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Archives for: January 2009

31 January 2009

Can has cat update! Two weeks ago I adopted a Romanian speaking, middle-aged cat, and posted about it here... just to followup, I'm so happy with her, and she seems to like living with me as well. She sleeps on my feet, plays adorably with her toys, and has taken to telling me when to go to bed (seriously, around 10:30 every night she starts meowing in a bullying way to remind me that it's time to sit in bed and read while she purrs beside me). Link is to FB album, which I hope works (I can fix the permissions if necessary).

Yes, I have become the kind of person who, now that my son is grown and moved away, is posting pictures of my cat on the internet. Sigh.
Cello Scrotum exposed as a hoax. Guitar nipple apparently fake as well.
I have an admirer, it seems.
Bored Saturday evening open thread.
CHRONIC PAIN WHINE ugh, I hate to be one of *those people* who complains about (relatively minor) medical issues, but...Read more...
404 Post Not Found The post you requested was not found on this server.
Handy Vet Blog Just found this and it's already answered some questions; therefore, I share.
Kitty bed!!! I totally want to make this kitty bed. Sometimes IKEA Hacker actually has tempting ideas.Read more...
403 Forbidden The authorization request failed or you do not have permission to view this thread.
Why is Google telling me "This site may harm your computer" about every website, and not letting me go straight there?
Was I wrong to take her side? [long post ahead] Read more...

30 January 2009

So Cute, It's ... something, Anyway, really cute. Really
So It Sucks to be a Grownup Once in Awhile. . . So I had a gripe about some asshat behavior on the part of a drama teacher Read more...
I need something to do/read for the next 2 hours.
Facebook people. So I reluctantly joined Facebook to help out a friend. I'm trying to make sense of the fine print.Read more...
The problem with these Brinks Home Security commercials (well, one of several problems) is Read more...
A Special Request for JonMC Or Anyone Here With Quality R&B Jones... Read more...
I was too tired to wash my hair. I put it under a headband and it looks better than it did yesterday. Argh! What were you too tired to do today?
Photo Friday : Macros
woowoo! I have a can of cream of chicken soup! Now... what to do with it? It seems like half the recipes I find while searching for pretty much anything include "a can of cream of chicken soup" - and I don't usually find these readily available here. But I just happened across this at my little grocery... Read more...
When did you no longer have to post on Mefi... ? When were you ok, you know, not having to post, every other day, or as soon as you could?
Just another day in the D. An article from Charlie LeDuff. Sort of a follow-up to this post. This has been a very ugly winter here.
Her Morning Elegance is a really sweet and awesome video.Read more...

29 January 2009

ooh, ooh! How do you read vividly? Tell me about this. I'm fascinated with this topic. Read more...
post by: taz at: 23:43 | 5 comments
Remember "weretable & the undead chairs"? He's posted some fantastic photos of the current ice storm in Arkansas, over on Flickr.
My father's lover letters. by Yusef Komunyakaa is a great poem. Thought I'd share.
Doing a Happy Dance I just found out. . .although I could be the last to know about those things.
post by: danf at: 18:09 | 1 comment
Conan O'Brien on the Jon Stewart Show (c.1994) I remember, like it was yesterday, when Conan took over Late Night hosting duties from David Letterman—it was right when I started my freshman year at college. Read more...
7 Deadly Glasses Seven custom-made goblets, each one representing one of the seven deadly sins. Yummy. Read more...
POW! HOW YA LIKE ME NOW? What do you have to brag about today?
New Zealand Inmates Foil Own Escape using the story device from about 10 different 1970's sitcoms.
I think it will be difficult for me to have real friends for a while. *Not* a "Poor Me" post!Read more...

28 January 2009

I know that there are many facets to this and I don't have an alternative solution to offer (fortunately, not my job). But. Schwarzenegger is a dick.
things I learned today Comparing Susan Sontag's diary to your diary can be rather damaging to one's self-esteem.Read more...
I interrupt my minor sneezing fir to bring you... awesome long-exposure photos
Northern Hemispherians: Please tell me how cold you are Is it snowing where you are? Are there icicles hanging from the branches outside? Maybe there's rain and thunder and artic winds - please tell me about it and send us overcooked Southern Hemispheriods some lovely chilly vibes. Read more...
Favorite recipes with couscous! Ready GO!
Funny recut of Obama's speech for those of you not yet sick of it
The Boring And Predictable Internet Outrage Thread Coming soon to the comments section of a blog near youRead more...
AskMeCha: I need help coming up with a fake movie title So I'm involved with a local carnivorous plant society and we have an annual show. Their past promotional posters/flyers have been pretty dull and I'd like to do something fun for them this year (this is also known as me procrastinating on a somewhat boring but for-pay project for a different client).Read more...
Rat Update - I've just submitted my application to adopt these two cuties:

Boy #1 and Boy #2

*crosses every extremity possible*
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Anyone want to hazard a guess as to what an excerpt might sound like?
Happy Birthday to rhapsodie!
four point status update I have to go voter IDing with a cold, fever and chills. Nurofen Plus to the rescue.Read more...
Think you've got it bad in this recession?
This Thread Is For Chatting About How Absolutely Amazing Shirley Maclaine Is.... Read more...
This is what a feminist looks like Check out the cover of the next Ms. Magazine.
Crazy, changing times. These two stories are unironically right next to each other on the SF Chronicle's site.Read more...
So what do you think's going to happen? With our reactions to the economy, I mean.Read more...
Ask MeCha: I have a question about people of the Baha'i faith. Read more...
Say Happy Birthday to Meatbomb!!!!! Explosive device o' meat is 41 today. :)
Oh fuggin sheeit! I've got the flu again.
I just heard, found, trapped, and released into the wild a cricket that was burrowed under some laundry in a corner of my room.

You touch-a my ______________ , I break-a you _________________

27 January 2009

Trying to come up with stuff for !@#$ing profile. To quote Weird Al, I'd rather rip out my intestines with a fork than try to answer some of their questions!!Read more...
Let Me Take My Chances on the Wall of Death Read more...
Last night, I came home to this.

Tonight, I came home to
Turkish Superman and, for your added pleasure, the high production values of Turkish cheap knock-off Rambo.
Here, play this. LT, you especially.
No shit, Sherlock ...aka a Report from the Institute of Stating The Bleedin' Obvious.
LT Got Laid Off, Too!
We found 84 Restaurants that sound like they got a rodent problem: Just, FYI. Watchout for these restaurants in my home town. Some of them have been cooking racoon meat, human flesh, etc. These restaurants sound like they might be keeping herds of angry cats in the kitchen!
OMG, have you seen these? Have you? You probably have, haven't you. I bet everyone knows about this but me. (Via this AskMe question.)
Crap - They're changing my email address from to Myfairpoint? WTF!Read more...
Hilarious Durex condom ad. Featuring cute little balloon animals. The sound effects are what cracked me up.
(Do I even need to say it's probably NSFW? No, I didn't think so.)
Do you like superbowl ads? I know. I'm ad-damaged but if you watch the game for the ads like me, you might want to follow twitter tag #superads09, & #sb43ads and sneak peak the ads as they arrive here.
Just a reminder... let's be careful out there. Lots of ugly floating around lately, so make sure your antivirus program is up to date and your Windows updates are installed, plus, just say no to I.E., don't be lazy with the no script, and turn off auto run. Etc. I also installed malwarebytes, which is getting a lot of good word-of-mouth lately. You can use the free version to do a deep scan any time, but be sure to update it every time. The paid version has auto updates and real time monitoring. Read more...

26 January 2009

What do you do to wind down after work? Read more...
Bizarrely hypnotizing. And useful, in case the NSA is after you.
Metafilter's Down (And So I Hit F5) - this weekend as musical lament.
Polaroid is dead. Long live Poladroid. So, Polaroid no longer makes instant film (though you can still find it for sale at the moment). Read more...
Best Sandwich of 2008! Woot!
A Loooooooooove attack I hope I'm not addicted - to Fabio's 'music'.
Someone explain Super Bowl betting to me? I always forget what the "line" and the "spread" are.Read more...
I got my stuff from my evacuation from Georgia finally. Read more...
whisper shouty thread
i had my first day of my new job today and had a bad cold, and still have a cold, and am still working but at home now since its seven oclock, and have to go to edinburgh tomorrow, with my cold. Read more...
AskMecha: So how do I cook a kidney, anyway? Last night, I was at the supermarket when I decided to . . . live dangerously! And become who I am!Read more...
Today, I believe in...
So I'm sitting on my laptop with my back to a huge window when I hear a series of explosions.Read more...
WE MISD YOU. HISD TEH, LOLCATS. (video) This straddles the divide between insane genius and awesome annoyance. If you've just woken up, I suggest you leave it a couple of hours. You have been warned.
insomnia insight?
You Suck At Craigslist Providing adequate commentary since 2008. (Some language may not be appropriate for work.)
Can has wuffles, pls?

25 January 2009

My cat "gets" Wuthering Heights! The gap between feline and human has finally been bridged. My cat Cinnamon is a Wuthering Heights fan.Read more...
I saw season 1 of This American Life this weekend (no spoilers, com'on in) Read more...
Best Google Street View Picture Ever (SFW) Man, I should have joined MetaChat ages ago. I run across stuff like this all the time.
Don't let that recession/depression cramp your style! (LAist goes looking for the most expensive t-shirt in Los Angeles.)
Ask MeCha. How do I heat plates for serving? Can I stick any old ceramic plate into the oven? For how long and at what temperature? I saw a suggestion on the internets to stick the plate in the dishwasher and put it on the heat dry cycle, but there always seem to be a few dirty dishes in the dishwasher when I want to do this. If that's a much better way, I guess I could always remove the dirty dishes.
Grow Tower A new game in the "Grow" series. Only five choices this time, but it took me a couple hours to beat it. Some of the various "wrong" combinations are almost as much fun as the right one.
Cheap travel advice - warm climate
Last night I learned how to use one of these, and now I'm hooked. (Here's one in action.) It's strangely mesmerising, but I can see why people didn't have many sets of clothing before the spinning wheel. It led me to wonder: I know we have many knitters here at MeCha, but how many spinners do we have?
OMG THERE IS A MEATBOMB IN #bunnies And it's too big a job for me to entertain him all by myself. Please come and help to occupy the Meatbomb!
Happiness is... Getting drunk off your ass at a drag (as in queen) show and your boyfriend buys you chocolate without being asked.

it's like he read my mind!

