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Archives for: August 2007

31 August 2007

"What is the greatest joy?" A little inspirational pick-me-up for those of us working this weekend.
Do you like hot dogs? Here is an article about hot dogs by one of my favorite food writers, Jason Sheehan.
Video of my kitten and his littermates playing at 2:30 a.m.
Photo Friday? Is this Photo Friday today? Is this? Both?
Sleeping cats. That is all.
Do you ever post on MetaChat so much that when you send an email, you're mildy surprised it gets sent without having been previewed first?
Nomic exploratory committee formed. Just now. By me. Right here. I'm working on an idea—this idea, specifically—and am looking for feedback and interested parties.Read more...
Which book should I read? I just bought a nice little stack home from the thrift shop. A dollah fiddy for all 5. Which one should I bring with me when I go to the beach for the weekend? I like to read in bed and on the beach.Read more...
So, are the MeChazens over- or undersexed? Japanese sex toys, skin mags and...Cathysex... all before (my) breakfast. WTF?Read more...
Whatcha doing this long, holiday weekend?
Whining thread I hate my ears. Waaah.
Last night I set the record for most disturbing dream of my life. Read more...
Sleeping giant awakes, hits snooze button.
Or: "I can't pay no doctor bill (but Russkie's on the moon)"
A radio program brave enough to take an unflinching look at the issues of the day Read more...
Does anyone buy skin mags anymore?
Footnote game. Here's a text, numbered for footnotes; all you have to do is supply the notes themselves. Then, when all the footnotes are in, someone else can prepare a text.Read more...
Boasting Thread!
Weird Japanese sex toys. NSFW

*mind boggles*
Back in Texas
Christine's Song What I wouldn't give for a suit like that. Damn it! I knew I should've payed attention in Home Ec!
Has anyone seen The Invasion yet?
It's Friday here. And time for photos. Almost a year ago I posted one of the photos inside, and it was received well here as well as among my friends.Read more...

30 August 2007

WTG Iowa district court Score one for rationality and equality.Read more...
I hate to admit it. Britney "Cheetos McPantsless" Spears' new single isn't nearly as horrible as I was expecting.
Why MetaChat Should Have a Cool Tagline: So it can get on lists like this. Actually, it's a kind of a lame list; we can do much better.Read more...
This post is a semi-crackpot rant that may make no sense at all. Read more...
GPS Question! If I buy a Garmin StreetPilot c330, do I have to pay for anything after that? ie, do I have to pay for the service itself or monthly payments or whatnot?
I'm playing a bit of music - Random Stuff. Also ... Read more...
Does this world really need a self-help guide for breeding? heheh
I love this video. And I have for years. That is all.
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation Does anyone have experience with this type of pain management device?
Pimp my furniture!
Ask Mecha: Dating advice. Is there a graceful way to email this person?Read more...
Wiki pages on pages Shouldn't Metachat have one of it's own by now? Or are we simply not influential enough? dammit I wanna be part of the cool kids gang, we're cool aren't we? aren't we? MoooOOooM!
This is a happy thread. My iPod is back! I had given it up for dead, but last night it struggled back to life for me. Working fine this morning. Thank you, oh gods of mobile listening technology.

Any other small but happy events out there today?
this is an embarrassment thread. So, the dryer repairman dude got here an hour early, and I was in my pajamas, teeth unbrushed, hair uncombed, dirty dishes all over the place. Read more...
Suckitude at work
Hope Me, Junior Detective Squad!
i r magicked teh internets My internets were out for about a day. The 'sync' light flashed and the ready light cycled on and off on our (virgin) modem. Then suddenly they were back.Read more...
Do you have a Wii? Wee need some advice Read more...
Où sont vous? I'm all over the place this week. Where are you? Read more...
Dastardly Deeds: authorial missteps. What instances do you remember of being rudely yanked out of the flow or narrative of a book by some sort of gaffe on the part of the author? What sorts of mistakes or missteps seem to particularly bug you? Read more...

29 August 2007

my new desktop image
Radio Mecha - Music Box It'sa me, on the Radio Mecha, playing some hip-hop, and some other stuff. Please listen, if you're so inclined.
post by: box at: 21:05 | 2 comments
Did you play sports as a kid? I need some advice. Read more...
LT Defends the Defendible (and gets his Indie hackles raised in the process).... Read more...
Jonmc defends the indefensible. and we're bringing out the big guns now.Read more...
"Only Revolutions," Mark Danielewski. Anyone read it? I saw it in the bookstore today and, though it won a National Book Award, it looked supremely annoying.Read more...
How much does it cost to get a litle boy kitten neutered in NYC?
Summer Clearance: Come inside and share some of your online deals-of-the-century destinations.
really stupid music mixing question
41 is not the answer to *anything* However, on the day I was born the Beatles played their last public concert at Candestick Park in SF. I was born in San Jose at Good Samaritan. We went to Candlestick Park once to see the Giants play.

That is all.
Ask MeCha: buttermilk.
My other fantasy football league. [more inside]
Girls Are Cute These Days OK, I have a request, but first a story. Daughter turns 18 on Saturday, soRead more...
Britney Spears, where are your pants? Seriously Brit, this crazy act is not funny anymore. Please straighten up and fly right. Thank you.
Naivefilter Jews pay for religious services?!
Relationships are hard. Maybe I'm just bad at them?
I had the pleasure of arriving at work early this morning to field a conference call with a counterpart in Manila. He was there late (eightish?) and I was here early (eightish?) and since neither of us wanted to prolong the agony, it all went quite smoothly.Read more...
Who is your relationship role model? I don't want to post too much about my personal life on here (that's what anon askme questions are for!), but it looks like my fiancé and I are going to try to work things out.Read more...
Blues Name Generator! Self-link! That is all!
Republican Pranksters wrapped Karl Rove's Jaguar in plastic wrap. Rove's car is easily recognizable because of its "I love Barack Obama" bumper sticker and the twin stuffed-animal eagles on the trunk.
"Look honey, Eye-talians!" (scene from the new Venetian Macao Resort Hotel)

28 August 2007

Sleep quotes When I woke up from my nap this afternoon, the words "I said Rice Krispies and I meant Rice Krispies" were bouncing around my brain - a little remnant of whatever dream I'd been having, I guess. does this happen to anyone else? Read more...
Shark attacks surfer what makes this short article cool: the victim "tried to fight the shark before being pulled to shore by fellow surfers."
1LYTV: Propane Tank Explosion Takes out City Block... TWICE
Jonmc defends the indefensible, Part 1. (and in the process wave bye-bye to whatever shreds of cool he has left.)Read more...
Three Point Status Update 1) My new psych meds make me clench my teeth! Evidently I grind 'em at night too. Being a science experiment is fun!Read more...
Federal Court Rules Bordellos Can Advertise Where Prostitution Illegal - I [heart] Nevada. Not the bordello part so much, but that federal courts must deal with them as legitimate businesses.
Anoushka Shankar, live webcast, NOW. It looks like they're about to have an intermission, but they will be back. Good stuff--go see!
Anybody got this week's New Yorker? Can you look at page 52, and tell me if anything relates in any way to this comment?Read more...
"I want my two dollars!" and other lines from Better Off Dead. God I love that movie. See also: the Camaro from the movie.
If you could rewind your life
Am I going blind or did the MetaTalk background color change? It looks more khaki-colored now. Used to look more gray.
more about my neighbors
I have a Baltimore linguistics question.
Happy Birthday, mudpuppie!
Happy birthday, ikkyu2!
What is the ҉ character used for?
I'm going to win the lottery tonight $146.2 million dollars. I'd like to buy you a present. What would you like?
Why can't people spell coffee?
There's hope for fall! Our first orb weaver was spotted last night.
Lunar Eclipse I should be in bed right now, but like the dolt that I am I'm watching the dragon eat the moon. He's about halfway through at present.
On a recent visit to Los Angeles, I visited Frank Lloyd Wright's Hollyhock House. I took some pictures, enjoy!
Mefi down for anyone else?
Okay, this has gotten out of hand. Now even the Wall Street Journal is writing about LOLCATS.

