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14 August 2007

Too busy to be depressed. Semi-follow-up to my AskMe.[More:] The crew across the street are getting a little more volatile and it's worrying us.

Today we actually had some good news. The 14-year-old daughter of one of the tenants (two white women, several white kids, and several more black boyfriends, along with an ever-changing passel of "guests", mostly young white women and young black men, all packed into an ostensibly two-bedroom apartment) got herself arrested up the street after a 15-to-20-kid, well, girl brawl is the best word. So that's an arrest against the property, which will help our police chief in activating the nuisance ordinance.

It's been a kinda scary week, though, as the muscular, mean-ass boyfriend who is basically the capo of his crew has had several bellowing phone conversations which he broadcasts to the entire neighborhood. One of them was about a woman who got shot in the foot, which they all thought was funny and somewhat deserved. Another was about the guy who couldn't cross the state line into Wisconsin because he has a warrant. The latest was basically half-an-hour of various versions of "I'll meet you ANYTIME and ANYWHERE and I'll beat your ass", finishing off with "Don't you EVER forget I run this shit."

Monday, I reported a loud fight he had with the second tenant about the propriety of her having kicked out the third (apparently illegal) tenant on the basis of the third tenant having smoked crack in front of the aforementioned 14-year-old (who is not just "at risk" -- I would say she's surfing the risk breaker, playing the ho in a gangsta video (and let me tell you, a chirpy little white girl voice going all Ebonics is not attractive)), who is the first tenant's daughter.

Last Thursday, I reported the details of a drug deal on OUR driveway apron (they never do it on their property, always on a neighbor's, which is part of my AskMe motivation -- why? what legal protection does it give them?), involving two middle-school-aged buyers, one known to my social worker mother as an "at-risk" kid. Neither the dealer, the car, nor the kids have been around since, which is ... interesting.

On Friday, I called the cops because of the utterly habitual 1 a.m. porch party (why do they never smoke weed during these? Please God, give me some Drug War love!), and then an hour later because of the guy from the house who was having a nose-to-nose shouting match down at the stop sign with what may have been his "woman", who was then picked up by a sports car that sped off.

There was also some interesting activity involving the delivery of a box, which we speculate is a hydroponic-type device. (Size, shape, and approximate weight of a coffin ....) Apparently from certain angles not visible from the street you can see bright lights in the basement, all the time.

All of this, mind you, while I'm working my ass off to get an apartment ready for a new tenant, who will have this circus outside their bedroom window.

Anyway, after tonight's THIRD noise complaint, the lady of the house was loudly disputing with the officer that there was any reason for the litany of complaints except "the racists across the street", meaning my family. (Chutzpah, by the way, is telling the cop there was no noise when he says he saw people jumping on cars.) She had a series of bogus claims including that I run across the street at four in the morning, pound on their door, and yell "NIGGER!" and "BLACK BITCHES!" (Believe me, if ANYBODY in the neighborhood were doing that, I'd be able to hear it. And Kee-rist, I'd call the cops on them too.) Claims that they've lived in fear of US for weeks, that she has to keep her kids (who have no concept of property lines, and destroyed one neighbor's garden lights not to mention the lighted ALARM SERVICE sign) inside the house just in case we might "do something to them".

Now, yes, I have declared war on them, ever since the fight in the middle of the street that blocked our car with my elderly parents and DD nieces from getting into our driveway, and I shall not rest until they feel the wrath of a nuisance eviction. I can't quite understand why it hasn't happened yet, but every cop I talk to tells me to keep making the 911 calls until they can, in fact, fix the problem. (The 911 operators, from a different agency, are unfortunately a somewhat more skeptical bunch.)

I can list exactly why this is. There was a quiet first month they were there, just the women and their kids. Then the ghetto moved in with them, and ever since it's been noise and litter and noise and trespassing and noise and vandalism and noise and fighting in the street and noise and drug dealing and noise and loose pit bulls and noise and ... did I mention noise?

Now, ghetto culture is one thing, and I can in a way understand or even endorse why these women think it's exciting or taboo or whatnot to run with the thug life, but not on my fucking block.

Anyway, if one hair on my nieces or my parents gets disturbed by these clowns






Damn dude. That really sucks. I am somewhat familiar with where you are, having lived in Rockford for several years and made a few trips up there. Do what you gotta do, but just be careful.
posted by tr33hggr 14 August | 07:30
It sounds kind of like that delightful Tom Hanks movie about living in the 'burbs (what was that movie called again?), only it's more horrific ordeal than fanciful romp.

Come to think of it, the same could be said about the Tom Hanks movie.

Anyway, those people sound like real assholes. I wish the best for you and your family.

posted by Atom Eyes 14 August | 09:39
You live in Wisconsin and this kind of thing is going on? Damn, dude. It reminds me of a neighborhood I lived in in Baltimore in 92 - that would be just around the years that David Simon was writing The Corner, subsequently to become The Wire. I lived at that point in in a decaying 5 bedroom mansion with crystal chandeliers, mahogany wainscoting, 12 foot ceilings, etc, which I shared with four kids ages newborn to eight, a cat, a dog and three other adults, one a Baltimore city cop. The total rent, sigh, was $400 a month.

We all moved out when
1) There was a drive by on the corner one sunny fall afternoon when we were all out enjoying the weather. Eight people were shot, one fatally.

2) The constant parade of crackheads coming to the door asking for money for "my kids' prescription," "gas," "food," & "diapers" got wearisome and I got tired of having to pull everything we owned, and I do mean everything, they stole a cracked fish tank, in under lock and key every single night.

3) The NY Boys moved in next door and started showing off their guns to the kids coming home from school and luring 13 year old girls up to their house to party.

4) They - or someone - shot up the house of a blind, wheelchair bound neighborhood activist three doors down, nearly killing him. I mean they shot through the walls and broke every window and all his furniture was smashed. Later, someone tried to burn his house down, with him in it.

If I had it to do over again I don't think I'd wait for incident number 4. I think I would just cut my losses and move.
posted by mygothlaundry 14 August | 10:11
Do you live next door to me? I'm going to have to call Child Protective Services on my next door neighbors. The lady that lives there is off her rocker; was breaking glass, slapping her 3-4yr old daughter [who is never allowed outside] and threatening to "beat the fuck out of her" for at least a half hour around 2:30am last night.

Not a day goes by where she doesn't wig out and sound like she's going to murder someone. I've never heard someone yell that loudly in my entire life.
posted by sciurus 14 August | 15:51
Whew, I sure did vent there! Tonight they held all their mayhem before 9:30 which is an improvement. Of course it isn't a night that's over yet. But they are being very quiet on the porch, which has its light on (which the police have probably recommended to the tenant as a "deterrent" against "unwanted" guests).

This crew hasn't been violent-violent yet, compared with the drug houses we used to get with retail drive-up customers we always had to chase off our lawn -- because (ironically) the drug houses were up the block a ways and they didn't want to park right in front of it. These guys are pretty blatantly a party house whereas the retail operations at least mostly pretended to be discreet. I mean, we had shootings before, so a little noise is almost a relief.

And we've actually had a summer (and a half, up till now) of quiet like it used to be when I grew up here, so we're not prepared to give up just yet. The city has done a great (well, B+ or so) job being proactive and leaning on landlords. For instance we have a guy from the Chicago area who's trying to buy up two hundred properties, according to one account, and the five that he owns are the worst rotting-floor, exposed-wiring slums in town, and his property manager is getting heat like you wouldn't believe. It's one reason, in fact, that I've been sweating like a dog to get this apartment fixed up, to make up for my dad's multi-year neglect. The thing is, my mom and her best friend have been in agreement for years that my dad is a slum lord at heart. He gets good tenants, mostly, but not from maintaining his apartments ....
posted by stilicho 14 August | 23:54
YAY! All the jerks across the street just got tickets for partying away at 2 a.m.

Best thing was that the cop told me I was the THIRD call. The Force was with me and I had patience tonight.

The cops also got smart and didn't use the regular channel, because they've shown evidence of having a scanner, or a friend with a scanner at least. The same guy who dealt with them two nights ago (and a few times before that, but that was the first time he got the name of the actual tenant, to hold her accountable), and he was talking to me in the back yard as he wrote the tickets so they'd all be ready ...
posted by stilicho 16 August | 02:16
Does peppermint old remind you of old lady smell? || I'm jonesin' for an Emcee update