Ask Me Answer Junkies, can you answer me this? Where is this place [see inside]? I cut this photo out of a magazine at some point (bad quality, so I guess it was some sort of Sunday newspaper magazine supplement or something), and I'd love to know more about this fish door churchy place and find out who built it. Read more...
post by: taz at: 00:06 | 9 comments

24 January 2009

Good night, John Boy.
Metafilter / Metachat Chili Cookoff, the hacked edition.
For those who have ever quit smoking, try limiting your sodium intake to less than 500 mg a day. Not only is just about everything processed out, you also have to watch vegetable portions, especially spinach. Even vegetarians would find the going difficult. Anyone know a good hypnotist?
From MetaChat to my table. I had seconds.
Who's watching Miss America?
ChatFilter re Hollywood and women and weight Is Hollywood's weight obsession for females supported by $ data or are they just neurotic assholes?

Okay, let me explain. I kind of extra-like a TV show when a main female character is not a skinny minnie. Read more...
What is/was for dinner?
That's it, I am fed up and I'm going to let you have it! Read more...
what netbook should i get? was thinking an acer aspire one..Read more...
Mac networking question Here's the situation:

Currently there is a wireless network running off a Linksys WRT54G Router that's plugged into a cable modemRead more...
So, have any of you bunnies tried tweetdeck yet? Twitter with added steroids. Has turned my husband into a total Twitter fiend...
It Really Can't hurt to hang out in #bunnies while MeFi is down. Read more...
Current "Run Away and Join the Circus" fantasy? I have an idle desire to go be a concierge at a five-star hotel in Las Vegas. I'd get to solve concrete problems for people, use my organizational skills to good advantage, and there's something pleasant to me about being all scripted-polite. It just seems so... smooth, somehow. What's your current alternate job/life daydream?
Hi! Hey, if you're just checking the place out 'cause MeFi is down, welcome. Get you a drink? And regulars, what's your poison?
Grandma's turning 90. Help me figure out a meaningful gift, plz? Read more...
Unexpected bounty of the credit crunch
Looks like MeFi has been hacked You can read about it in MetaTalk while it is still up, but I wouldn't visit for now unless you are sure your browser setup is secure. This is a sad day.
"It's like being punched in the eyes by tiny taunting monkeys wearing professorial cardigans." So, Sitegeist at Metafilter posted a game called Blocks With Letters On [Jay is Games Review here] back in October and if you are a masochistic puzzler like I am, you'll find that this is one the great ones. But wait! There's More! Read more...

23 January 2009

Doohickie plays jonmc and defends the indefensible: Blood, Sweat & Tears. Read more...
OMG creepy !!!1!!!one!!! especially the middle one.
Awesome: "I have an extra comp ticket for Drive By Truckers tomorrow, wanna go? Read more...
THIS IS A SHOUTING THREAD! aka "Why this week was the worst possible week to quit smoking"Read more...
Times in the last few hours I've realized I'm weird He tells me he sells transformersRead more...
Totally Amazing Learn-Hawaiian-By-Distance-Learning Video from 1994. I watched Lesson One, which plays in RealPlayer (low and high bandwidth).

The kumu (teacher), a joyous woman who makes me want to move to Hawaii tomorrow, is the probably the greatest TV teacher I've ever seen: she's right here! She's so close to us! She is also one of the happiest people I've ever seen, and radiates energy.Read more...
Make your own HOPE poster! A site for making DIY Shepard Fairey style posters.
Help! I've lost control! I'm overdosing on instruments! Will my brain explode?Read more...
High school musicals - what part did you play? Read more...
It is raining in January In Orem, Utah. Raining. 42 degrees. The Sundance ski resort Nordic Center is closed. Read more...
Who here has seen Slumdog Millionaire? [spoilers] I'm just about half-way through it, and yes: that's India for you, in all it's lovely colours. Danny did an excellent job in capturing it, and not holding anything back--your thoughts--reactions.
Photo Friday: Stripes! Post your stripetease shots here! :)
Got my notice My position is officially terminated June 30th. It's almost a relief - I've had 6-monthly scrambles for funding for the past couple of years now. But holy shit! I gotta find a job for reals.
Looking for a few good HIV, Cancer or Hepatits sites. I've been charged with designing a website for a foundation that gives medicine to people with HIV, Hepatitis, Cancer and other diseases. Said foundation is composed of idealistic, activist people.
And you thought Intercourse was bad nytimes link. Sorry. I know it's evil.

22 January 2009

LolBots 'cause robots are the new kitties.
Yay job! So, a couple hours after the dancing sausages incident...Read more...
Why Obama Won Could I have half a minute of your time? Above is a succinct, clear and true explanation of Obama's victory.
Ask Metachat: Stoved Finger & Silly Office Thing
Bunny! OMG! *Runs, hides*
Hey I know that Biden's got plenty keep busy with, but. . . I can see a great SNL skitRead more...
What is your very favorite vegetarian stuffed mushroom recipe?
It's the five-ingredient dish game. Person one gives an ingredient. Person two adds another. So does person three. Et cetera. Person five finishes up. Voila – a five-ingredient dish. Repeat.Read more...
Kraftwurst -- We Are Pork Products "I'm ze op-er-a-tor with my pork-et cal-cu-la-tor."
Quotes from Books thread
Three point Thursday
The trouble with being a day laborer is that when there's no work to be done, there's no work to be had.Read more...
conversational analysis, aka wherein i concern myself with useless things so I was watching Analyze That, a sequel which starts off with a good title but goes downhill from thereRead more...
You may have seen some of the photos from the meetup stewriffic, Ardiril, and I had last weekend, but what you didn't see was just how far ahead of the fashion curve we all were.Read more...
ooooh, idea for a photo friday theme...
post by: taz at: 05:06 | 4 comments
If essexjan hasn't posted this before, omg I'll be an unkie's monkle. nomnomnom. Read more...
post by: taz at: 03:25 | 3 comments
Nutella Ricotta Dessert