27 August 2007

Dead Boys by Richard Lange. A totally shameless plug for a buddy of mine.Read more...
The Ultimate Method of BBQ Lighting? Help?
iTunes Wonkery
Oh my god my head is going to explode. I seriously think I can feel my eyes bugging out. Read more...
NFL season predictions as Star Wars characters The Cleveland Browns are Jawas: small, brown, and constantly trading for junk.
Ack ack ack! I hate responding to discussion questions online! My classmates can't even form coherent sentences! It's killing me! Read more...
1970s watches. From these pieces of wristwear alone, future archaeologists may be able to reconstruct the entire decade.
Happy Birthday to the Triode!
Hand trucks are great. You can carry loads of stuff on them. The best thing about the hand truck is that the load is carried front and center.Read more...
This Wheel's on Fire Just heard this song by Serena Ryder, Read more...
AskMeCha/Tourist Filter: Going to be in New York with some friends for a day tomorrow for the release of the Heroes season one DVD...Read more...
Fun animations. Fritter away the afternoon . . . .
Non-profit equivalent to What's the biggest and best site for employment in nonprofit organizations? Any other nonprofit-career search-related advice welcome.
What on earth do you wear to an evening wedding, in Portland, in October, hosted by a bride and groom who registered primarily at REI, held at a conservation organization's headquarters, with a non-insubstantial Quaker contingent?

I have no clue. Help?
Back in the 1970's, Casablanca Records was home to, among others, rock and roll comicbook heroes Kiss. In contrast to the cartoon demonicism of the Betongued One and Co, they also offered the white satin-suited antics of a band called Angel.Read more...
hey jonmc! how is the book gig? How's Pips? (Hi, Pips!) How's the balcony? Are you still skinny, raiding snack machines and listening to music?
Ask Mecha: Hope me, help my cousin upgrade his video card. Read more...
So, how was your weekend/week/month?
Dear pyjama [sic] warriors: just because you never learnt [sic] British (or Canadian, or Australian) spellings is no defence [sic] for being an arse [sic]. If you must try to win an arguement [sic] by criticising [sic] someone's spelling, please fulfil [sic] the most basic requirement of this manoeuvre [sic], and look up the fecking [sic] word first? Scornfully depositing "[sic]" after a perfectly cromulent Britishism when quoting someone really doesn't demolish your opponent or show off how skilful [sic] your rhetoric is by comparison, trust me. In fact, it just makes you look like a bloody prat [sic].

26 August 2007

How to repay the neighbor?
I Love Television!
Busy Sunday
Ask MeCha Crosspost: What is a good art cheer for a K6 art teachers classroom?
I'm on the Cryptosporidium diet! My daughter went to a preschooler pool party on Wednesday, and got pretty sick immediately after.Read more...
Phew! Yay! My sister has gone home.
Hazardous Runways [youtube] Some of these girls have to walk in these treacherous circumstances 5 or 6 times a day!
Can I find the person at the New York Times who stopped making all their multimedia content pop-up? I'd like to buy them a beer.
Emcee! Emcee! Emcee! Despite malign forces of luck and nature, the current emcee is finally posted! Here, and here! Read more...
euphemisms for guys peeing? Talking to some friends (okay, okay, mudpuppie and mullacc), I said there's tons of euphemisms for guys peeing but not for women... Read more...
Nothing quite wakes you up ... like having a spider pop out from under the computer keyboard just as you start to log into your email.

That is all.
It's the event of the season! The IRC cocktail party is still going. With Celebrity Appearances! Come join us--we may talk lingerie at any moment.
My auntie's funeral
Which Sketch Comedy TV show is "you?" Just pondering that, watching A Bit of Fry and Laurie.

I'm pretty much The State.

25 August 2007

Only on the frickin' internet. - Read the comments. Hi, mom!
what do you do when taskbar thingie vanishes? We just went wireless and now there's no File, Edit, View etc. thing on the top in Explorer, plus nowhere to key in url addresses.
As I was unpacking one of the myriad boxes of discount used books to stock the dozen or so clearance carts (that's my job, among a few other duties), I discovered this tome. I guess some bodice-buster hack is also a Zevon fan. Did I buy it? Do you have to ask?
Font Search I'm looking for free fonts that look like Fabiol or Estilo. Y'all know of any, off the top of your head?
Watching the second episode of 30 Rock and heard Alec Baldwin say, "What are you talking about? Everybody loved your little Lemon Party." I can't believe Alec Baldwin said that.
And now, Miss Teen South Carolina on why some Americans can't locate the US on a map.Read more...
I'm sick of rain and my ISP sucks When we got Comcast two months ago, they had to run a cable out to the box behind our house. They swore they'd be back to bury it. Well, the landscapers chewed through it last week.Read more...
Bunnystock II! The social event of the century is seven short weeks away! I'm just posting because we haven't had a post in a while. Update the wiki if you have new info, particularly if you'll for sure be staying with me (I need to logisticize).Read more...
An emcee update cleverly disguised as a thank you note to Shane!Read more...
DAMMIT ALL TO HELL. This is a whining thread. Read more...
"Thinking of the stupidest shit possible." Former Weekly World news writer laments the end of his job, and an era. RIP, Bat Boy. :(
Today is the Metachat fantasy football draft. Don't forget, bunnies - 6:30 PM Pacific time!
A nice collection of found photo booth shots from the 30's to the 70's.
seaking out.... Anyone know if there are any Mefi/cha denizens who live in Newfoundland?
Today is the offical Metachat online cocktail party. Pretty much all day! Hop on into #bunnies with the beverage of your choice (doesn't have to be potent).Read more...
Poise comes in many forms. Sometimes it's making that right comment in an uncomfortable situation. Sometimes it's stepping blithely out of your panties when the elastic gives out on a crowded sidewalk. And sometimes,Read more...

24 August 2007

Radio Mecha - Music Box I'm listening to some music--I'm not sure what. Please join me, if you're so inclined.
post by: box at: 23:16 | 3 comments
Catching Up With LT (If You Wan'..)
Goodbye My Almost Lover I've been thinking this past year and a half or so about songs that express sentiments I haven't heard musically expressed before. Here is one. Anyone have others to share?
Flat LCD monitor recommendations? Disrecommendations? I'm getting a bonus from my job, but it's one of those cheesy "redeem for gift certificate of your choice" thingjobs instead of cash. Before I claim it, I want to figure out what monitor shall replace my boxy, non-flat, twencen monitor. Read more...
TPS and Zac Efron not engaged to be married! At all! Seriously! I should know because he's, like, my neighbor here in SLO County and he's all anybody around here talks about. They even named a massive brush fire after him. Anyway, Teeps, there's a very small apartment for rent next to mine if you wish to be closer to your true love (Zac, NOT me).
Ask MeCha: Is there a term for when a character says something like "That'll never happen to me!" and then it immediately happens? "Cosmic irony" seems to be the closest match, but I was hoping for something that indicated the immediacy of the event...
The IT Crowd The premiere of season two tonight was a friggin' riot. I gave up on it last season at one point, but they seem to have rallied a bit. Highlight: Noel from A Mighty Boosh.
What A Wonderful World performed by hand puppets.
Songs that quote other songs? A small fascination of mine are songs that quote other songs; the use of a lyric or a referential guitar part can open up another point of reference within the song.Read more...
I thought this could have made an Onion headline. Ryanair to charge £2 to check in: Passengers charged to check in from next month as part of airline's latest plan to slash costs.
Let them sing it for you! (requires Flash and headphones)
post by: psho at: 11:52 | 1 comment
For the Ladies! Bathing suit season may be almost over, but there's still time to take advantage of WholesomeWear's three different styles which "highlight the face, rather than the body."
How is your day going?
How do you sign your personal emails? What do you think of people who sign off with a cute or pithy phrase? A lot of my friends end with things like "Hugs, Ravena", or "All the best, Ludwig". Personally, I just finish writing my email and hit send. Do you feel an email is incomplete or impersonal if there's no signature?
My new ink! My artist put a pic of my tattoo up on his myspace. :DRead more...
Okay, so here's the review! Wing's show at Cafe du Nord was actually... I'm shocked to say it... GREAT. A few HUNDRED happy people showed up! Read more...
Does your cat get in the shower? Ours does. That's just weird.Read more...
Hello Dr May, congratulations - there's a song fitting for this, I'm sure.
Dear Mecha, a Kitty Question in Two Parts: My neighbor went on holiday, and I agreed to feed her indoor/outdoor cats. However, she didn't leave enough food (Science Diet). Read more...
Photo Friday Show us your scar.
Happy birthday Danf, you old bugger you!
Pigeon Deterring Tactics With a certain degree of difficulty.

23 August 2007

OMG cute dancing robot dancing to Spoon. BTW, that's the lead singer of Spoon standing behind the roboticist on the escalator. And this one has lower production values but more robot face time. [YouTube]
Pips says that the couple in this commercial remind her of occhiblu and ikkyu2. I can see it.
you rock barack TDS ep: It's worth your time.
In search of Malaysian iced coffee! I just had the tastiest beverage of my entire summer and I must learn how to make it.Read more...
Virgo Month of Leisure (self link!). It has come to my attention that there are a lot of Virgos running around here with no idea that they are supposed to be RELAXING this month!Read more...
D-List Corporablogger Calls out OV (Original Vlogsta) as Stupid, Old and Throwing-Like-A-Girl

YouTube Roundup: The Inimitable Andrew Aitken Rooney on poop, negroes, the Iraq war and Da Ali G Show.
Useless trivia about The Go-Betweens
Speaking of old people... I guess I'm officially one of them.Read more...
bonus friday! w00t! what should i do with myself?
I walk outside for lunch today, and a bird falls to the brick terrace directly in front of me with a thwack. It must have hit an upper story window. I watch it die. It only takes a few seconds. I scoop it up and place it in the grass, feeling more than a bit sorry for the poor bugger. Lunch is bland and tasteless, and once I'm done, I get ready for my last team meeting before leaving the company in two weeks. In the conference room I sit at the large table. My manager enters the room and in front of my peers tells me that I'm not supposed to be there at this late stage of my notice. I no longer feel like contributing anything for the remainder of my term. It's been that kind of day.
This has nothing to do with anything, but I noticed something cool the other night. A project I'm working on requires me to come up with an assload of fake band names. And out of the blue, it hit me one night that MeFi/MeCha handles often sound like very serviceable band names...Read more...
We Haven't Done This One In A While. So, uh, baby, what are you wearing right now?
Cleaning out the attic I've found an old box that must have been moved around a lot and has remained sealed for, I don't know, forever. It's got old t-shirts and stuff from around 1990-1992 (the Clinton 92 t-shirt gave it away); it's mostly from the Gap. I'm very impressed at how the t-shirts, ALL of them made in the USA, are so much better made than the current sweatshop material they sell at the Gap, a store I haven't been patronizing in, like, ages. The Clinton t-shirt and the Georgetown t-shirt are both made in the USA, too.
Violet Blue's Burning Man Sex Tips Just very funny. That's all.
eyebrow shaping for guyz!1 Follow up on this
It's "the ultimate in style, comfort and extreme combat protection" Now that's how to prove how much you love your child. Shoot at it with an automatic rifle *sighs*.
Overheard in Athens... In my local small grocery: an American woman and her 13-yr.(+/-) son... Read more...
Bill Hicks Had a Point I really, really, really dislike commercials - so much so that I think that Sky+ is the best invention since the lightbulb. I haven't seen a television ad in over a year! The only time I'm forced to sit through one nowadays is when I'm at the cinema... when I have to sit through about ten.Read more...
THIS IS A TEST OF THE WENDELL RADIO BROADCAST Right after Kyleg's show... Let's see if I can get this radio thing working on a different compy; if so, an hour or two of randomness, if not, an hour or two of silence.

22 August 2007

I need cheap decorating tips for a small apartment. And by cheap, I mean almost free.Read more...
Bringin' in the harvest. Finally, the first big pickin' in the garden. Best be puttin' away the fruit and vegetables for the long, cold (and $5/lb for tomatoes) winter. Tonight: pickled beans, prep for tomorrow's curry pickle slices, and freezing blackberries in the hope of getting enough to make wine. Read more...
It's coming... in fifteen minutes, radio kyleg returns with a look at all your favorite indie artists that sold out and put their songs on tv ads. 11pm-1am EDT
A Finnish Disco Version of "YMCA" (video) Because one can never have too much Finnish disco in one's life. Perhaps we can hire these gentlemen to perform at the TPS/Stynxno wedding.
Canada takes better care of their mullet-rockers than the US. Read more...
Paging TPS! Is there a website that tells you what clothing chains are having sales and when?
Reminder: this week's Photo Friday theme is "Look at my scar!" (suggested by chuckdarwin) As always, interpret the theme however you like. Evidence of emotional traumas, your car's dented fender, etc etc all acceptable. Audio, NSFW.
Talking heads show you their asses first. You heard right. What's more, you'll be cleaner than ever. Thank you Toto!
Twitchy kitty
On Writing.
AskMecha - Fruit Filter - I've posted this question over at AskMe and I'm also hoping for some tips from the bunnies. KPLZTHXBAI!
cortex is a rabble rouser! He rouses rabbles!
Another GESTURES site The guy demonstrating makes it.
TPS and Stynxno not engaged to be married! At all! Seriously! No congrats to those crazy kids! I'm not setting up a registry at, and I hope you all won't get 'em a toaster or whatever!
American Chopper Drama: The Teutul family's facing fraud charges after declaring the "bankruptcy" of one of their side ventures.
Event planning help: How do I go about researching venues for a work event? It's a seminar-type thing, and the last time I did this I was working on a college campus so it just involved calling up the Facilities Management office and getting a list of available rooms. Now I have a whole city to pick from, but no idea where to begin researching what's out there. Thoughts?
I like this story. It offsets this one.
Tower-climbing, topless, fire-breathing transsexuals unite! Classic, hilarious Daily Show clip. Note the young Jon Stewart at the end.
Good synonym for well-rounded? I need a quick way to say "I got [a wide variety of] skillz" in a resume title. (The skillz themselves are, of course, enumerated within the resume.)
"Faith healer" Benny Hinn does some hardcore healing.
OMG janeane garofalo joins 24 cast!!! (which is kinda weird, seeing as how joel surnow is all buddybuddy with rush limbaugh and everything... maybe he thought that the show needed an injection of early nineties-style irony and sarcasm?)
This is an awesome thread. If you have something really awesome that you were waiting for a good reason to post, I've got one inside.Read more...
Tying It This thread from growabrain got me thinking. Are weddings still relevant these days? Read more...
I CAN HAZ IRC COCKTAIL PARTY? I'm depressed. I need a party. So, here is where we plan our giant IRC all-come party, 'K? Do step inside and let's work it out... Read more...

21 August 2007

mmm......yeast I'm hungry...too tired to eat...should just go to coochie has been really burning off and on for the last 2 days, i sure hope it's yeast cos that's how i've been treating it....seems like my whole body fills up with yeast or some kind of fungus when the days get real humid. yes im taking acidophilus etc. On a different note, there are no good looking single guys over 35. OK I take that back, there are maybe 3 of them per greater metropolitan area.Read more...
AskMecha: I need some suggestions for this essay question: "If you could step into someone else's shoes for a day, who would it be and why?"Read more...
Get it down your neck Weird Cuisine: Raw beef, Raw whale, Raw horse, Raw chicken, Live octopus, Crocodile kebabs, Eel liver soup, Fish head curry, Giant shrimp heads, Monkfish liver, Sea urchin gonads, Snow frog fallopian tubes, Blood soup, Chicken ovaries, Dog meat soup, Kangaroo steak, Pig intestines, Pork trotters, Sheep testicles, Steamed silkworms, Stinky tofu, Radium eggs, Golden Muscle Wine, Bat, Dog penis, Tripe goulash, Bear meatballs & Blood Pancackes.

Say it with me: Mmmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmmmmm, MMMMMMMM!
U.S. Reading Habits There it sits on your night stand, that book you've meant to read for who knows how long but haven't yet cracked open. Tonight, as you feel its stare from beneath that teetering pile of magazines, know one thing -- you are not alone.
Bachelorette Party etiquette, sorta... I'm the arranger for my friend's non-traditional bachelorette party. The bride wanted to go to a restaurant for food and drink and then to private room karaoke. (No gifts, no veils, no phalli.) It's all arranged and the RSVPs are in.Read more...
post by: xo at: 17:43 | 6 comments
Happy Birthday, Joe. Joe Strummer would have been 55 today.
venting now...
I HATE YOU, DRAGONCON. I REALLY, REALLY DO! (ranting thread)Read more...
New MIA album out today... Anyone else listen to it? It's totally making the invoices boogie off my desk.
GESTURES a neat blog about different cultures' gestures.
Today you get three wishes. Because I luff you. Read more...
Breakup logistics, part II What do I do with my 2 cats if I stay with my allergic mother? There aren't any friends close by who can take them.Read more...
A little victory
Please help me think of songs about the music biz. I'm doing a story on how local musicians are coping with the changes in the industry, and I want to quote some songs as the subheads. So far I can think of Gillian Welch's "Everything is Free Now," Boston's "Rock and Roll Band," Pink Floyd's "Have a Cigar," and the Byrds' "So You Want to Be a Rock'n'Roll Star," -- what else?
Our 5 day forecast. Enough with the centuries already.
Dang. I just had an overwhelming urge to eat .... JUNKFOOD. I don't even know what kind of junky junkfood I want. Something weird... like Arbees or a McDonald's fish sandwich. Nothing so relatively normal as pizza. Read more...
The album Drums and Guns by Low, keeps getting better the longer I listen to it. A few songs from the album, plus some older tracks, inside.Read more...
Free Lunchtime lecture in London 23rd August 1pm.

