic or religious based mass murder.
posted by pieisexactlythree 11 October | 12:05
The Darfur death total is as argued over as the Iraqi total, if not more. The high-end estimates are over 500,000.
posted by weretable and the undead chairs 11 October | 13:56
I find it cute that Bush said he does not consider the report credible, and that the methodology used is "pretty well discredited." I, er, think it was the reason for war that was discredited. It'd be funny to see someone ask him what does cluster sampling mean, and how do you know how many people have died, as US doesn't keep official count anyway... In fact seeing Bush trying to explain anything scientific might be fun to watch.

er, and "Iraqi" is not a distinct phenotype. 650,000 Iraqi dead = colossal fuck up where leaders should be run out on a rail and tried for war crimes, but does not necessarily = genocide.
posted by edgeways 11 October | 16:35
If Marines were pulling people out of their beds in the middle of the night, marching them into the town square and shooting them in the head simply for being Iraqis the term genocide would be appropriate here.
posted by jason's_planet 11 October | 23:01
Do we really want to drag this shit into MeCha?

Just askin' ...
posted by dg 11 October | 23:10
Stock up now, I am going to buy every Tastykake in PA! || Hypothetical Situation: