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Archives for: October 2011

31 October 2011

The Last Mortician - "a stark vision of a future in which one of humanity’s oldest professions is no longer essential."
Dog Update Several weeks ago, I mentioned in one of the 3-point updates about our dog.Read more...
Bee says happy halloween Despite the expression on her face, she is still willing to wander around in drag for your amusement. Enjoy.
A Closed World is a Flash game.
BOO! You can send your fellow MeChazens a spooky and anonymous Halloween greeting... (Now it's your turn.)
Your Madonna Top Three: Back during the last Dr. Sketchy Con, we came up with the Top Madonna Three, your three favorite Madonna songs and how they reveal your personality.

30 October 2011

Anti-Theft Lunch Bags If your lunch keeps disappearing from the office fridge, this may be the solution you've been looking for.
Dawn of the Ted Happy Halloween !
Sunday 3-point update

29 October 2011

Help me get over this painful breakup I'm all blue and weepy. It all seemed to be going so well when he suddenly told me that he's just not feeling it any more and has been feeling less into this relationship for the past two months. We'd been dating for six. A short relationship in the scheme of things, but it was intense and wonderful and I genuinely liked him (and still like him).

I don't know what to do with myself. And I must focus because I have a conference coming up in two weeks!
Ask Metachat: Can I eat it? It's been more than a decade since . . . Read more...

28 October 2011

Cosby Nightmarez. Just in time for Halloween.
musing about web publishing I've been feeling inspired looking at things online and kinda wondering about what I can do (lots below)…Read more...
Museum Poll I have two questions for all of you that will help me with a project at work. Would love any answers you are interested in providing. 1) What you do NOT like about visiting art museums? And (2) What kind of museum would you build if you had complete freedom and control to construct a museum of your own?
What's your number? There are around 7 billion people on the planet today. According to this site, when I was born, I was the 3,308,901,131st person alive on Earth.
Photo Friday: Handwriting

27 October 2011

Cats Ready To Kill You and the inevitable sequel with Dogs. (lots of pics, may take forever to load)
Somebody should inform the keeper of that site of OMG BUNNIES
Passive voice: did they teach you it was bad and evil? Or polite and objective?
It was 20 years ago today I first used the Internet. Feels much longer.
Ask Mecha: What's a good anonymous email remailing program?
Wedding Photos. Since you asked...

26 October 2011

Mini-GAGA: "Most short people are at boobie or neck range" with other patrons in the clubs, she explains. "I'm at ass range."
Ask Mecha: Are there easy shorthand ways to determine whether the employees of a restaurant or bar earn a living wage?
Photo Friday Advance: Handwriting - suggested by lonefrontranger
legal/political philosophy/policy types come in here something about this whole Occupy Wall Street thing just flummoxes me. Why do you need to disperse peaceful crowds?
What's got you smiling lately?

25 October 2011

AskMeCha: How long do you keep your weblogs? I don't mean your blogs. I mean the log files for a website.Read more...
It's a rule because I say so
Feeling good thread! Tell me one thing you really like about yourself today.
The Best Explanation of "Bronies" I've Seen Yet
"Bronies" being grown-or-almost-grown men fans of "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic".Read more...
Ever get a call from Ashford Talk Radio?
Let me just say this: My son-in-law is complete and utter awesome. My granddaughter has been watching old cartoons with her Dad on Netflix. See what happened next.
AskMeCha: what do you think "fulsome" means?
My earworm of the day, let me share it with you: "Honey Bunny," by the band Girls.

24 October 2011

This weekend I went to an Indian wedding and I participated in the mehndi and sangeet ceremony and got really pretty henna on my hand.
My landlord just died. When Crosbie and I went out for our walk this morning there were a couple of police cars parked out front.Read more...
My Neighbor's Cat Marley keeps bringing me rats. I know this is a sign of affection but...Read more...
Time for another Napster names music thread! Share your hilariously mislabeled tracks here. Read more...
When Rachmaninoff heard Art Tatum play, he said he was the great pianist in any style.
Funny things are happening. A veritable pushcart war is about to erupt on my block.Read more...

23 October 2011

Why are car colors so boring now? This is something that I've wondered about for a while. I grew up in the '70s with all kinds of green, yellow, purple cars and today's cars are all pretty numbingly dull in comparison.
"More than 200 Indian girls whose names mean 'unwanted' in Hindi chose new names Saturday for a fresh start in life."
That shuffle thread reminds me, I haven't done any MP3Mancy in a while! You know the rules, ask a question and hit shuffle, the song will be the answer.