20 August 2007

My latest bright idea: paid public representatives should have to do one day's honest work a month.Read more...
AskMeCha etiquette question: wedding invitations that don't mention a SO. Read more...
Ask MeCha: Gaming PC Woes
OMG Bunnies! A new threadless shirt. That is all.
OMG MOBA! Yep, the Museum of Bad Art. They've redesigned. Apparently.Read more...
Trouble! JonMC: When you applied for the bookstore that shall not be named, how did you do on the test?Read more...
AskMecha - logistics of breaking an engagement
Proof I spend too much time on the grey Forbidden. You don't have permission to access / on this server. Apache/2.0.59 (Win32) JRun/4.0 Server at Port 80.
I'm going to see Rage Against the Machine!! This Friday! A surprise from the Boyfriend! And Dave Matthews Too!
\shrieks with excitement
I saw a Pharaoh! We just got back from the Tut exhibit.Read more...
Vick will plead guilty. What a piece of shit he turned out to be. It sickens me that I cheered so loudly for him during Virginia Tech's run at the national championship the year after I graduated.

Fuck you, Michael Vick.
EmCee Update: My dog ran away a couple of weeks ago Read more...
Arrangements made.
Wing has landed.
Spoilers Ahoy: I just saw The Illusionist and... I think it pales in comparison to The Prestige.Read more...
Look out- credit card companies have now figured out how to open accounts on your behalf. How nice of them.Read more...
The project that has given me fits since last spring finally starts airing tomorrow.Read more...
Inspirational, non-religious songs? What are your favorite inspirational songs, of any genre? Looking for uplifting, powerful, but not-specifically-religious songs (general spiritual themes OK).
Chicago Folks? Anyone going to the Chemical Brothers/Ladytron show Sep 24 at the Riv?

The Kaiser Chiefs are also playing the 24th and Metric is on the 25th and New Model Army is back on the 29th. Actually, September has way too many shows and I'm trying to allocate resources by figuring out which shows I won't have to go to alone!
Seen on the Metachat fantasy football league page: "Your Head-to-Head league will not be able to start the season if it contains an odd number of teams." We have 11 teams. 11 is odd! We need one more. The draft is on Saturday! Anyone? Join please.
Spontaneous Opera Syndrome photoset on Flickr. Funny! I found it via mefite jamaro's photo stream - specifically, her unbearably cute kittypix!
post by: taz at: 08:13 | 7 comments
Old school cats and dogs out , as in raining so hard the dogs that were chasing the cats both got washed off the roof, 'cept it's going day threeRead more...
Well, I did it. I resigned, saying mental health emergency. I've taken today and tomorrow off as sick leave. If I go to the doctor will the doctor give me a note for today and tomorrow? the doctor appointment is at 3:40pm tomorrow.

19 August 2007

Happy Birthday brina! 16 minutes belated, I know.
No Reservations Hey. Anthony Bourdain is who he is. But I forgot how great he can be. Tonight we rented the No Reservations show on Paris/New Jersey: Brilliant. Damn. Now I have to rent the whole series. Excellent.Read more...
Great little exchange Krrrlson and ZachsMind do a nice little exchange here that made me smile.
This Thread is for Posting Bad Unicorn Art
Personal canon I started thinking about this while out with some other MeFites (unintentionally, both Friday and Saturday evenings out were dominated by people on Metafilter)—

What are the ten albums that you'd feel someone has to be reasonably conversant in in order to talk about music with you?
Hidden key strategy. I have to come up with a clever hidden key idea for getting into my house if locked out... Read more...
I'm resigning from the job tomorrow. I'm not even going to start looking for work until two weeks after my notice expires. This is by far the worst job I've ever had and I'll be glad to be out and focusing on ordinary life and the people around me.
Ask MeCha: How much stock do you take in dreams? Read more...
Ask Mecha: Do I buy my cousin a gift for his promotion to Eagle Scout? Read more...
Minor forgery--why isn't there more of it? We get so many coupons, passes, tickets and documents that look like bad photoshop jobs.Read more...
I saw a T-Rex! Yesterday was the big Walking With Dinosaurs show! It was awesome! And it sucked! Read more...
I watched the pilot and (15 minutes) of the series finale of 'John Of Cincinnati' because I really like Deadwood and most of the other David Milch shows. One word about 'John': wtf. Seriously. Sometimes they do cancel good shows, but this was just weird for the sake of it.
Caught up on Dr. Who, should I bother with Torchwood? I'm not really interested in watching pansexual hookups by beautiful people. I just want my sci-fi fix.
Yesterday ....

18 August 2007

I AM DONE!!! er, actually just wanted to publicly say that tonight I finished writing my neverending thesis, 45 pages of culture and war and suchlike. Tomorrow I DRINK and cuss a lot!
Happy Birthday Brina!
Miscellanea: Why exactly does Gina Bellman have a monkey on (or near) her back? (NSFW topless English actor. Sorry.) Has the Wikipedia history of Some Velvet been posted yet? HJ, I didn't see your post or I would've commented sooner. That is all, please carry on.
BP Radio: Twistin' by the pool on hot August night. Starting at a quarter to eleven, Eastern Daylight Time. (A few minutes from now.)
Oh, Brother! Girls, if you want to be Beauties of Nature, just follow these simple steps. video
Best Starbucks Ever. No, I haven't lost my mind. Take a look at the painted line in the second picture.
FRENCH TOAST! I made it as a special post-lease signing meal. Read more...
That was the greatest song! by The Pooh Sticks. It's bound to be a Million Seller. (Actually, it wasn't. They called their next album Optimistic Fool.)
The new Danielson documentary isn't all that special...but.....
So what do you know about... hives? Never had had 'em before. I've got 'em. Why? Read more...
Got strange browser hijacks lately? Hacking web banner networks sends banner ads from hated to feared yes, it's written from the advertisers p.o.v. but I thought I'd warn people here who surf a lot there's BAD stuff out thereRead more...
I has been cheezburgerd! A picture I took of my cat years ago landed up on ICHCB yesterday!Read more...

17 August 2007

Hey, audiophiles - Turntable/vinyl questions.
Please help me ID this movie.
post by: PY at: 20:02 | 8 comments
X? More like Y, amirite? via growabrain, I was perusing Wikipedia's "List of Snowclones" when the example of the very last one on the list got up and BIT me!Read more...
Just wanted to share...
I have an apartment! And it has no oven. Today must be a good day for housing! :)
We found our place! Conveniently enough, it's the front house on the triplex property where my boyfriend's been living all along!Read more...
My auntie died this evening. She was 91 and had been in failing health for a long while. I will miss her so much.
Weekend Plans Roundup
"See Emily Play" - The Pink Floyd (via growabrain) Other sixties goodness inside:Read more...
I'm happy to see that andrew cooke is back Among other things, he is responsible for this comment, one of my all-time favorites.
Does AT&T wireless really not offer call forwarding? My current T-mobile plan gives me 500 call-forward minutes. AT&T says they have nothing like this, and in fact will charge $.45 a minute on forwarded calls.Read more...
I Need a Favour, Por Favor
Ask Mecha Help: At My Wits' End With Unbelievably Horrible Cable Internet Company Self link explaining a customer service nightmare of epic proportions that I've been going through with Charter Communications over the last two weeks. Now, I need your help: what can I do to get this resolved? And, how can I make their lives as miserable as they've made mine?Read more...
What do you listen to?
Leaving for Canada in three hours! What am I forgetting?
Two things: 1) do I need to see the other two 'Bourne' films before seeing 'Ultimatum'? Cos it comes out here today, and it looks like just the kind of mindless action film I need to see this evening.Read more...
Photo Friday: Butts (as suggested by cmonkey)
Athens on fire You are fairly central, aren't you taz?
Today is my last day of work in the UK. Read more...

