31 March 2009
When real life meets cyberspace →
Do You Ever Get That Kicked in the Gut Feeling? →Read more...
I can't believe you just said that.
…and thanks for all the fish →
Do you ever use your municipality's GIS maps? →
My regular doctor (not my cardiologist) has personally answered the phone the last two times I called his office, and he said he is not currently making new appointments. When pressed, he said someone would get back to me, but I have not received any calls. I think he may have laid off his staff.
Garth Marenghi's Darkplace I'm three episodes in, and it's a masterpiece. Maybe the best TV show ever.
Skelewags. Awesome.
Higher resolution pics here.
She'll always be the Countess The Real Housewives of New York City's LuAnn de Lesseps may have been
dumped by e-mail. But at least she'll get to keep
her beloved title.
Fourth time's the charm? A redolent performance?
Kenney Wagner's Surrender I've been listening to this song a lot. What have you been listening to a lot lately?
OMG! Squirret! On B3ta so may become NSFW at some point.
Andy Hallett 1975-2009 : Best known as Krevlornswath of the Deathwok Clan in the last four seasons of Angel, he was 33.
Twitter comment costs team owner $25,000 Let's see -- divide $25,000 by 140, that's . . .
30 March 2009
People shouldn't get a solitary pet if they're going to lock them out of their bedroom every night because they don't want them in their bed.
That is all.
Getting things done with Delores This is a thread to motivate me... and you can motivate yourselves too!
Help me load up my grandmother's iPod... ...because she demands it be awesome.
Grandma Swan's Potato Donuts I've had some requests for my grandmother's potato donut recipe, so here it is. Watch out, though, as they are insanely addictive. I don't make them very often (once a year at most) because I simply can't leave them alone until they're gone.
Earth hour (in pics) click the pictures to see them face. cool!
Dr. Phil: Vanguard yeah.
Orange Swan's Laws of Home Renovation You're all familiar with Murphy's Law, of course. Well, here are Orange Swan’s Laws of Home Renovation.
Local food favorites. Including eskimo "ice cream" and spam sushi.
What is geographically interesting about your area? I was in Maine once in a town that was "exactly halfway between the North Pole and the Equator."
White Trash - a fitting spot for this particular sentiment, so I thought.
29 March 2009
Foundling Yesterday, on the way home from taking my son out for birthday sushi, I spotted a little black dot staggering right on the white painted line of the freeway.
Why do the smart folks at Mozilla do this? →Read more...
The new Sam Raimi movie looks AWESOME. I'm so glad to see him getting back to what he does best.
Why won't Willie Nelson and iTunes play nice with each other? I was incredibly excited to find the new 4-disc Willie Nelson set used (so therefore at half price!) last night. All the discs play fine on my car CD player. But iTunes is a whole 'nother story...
Ask Bunnies: What's the thing you hate most about your job? There's mine - event planning. HATE it. Hate hate hatey hate chilli flavoured HATORADE the hate HATE.
What's yours?
Is the World Bank a Good institution? →
28 March 2009
So, this Earth Hour thing... oops
So, uh, Spring, eh? When I woke up this morning it was raining. Within the hour, it turned into snow.
Your favorite Whodunit, Crime-thriller movies please. →
OMG Kitty!!1!! The Spousal Unit and I were hiking on Tiger Mountain when she spotted the paw print in the mud. Very, very, very fresh.
This is a plea for a sensible standard audio level for all internet media. Srsly, I want to adjust my volume once and leave it and it will play at a reasonable level. I am tired of having my ears blasted out going from one video to another. Thank you.
I can't stop laughing Man, I thought tween Dora was bad enough...
Turn Me On, Blow My Mind, Or Gross Me Out....
Weekend plans? →
When was the last time you saw the sun-rise, I mean really saw it? →Read more...
27 March 2009
I'm lovin' the Prince love around here today. But I hate that Warner Bros. has done such a good job of scrubbing YouTube free of all of his videos.
Curious about Kebabs →
You don't have to cry →
Which president talking about which war? "I am announcing a comprehensive new strategy. ... Many people in the United States -- and many in partner countries that have sacrificed so much -- have a simple question: What is our purpose... After so many years, they ask, why do our men and women still fight and die there? They deserve a straightforward answer. ... At the same time, we will shift the emphasis of our mission to training and increasing the size of *****, so that they can eventually take the lead in securing their country. That is how we will prepare ***** to take responsibility for their security, and how we will ultimately be able to bring our own troops home."
You know you're ____ when ______ →
Ask MeCha Suggestions for playlist of songs that are (1) sexy and (2) related to the color purple. ??? (Hope this is not too hard)
If this sentence makes you shudder:
"This is Nic Cage as the Sorcerer in Jerry Bruckheimer’s live-action version of Disney’s
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice."
then please, whatever you do,
What should I do in DC? I'm in DC this evening and don't really have any plans after dinner. Any ideas? (I would have tried to organize a meetup but just couldn't get it done in time, and it seems like there was one earlier this week anyway.)
Facebook Surprises or, what actually happened to so-and-so from American Lit? This is a thread for the surprises that Facebook throws our way and shocking discoveries you've made about people from your past.
