Pigeon Deterring Tactics With a certain degree of difficulty.
My apartment is on the 4th floor. For some reasons the local lice infested flying rats love it. I dispose of at least a couple of eggs per day. I had to get rid of my home grown parsley - they crapped in it.
I've been trying to fight them off with the hose - which caused a minor flooding *sigh*.
The neighbours have their balconies enclosed with nets - but that's a really expensive option for a rental place. I can't really hang things up - we get lots of strong winds.
Furthermore I'm in Japan - so some products I've seen online aren't available here.
What can I do? They are driving me crazy! Are there any plants that pigeons hate I could grow? Also I have been thinking about putting a net around the balcony fence - but will they just ignore this and fly right over? How can I make it less appealing to them?