Do you find lack of ambition to be weird or worse?
→[More:] I'm beginning to find out that my relative lack of ambition seems odd to people.
I was just smoking with two co-workers, one of whom is this girl from Texas who's nice enough, but reminds me of that chick in that Mary Tyler Moore style Citibank commercial. All 'you're gonna make it after all' and shit. She's also about 10 years younger than me and advanced alarmingly quick and makes at least twice what I do, making it almost enough to live on.
Anyway, we got an email about upper-level 'restructuring' here at DumbCo and was all agitato about what it meant for the company's future. I was frankly amazed at how much she cared. I just said that we (me and the other present coworker, Joe Famous) were merely digital assembly line drones and as long as it didn't effect which holes our digital screws went in, it mattered not a whit. She seemed vaguely irked.
But on the elevator it occurred to me that even I myself was amazed at how little I cared. For years, I've been somewhat intimidated by (RL and online) cohorts who've accomplished more, overcome more, or come from more illustrious backgrounds. This has made me occasionally defensive and has the side effect of my writing tending to inflate trivial misadventures and haplessness into pseudo-profundity.
But I think I've realized that I don't really
want to accomplish anything. It all seems like so damn much
work. Sometimes just hearing what other people make for dinner or do for halloween or 'fun' projects or to 'keep up,' is exhausting to me. I'd rather just screw around on the internet, drink beer and read books.
People seem to think this is strange. I think even I do, a little. Is this a bad thing or is that just residual Catholicism rearing it's ugly head.