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Archives for: May 2005, 24

24 May 2005

pony request! new post, profile, and logout/login links at the bottom of the page?
Best MeFi Posts of the Past 24 hours: Best of the Best: billysumday's baseball post

Best Pop Culture Post: boymilo's History of the Batmobile

Best Camoflaught of a Newsfilter Post: ktoad's NH Zombie Attack

Best Religion Post: mediareport's Virgin Mary Post

Posted with many apologies to Y6Y6Y6 and his great mfdistilled project.
What's the most boring website you've ever been to? This'd have to be my submission.
Excellent Photos ! Think: Keystone Kops Meet Photoshop
Some bits to whet the apetite.
OMG !!! Phil Spector outweirds Michael Jackson
Argh! The connection was refused when attempting to contact
Is this what Metachat is going to become? Is Metachat a place to just air pathetic partisan hatred merely because someone has different politics? Or should it be a lighthearted place to chit-chat? I submit that it should be the latter. At Metafilter, we can see how pathetically invested people can be with their politics to the point they can only hate The Other, but maybe we should keep that kind of black-hearted poisoning out of this light-hearted place.
The force is strong in this ... Arghhhhghh. In which two people discover that fluorescent tubes filled with petrol do not good light sabres make. (No video, sketchy newsfiller story, blah)
what a day to forget my cyanide capsule Remember the whole un owen debacle? I recall someone posting links for emergency financial assistance or loans, and I can't find them for the life of me.Read more...
This database lists all the companies registered in Britain. I'm currently keeping myself amused by looking for stupid company names and I think PUKEKO DESIGN SERVICES LIMITED is pretty unbeatable.
42 Below Vodka says "thank you" to Britain: Your great nation invented cricket for the Aussies, rugby for the Kiwis and Robbie Williams for the gays.
Thanks Monkeys
Lightsaber fights. Using glass tubes. Filled with flaming gasoline. What could possibly go wrong?
An Image Puzzle. Just find the url to the next page, printed somewhere in the image. Easy! At least...I think it's easy. I can't get past the all white one.
People with damaged frontal lobes cannot detect sarcasm. This could explain a lot.