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06 October 2006

ChatSurveyQuestionFilter: How many email addresses do you have?[More:]I have 7, not counting whatever work email address I might have at the time. I've got my primary address (the one in my profile) plus a yahoo address, and 5 different gmail addresses that I use for various purposes, some of which may or may not be somewhat nefarious.

But I have absolutely no idea where on the curve this places me. Please to enlighten?
Eight. 6 personals and 2 work-related.
posted by iconomy 06 October | 14:57
10 personal and 2 work-related.
posted by crush-onastick 06 October | 14:58
2. 1 work, 1 personal. I've had something like 50 in 11 years online.
posted by jonmc 06 October | 14:58
Exactly three. One work and two personal.
posted by pieisexactlythree 06 October | 15:00
I have six personal and two work-related. None are used for nefarious purposes. Most are used to manage Web signups and lists.
posted by initapplette 06 October | 15:00
I have two that are work related and one that is just for personal use. I also have a yahoo address that I only use for signups.
posted by fluffy battle kitten 06 October | 15:06
I have 11. Six are work-related and 5 are personal, some under mjjj, some under my real name.
posted by madamjujujive 06 October | 15:07
Seven that I can remember.
posted by jrossi4r 06 October | 15:08
Counting my work address, ::counts::, oh gosh, I don't know. 7-10.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 06 October | 15:08
I have six that I use with some regularity, and one work email. Scads of others that I don't use.
posted by agropyron 06 October | 15:10
1 personal, 2 work. I used to have more, but I find I get all confused, so I've narrowed it down.
posted by mygothlaundry 06 October | 15:26
4 that I check daily (3 personal, 1 work). 2 spam accounts. One spare gmail account for sockpuppets. = 7
posted by muddgirl 06 October | 15:27
But my 4 are necessary! One for official personal business, one for muddgirl business, one to access my old school email account, one for work.
posted by muddgirl 06 October | 15:28
6, I think.
posted by JanetLand 06 October | 15:28
4. Two work, one personal, one spambait.
posted by gaspode 06 October | 15:39
2 through my ISP
2 personal gmail addresses
1 gmail where I'm signed up incognito for a forum where I lurk
I also have a web-based address via which I use in places where I might end up being spammed.

Oh, and my cats have their own email address too.
posted by essexjan 06 October | 15:40
Jan, do your cats have penpals?
posted by initapplette 06 October | 15:47
One spare gmail account for sockpuppets.

Marry me!
posted by danostuporstar 06 October | 15:57
So many I can't remember them all
posted by getoffmylawn 06 October | 15:59
Uhm... 3 + a number of throwaway addresses for signing up purposes.

One is for school, one is for everything else and then I have a gmail address because I like gmail's interface better than or Thunderbird. I forward all mail from my two main addresses to the gmail one so I only have to check one place.

If I sign up for something where I think I might get spammed I'll use $SERVICENAME@mydomain. That way I can simply block that address if I begin to get spam sent to it and I'll know who's spamming me. My main email address is set as the catch-all address for my domain so anything sent to any address @mydomain will get through to that one.
posted by sveskemus 06 October | 16:01
Marry me!

Better yet, I'll send you ~300 gmail invites.
posted by muddgirl 06 October | 16:10
Can you really only have gmail if you have a cell phone?
posted by getoffmylawn 06 October | 16:11
Can you really only have gmail if you have a cell phone?

posted by dersins 06 October | 16:20
When I looked into gmail a while ago, the page read that you could only sign up via your cell phone. But of course now it reads either via your cell or by invite.
posted by getoffmylawn 06 October | 16:34
I think there has always been an invitation system. I thought anyone who wanted a gmail address had one already. I'll be happy to send you an invite if you want.
posted by sveskemus 06 October | 16:37
Oh. Interesting. I did not know that. I think I have something on the order of 500 gmail invites if you'd like a few dozen. Not that they're exactly in short supply any more...
posted by dersins 06 October | 16:37
Yes, please and thank you (email in profile). I have always been curious why everyone prefers it to hotmail, yahoo, or entourage (for mac).
posted by getoffmylawn 06 October | 16:45
Ten that I can think of, including one for work and the ones that I maintain for various projects. Three filter into my Thunderbird inbox, several others are gmail accounts that I check anywhere from always open to once or twice a month (one is a back-up only).
posted by me3dia 06 October | 16:53
Done, getoffmylawn.