21 January 2009

OMG Kitteh! Iz Wurking Gurl! So apparently there are now "cat cafes" in Japan where you can pay a few dollars and soak up some kitteh love.
Baby Lemur! OMG Clutching a teddybear "mother."
I Love Fruitcake My local grocery store was clearing them out at $1.25... I bought three. I can't understand why fruitcake is so unpopular. This dish sounds like something that people in heaven would eat.
Right ulnar neuropathy
I feel like I've just finished a particularly difficult quest I just tracked down a book I've been looking for (by every avenue I could think of, and I thought of practically everything).Read more...
Pull yourself together!
"To: 44, From: 43." So what did that note say?
Well. Hm. This is quite the biography for Florence Harding at Wikipedia. Not a case of wiki vandalism... just, well - have a look. Here's a rather kinder bio of the former first lady.
Groove Is In The Black Hole Sun -- Dee-Lite vs. Soundgarden (Automatic Download) You know that line about the thin line between the ridiculous and the sublime? I haven't figured out which side of the line this is on. Maybe you can help me with this one. Enjoy!
Thoughts on why we grieve (warning: intense post) I was wondering just now why do we grieve, rather than love people either a little or very much, but only while they're alive. After all, why not love people while they're there to appreciate it, and just get on with life after they're gone? Read more...
What's wrong with Metachat?
You could call these guys very lucky or very unlucky. Works both ways.
heavy, heavy hangs over our heads... Just back from a budgeting-crisis meeting. Half-mil deficit; we're going to have to cut. Not just cut, restructure. Don't know what it means yet. I wish we could save people's jobs (mine included) we don't know. Yuckity yuck, hard times come home.
Song lyrics game Like the movie quotes game but for song lyrics.Read more...

20 January 2009

The Blue Hits A Home Run over at MetaFilter, chunking express posted a wonderfully written, vivid account of life in the dying American city of Detroit. I know that many of you don't frequent The Blue, but this is totally worth your while.
I'm home!
Forget Venus and Mars and meet Ms Mover and Shaker and Mr. Bob and Floater One of my closest friends is having a horrible time with her marriage and I’d like to be able to offer her some helpful advice. But I’m out of advice, so I’m turning to you people in the hopes that maybe some of you will have a fresh perspective. Be warned… there’s a truckload of back story to this.Read more...
Please to explain today's XKCD.
Inauguration Day! If you're watching, listening to, streaming, twittering or otherwise observing this historic day, come chat about it here!
Is anybody getting married? Why yes, yes they are. Read more...
argh anyone have low res links to the inauguration? so far, msnbc, cspan, and abc news isn't really working for me.
Is anybody getting married? I'm not usually much into wedding dresses, but this is beautiful... Read more...
Finding Dawn The mother of someone I know is missing. Please come home, Dawn.
Harpy . Monster Manual Comix seem to be Lore Sjöberg's current thing. I liked Vampire too.
Going through my worst breakup EVER
What are you having for lunch today? I'm planning to have, that is my mother is cooking Chicken Biryani for me today... it's very big here, and only cooked on special occasions. Yum... :)
If Obama had my ... then ...
Surreal post inspired by taz.

19 January 2009

Things I Am LESS Interested In Now Than I Used To Be: Read more...
Ask not what your country can do for you etc etc etc... Read more...
Fuck Yeah! Ryan Gosling A truly inspired (fan?) site.
So with the time difference... today is the 20th of January.Read more...
your easy ingredient home recipes plz! share yours here! Read more...
Remember that episode of Friends, the one with the freebie list? They make a list of celebrities they can sleep with without their significant other getting upset. So who's on your list?
Unexpected day off is unexpected.
I'm so far past caring ,
Things I Am More Interested In Now Than I Used To Be Read more...

18 January 2009

Mini-meetup in Atlanta! I just got home from hanging out with Stewriffic and Ardiril, feasting on many varieties of pasta and drinking Yuengling. It was fantastic. Some photos in the thread.
Snowing - It's snowing pretty hard.
Inauguration concert! Up 'til now I haven't exactly had inauguration fever...but I'm listening to the concert live on NPR and it's quite a show. Great readings and quotes and historical interludes, great music (including Springsteen).Read more...
Liquor Consumption in Virginia - sort of interesting sales data from the Roanoke times, but perhaps someone clever can tell me what advantage the "unreadable cluster of randomly arranged bubbles" chart form offers over, for example, a simple list in text form.
Booooobies! A Metachat Dream most of us can get in front of. Read more...
Why are there not many more Supermen? Do you know any Supermen?? I was watching the original film today, with Christopher Reeve, the only guy who was meant to be Superman... he was fabulous in that film???

But why can't we be more like that--honest and righteous and forgiving... what's happened to us, and will we ever get back to the way we were--considering we were ever like that.Read more...
Ask Mecha: So I Have These New Chairs and I would like any info y'all can find on them. Read more...

17 January 2009

I can has cat. To my surprise, I've offered a home to a middle-aged cat. Advice? Read more...
Schadenfreude: I just saw the funniest thing... I was out buying groceries and in a completely foul mood (hot sweaty weather and PMT are a bad combo) when I saw this pair of young chikky-babes prancing along in short dresses and high-heels. In a supermarket, mind you. Read more...
OMG dik-dik! (No, really.)
Pows and Wows
If you like old Dream Theatre you'll probably like Tűzmadár (try this one to start, perhaps). Most of their stuff is available to download free.
I can has trip to Washington? As of yesterday, I have some unexpected free time. Laid off earlier than expected from yet another temp job, due at least partly to the high cost of hiring a temp through an agency and not (I keep telling myself over and over again) because I suck or the company completely sucks. Read more...
I have moved! To a new host! Remember the crashing server? Well that got me so sad I decided to go all out and get a bigger faster and badder machine over in the states and offer 37 years of Superbowl commercials free for all.Read more...
Snapshot Saturday — ’Post your favourite photo(s) since the last Photo Friday, some time in November.’

16 January 2009

The people next door are having a kind of loud party. Oddly, I can only really hear the bustle of voices and laughter when I'm in the bathroom sitting on the toilet, which is a kin dof surreal experience. I may bang my crutch on the wall and say "You kids pipe down! There's a sick man who needs his rest in here!"

That would be a Life Milestone of a sort, I guess.
Dangerous Southern Goodness If you can buy this sweet tea flavored vodka, I highly recommend it.Read more...
Post Three!
This music video freaks me out: "Batcat," by Mogwai. Worth watching in high quality. Read more...
In what may be the fishiest case of shoplifting ever, a Long Island man stole a shark from a pet store's tank by putting it under his coat and sneaking away, cops said yesterday.
Halp! My favorite jeans are ripping! I don't know anything about sewing or repairing clothes. What do I do?Read more...
Mefi's tenth anniversary Whenever there's been mention of MeFi's tenth anniversary meetup it has always seemed that the main North American meetup will be in New Orleans. Assuming that proves to be the case, will any of you go to it? (I'm tentatively planning on it.) Or what will you do for the big 1-0 (as I'm sure there will be lots of meetups going on in different places).
Ask MeCha. Fix my car and keep it or trade it in?Read more...
That cool red-and-blue Obama poster created by Shepard Fairey was based on a Reuters photo of Obama. Interestingly, the poster is actually a mirror image of Obama, flipped left-to-right. Read more...
Where is the Love? 21 Days of fighting in Israel. Thousands dead, even more injured--when will it stop??
Griping about small town mindsets.

15 January 2009

True Crime Story
Plane crash lands into the Hudson Taken just after it landed. You can see people on the wing.

This was 20 minutes ago. Plane has almost sunk now but tail is still above the water. Controlled landing. Water temperature is 43 degrees.
OMG Bugs! This wonderful blog has been linked to at least once on Metafilter. Today's post has some great insect illustrations by Edward J. Detmold. If you are a fan comic book, science fiction or illustration art you can get lost for hours in Golden Age Comic Book Stories.
So, yesterday I mentioned that I was channel surfing and noticed how many makeover transformation shows there are on.Read more...
Chances are you are in close proximity to a paper clip. So I ask you: Have you ever smelled a paper clip before? Read more...
What kinds of food do you eat for health? The doctor over here, along with my mom, feed me a good and healthy diet, which is usually strong on figs.
DON'T MURDER SEA KITTENS!!1! (PETA Based silliness)
Why can't I stop killing my own doodz? Open the pod bay door, HAL.
post by: taz at: 02:51 | 9 comments
Photo Friday will be Snapshot Saturday (this week, at least). The theme: yay, it's back! Starting Saturday, post your favourite photo(s) since the last Photo Friday, some time in November. Discussion/suggestions/themes welcome within.Read more...
Khaaaaaaaaaaaaan! May you be buried in fine Corinthian leather my friend.

14 January 2009

Boy howdy! It's colder than a witch's monkey in a brass sh*thouse! Or something like that. I'm making tostadas and staying indoors. How are you staying warm tonight?
Pie will soon be a l33t haxxor
Halp, my dog was sprayed by a skunk! He probably thought it was his beloved black and white kitty, but it wasn't. Read more...
Eighties rock ballads and other mood killers A former manager who worked at my company, named "Bryan", had this story to tell, and I'm relaying it to you. When he and his brother were still living at home years ago his brother used to try to disguise the fact that he was getting it on with his girlfriend in his room by playing eighties rock ballads. They’d disappear into the room, shut the door, and crank up the music... Read more...
Among rap videos based on folk tales, featuring hand puppets, and having an average rate of around 6 syllables per second, this is probably my favorite.
There is nothing, NOTHING I tell you, like dry, warm socks! That is all.
Stir Crazy is setting in. I can't go anyplace, it's too cold to sit outside on the porch, and I'm sick of everything on TV and the internet.
Scraping around for lunch What do you think canned salmon mashed with avocado would taste like?
Pissing Contest: Whose will freeze first?
Something I made for my dog that you might want to eat. Read more...
Alright Tit A moving, funny, sad, and blunt look at breast cancer from someone in her 20's.Read more...