16 August 2007

THOMCATSPIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know, I've been bad, I haven't been paying attention to MeCha like I should, but damn - it is so rare these days to confirm a rare sighting of the spiker on the blue, and although I have no idea if he's been gracing your presence or not, I figgered some of the older folks might like to know he's popped in.
I love you people. That is all.
And Don't You Know; It's A Beautiful New Day OK, that really sucked. Read more...
And if one of you would be kind enough to have a myocardial infarction, we can see how the defibrillator works. Thank you sir. Yes, you at the back.
Some Velvet Morning when I'm straight. In 1968 Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazlewood recorded a strange and wonderful duet for a TV special.Read more...
Motivate me to work on my project. I have some revisions to a freelance project that has turned into a soul-sucking quagmire. I promised it would be done this week but I haven't been able to bring myself to do it. Please hope me.
dear box and Citrusfreak12 (bike geekery inside)
Jenna Bush is engaged. But is she pregnant, too? Or just fashionable? Damn those trendy floaty tops.
5 gum flip-off? Adgrunt Clayton finds subliminal message at the end of the new 5 ads and makes tres useful gif animation. QT ads linked in article too
Am I the only one left who still loves the Cube so much?
I received a letter in the mail yesterday. it was from my nephew, and he addressed it himself (okay, his mom supplied the zip codes), backwards letters and all.Read more...
In memory of the King born in Mississippi. On this, the anniversery of what may or may not have been his death. (depending on your preference in checkout-line reading).
Attn: WTF? (rant inside)
I gots me some sesamoiditis. Dang. It sounds edible, don't it?
What song lyric best describes your mood right now?
My new name is...
Three Point Status Update
More great news from Iraq. It's so heartbreaking and infuriating that it's beyond words. Read more...
bit torrent question:
Stress - need ideas/insight
AskMecha: Need help finding a site that used information from Project Vote SmartRead more...
Amnesia -- how quickly does an unclaimed amnesia victim get shuffled off to the local shelter or family services or wherever they might send them?Read more...
Hellcat - needs caption. That is all.
What do I want to do with my life? Being a pretty much full time activist blows bunny chunks. Tore up by a coyote coughing out ears and cotton tails CHUNKAGE. What do I want to do?Read more...
"Step into my office" Dude, that Morgan Freeman was hot back in the day. (YouTube, SFW)
Otter! OMG! He won't go swimming. Ahhh ...
45 seconds of excellence disguised as a Skittles ad.

15 August 2007

Are food prices increasing? This is a link to a news report claiming that there have been sharp increases in the prices of certain foods (here in the USA, I mean). Does this seem consistent with your experiences at the checkout line? I haven't noticed anything.
Dear MetaChat, do I want this apartment? Let me tell you the pros and cons.Read more...
At the tail end of the week... this week's Photo Friday theme (as suggested by cmonkey) is "Butts." Needless to say, the theme, as always, can be interpreted any way you like.
AskMecha: What's the best open-top bus line in London? ...and are there any online discounts?
I'm staying put! Seasonal Jessamyn's Home for Little Wanderers post... Read more...
NEW TECHNO MIX! I rebuilt my computer from the chassis up and upgraded it with a new (used) motherboard. To test it and wring it out I recorded this in Traktor. This mix is really quite nice.
Ask MeCha. Diabetes + alcohol = I'm worried about my aunt. Read more...
Books recommendations for people dating recovering addicts?
Ask MeCha - frustrating memory card glitch
Free books
Bearforce1 from Holland... the first gay bear man group.
Shot in the dork. This is a long shot, but is there any way to network a regular, USB printer wirelessly? Read more...
I've found work somewhat frustrating of late. Which is no big deal, really; I'm doing new things on top of other new things, the group I work with is in the midst of serious change, and thus everybody's too busy to communicate well.Read more...
"Monkey on my back" refers to addiction generally, or to a specific substance?
I thought it was spam but it wasn't Got an e-mail today with the subject "can i chat with u" which I ordinarily would have deleted immediately. But I noticed that the From was from someone at my domain. It's someone I've never met who wants career advice, probably to do a PhD in the States.Read more...
Daft Hands! A Daft Punk song "sung" with hands. Hilarious. (The good stuff starts once the long intro is over. Wait for it.)
Au Bon Pain FTW So I saw this poster outside an Au Bon Pain store that says:

"No shirt, no shoes? Have we got a salad for you."Read more...
Today's double feature: The Fanatic Four and Pirates of the Constitution: Head Man's Mess Suitable for desktops, or wrapping fish. [tag: movie posters] Read more...
AskMecha: What's the meaning of double-spaced?

14 August 2007

This post is meant to wish gomi(child) a happy birthday, and to entice her to actually start posting on Metachat instead of just stalking us all in IRC.

So, say Hi and Happy Birthday to her.
I just found out today that a friend of the family died Read more...
Need a refresher course in pooing and peeing? This was unbelievably cute.

And hilarious.
R.I.P. GYM SOCK This is both sad and sweet.
It's an m3u link, therefore kinda annoying... But the music makes up for it. Interstellar Overdrive meets Interstellar Low Ways by way of James Ilgenfritz.

(A quasi self-link; he's been friends with my girlfriend forever).
WOOT! Biopsy results negative! Tonight: a big martini and steak celebration.
Central Canadians. Please hope me.
Where do you go to write? I need a secret hideaway to write creatively and get stuff done. Not home. Not work. Somewhere else. Where would you go?
Help me get to know Los Bros Hernandez!
can anyone recommend a good (free) stats tracker that isn't sitemeter? Read more...
I put on Mariah Carey's "Dreamlover" today...
Three-point status update.
Help my uncle find his old WWII buddy? In my 'Net-surfing career I've used all kinds of amazing "Find People" websites, but now I've lost the best ones from my Bookmarks. Help? Read more...
My divorce hearing is at 8.30 this morning. It's currently 8.53.Read more...
Levi's ad. Gay or Straight.
Who loves Skee Ball? Man, I love Skee Ball.
Happy birthday dg and Orange Swan!
A frustration-vent post. Does anyone else feel as though we need something like MetaTalk?
I'm jonesin' for an Emcee update anyone else? taz? iconomy?
Too busy to be depressed. Semi-follow-up to my AskMe.
Does peppermint old remind you of old lady smell? Yeah, I know this is a weird question. But This question makes me want to try Dr. Bronner's pepp. shampoo and balm. Oh, the minty goodness! ButRead more...
Playground spontaneously combusts. Anyone ever seen something like this before?

13 August 2007

So, remember Chocolate Rain Guy whom we discussed here earlier?

Well, I was in LA over the weekend and picked up a copy of the LA Times to read while eating breakfast yesterday, and what do I see, but **I move away from the mic to breathe in. (!!!)
A cigar is sometimes just a cigar, but a cookie is always a metaphor. Irma Rombauer wrote the Joy of Cooking when her husband died. Paula Deen opened her catering business when her husband left her. When Aunt Alexandra descended upon the Finch household to preserve its dignity while Atticus defends the hopeless, Miss Maudie Atkinson baked up a Lane Cake so loaded with shinny, it made one tight. Baked goods, it seems, can save your soul.

Tonight, I had too much grief and now I have too many monster cookies. Anyone got any milk?
Name this sound: You're playing pool and your cue stick hits the ball in the wrong way and it makes that awful clacking noise.
posting from an iPhone!
Survival After a few days of walking on eggshells and biting my tongue, things are working out. Read more...
"Hollywood" used to mean "glamorous and worthy of a silver screen star." Now it means "bald labia." Read more...
Nesting bits 'n' bytes. Arts and crafts meet geek humor.
It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a Revolutionary War Submarine! being the story of One Wooden Submarine, several maritime law enforcement agencies, a world-class cruise ship and a patriot named Duke.
New York Haidz: Possible LT visit in first week of November.... Read more...
Child Beater (No children were harmed in the making of this hilarious video)Read more...
Since it seems to be soul-searching day on Metachat: I don't deal well with effusive praise. How do you handle it?
What does one do with business cards aside from giving them out to colleagues from other companies? I have 250 and I'm not really in a schmoozy kind of job but it seems like such a waste to leave them sitting here. They're very fancypants.
Proud Dad moment We just had a great weekend, and I wanted to share some pictures. Feel free to skip, I'm pretty much wanting to show off my charming kids!
A mini-moral quandry in a cardboard box.
Anyone know of an online white noise generator?
Old-fashioned video cameras and runaway trains.
Ask MeCha: If you know anything about how digital cameras work, I have a question for you about the light sensor.Read more...
Quick question for England bunnies. Should I make a flight decision based on which airport to fly into? With everything else being equal and assuming that I'm going to central London anyway. Thanks!
Happy Birthday By the Grace of God!
My kid sister is now someone's wife! I just got back from the wedding last night. Pleased to report that my emotional family didn't cry all weekend.
As of today I have been married exactly half my life. Read more...
I've got a question for a certain type of male bunny. Hi guys! What I'm wondering is: Why, exactly, don't guys talk about their feelings?Read more...
Monday distraction question. Can you think of some things that haven't changed much in a long time? Examples include Toastmasters, umbrellas, newspaper stands (the self serve ones, not the manned newsstands in bigger places like NYC). Not necessarily US-centric.
Electrocity - warning, more addictive than Civilization.