22 October 2011

oh my gawd i bought some jewellery alas pretty inexpensive things but you have to start with what's practical→Read more...
Beep Beep. Well Well. Just some amazing music from Athens, GA in 1983. (That isn't R.E.M.)
Married, Mad-style. And Boardwalk Empire-style. I thought some of you might take a little interest in seeing a set of wedding photos from August 1962. It's all about the hats, the white gloves, and the tightly knotted ties.Read more...
I have no idea what you're talking about, so here is a man, dressed like a nun, driving a piano.
POSTAL! I hate dealing with the lousy post office. Rant rant#%@*$&# ! Lazy a$$ mailperson, all I expect is for you to do your job and deliver my mail! It's not that hard!

21 October 2011

Music shuffle, anyone?
Does anyone know where I recently saw a funny drawing about the serial comma? I thought it was here, but searching for "serial comma" is not helping. The drawing had, I think, a man preening in an unexpected way.
You know how when you're moving, there's a point at which you're trying to get ready to go before that last major big moving day, and 80% of your stuff is in boxes, and you don't know where anything is, and you absolutely hate all your stuff and never want to see it again, and everything you once thought you wanted looks tatty and gross, and the place is full of dust and old coins and weird odds and ends and you can no longer even make decisions about what to keep and what to throw away or possibly remember why in the hell you ever bought that crappy stuff in the first place, and you've misspent your whole life and just want to put everything out on the curb and go live in a VW camper for the rest of your life with your only possessions a tin enamelware cup, a woolly sweater, and a transistor radio?

That's about where I am right now.
Eyes for Christmas. All year Christmas. Eyes for everything.
New sidebar art: thank you to our photographers workerant, DarkForest, lysdexic, and Senyar!
The kids got married.
Fictitious Landscapes: "Kim Keever's large-scale photographs are created by meticulously constructing miniature topographies in a 200-gallon tank, which is then filled with water. These dioramas of fictitious environments are brought to life with colored lights and the dispersal of pigment, producing ephemeral atmospheres that he must quickly capture with his large-format camera." The results look almost like landscape paintings... this one's my favorite.
Photo Friday: This Doesn't Belong Here

20 October 2011

Jack Drew My Jet Pack Jackass! I didn't see this until just the other night, but my drawing went live a few months ago!
New events in SF this weekend? Unexpectedly in town for the weekend, anything fun going on?
Two cool covers from the upcoming 20th-anniversary tribute to U2's Achtung Baby: Damien Rice's "One," and Jack White's "Love Is Blindness."
Cool guitar. Also: Tetris.
I don't have answers for you dawg my re-entry into wider personal networking is being thwarted by the fact that I'm not really useful.Read more...

19 October 2011

Wear purple tomorrow for LGBTQ solidarity and the It Gets Better project.Read more...
Bored? Try this It will kill a few minutes. My highest score is 2400 so far.
Photo Friday Advance: This doesn't belong here, suggested by workerant
Sorry, bunny... that's a banana, not a plunger.
NYC Meetup Crosspost! Maybe everyone's just away, but I feel like we can give kjs4 a warmer welcome than this! Read more...

18 October 2011

OMG BUNNY! WANT! If you don't quite understand the special appeal of that ball of fluff, let me explain...Read more...
Morning mini-rant: It seems to me that if you write an article about parenting and keep talking about how "fathers" can help "mothers," and link that article to a page on your website titled "Help for Fathers," it's great that you see parenting in mixed-gender partnerships as a team sport BUT you really can't claim -- in a footnote! -- that you "acknowledge the diversity of families" because you suggest that "at any point ‘partner’ and ‘she’ can be substituted" for "father" and "he." Read more...
The Billboard Magazine Wayback Machine. Move the sliders at the top to a beginning and end date, and see what songs were most popular in the Billboard charts during that span of time.
I knew it I called it what'd I tell you an year ago I posted Justin Bieber freestyling to a beat and said it was probably ghostwrittenRead more...
There's No Such Thing As Aliens An Alien Dr. Who-Sparks pan UK tribute.

17 October 2011

50 GB of free cloud storage for iOS users Read more...
Every Girl's Dream? Even after the correction and the correction to the correction, I don't think they got it right. But then, I'm not every girl. Any suggestions?
You ever get a paper cut? Hurts like a SOB right? Well trust me it really hurts when it's on your Read more...
twiiiiittterr So...I'm sure there's a bunch o' you out there on teh twitterz that I'm not following, and I wanna be.Read more...

16 October 2011

I think I just wrote a decent few female-friends have talks not about men scenes! They sound like humans! I think! Maybe! Read more...

15 October 2011

Just saw Contagion and now I'm thinking about everything that I've touched today. Read more...
The Walking Dead - Opinions Please I see that AMC is running the entire first season before the season two opener . should I set up the DVR ?
Scandal! Intrigue! What will happen? So today I found out about this situation and I want all the opinions I can get on it. It involves psychopaths, universities and fraudRead more...
Happy birthday workerant! Have a great 40th!
Bunnies! Bunny! Bunny! Bunny!

I also like the gangster kitties. And this kitty is oh so right about Neville (but I liked him before he was hot ;o). And this is me.
Weekend plans? I'm waiting to board my Chicago flight, on my way to Ohio. How about you?

14 October 2011

Ask the Bunnies - Please help me make the right choice/decision in a complicated situation.Read more...
First line of this story gave me sniffles: Brigham and Women's Hospital Performs Double Hand Transplant:A Massachusetts man who had a double hand transplant says the first thing he wants to do is touch his grandsons’ faces and stroke their hair.
What is up with these replies to my Craigslist ads? Read more...
First World problems
Cyndi Lauper sings the theme from "Electra Woman & Dyna Girl." Read more...
Photo Friday: Extreme Agriculture & Horticulture

13 October 2011

Anyone else read Gibson's Zero History? Just finished it and thought it was much better than Spook Country but still no where as good as Pattern Recognition. Read more...
Daily affirmations: You are Good Enough!
Driftin' Bunny Go Zooom
"The Lottery," by Shirley Jackson A brief history of how the creepy story came to be written; also includes links (on YouTube: part 1, part 2) to the short film version that messed with many a schoolkid's head in the 1970s and 80s.

12 October 2011

Ubiquitous Meme: Ten Years Ago, We Had Bob Hope, Johnny Cash And Steve Jobs. Now We Have No Jobs, No Cash And No Hope. But...Read more...
Elizabeth and Hazel - A follow-up to what happened to the two women in that infamous photo.
something seems off to me when I see my 'online spaces' explode with stuff related to Netflix or Apple Updates etc. I'm not sure what...Read more...
Photo Friday Advance: Extreme Agriculture & Horticulture - Suggested by taz.
I've been posting it everywhere else so why not here the Occupy Wall Street folks said they needed board games, so I got them one.
This Is Kinda Cool I just may go out and try it
Postmodernism at the V&A. Wish I could go to this, it sounds great. Thought you all might like to see the accompanying Flickr pool, where you can share pictures of your mixtape covers.
Humpday 3-point update
These Russian album covers are like looking into a parallel-universe version of the 1960s, 70s and 80s.

11 October 2011

two fragrance related videos Nose knows (montage of people musing the nature of scents) and perfumer Mathilde Laurent talking about her Lily-based scent [both promotional videos but evocative and fun]. Some thoughts on fragrances belowRead more...
Snow came early this year.... I used to get three and a half channels on my TV. Recently I realized I now get nothing but snow. I'm not going to get cable, but I am thinking of investing in a cable box. I know nothing of technological gadgets. Anyone got any advice for me?
MTV's Liquid Television archives are online! Lots of cool stuff in there, including the weird Aeon Flux shorts where the heroine dies in every episode.

10 October 2011

Those new Hersheys chocolates freak me the hell out. Saw these on TV earlier today and the cutaway shot makes me skin crawl. (Fellow tryptophobes beware.)
The Epic Hero Doohickie celebrating his birthday, with a chicken on his head.
What do you remember having in your lunch in elementary school? Me: sandwich, apple, carob/wheat germ cookies.
Tips for ensuring a kick-ass day?
Ridiculous Tips for a Miserable Sex Life I'm not sure how it's taken me this long to come across these, but I have been giggling at them all day.
I've Been Robbed, a Rant
Qwikster is dead already?
"Netflix Inc., reacting to customer anger, retreated from a decision to split its mail-order DVD service from its Internet streaming and will continue to run both from a single website"
Three Ways of Looking at the 'Breaking Bad' Season Finale From Alan Sepinwall, Donna Bowman and Tim Goodman (many, many spoilers inside).
post by: box at: 06:41 | 4 comments
BOO! A "haunted house" attraction in Niagara Falls has a Flickr stream full of photos of visitors, taken right as they're being spooked by a loud noise or something, and the resulting pics are hilarious.

09 October 2011

Sunday Night Of A Holiday Weekend Three-Point Status Update Read more...
So does anyone here remember the site that you can search for an image on the internets?Read more...
Pick up the closet book to you and close your eyes, open to a random page and read the first complete sentence.

It will tell you your future.

08 October 2011

Colour film of the 1939 New York World's Fair set to the music of Brian Eno's Baby's On Fire.
I am Bird Gerhl. Thank you, Humanity, that will be all. You won't get much more beautiful.
Advice for selling on Craigslist If you've sold things (especially big-ticket items) via Craigslist before, I'd like to hear your positive stories.Read more...

