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jonmc lives in Queens, New York. He likes the following things:

  • flannel
  • rock and roll (this orginally said 'rock' but a distinction has to be made. most 'rock' is 'rock and roll' but not all 'rock and roll' is 'rock.')
  • pickled eggs
  • bars, particularly Antarctica and/or Manitoba's (& The Remote Sports Bar in Astoria).
  • freinds [sic]
  • Rachael Ray
  • Divine Wino
  • dame (sometimes)
  • Richard Price
  • The Dictators
  • hugs
  • Cheesehorns
  • White Castle
  • Pips
  • Voluptuous women ("Only a dog wants a bone.")

He can be counted on to be talking about one of the previous things at any given time, for a very long time.

He's rumored to be made of Silly Putty, earning him the nickname "Stretch" or "Stretch-O."

Oddly, his name at birth was Jiles Perry Richardson, Jr.

Interestingly, jon has been known to magically appear in the irc room moments after booty, liquor, or old school punk rock are mentioned. It is believed that jon can be summoned thusly.

Recent changes at DumbCo have seen jonmc looking more and more like a "gay pirate." But don't say this to his face, or he might get cross.

and what you can kiss if you don't like it: