Stress - need ideas/insight →[More:]Ok, I've intimated a few times here that mrs. tr33 and I are working on a family. She's reached the point where she's decided to really, really cut back on her drinking. She's decided not to drink at all this coming weekend, for example, and while we really don't usually drink much during the week (she rarely does, me sometimes), we do on the weekends.
I know this is a good thing.
We quit cleaning the catpan (see
here) a few months ago, mostly. I've hit our old wooden bowl a few times since then, just in an obscene effort to burn any remaining gunk. But it's been a few months since we've really had any, and I was a regular (and I do mean regular) user.
So here's my dilemma. Again, I know it's a good thing that she is dropping the substances. And I know that whilst we are trying, it's a good thing for me to stay away from the herb.
But I know it's going to make her uncomfortable (and perhaps aggravated, perhaps angry) for me to continue drinking around her, at least in excess. In fact, I'm planning on buying a bottle of wine today to drink tonight, and it will probably just be me hitting the juice. See, I don't want to stop. I know it'd be good for me to cut back and all that - I'm sure I will.
But I'm afraid that if I feel pushed into completely quitting, I'll start doing it behind her back. Like, over lunch, or rushing to get home first so I can slug a few beers, or so on.
Honestly, I'd prefer to just go back to the catpan, keep a little stash for myself and use it occasionally, obviously not fire up right in front of her, but whenever I get the (strong) urge to get out of my head.
Should I just talk to her about this? We have a good, solid, loving relationship, but I do have a few instances of hiding things from her in the past.
Should I just suck it up and try to live clean? My fear here is that I will fail, and in failing again resort to deception or sneaking.
Argh, I don't even know if I'm looking for answers, but I needed somewhere anonymous to get this out. And I do respect the hell out of many of you. So, I'm open to any thoughts.