12 August 2007

Chocolate, Strawberry, Sasparilla. I'm sure I'm not the only one who watched the Roast of Flavor Flav. Anyone have a particular favorite moment? (spoiler warning? I guess?)Read more...
Samuel R. Delany on Teachability and The Literary Canon
“Since World War II, one of the greatest—and, I think, most pernicious, factors in canoncity has been the teachability of works. Whatever criticisms one has of the conservative notion of general literary fame to select the best works, the problem of teachability undercuts it. Read more...
Fantasy Football - PLAY, you know you want to Read more...
I'm coming to the East Coast at the start of October. I'll have from the Monday the 1st to Thursday the 11th to meet as many bunnies/MeFites as I can.Read more...
Funky shower curtains --i really need a new one and can't find the cool ones i've seen when i didn't. Help? Fun, colorful, anything but hokey and clear.
Como se dice 'cueca' en ingles? Spanish speakers: what does the (apparently) slang word "cueca" mean? Read more...
"One one-thousand" vs. "One Mississippi" Here in the States, we use these phrases when counting down, to represent a unit of one second.

"One one-thousand, two one-thousand, three one-thousand . . . "
House of cards? Pretty cool. Skyscrapers and stadiums of cards? Even better.
Combining newspapers and television, conservative religious leaders were quoted, mentioned, or interviewed in news stories 2.8 times as often as were progressive religious leaders.
Where is paulsc?
Bizarre local news: Police Kill Sword-Wielding Suspect. "Screaming for police to shoot him, Clevenger advanced with the samurai sword raised."
What do you hear outside your window right now? Read more...
Cookin' in the kitchen. Some brilliant sound mixing and editing- the hostess is adorable, too.
Freddy gets his own action figure. Mercury, that is. Amazingly life-like. Yeah, baby! ...I'm cheering and LOLing at the same time.
Silly makeup question So, I'm gonna have to buy some new makeup soon. Specifically lipstick.Read more...

11 August 2007

My Jumpcut Video Yah, I know it sucks but it's all I got.Read more...
BP Radio: rowdy music for a hot August night. Starting in about 1 minute.
Boys, please don't refer to women or girls as "chicks" Read more...
I really love Alton Brown's "Feasting on Asphalt." But you know what?Read more...
Pips is in the kitchen, making baked beans on toast with extra sharp cheddar. I feel very British. Fab, gear, ay wot guv'nor. (we are using British made vegetarian beans as my research showed that American pork-n-beans, while great as an accompaniment for weinies, is not acceptable in this recipe).
AskMeChaPoll: Oceans or Mountains? Which would you rather live near? Why?
The Worst American Jaw-dropping stuff. Here's a taste:
Running Up That Hill I'm on record as saying I don't like Placebo's cover of this song as much as the original (even though I like Placebo a lot). The song's video is so captivating, though, I think it's won me over.
This planet is quite nice Especially from a distance
Bunny! OMG!
*runs and hides*
Quickly cleaning out your gmail account Some very useful advanced searchs for scraping mp3s and large files out of your sent folder.Read more...
Is there some obvious reason i'm missing as to why suddenly none of my avi files have any audio?Read more...
It is Taz's birthday!!!!
What's the address to that site that shows who hosts a site? Read more...

10 August 2007

IRC what, what! Get all in here you!
Friday Night Wendell Wadio... Immediately following Zach_Replica... DJ Bathroom Break Songs... nothing under 6 minutes. Read more...
Translate DaShiv for me? ..comically and/or seriously.
Can anyone recommend a web-based e-mail reminder service?
Radio_Replica: T o w e r s  O p e n  F i r e
Spoken word and music. 7:30 - 9:10 pm. Pacific.
Where does "There is no number eight" come from? I've seen it around recently and can't recover the original reference from my puny human brain. Hive-mind to the rescue!
Portlandians: Is there a bar in town that has beer, WiFi, smoking, and accessible electrical outlets? Read more...
This use of AskMe is resourceful, but I can't say I think it should be encouraged.

It would fit in fine over here, however.
Help me find some! What are some well-designed websites or blogs that are made to look like an old, tattered (travel?) journal?
Radio Dodgy I'll start a session in the next few minutes. Come and listen!
Pho Kim Long - a great restaurant name that trips off the tongue. Read more...
Weekend Plans! Whatcha up to?
As we appear to be on a cute animal theme today, I bring you Charley the Cat.
He is not like other cats.
For the person who has everything. I mean, who wouldn't want an Exorcist bed?
Optimal digital printing resolution? Stupid digital art question: What's the best resolution at which to print an "oil painted style" piece of digital art (about 8.5"x11") ?
OMG. Sweet Puppy Love. Love on top of love. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.
My Little Pony Hell This is the collection of a 17-year-old girl from west London. Someone should tell her that her chances of ever getting laid are zero while these things remain in her house.
via b3ta.
Little Children, the movie. Spoiler.
A couple things: A distillery upstate (NY) with an interesting and engaging proprietor, and a guitar genius with the world's worst sales pitch.

Liquor and guitar strings make the world go 'round, or at least, the room spin.
Nagware When I started my computer up today, it tells me I need to update Flash. Excuse me? I don't remember asking you. Read more...
Photo Friday: What I Love as suggested by jrossi4r. Show us some of your favorite things!
Fam Dambly My brother and his family arrived yesterday. Read more...

09 August 2007

AskMeCha: Bike Question. If my tires are 700x23C, what size wheels do I tell my bike computer I have?Read more...
Happy Belated Birthday, RedVixen! I think you're super keen!
Watch Lust. Why do I have it? I drive a 15 year old car fer chrissakes, so why should I desire an elegant, snazzy, expensive new watch? My precious....
Swimming elephants. This is fabulous. The second video is especially awesome.
Photo theme for tomorrow? How about Bad Day Pictures, stolen from here. You can even insert anything you want between "Bad" and "Day", such as "Hair" or "Hangover" (or nothing at all. Or do we have a theme already?
After what amount of time is it justifiable to remove another tenant's laundry from the washer when their load is complete and you need the machine?
Three Point Butt Report 1) I have a large and ever-spreading arse.Read more...
meta meta meta I'm afraid of jumping into metatalk so I'm posting this here.Read more...
"Bad Day" Pictures Next time you are having a bad day, look at these and think: "It could be worse."
Watching Baseball Smarter I heard this guy on NPR yesterday and he was fabulously unrepentantly obsessively nerdy about baseball trivia, answering every "why...?" question you could have. I'm gonna get the book.
The Skittles Touch Funny? Sad? Strange? All of the above?
Happy Birthday Miko and Elsa!
Good Advice from chewatadistance
TPS Report for TPS, Please!
The Pepe Le Peu of co-workers Here's a story about former co-worker of mine, and how his serial unrequited passions never failed to trump his better judgment.
Turtle vs. cat How one determined little turtle runs a cat out of its yard.
Radio b - odd music for the odd night of an odd day Not feeling right tonight, so I'm playing some music. You are welcome to listen.
I'm drunk, and I'm a failure. I can't find a job, I'm about to lose my home. Read more...

08 August 2007

It's snowing in Santiago , Chile. This happens like once every 15 years, so it's a big deal. Happy snow-day, everybody!
Plz be sendin' good apartment mojo my way. I really hope I get it!Read more...
Sitcom Idea. A young hipster decides to go to the big sity to hang out and become a famous whatever. But he's confused and instead of going to Williamsburg, Brooklyn he winds up in Williamsburg, Virginia, as in Colonial Williamsburg and he's stranded since his parents are on safari in Monaco or some shit. I think it's got legs, at least as a comedy sketch or something.
Reminder: This week's Photo Friday theme is "What I Love," as suggested by jrossi4r. Get creative! Surprise us! (And anyway, you've just posted your four-legged friends last week, so it should be something else!)Read more...
MeCha Moms and Dads: How did you know (or come to the decision) that you wanted to become a parent?Read more...
Yosemite Sam on Shortwave Radio (And I thought I had too much time on my hands.)