13 January 2009

Animal Collective is a Band Created By/For/On the Internet. A ridiculously dense satire on youth culture vis-à-vis music blogs.
Remember this item? I actually wrote to the guy, using the info in the MeFi thread...Read more...
Sitting Here Getting Sorted For My Radio Show....
AskMeCha: Bridal shower gift for honeymoon
Happy Birthday, Kyleg!
Just back from the sawbones, and he says that my gam is healing well, but that I'll still be on the disabled list till Feb. 5. *gibbers, sings 200 choruses of 'Hello Walls'*
Leveraging some assholishness By my friend Nate's count, I have 27 more days in which I am allowed to be an asshole...Read more...
Waiting for a recruiter to call/email I got an email yesterday from the recruiter for a job that I'm up for saying, "We're about to make a decision, send me your salary range". So now I can't do anything but sit here and obsessively check my email, waiting to find out. It's only the second job interview that I've gotten in two and a half months; jobs are really, really tight here.Read more...
Sore Throat is Sore Honey and lemon? A swift kick to the trachea? How to soothe this thing when my profession is talking to people all day? Aaaargh.
PC games via Mac VMWare Hey, stop laughing! I got Left4Dead to play reasonably well.Read more...

12 January 2009

I'm goth, but I don't really want to be. So, I was tired of the auburn shade I've been colouring my hair for the past few years, and besides, it didn't seem to stick to the grey at the roots near my face. (The middle and ends of my hair were always nice and dark, but then I had light reddish wash grey at the top, where it's most noticable.)

So I picked a darker shade, looking for a change. Read more...
I love this song from Slumdog Millionaire.
post by: krix at: 21:48 | 1 comment
I had this dream last night about a new kind of fundraiser event. I wonder if it would be a good idea. Details inside.Read more...
This was my favorite Judas Priest song. But this is better, actually.
Fallout 3 Question: Will My Video Card Stand Up? Read more...
Whoa. Why does this freak me out so much?
Can I whine about trivial things? (Feel free to add non-trivial whining and I will share the whuffles)Read more...
Amazing Origami from Robert J. Lang. Smithsonian Magazine article here.
Oh dear. So, I have decided to turn in my resignation for the job that I hate on Thursday. I just found out that another employee is resigning today. We are a five-person company. Oh, dear.
Ok I'm getting the wow's and excites from O's inaugural blog. For some reason I've always loved the behind the scenes prep more than the actual show. But I ain't missing this one. I'm gonna bawl, I think. It is HUGE.
Two things. One: Here are my new kittens. Two: Here is a question about my new kittens.

Carry on.
Amy Bennett makes oil paintings of suburban scenes that look like dioramas, or dollhouses. Scenes that looks serene at first turn out, at second glance, to have something darker going on.Read more...
Things you think are cool. Me? Onsite auto glass replacement. You don't need to take your car in!
Ranty. Bewildered. If you live in a country other than the U.S., you've probably had some access issues with various sites from time to time. For whatever reason, some sites don't want you to see their precious words or images if you're not a yanqui, and use a variety of redirection methods to thwart your yearning mind. Whevs, right? Assholes. But, here's one that breaks my tiny brain... Read more...
post by: taz at: 02:42 | 9 comments

11 January 2009

I'm sorry to bug you guys again with another question bout creative commons if you know a web board or somewhere i should ask it that would be awesome.. google searching seems less and less effective for me over the years.Read more...
Bunny-oh, my! My own husband put this on my fridge.Read more...
ask bunnies: If somethin's creative commons licensed in the US, can I use it in the UK? Or do I have to ask? I'm pretty sure I have to ask. I'm also pretty sure that if something in the UK is creative commons licensed that license doesn't apply to Scotland b/c we have a different legal system here. Am I right?Read more...
MeCha meetup New Sarepta, AB! So I managed to find a bunny in New Sarepta who wanted to meet up...Read more...
My dumplings are like hockey pucks. Please hope me! Read more...
So, what happened to Photo Friday? I didn't get the memo. Now that the holiday madness is over, will it be back?

10 January 2009

I Wish To Have Slumber Party With Metachat Tonighty... Read more...
How late in the day is too late for a nap for you? Assume standard sleep time of 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. +/- an hour or so.Read more...
Petty things that make you hate the world.
does anybody ever get sick on big brother? how can they do this stuff where they don't give them food and stuff? what do they do if someone gets a cold or whatever?
Little Bo Peep. This video contains your Recommended Daily Allowance of one-man-band banjo playing.
Yes Pecan! Ben & Jerry's announces their inauguration themed flavor.Read more...
What do you say? Kinda inspired by some recent events...Read more...
What do you love? I love the chance I get to talk to you guys... it really brings a smile to my face.:)

And the guys to meet on this list is all of you, except the cydonian and John, who I hope to keep on meeting again and again...
Hedwig or Rocky Horror?

