31 July 2013
End of July/Beginning of August TPS Reports. Let me have 'em.
Making prosciutto wrapped grilled asparagus ...what's a good side dish? Ideally one that uses up these cherry tomatoes?
The theme for this week's Photo Friday is Roofs. Suggested by me.
ANOTHER NAME THAT TUNE (AKA lyrics challenge) -- Because there can never be too much fun!
Here is Bryan Cranston reading 'Ozymandias' over time-lapse footage of New Mexico. (via box off-site)
Looks like the Blue is down →
30 July 2013
Name That Tune! Summer Jam edition
For my 300th post, I'd like to dedicate this to my husband... ...for he is taking the U.S. bar exam today and needs all the mojo he can get.
29 July 2013
Bunny - mine! OMG! It seems like a quiet Monday here, so I thought I'd share a picture of Mr. Munch.
He's claiming all his stuff.
27 July 2013
26 July 2013
So it's been like ten years in this apartment and we never really moved out of boxes ..we're busy people, it's a big space, we both use it as an office, etc. So finally the solution was just "Here Whelk, here is a blank check, go make the apartment nice. I chose a time period (late 30s-ish) and a layout and then spent a long, long time picking out things and cleaning them and shellacking them - so I give you photos from Project Apartment 1939 Phase One!
1 2 3
Anyone in NYC want a four foot standing lamp? Full spectrum, sleek, modern, new in box. Pick up on the lower upper west side. Email for addy if interested.
Photo Friday: Animals I Know.
25 July 2013
It's been a strange day in the office ... →Read more...
24 July 2013
Mid-week 3-point update thingy →
Jon broke his foot. : ( →
The theme for this week's Photo Friday is Animals I Know. Suggested by bearwife. Thank you.
Does Anyone Know Of A Good Interior Design Software ? I got the place !! Thanks so much for the good vibes. I'm soooo excited, but I now have to get designing. The place needs a total makeover, so if anyone can recommend a good designing app, I'd be very interested . I plan to move in October with just me, some tools and some work clothes and build it up from scratch, before i bring in any furniture, so I'll need all the design help I can get
Woooooooooot !
Happy Birthday occhiblu and safetyfork!
23 July 2013
My internets are acting weird I can get on some sites, but not others. For example, I can't get onto Facebook, Blogspot, The Globe and Mail, Hotmail, or Gmail. I can get YouTube, Twitter, Metafilter, and, obviously, MetaChat. I assume it's some kind of virus thing. Any tips on how to fix this? I've tried rebooting to no avail.
The Real Housewives of Nasa Astronauts Sublime 60s fashion. A little time capsule.
22 July 2013
That time I wrote a SCP story I never submitted it tho cause....I forgot.
Just got buzzed by a B-25! →
So this blog post (about reading to your kid) was in the sidebar of my Google news page.
21 July 2013
Happy Birthday Kellydamnit!
20 July 2013
Melancholy. →
Two tidbits I have two fun things to share with you today.
This is the thread where we talk about Project Runway. Spoilers inside.
19 July 2013
Just watched the Joe Wright adaptation of Anna Karenina. Didn't care for it at all. What movies have you seen recently? Old or new, rewatches, whatever.
Wish Me Luck I just put in an offer to buy a new home that I really want *crosses fingers*
18 July 2013
17 July 2013
AskMecha Fashion Challenge Edition: is anyone on here a really good online shopper? I need some help, pretty please. I want, nay need,
these shoes.
The theme for this week's Photo Friday is Balance. Suggested by fleacircus. Thank you.
Photo suggestion: pictures of your book collection with annotations →Read more...
Alan Alda goes viral My blog got another boost yesterday, or rather its Facebook page did.
16 July 2013
Are chiropractors allowed to call themselves doctors now? At least in the US? Did something change i don't know about?
You asked for a photo where I'm smiling, so here it is. Also if you dress like this you can just walk around the Conde Nast building and no one will question who you are or what you're doing.
The Indefinable Leigh Bowery: A TV documentary from 1986, in which Hugh Laurie interviews, and roams around London with, fashion madman Leigh Bowery.
Hey y'all, what's for dinner?
15 July 2013
Mid-month Goals Check In! Alrighty, so how are y'all doing on your goals so far this month?
14 July 2013
Shoes How many have you got?
I amused myself during the road trip to Maine... By finding locations that would fit the show " Supernatural"'s truck stop, gothic Americana aesthetic. I think I did alright.
Vernacular typography in France That blog makes me want to go travel through France.
13 July 2013
AskMeCha: Can this phone be saved? I have a cordless phone that's conked out on me and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestion as to how I could fix it.
There once ... →
12 July 2013
Wigging out I wrote a post on knitted wigs for today. Please be warned that the last "wig" in the post is NSFW... but a must-see.
11 July 2013
10 July 2013
in lieu of flying ants... I give you
thoughts upon low-carbing/paleo'ing on and off for a couple months 1. I am convinced of the benefits of low carb
2. I am beginning to understand how eating disorders happen
3. I get why diet fads are such a great business
short elaborations follow
This week's Photo Friday theme is Twilight. Suggested by Kronos to Earth. Thank you.
09 July 2013
Jukebox Time Machine! Nicked this from a nostalgia thread on MeFi. Grooving out nostalgically to the late 70s.
Tuesday 3-point update : What's going on with you? →Read more...
08 July 2013
Shuffle-a-gogo - what's on your MP3 player? →
07 July 2013
Happy Birthday, hadjiboy!
06 July 2013
Basebrawl 2013 -- Professional Wrestling at Coney Island It's Friday night. I get off work. I'm thinking to myself that I've two choices for the evening. I can watch a Jean Cocteau film at an arthouse theater or head to Coney Island and watch a bunch of fat dudes beat the sh*t out of each other. Being a classy and refined fellow, I picked Coney Island. The pictures are in the link.
05 July 2013
Photo Friday: This thing does not belong here.
04 July 2013
Do you have any once-a-year clothing items? At the fireworks tonight, I was checking out people's dedicated 4th of July duds. Lots of people wear red white and blue, but some people clearly have a piece of clothing they wait all year to bust out. For instance, I keep this one long sleeve navy Tshirt with an outline of the lower 48 states on it to wear to fireworks, and I wear it every year pretty faithfully, and never otherwise. And we saw a guy tonight with American flag jeans, and plenty of flag t-shirts.
This week's Photo Friday theme is: This thing does not belong here, Suggested by ethylene. Thank you.
03 July 2013
What is something that you do every day, or almost every day, to calm/recharge yourself/get back on an even keel?
02 July 2013
What's made you laugh today?
01 July 2013
Portrait of a Young Woman, Vermeer This showed up on my igoogle page today. Too good not to share.
July Goals! It's a new month and that means that it's time for new goals!
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