07 October 2011

OMGAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! RABBIDS! Coming to your non-game-equipped TV. Referring to these Bunnies (very useful) Scientific Facts (remember #2, 'Bunnies Don't Do Vacuum Cleaning', You're welcome.)
Kitty Cat is not a happy camper, after 2 nights alone. Read more...
Magic System - "Premier Gaou" (Bob Sinclar Le Bisou Mix) . Some happy music for a Friday afternoon.
How many different places have you lived? I count at least 21.Read more...
A Modern Masterpiece, No Longer Used, Will Soon Disappear at Kennedy Airport. One more piece of modernist architecture gone. This makes me very sad.
damn they make leather out of anything Manta Ray?!
Photo Friday: Still Life

06 October 2011

Everything is a Remix takes on the plot and visual influences in The Matrix I especially liked the connections with the speech by Philip K. Dick. The Wachowskis probably never saw that speech but definitely borrowed more than a few tropes from his stories.
Beauty. Richard Feynman on beauty and the scientific outlook. The video is, itself, really beautiful.

05 October 2011

Common: Blue Sky ← Greatest thing I've heard in ages. This is like beauty dripped right onto my nerve cells. I can't believe Bill O'Reilly's dumb ass was bloviating on TV trying to take this away from us
How to open a door - an educational Finnish video from 1979, with some nice music. Little did I know, I've been doing it wrong all this time.
Photo Friday Advance: Still life, suggested by ethylene
Good news, bad news.
Meetup Crosspost! I'm performing! Don't miss a chance to laugh with/at me! Especially if you're anywhere within driving distance of NYC. Read more...
PUPPY DREAMS , for when the world is too much.
Complementary Flavors Chart via Information is Beautiful. I think that, printed out nicely, this would make killer kitchen art.
Keep me company... So the Chef got his visa approved today! WHEE! FUCKING AWESOME! and he's coming home to me... but I'm waiting on hold for the airline to organise his flights back home to MEEEee!Read more...
Baby Gorilla has a bath! OMG! From a Pathé newsreel dating from the mid-1960s.

04 October 2011

New Simon's Cat video in which that annoying cat himself gets annoyed by a kitten.Read more...
not to act like a 13 year old Jane Austen fanboy mainly because I haven't read anything besides Pride & Prejudice when I was 13, but whatever happened to Virtue?Read more...
Photos of the Overlook Hotel, "from 1921."
Pillows! Yay, new place! Yay, room for guests! Have forest green futon and looking on etsy for cute cushion covers to go with. No idea what color would look nice with forest green. Ideas? Know any etsy stores that have cool pillow covers?Read more...
Giant "mermaid" is creepy. Not only creepy, but not really a mermaid.Read more...
We find a striking concentration of attention on Twitter ---roughly 50% of tweets consumed are generated by just 20K elite users

Personally, I tend to use Twitter as a read-only medium since I'm too shy to push thoughts under my own name out into the general internets.

03 October 2011

omg BABY RED PANDAS! They're having a naming contest...
Points. The special SURPRISE GIFT edition.
Video of a 4-year-old boy seeing The Empire Strikes Back for the first time, during Darth Vader's big surprise reveal.
Points- TV Trope Edition: Smash All Your Pretty Things! Read more...
Tablet owners! Tell me your experiences please...
MetaChat Creative Power, Activate! I'm planning an event for this month which will feature many classic Surrealist games (like found poetry, exquisite corpse, and Cubomania). But everything is pretty much 2D, and I'd like to include a 3D art form. Do you have any good ideas for a way to have a drop-in table where people can do Surrealist sculpture?

02 October 2011

This music video by the band Five Finger Death Punch shows how hard it is to parody music video conventions in 2011. (It's also possibly NSFW due to some music-video booty-shakin'.)Read more...
Trying to locate recent-ish post about Journaling techniques Hi Mefites, I remember there being a great AskMe or possibly a FPP about a blog that was chock full of great, creative journaling techniques. I've been combing the sites, but I can't find it for the life of me.Read more...
Points! - I, somehow, managed to win so it's my turn to torture you all!Read more...
X on Letterman in 1983 Needed something to wake me up on this dreary Sunday AM.

01 October 2011

How's your weekend been so far?
Skills you have that you didn't train for I am apparently good at sight detecting false jewels, emeralds in particular. I have no idea why.
We No Speak Americano as performed and choreographed by Suzanne Cleary & Peter Harding...
glitchscape: start drawing squares and rectangles to create sounds.
Question for fellow Fringe fans... I watched last night's episode, and have a continuity question...Read more...