09 January 2009

"At age eleven I worked at Disneyland. I sold guidebooks at the park from 1956 to about 1958. I am as positive as one can be that I appear about 20:20 into your film, low in the frame, dressed in a top hat, vest, and striped pink shirt...”
Steve Martin spots himself in a 1956 home movie that was recently inducted into the National Film Registry
Happy birthday, viachicago!
3 pt - Some things I feel I am "supposed" to like, but can't fully get behind. Read more...
Someone's pooping on the white chicken.
I had a really good sandwich yesterday
I'm Getting Reports Out Here That Seattle Is Underwater.....Check-in, Please! Read more...
Ask MeCha I have some flexible plastic cutting boards. After months of use (and automatic dishwashing) they are now curled into a permanent U shape. Attempts to reflatten by putting them under cookbooks overnight have not worked. Suggestions?
My husband has to lay off two of his employees today. Read more...
What do you do when you get depressed? How do you un-depress your self.
Ardiril regrets he won't be able to make his NYC/New England trip next week, but thanks everyone for their help in planning it. Read more...
An odd little story about my dog... My dog is not a cat chaser, or a cat lover, or a cat hater. She basically has no opinion about cats. Read more...
So no takers on Calgary or Ottawa, but how's about New Sarepta? C'mon, there's got to be at least one bunny there, no?
I am officially old. or the world has gone mad. or stupid. or something. Read more...

08 January 2009

Dealing with Your Racist Clientele ...and yes, that was a Belle and Sebastian reference.

If, in your line of work, you frequently encounter customers/clients/patients who are vocally racist or offensive, how do you deal with it?
I'm cutting my hair tomorrow. VERY short. Help me find a style.
Who here jaiku's - and if not why not? So, Jaiku is the often down google-version of twitter, but with the added feature of actual threaded conversations. I know you plurk, so why not jaiku? All these sites! So many. I'm confused, where should we b hanging out?
Auto-ImmuneFilter: Enbrel Users Here?
That truck that rear-ended mrs chewie? Possible total. It's at $6k & counting. Ours so far is about $485 unless more is uncovered when they take the bumper & door panel off. The other dude's nickel, of course. Fun with estimates!
Jus' wondrin' -- Are many website developers considering iPhones and other phone browsers yet? Any admins seeing any significant traffic? If phone brwsers do gain significantly, what happens to style sheet conventions?
Oh, wow, wow... A Metatalk request to find an old Mefi post led me to 100 x 100 (photo gallery of 100 people in their 10 foot x 10 foot apartments in Hong Kong), which I had managed to miss back when. I'm pointing it out in case you missed it, too, because it's just fascinating. Read more...
9 become 9 ... weee! a really awesome short film Read more...
Ask MeCha: IT Edition My boss has a presentation in less than 2 hours and she had a question that I can't answer, and somehow neither can our I.T. guys right now.Read more...
Fab way to start the day!
A friend of my sister's just saw the face of the Prophet (Muhammad) and Allah on the side of the moon last night (posted on Mefi about Muharram). And she happens to be non-muslim... so, what have you seen on the moon at night lately, or anywhere else for that matter?
Remember these frozen soap bubbles? I tried photographing some tonight, and it ain't easy.Read more...

07 January 2009

Meetup this Saturday in Barre, VT. I'm sure there are some upper New England folk who don't read MeTa... you should come drink with us!
For Hugh Janus...
Scientology just emailed me
Ask Mecha :Help! with wedding venue Long Post is Long...Read more...
One week in, how's the new year treating you? (Multipoint update.) Read more...
Hey, we were just talking about this! jonathanstrange and sarabeth, didn't we just propose this idea? Read more...
State-By-State Teenage Birth Per 1,000 (interactive map at bottom of the page)
Style Question My boss wants to put a dash in grade level references: i.e. 5th-grade, 2nd-graders, etc. I think this is stupid and looks weird and I vote for just 5th grade, 2nd graders. Help finding citations to either uphold my case or teach me my place?
I need help planning my NYC/New England itinerary starting next Thursday or so. Read more...
So last night around 3am, pips and I were awakened by strange sounds. Read more...
Maybe it's just that I've been awake since 5am but this is one of the sweetest inter-species camaraderie I've seen.
I am posting this from the bus :)
Remember when you were little and everything was amazing?
Anybunny wanna meet up in Calgary or Ottawa?

06 January 2009

Should I keep the girl home from school on Inauguration Day? Read more...
Ask Mecha I can't decide...
Tales from A Flower Shop: or, why I'd like to be a fly on the wall at one particular funeral tomorrow....Read more...
I like prunes. They taste so good, and are really versatile, too.
Any NY bunnies going to Exene/John Doe on the 10th?
In all the diodes down my right side... My right arm has been numb for about three days now. Read more...
Little Cosa was put out of her pain yesterday. Read more...
All Is Full Of Love: a music video made with The Sims 2.
From the Things You Take For Granted Dept. - Showers. Read more...
If it's three things at a time, I'm toast. 1) Imminent separation on the part of my two best friends; 2) cat has to have major dental work; 3)? landslide? because that's what I'm expecting. Read more...
Clueless CV question Hi guys, I'm applying for a job and I don't really know what to do with my CV!Read more...
Happy birthday scarabic!
Penis fire suspect charged 21st century Bobbit?
If you were able to write one post on Mefi, what would it be? Ever since I got back, and was able to post, Ive been crushing myself on what to--but no go. I'm thinking it's just a temporary lapse, and I'll be back to my old self in no time, hey?
"It has that same sort of acrid sweetness of death." "It's got this evilness to it." NPR explores why some people hate cilantro.
According to YouTube, I am . . .

