Joan Fucking Jett

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Joan Fucking Jett is one of the greatest rockers of all time and she could kick your piddly little ass. The numerous Metachat mentions of her mostly involve or were instigated by mudpuppie, for which she refused to apologize. Mudpuppie believes, in fact, that she may have been put on this earth to proselytize the gospel of JFJ, which she tries to do subtly.

At least some other Metachat members have professed their love for her as well, including:

Hugh Janus, agropyron, jrossi4r, Divine Wino, muddgirl, bmarkey; and on IRC, gaspode, jonmc, dame, and mischief.

Suck it, haters.

Alternate usage: "Jesus mudpuppie, not Joan Fucking Jett AGAIN???"

what, no bubees? no love for bubees?

  • shakes angry paw*
  • lacks collarbone*