How Crowded Is Your Fridge? [just when you thought one fridge post was enough] Oh, the shame. I rue the day we ever got the thing. It's like a cold breadbox, but smaller. Feel free to gloat.
While looking up restaurant reviews online, I have discovered that a place around the corner from my office "exhumes intimacy" and that "you'd think people who spend all their time online wouldn't be particularly cute.Read more...
Listserves. I need to start a listserve. I know nothing about listserves. Is Yahoogroups my best option, or is there something better?
Ask MeCha: Starting my own MetaFilter for Cleveland.
Laying on Hands. A really beautiful essay about medicine, ethics, activism, and love.
Office pranks. Inspired by katallison.
Social Bookmarking links in MeFi profiles This is such a cool feature. I just added my links to Metachat and a bunch of other sites I belong to (visible to MeFi members only).
There is a new guy in the cubicle next to mine. He has been singing along with his headphones, off and on, for the past two days. He can't really carry a tune. I am thisclose to vaulting the partition and throttling him. In lieu of which, I ask for your tales of the crazymaking habits of co-workers, so I can feel lucky in comparison.
Of Mice and Men encounter.
Online dating question What's the polite way to tell people you're not interested? Read more...
Opposite songs. See if you can guess the real song titles disguised with antonyms... Example: "He Hates Me" -> "She Love You", "Bad Night Moonglow" -> "Good Day Sunshine"
Try "Sour Parent of Yours"
Help me understand what the MTA means by "between." I'm one of the many NYCers stranded due to the subway snafu. I'm in Brooklyn, and if I could get to Atlantic Avenue, I'd have some options. Read more...
Caffeine quandary By 9 AM this morning, I had finished my double-size cup of coffee, and, oops! it was laced w/ caffeine, soRead more...
"Technology did not exist to remove the pencil until now." This story deserves more than four paragraphs.
I am having an ass day, and need to vent.Read more...
I used to be an obituary writer.
Mass transit is wonderful. New York City misses it badly.

Please come back before I go home today, Mass Transit. Life sucks without you.
What's in your refrigerator? It's really painful to hear this girl try to pronounce "Worcestershire". Read more...
Using Flickr to fix your photos: Is there a copyright issue here?Read more...
Pups! OMG! The canine equivalent of the Duggars. Watch right to the end to see the sleeping pup slide over.

07 August 2007

You know that Democratic debate in Chicago today? I was there.Read more...
Santoor Music A pack of pre-cooked Indian food I ate (wife's out of town!) had a bonus CD full of this guy's music. Really nice and meditative but at the same time focused.
Footed Pajamas for Grownups Visit your Inner Child today with Big Feet Pajamas!

Eponysterical. Am I going to hell for laughing here?
HEAD, a.k.a., the 1968 movie in which the Monkees self-destructed their career and their image, with Jack Nicholson's help. Read more...
How ramix got her groove back
So someone was asking when does a banana protector NOT look like a sex toy... Read more...
If I only listened to singles and not albums, I wouldn't be digging on Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers' "Damn the Torpedoes."Read more...
Eeep! Eeep! Eeep! My company is flying me to BOSTON!!!Read more...
Askmecha: Wedding Mix I'm putting together a mix for a wedding on the beach (in Jamaica). Please suggest good wedding music that is fun and light hearted.

I miss you bunnies
Tilt Shift AskMecha Photographers: This is my first try at emulating this technique. Am I doing it wrong?
This lunchtime ...
AskMechaRenters: TheDude and I are in the process of renting a house...Read more...
AskMecha: Need to find a series of commercials I know one of you runs a site having to do with TV commercial ads; which one of you is it?Read more...
This cat HAS had cheezburger. More than one, I'd say.
Seasons are changing too soon! The sun sets earlier. The light's getting weaker. And this week has been overcast. It already feels like autumn. Read more...
What Would Puppy Do? He'd follow your every move, that's what.
Espresso Machines Do you have an espresso machine? If so, please read on.Read more...
3 pt. stat. rep. plz.
Night photography of industrial sites. This photo is especially awesome. I also like this guy's "nature and industry" shots.
should I stay with my counsellor? Person centred therapy. four sessions in, no tools yet to deal with stuff better, forty quid a session.Read more...
It's dawn.
This is my last day of work
I do love you all I'm just dealing with

06 August 2007

I loved the Book Of Lists when I was a kid and I love punk rock, so this is great news. (check the author names).
Selling my soul to the devil for $0.09 I just added an advertisement thingie to my blog. First I felt all crass and commercial, like I'd sold my soul to Satan. Then I did a little research on what I am likely to make, and now I'm all bummed out that my soul is not a worthwhile commodity. But then it probably beats what I'd get for my body, so hey, I'm ahead of the financial game;-)
The Longest Day Undergraduates forfeiting all electronic media for 24 hours... oh nooo!Read more...
Famous! Part Deux....
Today the 'mc' stands for 'McGyver.'
I have spent the entire morning wading through conservative think tanks' websites, and I CANNOT TAKE IT ANYMORE.Read more...
External hard drive opinions, anyone? I'm finally getting an external hard drive for all my music. This one seems like quite a good deal, but I'd like to get any feedback from more technically inclined Mechazens. Any experience with Iomega in general or with this product specifically? Read more...
I love AskMe.
I just scored a Nintendo Wii. Which games for the console are considered must-own? (There can't be that many--the Wii shelves still look bare to me.)
"Toxic WiFi" ... In his Black Hat presentation, he took over the [WiFi-connected] e-mail account of an audience member using Google Inc.'s Gmail service. More Defcon and Black Hat fun in the article (and on the 'Net), including the ejection of an undercover NBC news producer who was there despite NBC having turned down the invitation. And, heh: "White House High-Security Locks Broken: Bumped and Picked at DefCon."
This is what I get for not going to MetaFilter on a regular basis anymore. Why didn't somebody tell me about TravelFilter?
I'll be in the Northwest this upcoming weekend. Seattle. Portland. Tacoma. But there are some complications...Read more...
LOLRONS (Paul, not Hubbard)
I now semiofficially hate cats. One of the neighborhood gang of semistray cats was in my neighbor's back yard this morning, in possession of a bird. Read more...
My six year old is waking up afraid of the dark. Again. Read more...
It's Called Gratitude! I just had the best birthday/anniversary weekend ever. How was yours?

05 August 2007

Why you should shine your shoes. Do you have any shoe songs?
Cat panic!
Somebody in irc asked for a bedtime story, so here is "Li'l Red Riding Hood".
It's pretty much impossible for something to protect one's banana from bruising to not look like a sex toy, isn't it? (Hell, even the phrase "protect one's banana from bruising" sounds dirty.)
Open mouth, insert webbed foot Here are two stories about times when I said something really, really inappropriate.

Polish Poster Gallery It's interesting to see what posters they do for movies you are familier with.
IRC Party in #bunnies! Join the fun.
Looking for LOLs...hope me? There have been a few MeCha threads about this but I can't find them. Good funny/interesting sites?Read more...
"The Directory of Open Access Journals. This service covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals." It's been around for three years but I just found it today. A lot of resources.
It's the jonmc lingual masochism show! I just had one of these, one of these and a handful of these. They were all delicious and left a wonderful aftertaste. Later I'm going to have some of these chased with these for an otomatopoeic snack. And pips is cooking mgl's tarragon chicken dish. *burp*
I just bought a pleated skirt at the thrift store down the street. It's red wool, with small pleats (like the one in the picture). But it's a little too long, and I'm going to have it hemmed. Should I hem it right below the knee, at the knee, or above the knee?
SeekNumber (flash) Drag the numbered red dots onto the gray dots with the same number, as fast as possible.Read more...
Life is worth living again. The football season has started. And yes, there is a God.
Air where should brains should be.
Sunday morning blues.
gamegame6 ; Is it a game? Or, is it art?

04 August 2007

Amy Millan records and performs with Stars and Broken Social Scene.