The Archies: "Sugar Sugar" from their 1969 Saturday morning cartoon show. Bonus Archies: "
Jingle Jangle." I'm currently reading a great book called "
Bubblegum Music Is The Naked Truth," so we're listening to a lot of this around the BP Estate lately.
Dear New York Times: We know you're maybe a little obsessed with us, but please stop
stalking us. Love, Portland, OR
FTD Fun. So it's been a few years since I have sent flowers to my mom for her b-day
Fun at the dentist's Last night I had a root canal. They put me on gas and used a topical anesthetic and then gave me three needles, which “took”, so it wasn’t too horrible discomfort-wise. (With my first root canal about seven years ago it took 10 to 12 needles before I was finally frozen enough.) The worst thing was having to listen to the dentist sing along, in an off-key falsetto, to the Michael Jackson CD that was playing.
Since we have some Photoshoppers in the mood from the hat thread... I posted this Photoshopping project last weekend and perhaps many of you missed it. Have fun.
Photo Friday. Silly Hats!
Go ahead - laugh... So our cheapo wooden toilet seat makes a creaking noise when you sit on it but the other night
26 March 2009
You know what kind of sucks? →
What? Huh? Who are the deaf and hard of hearing people here? Where do you find subtitled media online?
I got the car Thanks for the advice everyone! The lower offer was accepted and I'm now the proud owner of a pretty darn nice Grand Am! (and I have pics!)
Little weird things that have happened to you →
Is this too shady So I'm going to look at a car tonight. If the ad is even 75% accurate I'll buy it on the spot. If he's asking $1800 would it be shady to have $1500 in an envelope ready to go and then $300 in my purse if he won't take the lower offer?
This is a WOW thread. →
The MetaChat word of the day is: →
How are you today? →
Oh, yum. I'm sitting here having my first cup of AeroPress cappuccino. It finally arrived! The package looks as though the Hounds of Hell played fetch with it for a century or two, and the paddle (stirrer) was broken in half, but never mind - the coffee really is super numnumgood. Do you have an AeroPress? Any special tips?
25 March 2009
Photo album sharing site recs? I have about 300 photos I need to share with a group (and no Flickr Pro). Anyone have a good pick for a site that makes this easy and is free? I have a Snapfish login but wondered if there's anything newer/better.
Have got the first few pages of my book down. →Read more...
Ahhhhhhh...... →
OK... Three Stooges movie... WTF? I would have loved to see a sincere biopic about the men. Their lives provided plenty of material for a dramatist to work with.
But actually casting new "Stooges"? Are they out of their goddamned minds? We don't even need to consider the question of whether Penn and Del Toro will reveal heretofore hidden gifts in comedy. Recasting iconic comedy roles is virtually impossible. Just look at the Steve Martin Pink Panther movies to see how ghastly the results can be.
Wow. Check out her wittle ittle eyebrows. I hope she grows up okay. They need a lot of maternal contact and can become neurotic without it.
American Shakespeare fans, set your DVRs! The Trevor Nunn production of
King Lear with Ian McKellan is on Great Performances tonight.
Do I friend this person? Facebook etiquette question. →
Come in and share something good happening in your life →Read more...
My Little Office A friend of mine works in the Ontario civil service. Some months back the Ministry in which she works was undergoing an accommodations shuffle and “furniture refresh”, one of the results of which was that all the managers on one floor were reassigned to new offices. Then a manager had the bright idea to come in to her workplace one weekend and paint her office.
Whooo-hooo Let me be the first to congratulate The Beard (ahem, eamondaly) for reaching the $5,000 goal.
now, to find a way to make it to the final lift!
Ethical navigation help, please. Long.
24 March 2009
50 Reasons Why Return of the Jedi Sucked "How intensely were the Ewoks marketed? Consider this: "Ewok" is a household word, despite the fact that
it's never once spoken in the film."
If that is true, it's really kind of mind-blowing.
Who's your favourite out-of-tune-singer? →
[Thing you like to do] butters no parsnips. I'm looking for mean-spirited, snippy proverbs and sayings.
Not sure if anyone here has been playing fallout 3 But if you set your xbox to download the newest expansion this morning before leaving DO NOT play it when you get home.
I saw a lone cherry blossom. →
MeFiTV If there were a Metafilter TV channel, what would you do to contribute your bit to programming? I want to do a craft show and be on a book discussion panel show.
These are the best bands I caught at SXSW this year...
The Thermals: a great hook in every song; rollicking good fun
St. Vincent: beautiful songs with some raunchy guitar licks thrown in
Wildbirds & Peacedrums: just drums and a singer, but it kicked my ass repeatedly
Lyrics game! These shouldn't tax you too much
23 March 2009
DeadAt YourAge.Com is a handy website that tells you about people who died at your exact age to the day. In my case:
Dimebag Darrell. Yeesh.
How many verbs can you think of that ONLY work with plural subjects? Subjects like "we" or "they" (or "you" plural). I can only think of two. They're inside with a spoiler warning, 'cuz this is obviously such a fun game and you'll all want to play ;-)
i am jealous of all my pakistani friends they all have big families and are really close to each other and throw big parties all the time.
