Who is your relationship role model? I don't want to post too much about my personal life on here (that's what anon askme questions are for!), but it looks like my fiancé and I are going to try to work things out.
→[More:] He is actually my first really serious relationship. Like many of my generation, my parents are divorced. They're now remarried to wonderful people, but those relationships seem atypical to me - almost
too smooth. My grandparents are til-death-do-us-part, and aside from some bickering, seem to get along fine.
My fiancé insists that a certain amount of discord is normal in a relationship. His tolerance is apparently much, MUCH higher than mine. His family history, to put it nicely, is "interesting." Even his grandparents were married several times.
Who do you look to in order to figure out what's "right" in a relationship?