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24 May 2005

An Image Puzzle. Just find the url to the next page, printed somewhere in the image. Easy! At least...I think it's easy. I can't get past the all white one.
I think the all white one needs to be looked at in an image editor? I don't have one right now. Yes, I'm pouting.

I should probably spend the remaining time I have before I go to work reinstalling my paint program instead of posting to metachat, right?
posted by iconomy 24 May | 07:23
I remember seeing this before: the white one is rather tricky. i think you have to mess around with brightness and contrast and stuff. or even IE.
posted by dhruva 24 May | 07:30
/ot here's a link for you, iconomy.
posted by dhruva 24 May | 07:32
thanks, ico - you know I love this kind of stuff.

But, oh, no! A stereogram! I'm awful at those! If I can't get it I might have to come back for a link to the next one.
posted by taz 24 May | 07:50
dhruva, thank you! You know I love the mermaids. I'm also interested in sheila-na-gigs - the one on that page is awesome.

taz, I immediately thought of you. I'll give you the url that's hidden in the stereogram if you want, but after that, you're on your own, since I can't get pasted the next one, which is the white one!
posted by iconomy 24 May | 07:58
oh, good!

I'll wrassle with it a little longer before I cave. I do so hate to cheat on silly games; I try to save that for the serious stuff, like resumes and taxes.
posted by taz 24 May | 08:06
okay, I give up! gimmee url. gimmee. gimmee.
posted by taz 24 May | 09:07
posted by iconomy 24 May | 09:10
aha! I did think I saw, like many long tall "O's; but then I also saw animals and aliens and fairies.

posted by taz 24 May | 09:19
okay... I got the white one, and I did use image editing software to figure it out. Let me now if you want the url, or a tip on what to do to find it.
posted by taz 24 May | 09:25
I'm at work now (can't you tell?) so I used photoshop to figure that one out...thanks! Can't do the next one, though. I was thinking you had to flip it or mirror it or something? Not getting it. At all.
posted by iconomy 24 May | 09:39
I tried that too... so far, nada.
posted by taz 24 May | 09:49
no fair - i don't have any image editing software here at work!

I tried viewing source of the image itself, which is located down the path of ...hullmulle/image4.jpg
but nothing there.

hints? clues? any way to get there without image editing software?
posted by Jasper 24 May | 13:44
try the contrast on your monitor?... Or we can give you the next url.
posted by taz 24 May | 14:08
taz have you figured out the one after the blank one yet? Argh.
posted by iconomy 24 May | 18:13
Nope. I had to stop (yesterday), and now I won't get back to it 'til later today, but let's try to keep touch here on it, as long we have the patience to pursue it.
posted by taz 25 May | 03:57
ok.....what's the stage 4 answer???......I can vaguely see something across the middle of the white but contrast/brightness option box covers it when I try to watch while I change it.
posted by peacay 25 May | 19:43
Oops I missed this question - hope you're still reading, peacay. I forget the url to the next stage, but if you open that white blank one in your graphics program and equalize it, the url will show up.
posted by iconomy 26 May | 15:49
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