05 January 2009

Twelve song (about me) Guys, this is fun - a swedish blog-meme asks people to list twelve songs that say something about them. I lined mine up from lifechanging moments (?) and general oh-god-i-listened to this one fivehundred bazillion times. What are your twelve songs?Read more...
Help me remember this song I can't even remember any of the lyrics but it has a bridge that sounds somewhat like this on the guitar:Read more...
It's -21.6°C/-6.88°F right now in Toruń. Toruń is the dot immediately below the "o" in Bydgoszcz. Please to be sending duvets!
Four point status update... - one that picks you up and brings ya down.....Read more...
Know of a HUD house? i think i want it.Read more...
Signs of economic life I know that we're in a recession, that all the indicators show us rolling downhill rapidly. Read more...
I couldn't find a bunny that was cute enough for a Bunny! OMG! today ... Read more...
A bunny apologizes...
Movies I have seen this Holiday Season -- spoilers. . . . Read more...
Our first new sidebar art of the new year has been brought to you by our lovely and fluffy members rhapsodie, BoringPostcards, and Marxchivist top to bottom on the left, and haunted by Leonard Cohen on the right. The theme is obviously "Maybe you can live on the moon in next century."

04 January 2009

Date from Hell Well... that might be overstating it a littleRead more...
Taking down the tree So tonight I have so far stripped the tree of most of the ornaments. They sit in a pile, individually wrapped but not yet boxed up. It is a bit of a melancholy exercise. The Christmas holiday is over. Work tomorrow, school for the kids. Nina Simone is purring in the background. That adds to the melancholy, but also makes it OK. Happy New Year, I guess.
Relatives, facebook and the arab israeli conflict So I am a big ol' Palestine activist, have been since I was about 16. I'm Jewish and I've got relatives in Israel, big Zionists all, some of whom have friended me on facebook.Read more...
Garden people! The MeFi Seed Exchange is here! Direct link.
Supper is in the oven - I stumbled on that recipe today and couldn't get it out of my mind.
Long-ass Cosa update...
Nothing to fear
My father just tells me that they've put 300 tanks into Gaza. I've been watching this since it started, and it's just been getting worse and worse. All I can think about is the poor kids, may they rest in peace.
I hate making big decisions. I have to make a big decision today, like the kind of "should I stay or move away" decision, and I'm really split right down the middle. Don't you hate it when all the usual tricks like flipping a coin and listing the pros and cons don't help? Grrrr.
Bubba's acting all weird. What's up? My housemate's dog is being really bizarre this morning.Read more...
Frozen Soap Bubbles It's very cold tonight, so we played with bubbles.Read more...
Drunk driver NYE crashes into my best friend's kid story... Read more...

03 January 2009

Louis Quatorze. He's all about the excess.
hadjiboy has had a terrible driving accident, almost died
I shouldn't complain but guh man *rolls eyes* Warning whingeing inside.
CHRISTMAS PARCEL: ARRIVED! Mom sent me mole sauce! Yay!
UP and at 'em! What have you been putting off, and/or what about your living space affects your mood positively or negatively?Read more...

02 January 2009

I Just Saw The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, and.... Read more...
Are shoe boxes still cool?
Baby, it's cold outside – and I ran out of heating oil. Is it safe to have an electric oven on continuously as a space heater?Read more...
What are you doing? I'm eating chili-infused chocolate, listening to CBC Radio 2 Jazz and reading about the Cottingley Fairies, which I'd never heard about before. Productivity? Feh!
Frustrated and upset at myself (warning: whiny)
Was a replacement soup warranted?
Audio Question By stereo receiver (the box that has the radio and audio controls) may be belly up.Read more...
post by: danf at: 18:27 | 1 comment
murals, frescoes etc. Basically I was thinking about whether it would be nice to have them on your walls in an apartment or house alright? Like if you had a bottomless checkbook.Read more...
WTF AirTran Airways "Once authorities determined there was no threat, it was up to the airline whether to allow the family to reboard".
What is/was/will be your first book of 2009?
Another Kitten Update Remember that stray kitten my husband and I found, starving and freezing nearly to death? And she recovered well but turned out to be feral?Read more...
The Muppets on the Tonight Show (1965) One of their earliest TV appearances. (via)
Nature Red In Tooth And Claw This is a short (minute and a half) video of a monkey taunting some tiger cubs. Safe For Work. (And safe for your stomachs, I promise.)
Okay, y'all, need some good kitty mojo sent over this way, please. Read more...
Fragnabbit! I just learned that because of my congestive heart failure Read more...
"The Theme from Shaft" performed by the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain.
Worst-ever one-hit wonders.

01 January 2009

steamed bunny, that's me... Got a cigarette lighter thrown at me by some young miscreants at the grocery store parking lot after they'd made very rude and lewd comments about my daughter. (Yes, I'd growled at them. Mama bear kicked right in.) Read more...
Coffin & Cradle An idea from the local Unitarian church. It's a New Year's ceremony where they place out a symbolic cradle and coffin, and invite participants to place one object in each one to symbolize something you would like to bring forth in the New Year, and something you'd like to lay to rest. What are yours?Read more...
My Beloved iPod Didn't Make It To 2009....
One of the fun things I get to do in algebra is talk about finite fields and the game of Peg Solitaire. If you're spending a cozy day inside today, here's a treasure trove of solitaire problems to tangle with. (For some reason I particularly like this implementation of the game, and the same site has a good implementation of Lights Out, which is another great thing to talk about in algebra.)
First drunk post of the year for me.
Well, good night then.