I so happy. I just got back from running errands and buying groceries... not five minutes before it started pouring rain. Now I'm sitting here sipping Jameson and smoking a cigarette, all by myself, in my kitchen. with the storm outside. And it's great. :)
Plus, I made a lovely lentil soup last night and there's enough for tonight, so I don't even have to cook.
How Clean is Your House? is now airing Saturday
and Sunday, and it's coming on in about an hour, so I probably will do a little cleaning later because it gives me the urge - but I cleaned the bathroom yesterday, and did three loads of clothes, the bed is made, and the kitchen only has a handful of dirty dishes to whisk out of the way, so it's feeling pretty cozy. (watching HCIYH? when your house is truly dirty = DO NOT WANT.)
So, how's by you?