It's MP3 player shuffle time again! →
Resumes Post your list of jobs here. I think we did this once before but it was a long long time ago and it's always interesting to see the weird jobs people have had.
Come Dancing! Hadn't heard this for quite awhile when it came up on the ol' ipod this morning, which reminded me of the charming video that MTV showed all the time in 1983 (and how much I love the power chord at 2:27). Whilst nosing around, I found a couple other Kinks videos I'd never seen...
Colony collapse disorder Bees are essential for pollinating an astounding number of human food crops, and in the past few years, their dramatic disappearance from commercial hives
has been alarming, with significant impact predicted for mankind's food supplies.
Diana Cox-Foster and Dennis vanEngelsdorp survey for Scientific American the latest understanding of
this complicated disorder.
Thanks For The Kindly Greetings Folks ! a Vancouver coup ? hmmmmmmmm This is Only My Firts Week Here, But I Think Emily Post Says That You Should Wait At Least Three Posts Before One Starts Planning Violent Social Upheaval (But It Did Give Me An Idea For Future Post)
Fill-in ShowFilter: Need Suggestions For Rock Show at the Station.... →Read more...
Looking for a late-'70s/early-'80s children's sex-ed book →
What is the craziest thing you've ever thought of doing, and done? →Read more...
22 March 2009
do you ever have dreams about someone not your SO? do you tell your SO?
car hunt frustration I'm really having a hard time finding a realistically priced car. People are asking 1/3 OR MORE of the original msrp for cars from the early to mid 90s on craigslist here. am I being unreasonable? To me, a decade and a half old economy car isn't worth $3500 no matter how good the condition is.
DRAMA UPDATE! I'm sure you've all been hitting refresh waiting for this...
'Cos Lifts are overrated. Who needs lifts when you can walk up 8 flights of stairs in a Hospital!
Sidewalk Pimpin' (my life is EXACTLY like this; literally, metaphorically, the whole thing!)
Its Sunday in Vancouver . Almost Time For the The Rockers Show Its Vancouver's Longest Running Radio Program And A Great Place to Get Your Reggae On . From
My Favourite Online Radio Statio @ the University of British columbia
This is My First Post Here. Nice To Meet Ya
Job-hunt quandary →
Sunday 3-point update →
The Big Takeover - infuriating read.
21 March 2009
Beyonce Meets Andy Griffith We heard this last night at the monthly BootieNYC party. Worth the price of admission.
Bunny! OMG! Could a bunny be more disapproving?
One for the Photoshoppers - Make me a clown. Here's your chance to do something for sick kids. And for those who find me an irritating boor to take out your aggressions.
A London pub was evacuated after water company engineers found an object they took for a grenade. A bomb disposal team was called in. After nearly an hour of examination, they counted to three. No more. No less. Three was the number they counted, and the number they counted was three. Four they did not count, nor two, except to proceed to three. Five was right out. Once the number three had been reached, being the third number, they declared that the grenade was actually a copy of the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.
Celebrity underpants for charity "It's the most embarrassing thing I've ever done. For six months I have emailed/texted/stalked celebrities for their underwear. Sample message: 'Hi Jarvis, I want your pants and I want them now. Please give me a ring.' Not surprisingly, I didn't get many calls."
Lemonade I slightly burned both the channa masala *and* the rice that I made this morning.
Evidence of Love in a Case of Abandonment: One Daughter’s Personal Account (Audio) I liked this BSFA nominated short story. Shades of The Handmaiden's Tale. I run the possibilty of starting "that" conversation going again, but I think it's worth the risk.
20 March 2009
battlestar finale... no spoilers →
Speaking of childhood memories... My Dad grew up in this house. When I was six weeks old, my parents, older sister, and I moved into this house.
Bunnies! OMG! Let them out!
LT Fights Power, Provides Powerful Quotes..... →
Animal Kingdom Mascot Matchup! International intersport interleague interdivisional competition... animal mascots vie for World Ultrachamp!
Institutional breakdown. →
Bizarre coincidence filter: I was on the phone with the vet's office (which is a rare event), when Cosa's vet called with her autopsy report.
Daddy-O (1961) is a TV Pilot that never got picked up. It was ahead of it's time, almost disturbingly so.
Friday Lyrics Challenge: Punk Rock Edition
(some lyrics contain strong language→
so who's home sick today? not homesick, at home while sick.
Give me one random, brief anecdote from your childhood. →Read more...
So tell me about eyebrow waxing Mainly, does it hurt?
Photo Firday : The theme is PhotoLiterate Post a picture you've taken to illustrate a scene from a favourite piece of literature.
Out of the ordinary. I can't see my eyes. →Read more...
19 March 2009
Veggie Garden: How the heck do I do it?
Is there any value in debunking the myths that coworkers might believe? →Read more...
I think maybe I should be pissed off? Sorry, this is going to get long.
'Tis the season for movies I don't understand. *SPOILERS* →Read more...
METALLO! METALLO! "I have to admit I was a little dubious about the project at first."
Salon tipping question. Is it still standard in the U.S. that one does not tip the owner of a salon for services? I've started going to a woman who runs a one-woman operation, and it feels weird not to add a tip.
