31 January 2015
À propos of nothing Something that intrigues you currently but is unrelated to anything else.
30 January 2015
More assuming the negative in the workplace Caller looking for an apartment: "I have a Section 8 voucher, but I'm not using it."
Coworker: Must be something fishy going on there!
(Um...like maybe she got a good job??)
29 January 2015
Better, Worse, & Relative Two choices and a meter reading
28 January 2015
The theme for this week's Photo Friday is : Far Away
27 January 2015
My Friend Is a Die-Hard Elitist Snob, So How Do I Fix Her? I think the genius of New York media is that everyone in this picture--the letter writer, the person being written about, and the person responding to the letter--all come off a bit ridiculous.
25 January 2015
Somthing nice in your life? Weird observation of the night (1A.M.).
24 January 2015
Saturday 3-point update →
23 January 2015
22 January 2015
The theme for this week's Photo Friday is : Big Things
20 January 2015
WARNING: AUTO-SOUND ON LINK (May make you change your dinner plans... if you're into this kind of thing)
I love this TV ad so much. Why are the ads often so much better than the programmes?
19 January 2015
18 January 2015
Finally, a house worthy of being called the Mecha Mansion
17 January 2015
Saturday Morning Question from The Book of Questions
16 January 2015
Photo Friday: Little Things
15 January 2015
Hello, MetaChat! An anecdote: Somewhere around 14 years ago when I submitted a few tongue twisters to
this site (which still looks much as it did in the day). I submitted a couple of Hungarian ones and made up
three original English ones (#95-97) and was amused by getting my name at the bottom of the page. Internet fame!
Tips for using a ceramic knife? →
14 January 2015
The theme for this week's Photo Friday is : Little Things.
13 January 2015
Weird NYtimes links. Why suddenly have ordinary words on this page become highlighted and underscored and link to NYtimes articles? For example, in the first sentence at the top there, "informal," "touch," "base," and "post" have all turned blue and link to stupid things on nytimes.com. What gives?
09 January 2015
Friday question from the Book of Questions What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?
Photo Friday: All Aboard!
08 January 2015
07 January 2015
oh hai I'm currently procrastinating because: →
The theme for this week's Photo Friday is : All Aboard!
06 January 2015
Pandas in the Snow. Makes me feel a tiny bit better about winter.
05 January 2015
I just deleted Candy Crush Saga from my phone. →Read more...
03 January 2015
Class in the US (pdf) Very readable. A scan of the 1983 book Class by Paul Fussell.
02 January 2015
OMG! BOOK BUNNY! from the best source of cute buns on tumblr
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