Asheville Meetup

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Relevant threads

it gets raised in Dano's welcome back thread

First Official Discussion Thread

Possible Dates

Summer or fall 2006 (dates to be determined).


mygothlaundry and moonbird are in residence.

Lodging Locations

Camping on mygothlaundry's property or sleeping on mygothlaundry's couch (sleeps two) or in one of the extra bedrooms since the kids can easily be kicked out for the weekend. We can accomodate 6 people besides mygothlaundry inside if somebody sleeps with mygothlaundry. ;-) If not, then 5. Room for several tents out back.

The Mountaineer Inn

Lodging Section of the Official Asheville Tourism Site


Some East Coasters have raised the possiblity of a carpool.


omiewise has suggested rafting. Probably for free, if the time is right I can borrow a raft, and I've guided the river plenty. This also depends on rain. If it's too dry it isn't fun.

Google Links for rafting on the French Broad river.

If we went rafting we could also go to Hot Springs for a soak, it probably is not too expensive to rent a tub.

A trip to Salsa restaurant for lunch! (Hector's place is still open, right? It's been two years since I went.)


User Possibility Camping/Hotel/Other Carpooling? Dates Comments
mygothlaundry definite it is my house No, but I'll drive you around town early - mid summer preferred, but anytime really Come On Down!! This is Awesome!
matildaben Definite Camping Maybe from Atlanta with BoPo Summer or fall Rafting! Hot springs! Naked bunnies!
cmonkey Definite The wussiest hotel around No Any time Beer!
mlis Definite shopping in Hickory, NC
mike9322 Definite Is willing to sleep with mygothlaundry Yep Anything but July 4 weekend Woo. Freakin. Hoo.
BoringPostcards Very probable camping or cheap motel can drive people from Atlanta if they fly here mid-to-late summer or anytime fall- The sooner I know the date, the likelier I can make it
omiewise very probable tent yes from Balt/DC not Memorial day, first half Aug
chewatadistance Definite hotel most likely No Any time except Sept 14-17 though it sounds like it'll be earlier anyway EEYAY!!
danostuporstar Probable interested
wens '
amro Probable Yes After July 26
weretable possibly late summer - fall (only if there is not a U of A home game, must not miss football)
miko if the stars align Camping yes September or early October way into the camping
gaspode possible Camping yes - if people are coming from NYC September onwards I like outdoors better than vegas
youcancallmeal potentially camping yes (can drive from baltimore) late summer/early fall