Twitter unveils premium accounts. I like the sound of that EmbellishTwit service, myself.
18 March 2009
Natasha Richardson died. Damn. She and her husband Liam Neeson have two sons, aged 13 and 12. Her accident really resonates for me, because my wife once slipped on the ice and fractured her skull. They had to do emergency surgery and I didn't know whether she was going to make it. Fortunately, she recovered fine. I do wonder whether a helmet could have saved Natasha Richardson's life.
Victory is ours! "Breaking News: Brian Hartman of ABC News’ The Note filed a
report today that confirms that there will be a veggie garden on the White House Lawn."
Future Imprefect - There's a passage in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy where Ford Prefect describes videotaping sand running out of a conical bathtub, and then watching such in reverse. Surely this video must be on the internet somewhere, made by an enterprising fan with some video equipment and some time on his hands. I mean, c'mon! It's the future already!
Carbonated water: Good or bad for plants?
I'm making this soup right now It's very yummy. I made it to great acclaim last year when I had my friends over for corned beef and cabbage.
where have I seen this before why... it looks so FAMILIAR.
MeCha Bracket Challenge! It's March Madness, time to fill out your bracket!
Photo Friday Advance Notice! If you want to take part in this week's Photo Friday, you will need to ...
Wouldn't it be cool if .... →
17 March 2009
Cereal Mascot Therapy Session (from Collegehumor.com) (cusswords and drug references make this one NSFW if you have an especially uptight employer.)
What did you have for dinner tonight? (or lunch or breakfast, or what are you going to have if dinner isn't ready?)
Menstrual Nomenclature What do you call your period?
Saw Will Ferrell's "You're Welcome, America" on HBO and boy, was it great!
Saw the movie Z today and boy, did it suck.
For the Anniversary of my Death. →
things I learned today a fresh pair of socks can be absurdly pleasurable. (on your *feet*.)
Broken Picture Telephone in case you missed it elsewhere.
So I just got a call about a job and I'm a bit apprehensive since I don't know if I actually want it, after doing a bit of reading. Help me!
iphone hooray! Finally, my fancy phone will be able to accomplish the same basic things the free phone I used to have did.
Soooo...ethylene? →
Celebrity spotting? Is that Saunter Cat???
Three-point Tuesday update, BAD/GOOD/TRIVIAL edition →
The MetaChat Movie Channel: Imagine we've been given our own cable TV channel, for showing old movies and TV shows. Your job is to program one 24-hour block; what will we see?
Happy St Patrick's Day! And also, my apologies in advance.
16 March 2009
Obama's No Socialist. I Should Know. (Normally, I do not do political posts or participate in political posts here and elsewhere in the MetaVerse. But I happened upon an editorial in a mainstream newspaper that
I ACTUALLY AGREED WITH, amazingly enough. So I decided to share it here.)
Who do you miss? →
"This thread is worthless without pictures." Just a friendly suggestion: if you have a home emergency/repair/remodeling question, post a picture or two as soon you can.
I HAVE HEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My solution to the "distribution of fruit in jello" problem →Read more...
A game from the archives Let's go on an imaginary shopping trip. Rules of the game: You have $10 to buy a present for the person who posted above you in the thread. GO!
............... ............. :(
Help help help, my bathroom is locked shut I don't know what happened, but I need in!
So, Like, What Are You Wearing to the Prom? -
Duct tape, duh!
The Rockford Files. Neglected genius or Brilliance ignored? Discuss.
OMG! Kitten! - Bubees moves.
The littlest dinner guest Recently I had a friend of mine, her husband, and their 3.5 year old son to my place to dinner. I thought the story of how the little guy behaved was somewhat entertaining.
Do any of you blog? →
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TURTLEGIRL!! Today is my wonderful, amazing, kind wife's birthday. Please join me in wishing her a happy day!
I am in need of awesome internet radio Some nice electronica would be perfect. I like bands like Mum, for instance. having many thanks in advance. :)
I am undertaking stealth ointment application. The cat is having an allergic reaction that has caused her to lick or bite off large patches of fur.
Rescue Jim Cramer!!! "These days, Jim Cramer is fending off attacks from all comers. It’s time he fought back."
15 March 2009
I licked a baseball bat in a hole because Big Bird said to and he's my leader. →Read more...
Whuffles please! I am worried about getting my rabbit neutered tomorrow. →Read more...
Space Shuttle Discovery →
Fried butter balls? (via epersonae on mefi
Another one bites the dust I have joined the list of bunnies who've been let go during the GFC.
City Council Fart (via CollegeHumor.com) Damn. Why can't my city council be this entertaining?
Please to be explaining this reminescence Why shouldn't investment bankers say thank you?
LumpInThroatFilter: This I Believe essay on the Beatles, by a 12-year-old, from this morning's Weekend Edition. Simple, beautifully layered, and moving.
Up and at 'em! Let's motivate each other to get shit done that we don't wanna do.
Do you like fancy dress? My favourite costume is a pirate outfit on the top and clown shoes on the bottom, but you can wear whatever you want.
Father Guido Sarducci. "
you have to pay for your sins... Masturbation is 35 cents (it doesn't seem like much, but it adds up)". I remember him from Saturday Night Live but apparently he was part of
Laugh In and the Smothers Brothers Hour. He also worked for
Leo Burnett and was the author of the
Lazlo Toth letters and at some point was
a producer of SCTV. He wrote
a never produced script with John Belushi.
14 March 2009
Model Mayhem! An open casting call for the reality television program “America’s Next Top Model” turned into mayhem on Saturday afternoon in Midtown Manhattan. Fights broke out, three people were arrested and at least six others suffered minor injuries after they were pushed down in a crush of thousands of aspiring models waiting in line to be discovered. And I had been there all day!!!
Cleaning can be good Cleaned the whole house today. As a result I found a $15 iTunes gift card from Christmas that I thought I'd lost. I'd like to use it to buy up some of those standalone-amazing single tracks you don't need the whole album for, but are sort-of essentials. What do you suggest? (have 12 left)
Glass Block Walls I want to make a half wall - about 32" tall - out of glass block. Have any of y'all ever done it? How hard is it really?
Milk - Straight to DVD? Did it get anything approaching a general release to theatres?
woke up to an awful phone call this morning →Read more...
Boston Herald does not seem to understand the poling! " 51 percent said Chris Brown was responsible for the incident, 46 percent said Rihanna was responsible and 52 percent said both were to blame" Wha, 149%? Still, "a significant number said Rihanna was destroying Chris Brown’s career. Women blamed Rihanna as much as men did." If that has a grounding in reality that is scary. I still think it's a publicity stunt gone way wrong.
13 March 2009
Oh for God's sake..... →
I must be charmed Every time I visit Seattle, I show up on the one day that it doesn't rain.
Office superstitions In honor of Friday the 13th, I present the Office of Death.
Sharper? Clearer? →
Ask MeCha: Amateur electrician version!
DOH! Son had his first wreck today. Rear-ended someone in the rain. Totally avoidable. GRRRRRR
Photo Critique -- How did this shot go wrong? OK, a couple of nights ago, I was walking along Avenue A and I tried to get a shot of
Another thematic lyrics challenge →
What is something you do when you feel like you want to treat yourself? Not super-expensive things, just nice 'had a rough day' type mini-treats.
My heart was just moved by (of all things) a game show. →Read more...
Friday Lyrics Challenge I thought I'd give one of these a go. This one is for the old folks and even has a hidden theme.
How's the weather? →
Thalia Zedek - "1926"
A great song for a dreary, rainy Friday.
Stella Artois Is it PBR for yuppies? Is there anything wrong with that?
Unrelatedly, Miley Cyrus is going to ruin Radiohead.
12 March 2009
NYPD Starts Screening Facebook and MySpace Pages The NYPD is requiring police recruits who have MySpace or Facebook pages to watch as an investigator sifts through their most private postings
Is it just me, or... →
I have a new song! It's writing itself. Whatver module in my brain writes songs does so without much intervention from me.
The Isolation of Unemployment. From the wellness blog on the nytimes. I found the reader comments particularly interesting.
When did the twenty-first century start for you? When did it start to feel as if we had crossed over into a new age? (if ever)
Small Good Newsfilter: New Slot at Station! →
Argh. (Assorted grunts, groans, moans, and sighs.)
The "One-Eyed Daffodil" Song. Well. That's what I call it, anyway. Do you have any interesting song lyrics that you just can't hear any other way than your own deranged version?
Help me find this iPod case... →
So I was expecting more action on my fantasy baseball league... If anyone here wants in on my NL-only fantasy league, MeMail me (or send an email to the address in my mefi profile if you're MeMail-less). There will be prizes! Also, good times! Also, no A-Rod, even after he recovers from surgery! You gotta like that.
Also, drezdn and mkultra are hosting leagues--I'm not sure how full theirs are. I can take 7 more players as of right now.
A frog in a string I went into my closet this morning and found
this. I climbed up and freed him from his trap, and hid him in my daughter's rain boot. Before Froggy was hanging in my closet my son found him resting between the tines of the dishwasher rack about two weeks ago.
I've heard that other families do this. Do y'all play hide and find?
US singer/songwriter world famous in the Netherlands I wonder what's up with Dayna Kurtz.
11 March 2009
Your big member in pants will not be transient it will be permanent. My favorite recent spam line. Yours?
BP & mygothlaundry in Atlanta! I got to hang out and have dinner and beers with MGL and some of her friends here in Atlanta on Monday night, before they all went to see the Pogues
(I was invited but couldn't go, %^#$?!).
We had a great time and a decent dinner, though! Also, beer.
My pics,
her pics.
The foot saga (the (hopefully) Final Chapter) →
A Cinderella Story. The Dutch (!?!?!) eliminate the Dominican Republic, who were favored to win it all, from the World Baseball Classic. I think I'm seeing orange!
Lyrics Game...with a theme! I'm not going to spell out the theme...but it shouldn't be too hard to spot.
The Everyman Photo Contest, an 8 year old internet tradition, is a very popular amateur photography contest that awards cold, hard cash as prizes. Not wanting to leave out the professionals, there is now the
Everyman Professional Photo Contest.
New iPod Shuffle - Wow.... I know this is just another rollout, but I'm starting to get that "woah, the future is really here now" hit from the size of this thing. Plus, it holds twice as much and has a voice-over feature telling you what you're listening to.
I call it the Quick-and-Easy-Not-Quite-as-Bad-for-You Chocolate Cake that takes me around 10 minutes to make (not counting baking). Other people call it the
Six-Minute Vegan Chocolate Cake. Moist and tasty nearly-instant gratification, and you probably have all the ingredients sitting around.
weird I wonder why mayors sound so much smarter than national-level reps and senators? maybe it's an administrative vs. executive thing, i.e. people in executive positions always sound vaguer and dumber.
This makes me so happy. The men of Alpha Delta Phi fraternity welcome Westboro Baptist Church to Chicago on Monday.
(The good part starts around :40)
Three Point Wednesday Update I have become an office drone. I go in with the other office drones and my Blackberry and my iPod nano for 9am and leave with them at 5.
Thru You This is amazing.
10 March 2009
When, and how did you make peace with your Dad. →Read more...
MOMA has brand new website pretty neat in spots. Doesn't play nice w/my browser all the time though.
I'm back(ish)! Rejoicing or bemoaning herein!
Unsettling Purim costumes →
Michael Polllan Seeks 'food rules' ...your folk wisdom about food. Got any?
Apparel Advice. →
Lyrics challenge! →
Dear god (or whomever) →
09 March 2009
Photo internship? Does such a thing exist, for magazines?
I Just Saw The Movie Easy Rider...... →
This week on Cops Why do I torture myself like this?
"So, son, how was your day?" I asked. →
OMG! Lynx & Kittah! To take the edge off Mudpuppie's post!
This.... There are no words for this. (Not a happy story. Don't click if you're expecting cuteness.)
Today, I got bored & restless and wen't wandering through the neighborhood. I found myself hungry and stopped in at
this place for a buffet lunch.
Kangaroo! OMG! "My initial thought when I was half awake was: it's a lunatic ninja coming through the window," Beat Ettlin told the AAP news agency. "It seems about as likely as a kangaroo breaking in."
Viking Graffitti: Greece Runestones todays wiki article talks about the Greece runstones.
Runestones are generally memorials to deceased men,
but can even be a pre-"
Kilroy was here" tagging, found even as far away as
Italy on the Piraeus Lion. Modern Runecarvers still do stones, Eriksson
will even do your bike if you like.
President Obama Disses Economics Blogs (Another sentence that would be gibberish in the 1980s?) That the President of the USA actually acknowledges the debates taking place on the blogosphere, even in a dismissive reference, is pretty telling.
Dead Critter Update →
MeCha Meal Planners: Travelin' breakfasts for a crowd?
Laid-Off Bunnies: What Are You Doing To Stay Motivated and Healthy? →Read more...
Minor rant about being an interviewer: I get sort of angry when exceptional candidates have mediocre (or worse) resumes!
Gardening for idiots Can any of you green-fingered or aspiring green-fingered folks recommend a book/resource for someone who knows absolutely nothing about gardening, but who has two little beds in her garden that she'd like to do something with?
hey jonmc how is your foot?
Does one *have* to refer to Saudi Arabia as "the kingdom"? i.e.
It seems like a show-offy punctiliousness to me. You never hear people referring to Thailand that way.
Monday 3-point update. →
Maroc Around the Clock Here are some photos from my trip to Morocco a few weeks ago! They're on Facebook but are viewable by non-members too.
Goode night everyone! I'm heading to bed and checking this thread in the morning. Sweet dreams!
08 March 2009
Celine Dion This is your
brain on
drugs. Honey,
them pins will never match Tina's. Celine seems like a very sweet lady but why does she cover others?
This Thread Is For Sentences That Would Have Been Gibberish 20 Years Ago... →Read more...
We just watched this. Does anybody have any holy water?
Remakes We Love thread →
Do Not Forget Metachat Eye This is a public service announcement. I know I keep forgetting about it so today I added some pictures. Y'all should do so as well.
Kobayashi Porcelain? Let's play the Keyser Soze game! Quick, look at the bottom of your coffee/tea cup and tell us what what you see, and a bit of your life story.
07 March 2009
Wings. An incredible photoset on Flickr.
Waaaaah! I finished all the Half-Life games and I want more! Hope me game-playing bunnies! What will help abate my desire to live again as Gordon Freeman?
Yay! Beach Cleanup Day Happened! →
Question for computer savvy MeChas... →
American, Canadian and Mexican bunnies ... →
Whiny post. So the crappy economy finally affected me.
Thirty-five counties accounted for more than half of all foreclosures in 2008 (Also in the article: eight counties accounted for a quarter of all foreclosures.)
I am looking for a small headphone case. It needs to be TINY and easy to use, so I actually carry it everywhere and use it! Handmade and/or leather is nice. doesnt need to be precisely for headphones so long as it'll work.
Googly Fish-Eyed Bunny OMG! If you can't handle sideways googly bunny eyes, don't look!
Anyone got computer parts lying around? →
Organic or Normal - which will Hammy like best?
Let's find out.
Watch the outtakes for extra hammy cuteness and misbehaviour.
From the Department of Incomprehensible Lists... This morning I found this list, in my own handwriting, in an old-ish tablet:
Something died in our crawl space. →
I need a mailing favor from a UK person! NEED
(info here), but we haz a problem.
06 March 2009
LoriFLA, and other Florida folks: Did you guys hear that Kepler launch tonight? NASA has just launched the Kepler probe (at 10:48 p.m. Eastern Time). I just wondered if you guys watched the launch or could hear it from your homes.
The pictures post by essexjan got me thinking. →
The Week in Wildlife. Fantastic series of galleries from The Guardian.
Is thirty quid too much to spend on a boss gift? It is her birthday, she's really done amazing things to change my life for the better, and we TRUST EACH OTHER. I wanna get her an iPod shuffle, it comes in her favourite green and everything! Is thirty quid too much to spend on this boss gift?
Jazz Fest this year? →
Quitting Smoking Thread Day Two: by my standards I'm being a big ass online but not in person yet, I'm laying low in the real world.
I saw the "Watchmen" last night, And I liked it. Please validate me!
Coffee has become boring. Ideas?
Since I Do Not Have MOFB. . . →
Ask MeCha (HTML edition) Is there a way to center paragraphs to a fixed-width in HTML without the use of a style sheet?
Yaay! I didn't get the job! →
Last Night I Dreamt I was Obama's Body Man, Like Charlie From West Wing... →Read more...
Do you ever prolong joy? →
Photo Friday : Projects We're Proud Of →
Have fun with your beaver. Take
care of your beaver. Kotex ads from Australia. This
dude is offended.
05 March 2009
Hope me MeCha Two hours until holidays, and I've finished all my work. Nothing to do. Nothing. PLEASE entertain me, PLEASE!
I'm going to a urologist tomorow and I'm scaaaared! →Read more...
So I've had a temp drafter working with me the last few days and I just found out today...
Lyrics game! →
Theme ideas for Photo Friday. →
I am dumb. And now I am pissed. I did something stupid in February, and didn't save a file properly. I didn't notice until now. A few days work that I deleted. Crap.
Is there any other way to snag old copies of the NY Times? I know about
this place, but I think that the price is a little steep. I need copies of the issue that has
this story in it.
TeaTalk. Hey, long time, no tea talk, eh?
One day I'll stop talking about Neko Case, but not today Her new record, Middle Cyclone, is out and it's really, really good. One song is murdering me with it's beauty...and I looked up the lyrics today. Read all together, they are pretty wicked too. A little timely as well, personally. And I want to share. Oh, and she's just announced some new tour dates, including Portland and Seattle...for you West Coasters! Lyrics and a link inside.
WTF Windows update KB967715? So this same f**king update comes up every day to download and install, which I do. WTF???
Size: 960 KB - 3.0 MB
Install this update to resolve an issue in which AutoRun features were not correctly disabled. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer.
things I realized today Watching
this clip of Tonya Harding whining about Barack Obama: maybe sometimes the person shoving the camera in another person's face, despite the fact that the subject wants to talk on record, is doing the subject a disservice.
Which was your favourite day you've had in a long time? →Read more...
Site functionality questions →
04 March 2009
Awesome cube game from the past? Hey guys and gals, can anybody point me in the direction of an awesome flash/java puzzle game that was posted to the blue some years ago? It was like a giant black and colored cube with multiple rooms that you had to solve puzzles in order to navigate. Thanks!
Etiquette a question/rant and a rant
WOOOT! 206 lbs. with clothes on! →
Free gadget idea So, you and the dog are on a walk and here you have a real estate sign. For Sale! The house you want in the spot you want it. But how much does it cost and what do the innards look like?
Finally! I had my first cardio-rehab session today.
We've got it all here in New York We even have gangs of teen transvestite muggers.
Calling all Seattle Bunnies - Calling out a Meet-up! Pie and I will be in Seattle from April 10-12 for an anime convention.
We'd like to meet the bunnies IRL. Suggestions for date, time and place gladly accepted. One note, I do not want to move my car, so near the convention center would be awesome.
Van Morrison leaving iTunes "very soon" Short version: iTunes sucks and modern music sucks.
Just remember... he's Van Morrison and you're not.
So ... I had my interview today. →
Picky, pedantic question: I have to use some #2 pencils at a civil service test on Sunday. Last night, I bought some #2 pencils. But they were marked "HD" Would these still count? Is there any difference between HD #2s and plain vanilla #2s? Thanks in advance.
The Geography of Recession (from the New York Times) Mackinac County, Michigan -- 24.2% unemployment, Colusa County, California -- 21.6% unemployment, Haskell County, Kansas -- 2.2%, Philadelphia, PA -- 8.2%
Alcoholics Unanimous: new song and video from Art Brut.
The album Art Brut vs. Satan comes out next month, and was produced by Frank Black of the Pixies.
Oh, man... DO NOT miss this MeFi post. You may be tempted to say, "Well, see here, I'm a rebel, and I'm not clicking that thing. I won't do it." but that would be wrong, wrong, wrong. So wrong. Just clicky. You do it now.
