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Comment Feed:


16 February 2010

Is there *anywhere* west of the Mississippi where someone could find anything that even approaches that?
posted by Ardiril 16 February | 21:27
I always order it on club.
posted by Obscure Reference 16 February | 21:52
It is truly the king among sandwiches.
posted by jonmc 16 February | 22:28
I want a slice of triple chocolate brownie cake. I'd settle for that, though.
posted by julen 16 February | 22:30
West of the Mississippi? I don't think that you can find it west of the Delaware.
posted by octothorpe 16 February | 22:45
Is there *anywhere* west of the Mississippi where someone could find anything that even approaches that?

I hate Katz's so this may not be appropriate, but I love Kenny and Zuke's pastrami.
posted by birdie 16 February | 23:02
I'm not sure you can get it west of Broadway.
posted by Joe Beese 16 February | 23:39
I want a good bowl of Pho.
posted by that girl 17 February | 00:24
Ardiril, there's a place called Saul's in Berkeley, California. It comes close. But really, you should come to New York.

Joe Beese, now that you've said that thing about Broadway, I'm never telling you where the best deli sandwiches in New York are actually to be found. Sorry, friend.

[parenthetical rant: Tonight The Boyfriend came home late. We decided to order from Papa John's after discovering that our local pizza place wasn't doing delivery tonight. We placed the order at 9:45 p.m. Our food came half an hour ago. And it was WRONG. It was the wrong food. I am so angry that I cannot settle down to go to bed, is how angry I am. Seriously. What is it with Bed Stuy?]
posted by brina 17 February | 01:19
Half an hour ago was um what time?
posted by gomichild 17 February | 02:00
I will die a happy woman if one day I get to eat Burnt Ends on Bun from Gates' BBQ in Kansas City.
posted by essexjan 17 February | 04:04
That looks good too, ej.

] This thread has increased my cholesterol 10 points just from looking at the pictures. [
posted by Ardiril 17 February | 04:31
btw, thanks for the tip, brina!
posted by Ardiril 17 February | 04:32
Joe Beese, you're torturing me. *sob* *eats yet another tasteless protein bar*
posted by Melismata 17 February | 10:42
Kaufman's Deli in Skokie, IL pretty much rocks my socks.
posted by Stewriffic 17 February | 11:47
Remembering Doug Fieger, || A Guitar Hero Won’t Play the Game