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Comment Feed:


11 August 2007

It is Taz's birthday!!!!
I refuse to believe it, since that would mean that taz was born, like the rest of us. I prefer to believe that she sprang, fully formed, from somebody's forehead. Brigitte Bardot, maybe.

At any rate, happy birthday/springing-forth-day to you, taz.
posted by bmarkey 11 August | 03:43

Happy Birthday, taz!
posted by hadjiboy 11 August | 03:58
Happy Birthday Taz!
posted by essexjan 11 August | 04:06
Awww, really? Happy birthday.
posted by ethylene 11 August | 04:16
haha, Jan!

Yes, it's true; I sprang forth this day, mumblemumble years ago. Thank you, my dear bunnies... You're the first ones to wish me happy birthday, and that's sweet with my morning coffee over here. You guys will be my birthday party today, since a planned short trip to Andros fell through, and my beloved won't be able to get here until the 14th, when we'll celebrate for a couple of days before he has to go back.

I bought myself some girly condiments - fancy moisturizers, body butters, etc., and might treat myself to a bottle of nice wine... and then a friend is coming over tomorrow to hang out for the day. I'm plotting pina coladas.

Also, I expect to see Carmina this week, as she's coming to Athens on holidays, so we may also manage a tiny bit of revelry. :)
posted by taz 11 August | 04:28
Happy b-day, taz.
posted by puke & cry 11 August | 04:47
Happy Birthday Taz!
posted by cillit bang 11 August | 05:12
Yay Taz!
posted by dodgygeezer 11 August | 05:58
Tazzle dazzle! Happy birthdizzle!
posted by matildaben 11 August | 06:08
Taz, Taz, she's our man! If she can't have a birthday, no one can!!!

Happy Birthday, and try to keep cool.
posted by deadcowdan 11 August | 06:42
Happy birthday, taz!
posted by box 11 August | 06:49
taz is and always has been my bestest secretest gayboy lady-crush. There was an episode of Sports Night where Felicity Huffman's character was described as "smoky". That's how I think of taz: smoky. That's a good thing to me.

Happy birthday wishes and whuffles to you taz!!
posted by WolfDaddy 11 August | 06:49
Happy springforthday!

girly condiments

Love this. Every woman looks and feels her best with a side of beauty chutney.


I, too, am having a deferred birthday party due to family kerfuffleness. I look on it as a chance to diffuse all the celebrating through the week. Hope yours is happy!
posted by Elsa 11 August | 06:51
taz is lovely. taz is beauty. taz is the warm, personal confidence of a trusted friend, from the moment you meet her. taz is delight. taz is the voice of reason. taz is capable, with a word or a look, of giving boys from eighteen to eighty 'nice' dreams. taz is kindness. taz is curiousity in your hobby or special interest. taz is the heart. taz is the soul. taz is the child inside all of us and the wisdom that keeps us alive to a ripe old age. taz is late-night irc where a time difference makes no difference. taz is faded photographs of brightly colored scenery. taz is exotic, and the girl next door.

I ♥ taz. Have a happy birthday, girl, and thank you for everything.
posted by Eideteker 11 August | 07:15
Whoo hoo! HUGE birthday hugs and best wishes to The One Without Whom! :) Thanks for everything you do, taz, and for running the coolest spot on this here interweb.
posted by BoringPostcards 11 August | 07:16
≡ Click to see image ≡

Have a rootin-tootin' good time, girlfriend!

Thanks for making so many people happy by doing the things you do.
posted by Miko 11 August | 07:59
happy thingo!
posted by goshling 11 August | 08:07
Happy happy you wonderful woman.
posted by rainbaby 11 August | 09:06
yay!!! revelry! revelry! I am all for revelry!

My dearest taz, I wish you this year to be the shiniest and happiest ever, only slightly less so than next year.

I am counting the days to see you darling. Woo!
posted by carmina 11 August | 09:29
TAZ!! Happiest of days today, you fantastic woman.
posted by gaspode 11 August | 09:35
I hope you have the best day ever!
posted by getoffmylawn 11 August | 09:38
Happy Birthday Taz! I hope you and Mr Taz have some super-duper fun lined up for today and that the weather isn't too hot!
posted by LunaticFringe 11 August | 10:06
I hope you have a fabulous birthday day and week!!
posted by LoriFLA 11 August | 10:13
Happy birthday dear Taz! Much bunniness!
posted by bunnyfire 11 August | 10:32
Happy Birthday Taz!
posted by MonkeyButter 11 August | 10:48
Taz, I love you! Sooooooo much! I am really glad you were born xx years ago today! Happy birthday, you fantastic human!
posted by jrossi4r 11 August | 10:53
Hoppy Burfday! I hope it's the bestest!
posted by deborah 11 August | 11:02

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birrrrrrth-daaaay, dear Taaaaaaa-aaaaz!
Happy birthday to you!!

Have an amazing day (and week! and year!)
posted by Sil 11 August | 11:11
Happiest of days! Have a great one!
posted by Pips 11 August | 11:15
Happy birthday, taz!
posted by me3dia 11 August | 11:35
*spanks taz soundly*
posted by loquacious 11 August | 11:57
I knew today was awesome when I woke up; I just didn't quite realize why, until now.

Happy happy, joy joy, taz!
posted by scody 11 August | 12:06
Happy happy birthday!
posted by brina 11 August | 12:14

Thanks so much for being in the world. It's a better place for it.
posted by occhiblu 11 August | 12:19
posted by casarkos 11 August | 12:23
woo! we baked you a cake, dear!

≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by lonefrontranger 11 August | 12:29
Wooo! Happy birthday! I hope the weather is more bearable for you today. Thanks for everything you do here and the cool way you do it.
posted by TheDonF 11 August | 12:30
Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!
posted by CitrusFreak12 11 August | 12:43
Happy mumblemumble day, Taz!
posted by jason's_planet 11 August | 13:42
Happy bday, taz.
posted by shane 11 August | 14:04
Happy birthday, taz!
posted by interrobang 11 August | 14:08
Oh come on, nobody has come up with a cake featuring your cartoon namesake yet? Fixed.
≡ Click to see image ≡

And although you'll probably never need it, he's a Mr. and Mrs. Taz Wedding Cake...
≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by wendell 11 August | 14:41
YAYYYY!! An excuse to party! Happy Birthday, dear Taz.
posted by ramix 11 August | 14:59
happy birthday and thanks for this great site :)
posted by By the Grace of God 11 August | 16:59
Wishing you a very happy birthday, today, and when you can spend it with your sweetie!
posted by redvixen 11 August | 18:09
Late to the party hon - partly because two of my other favorite people on the planet had birthdays too and I've been over celebrating! Yay fansupertastic Leo people who I adore! Yay birthdays! Yay belated but no less heartfelt birthday!! Yay taz!
posted by mygothlaundry 12 August | 10:36
Aiiieeee!!! I'm a BAD bunny!! Happy belated to she without whom!!
posted by brujita 12 August | 21:50
Happy Birthday taz!

I sprang forth this day, mumblemumble years ago
Oh, come on - there's no shame in being in your thirties.
posted by dg 12 August | 22:17
I'm so late to the party (broken laptop!), but HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAZ and many, many whuffles to you!
posted by Specklet 13 August | 11:47
Happy Belated, Taz! I'm restricted to library online time now, or else I'd-a chimed in sooner!

Be well and be happy. :)
posted by Lipstick Thespian 13 August | 18:39
Happy 115th birthday! Sorry I missed it!
posted by arse_hat 15 August | 00:20
Yipeeee! || Rickrolling in the Guardian