03 March 2009
Which is the one 7 Wonder of the World you'd like to see before you die? →Read more...
I'm sure this was already posted, but attn: Essexjan →Read more...
how good were the Stones in 1969? Listen for yourself.
When I do, picturing
this man drawling a song as lyrically pitch black as "Stray Cat Blues", I wish I had been there.
If you're interested, you'd best download it immediately. Stuff I link to from Metafilter tends to get yanked.
Who is the leader? I think this ad is really effective.
Random Roles: Margot Kidder (A.V. Club) On filming
Tribulation Force:
"I didn’t even know it was a Christian movie. Me and Howie Mandel were sitting there going 'What happened to my character?'...And they went 'Well, straight up in the Rapture.' And I went 'The what?' And they explained the Rapture and the end times to me, and I went 'Oh shit. I’m in one of
these movies.'" A thoroughly entertaining interview.
This TV ad about "clean coal" has been cracking me up, but I only found out today that it was
directed by the Coen Brothers.
I have been bested by an office supply. Please help me open
this binder. Can't figure it out for the life of me.
Ask MeCha: Music at work. Help me find something online to listen to.
three point tuesday update - SEMI SHOUTEY Rosemary P. Cat is a round little piglet! Nomnomnomnom *crunch* *slurp*
Mmmm....ravioli...., or, too much time on my hands? I found a pasta maker the other day, and thought I'd try my hand at making ravioli. Because, you know, buying the stuff is too damned easy. Do you make pasta? Any tips/tricks/tales of hilarity/favourite recipes/recipes you've always wanted to try but didn't because you didn't have a day to spend fiddling about with bits of dough?
Timberrrrrrr! I have an old and large Manitoba maple tree in my backyard that is very close to my back fence and that is leaning over my garden shed and my neighbour’s garage at a 45 degree angle. I want that tree taken down before I put the garden in this spring, so I need start the process. Last night I began to research ways and means. This is when the fun began.
Ouch! Damn! These may be ever so slightly NSFW
I apologise but I just can't not post a link to
this real estate listing.
Happy (belated) birthday special-k!
Can some parent-types or child-ed types give me a reality check here? What's reasonable content (in terms of tv, books, movies) on the paranormal for a 9-year-old?
A nice place close by to your house? →
02 March 2009
I'm renaming the cat Pukezilla. Or, possibly, Pukearella. I've no idea how she managed it, but today's surprise was on a window ledge FFS!
Need Whuffles, plz *sigh*. Just one of those days.
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! He is best known as a
children's book writer but he was also an
ad man and a
What to do with a kitten who has 8 canine teeth (and uses them)? →Read more...
Musicians whose best album came unusually late in their career? The Velvet Underground made four good albums - as did The Ramones. But in each case, they probably peaked with the first album - as did The New York Dolls, Television, etc, etc.
Peeps, when you go to the doctor, you might wanna ..... Google those diagnostic codes when you get home...because sometimes they screw up....
DRAMA! AskMeCha: need some dating help... →
Really Really Really Really Real What's that Van Morrison song with the line about how something or other is 'really really really really real'? There might be more or fewer 'really's in there.
Taste Great! Ugh, no... OK, I have just learned that chewing Wrigley's Spearmint gum then taking a drink of coffee, (after spitting out the gum) makes the coffee taste really disgusting. I mean really, it is nasty.
I just thought I would share that with you. That is all.
Gorgeous B&W photos of Miami in 1962. Neon, tailfins, and oh-so-glamorous women.
OMG EGG BUNNY My second attempt at making bento. I splurged a whole 100 yen on a bunny shaped egg press. I hope my husband's coworkers are amused tomorrow on the construction site.
Do you bento?
bouncy stripey weird fish Ignore the women on the right, hit play on the left movie and watch that weird fish.
Please laugh at my weekend please! And, post your own wierd weekend stories too!
The apartment that time forgot It's a real shame that they don't show the kitchen and bath as from the description I understand it's from the thirties. What a combo, me wants! I'm off to play the lotto, since despite it being cheap it's way too pricey for me.
MeFi Slow? Has MetaFilter been slow for anyone else, since the server change?
Films (scary) that you would never show your kids? →Read more...
01 March 2009
hahahaha! some inadvertant humor from the candy rack at the store.
Baby hates her dad!! Crossposting from Askme - i could do with the bunny perspective too!! Thanks in advance.
Bunny candy dishes! They are kind of ugly but that doesn't stop me wanting them.
So why does this article have to be illustrated with the drawing they used?
Taz's Invalid Rice She was kind enough to share this with me on my flu thread and it's too good to keep to myself:
I just awoke from a dream with a pastel pink and blue bunny with a poodle cut. This is an omen. Of what?
Go it Charlie! [pic] In case you thought Darwin actually *learned* anything at Cambridge.
If you can, go see Coraline in 3D! Gorgeous film. I never thought 3D would be anything more than gimmick until I saw it. This is the first 3D film I've seen that grasps the medium as a truly unique medium.
Songs from films which made you feel glad to be alive. →Read more...
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