What's up with folks? At the home of mightshould's mom, there was recently a visit from my nephew and his young family.
When you're not used to having 2, 4 and 11 year old boys to entertain and the weather is rain, rain, rain, rain, then you suddenly figure out all of the indoor activities that may be entertaining to youngsters.
The older boy has some kind of developmental issue; not sure what, but I showed him how to play solitaire. And he was hooked. Plus, I had no idea just how much "learning" you do when playing. He has trouble focusing, and was figuring out how to look at all the cards (with some helpful prompts) and develop strategy for which move to make; and it made me feel good to come up with something he liked to do that was fun and worthwhile.
What's going on in the other bunny worlds?