AskMecha: Financial stuff I have had it up to
here with Bank of America. WARNING: Lots of strong language ahead.
I really don't want to go too much into detail right now, but suffice to say, I've had my credit card through them for about 10 years and I've never been able to fully pay the balance down, for various reasons. I want to get this
fucking debt off of my back, and I have some questions about how to do that:
1. Will going through a credit consolidation company fuck my already poor credit?
2. Yeah, I know I've got bad credit because I checked my credit reports recently and there are some new items on there that I can't take care of right away. So transferring it to another account might fuck me over even more because there'd be yet another inquiry. But does anyone know that for sure?
3. I've already done their payment program two years or so ago. Will doing it again hurt my already piss-poor credit?
I'm at my fucking wits end here. Help me, bunnies?