I am not a fan of either but last year she recorded a solo album and this year she toured the folk circuit.Read more...
He doesn't get seriously injured. This clip is apparently tearing across the Internet right now. (Don't think I've missed it around here). I hate X Games and hate watching people get hurt, but watching him walk off after this 40-foot fall is amazing. He was released from the hospital today with just a broken wrist.
Fetishes ain't what they use to be besides the whole bastardized use of the word.Read more...
Today I saw the future of the publishing industry . . . and wasn't particularly impressed.
Masters of Science Fiction It's on tonight at 10pm EST US and while i'm about to go take a disco napRead more...
Dateline NBC Associate Producer outed at Defcon. To catch a predator indeed. I've never seen the show but the promos always look pretty weak.
omg bunny. that is all.
How was your sleep? I assume that most of you -- in my time zone and its neighbors -- are getting out of bed around now. Read more...
I'm thinking of buying a guitar today.
AskMeCha Are there any drupal and/or search engine gurus around?Read more...
How much do decent video cards go for these days? I'm hoping to play Portal and Starcraft II when they come out. Would 512 MB work for that?
Bunny! OMG! Personally, I think this picture would be much better without the bunny in it.
Mike Rowe vs Anthony Bourdain who wins (1) the AWSUM trophy (2) your affections (3) a cage match with a discerning tiger

03 August 2007

Jackpot? Okay, so I made a (semi) major score at Sally's Army today. Read more...
Ouija Mouse - Has your cursor ever wandered slowly across the screen of its own accord? Usually it's just a hair across the LED lens, but it's still eerie to watch.
"There was not something Falstaffian about Welles, there was everything. As a young man he conquered all that came before him (at Shrewsbury a knight meekly surrenders to the old man, awed by his leftover reputation). Welles grew fat and in debt, took jobs unworthy of him, was trailed by sycophants and leeches, yet was loved by good women and honored by those who could see him clearly". Watch 'Chimes At Midnight', you'll thank me.
Brand new Futurama! Yay! Hopefully it'll come out in the UK at the same time.
It was f*cking hot today
Fashion One for the photogs around here... a Rodney Smith set.
What's it like to work for the Navy?
I'm looking for a job and an apartment. Again. Please reassure me that this will not happen every 3-6 months for the rest of my life.
The Manualist plays , among other things, Fart of the Bumblebee, Bohemian Rhapsody and Sweet Child o' Mine. It is disturbing and magnificent.
Crazy book ideas #1: In the Footsteps of Lewis and Clark, chronicles of a trip following the Lewis and Clark trail on Segway.
"It's just a great band name, people!" They are in (my)town tonight. Read more...
Need plans for tonite in NYC?
AskMecha: Financial stuff I have had it up to here with Bank of America. WARNING: Lots of strong language ahead.Read more...
"Clumsy Sky" - Girl in a Coma (Blackheart Records) From their website: "Girl in a Coma is a rock band from San Antonio, Texas – land of puffy tacos, Lone Star Beer, and the place where Ozzy pissed on the Alamo."Read more...
(spoilers) In a recent post people wanted to know more about what happened to the Harry Potter characters as they got older.

Here is the answer from J.K. Rowling.
"Up With People." No, not that "Up With People."
AskMecha: We just bought the awesomest trampoline, but it came missing some springs so we can't use it yet and the company refuses to send replacements overnight. Should I complain to the Better Business Bureau?Read more...
Ask Mecha Again: I need more project advice. I need your help with an outgrowth of this question!Read more...
Look yo, it's a bunch of old food Found this while searching for some Moxie-themed gifts for my brother.
"Candy's Room" is, perhaps (these things change all the time), my very favorite Bruce Springsteen song.
Through an open window, I can hear the sound of a flute .. Read more...
Photo Friday: Furry Friday! Post pics of your pets! Read more...
Dayna Kurtz is a singer/songwriter/guitarist with a distinctive voice & a knack for memorable lyrics. Interested folk could check out YouTube clips of her performing Another Black Feather and Venezuela. And here (divshare) is the CD version of Another Black Feather.
What the hell is with book reviews and the phrases "cracking good read" or "a cracking tale"? Where did that originate?
Mnor pony...or should it be someting else here? The color I chose keeps changing in the bunnystock page( I won't know until the last minute if I'll be able to go and right now it looks not) and I'd like it to remain green.

02 August 2007

I'm a sucker for this kind of music - Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova in Once. Sort of Emo Power Ballad stuff. Very U2-influenced, I think, but I love it anyway.

Their voices blend very well. . .OK I am too in the thrall to post very eloquently about it. Just enjoy, IF.
Birth of a butterfly... ...I grow herbs and such in pots outside along with a flower bed in front of my house. Awhile ago my parsley was host to about five very fat green caterpillars.Read more...
So, are you in? Cause I really need someone to go out for banana splits with.
I stink! But in a good way.
Female-type bunnies of metachat: Don't read the comments in this post about reproductive and privacy rights unless you want to go into some sort of Incredible-Hulk-style rage.Read more...
Has anyone heard from Seanyboy? If this is a double, please disregard.
This is a sulking thread.
M.I.A.'s Kala has leaked And it's fantastic. I leave it to y'all to find it, but I'm gonna go ahead and buy it when I can (release dates, especially different ones for different countries, are stupid).
Ask MeCha question that makes me feel stupid... How do I label audio book tracks to play on my mp3 player so they'll play in order?Read more...
Charles Simic next US Poet Laureate! Rejoice, rejoice! And if the village is empty, and the pigs all skinned and turned to sausage, plump and bloody, perhaps the butcher's girl, hairy-armed and lovely, will inspire us to great things, done well and truly, before she folds our arms for a quiet eternity under the stone. Rejoice!
Lunch and a show. A pair of interns, hired not long after I arrived, are heading back for senior year next week, so I took them to a yakiniku (Japanese Korean-style barbecue) joint on 49th (I think, maybe 48th) and Lexington for lunch today.
Wow. I just kind of fired someone and it went fine. Read more...
I never saw the resemblance in three dimensions, but.. I Simpsonized myself and the result looks more like a certain site admin that I can think of. I'm not sure how to feel about that.
Geekout - *NK2 Ever noticed that old email addresses are being suggested by Outlook? Access/Edit them with this. This just saved my (disorganised) cow orker a lot of work...
Need a recipe. Good and Quick.
This happened 5 minutes from my sister's place, and about 20 minutes from my parents'. I got a voice mail from my mom that she and my sister were okay, but I couldn't get back through to them for hours. My dad was playing a baseball game in a separate part of town, but it was still a big relief when he got home around 11pm. All that steel and rebar, mangled like it's just cardboard. Man.
Hmmph. Grumble, grumble. The Times runs an article charging that Greece is unsafe for British tourists... when, in fact, I wonder if Greece is safe from British tourists. My response inside. Read more...
Some Amy Winehouse.

01 August 2007

I can't believe I gotta ask a computer nerd question Read more...
MeCha Recipe Challenge! I'm working on a story about 100-Mile Thanksgiving and I need your creative and/or really tasty recipes for autumnal goodness, especially for temperate climates.Read more...
I don't get Amy Winehouse. Which probably makes me uncool. But her point escapes me. What's her point?
Goofy Weightlifting Dance (YouTube) Here is a video of Benni Magnusson, a gigantic Viking from Iceland, deadlifting 426 kg (937 lbs) and doing a goofy warmup dance beforehand. Enjoy!

Upcoming Photo Friday themes! Unless anyone objects, here's a list (made up of your suggestions) to last us the next few weeks, starting with an easy one first, since it's already Wednesday evening for some of us.Read more...
Walk Score Mine's a 91. And yes, this was on the blue. And then the blue killed it. It came back to life. So now, perhaps, it is a zombie walk score.
What's yours?
Metachat and your SO
Butterfly Orgy Crazy Insect Sex Action.
"At age 35 off the Florida coast, I was almost fucked by an aggressive goat that the locals had named Stinky. I turned to run, and suddenly felt a pair of cloven hooves on my shoulders and the hot breath of Stinky in my face." Read more...
What's that Lassie? Oh no! Little Ellie's fallen down the well!
best sockpuppet name idea evar someone really needs to register "the hammer of jessamyn" right now!Read more...
There's a wasp in my house! How to safely remove without killing it? I'm alone in the house and just noticed a wasp (or maybe hornet) in my office. The dogs and cats are dumb enough to try and eat it, and one dog is definitely allergic (almost died once).

So how do I get it out? I'm afraid to pick it up because I don't want to get stung. I also can't bear to smush it (I'm a buddhist).

It's on a soft surface (laptop bag) so I can't put a glass over it and slide paper underneath to trap it.
OMG (not quite holy crap) See This Movie! Once was a very fun movie to see. If you loved The Commitments, you will love this one.
Little help? I've got an in-law family issue, and I'm having a really hard time dealing. I'm wondering if you lot can give me some grist for the mill of understanding.Read more...
Sometime during my twenty-first year I was given advice by a passel of mischievous souls on how to chill.
These photos look like my dreams. My favorites are the roadside pics, and the wheels seen on the front page.
Mama, come on baby, tell me what's the word? For some reason, I always think of Eideteker when I hear this track.
Anniversary How long have you been with your current partner/SO/spouse/lovuh?
Happy Birthday to goodnewsfortheinsane!!! Happy Birthday to lonefrontranger!!!!