And here are some cool tips for gmail (1, 2).
posted by sveskemus 06 October | 16:57
Yes, please and thank you (email in profile)


I prefer it to hotmail and yahoo because it's a little less spammy most of the time. Also, the threading, once you become accustomed to it, is great.

Also, you can send invites to yourself, so it rapidly becomes an almost-endless supply of disposable email addresses.
posted by dersins 06 October | 16:59
goml - I've been using gmail for maybe a year now (2?), and I'm only just now getting really really into it. Just last weekend I set up gmail filters, so that I can automagically sort all my email into the proper "tags" - I'm on a lot of mailing lists and it keeps everything nice and neat. I also like that it's virtually unlimited storage, although the upload limit is something like 10 MB. I love how it threads conversations. People complained about the "google targeted advertisments" when it was first introduced, but they're unobtrusive, and sometimes useful (when I check the spam folder, for example, the google ad is always for SPAM Gourmet, a site all about SPAM cooking, I think!). Sorry to geek out on you like this, but gmail is pretty sweet.

On preview, I think it's technically against the service agreement to have multiple gmail accounts, but AFAIK the powers that be don't really care that much.
posted by muddgirl 06 October | 17:02
muchisimas gracias
posted by getoffmylawn 06 October | 17:02
(yeah, gmail was ridiculously unspammy until recently, when spammers finally got their act together. But the spam filters are pretty decent - I get 1 or 2 false NoSpams per week, and almost no false Spams).
posted by muddgirl 06 October | 17:08
Speaking of email, does anyone know where in the MeCha preferences I can turn off the "send me an email everytime someone responds in a thread I posted" option? It's really annoying sometimes...
posted by dersins 06 October | 17:10
Never mind. I figured it out. I'm a fucking idiot...
posted by dersins 06 October | 17:11
Jan, do your cats have penpals?

They have pawpals.
posted by essexjan 06 October | 17:42
About six: one ~for JDate, two main ones (confession: sentimentally attached to my original AOL account; and a few more for my separate, e-mail consulting business. But they all forward to the AOL address, because AOL lets me listen to emails over any phone via an 800 #. Like, in the subway, where there's no wifi or other wireless coverage.
posted by ParamusParis 06 October | 18:30
- my shell account email
- regular gmail for most of my mail, junk gmail
- junk yahoo
- junk hotmail
- a few other yahoo and hotmails
- a speakeasy account for mailing lists
- some junk speakeasy addresses for ebay and stuff
- nearly unlimited domain addresses at three domains, almost all of which go to /dev/null

I guess I don't have a "work" address, maybe I should get matt to set up
posted by jessamyn 06 October | 19:47
Six - all personal:
ISP - real name
Gmail - real name
Gmail - nick name (silverbees)
Hotmail - real name
Hotmail - old nick name
Yahoo - real name

I've had at least 10 others that have lapsed for various reasons (old domain address, old ISPs, etc.).
posted by deborah 06 October | 21:50
I have infinite e-mail addresses. Or did you mean accounts?

1 mine (two domains, with infinite redirects), 1 school, 2 gmail (one archival, one for professional/resume), 2 hotmail. No wait, three hotmail. I think. Maybe more in the past. I don't check them all anymore. I feel like I have more. I know I've had more; at one time I also had a juno account and my high school e-mail account. Probably some others. I may have another school account for the comm. college course I signed up for, but I haven't even looked at that yet (I need to get moving on that). The answer is: too many.

Now for the really scary question, how many login/passwords do you have? To clarify: How many sites are you on that require some sort of login cookie, and how many actual l/p combos do you use (different for all, same for all, tiered based on security, etc.)? Because every frickin thing wants a login nowadays.
posted by Eideteker 06 October | 22:38
10 or so, not counting one-offs.
posted by orthogonality 07 October | 01:51
5 e-mails:
1 for work
1 at my own [name] domain, which is also a catch-all account for the domain
1 Gmail account for on-line stuff so I can access it at work and at home
1 Gmail account for getting quotes for house stuff
1 Gmail account for when I need an address for potential spam targets

how many login/passwords do you have?
Does that include sock puppets?

Um, I have no idea how many I have, but here's a start:
Work access via Web (citrix)

There are lots more, but I can't think of them right now. I tend to use the same username/password or as close as I can, but I sometimes use a different password if I feel the login is partcularly vulnerable.
posted by dg 08 October | 17:18
A post of appreciation for the music. || poisoned?