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Comment Feed:


30 September 2007

Oh, god, I love this show. I love Kim and Aggie. I adore them. I want to invite them to supper. [More:]

Do you U.S. people get this? For those who've never seen it, people submit their dirty homes for a Kim 'n' Aggie makeover, and the "Queens of Clean" come in and put their horrifying mess to rights. My favorite part is when they tell them about all the germs and bacteria they've found in their house, complete with lab cultures.

I try to catch it every Sunday when it comes on here, though I usually miss it about half the time. It always makes me happy that I'm not a total pig, but guilty enough to clean up a storm for a couple of days. If I can only catch this show once a week, my place stays pretty damn fresh. These ladies totally rock. (A Channel 4 photo gallery of submitted dirty houses here; "How Clean is Your House?" clips on YouTube.)
Yes, we get it in the US. I love it too. Love them! I love how they're not afraid to rub their bare finger over a filthy sink or toilet bowel. Or pick up a dung laden paper towel or some other vile thing with their ungloved hand. It's hilarious. They're disgusted and outraged and down to earth at the same time. I am not the type to be grossed out, but with this show, I some times find myself gagging.

I always hope the people will keep the clean house clean. Some people seem to be so resistant. I watched it a few weeks ago. The couple that had all of those silver tacks on the ground? I don't know what they were, but they were everywhere. The woman was like, yeah, it's nice. I suppose. I guess when you're that depressed to let a house get to that state, you're not going to jump for joy for a clean house.

Like you, I always feel better that I'm not that bad.
posted by LoriFLA 30 September | 08:51
Yes! Some you suspect will be in just pretty much the same predicament a few weeks later, and some you feel/hope really feel like they sort of have a new life and will keep up the job.

Also, under the "Current Season" section of the original link, there is a list of recent episodes with photos for each individual show, with many before-and-after pics. You have to find the "image gallery" links for each one... it takes a couple of clicks.

Here's a nice "before and after":

≡ Click to see image ≡

≡ Click to see image ≡


≡ Click to see image ≡

posted by taz 30 September | 09:00
Oh my god. That is horrifying.

I can be pretty slobby, but there is a point where you are forced to clear the decks to make a meal. How do these people cook? I guess they don't. Or maybe they cook in the filth? I know these people have issues. I can understand that their mental state is no where near balanced, but the mind still boggles.
posted by LoriFLA 30 September | 09:08
I hope the cleaners are paid a pretty penny. That after shot is amazing.
posted by LoriFLA 30 September | 09:09
Damn I so want to see this now!
posted by gomichild 30 September | 11:06
You think that kitchen is bad, you should see some of the bathrooms. The houses on that show are truly shocking.
posted by triggerfinger 30 September | 11:44
Yes, that show is great. I don't know if it's still on here, but I used to watch it regularly. I found out it's not a good idea to watch it while eating, though.
posted by BoringPostcards 30 September | 11:56
What a dump. Wow. Boggling underway.
posted by chewatadistance 30 September | 15:36
I find this show quite sad. These are people who, on the whole, are decent people, but it just gets me that many of them are suffering from some sort of huge depression. There is no other way that you can get your house in that sort of state. Particularly I'm reminded of the woman who kept a gazillion birds of all types in her house, and they shat over everything because she let them loose at all times. For years. She lived alone. On camera she came across as very non-social, almost had to have the fact that there was shit all over her house pointed out to here. There are countless examples from the series but that struck a nerve I think because you could see the woman was struggling (editing aside).

Now I'm not the tidiest of people, and i know when i let things slide, and I have a problem that I've not dealt with, that will prevent me from the more mundane issues of hoovering and dusting. I will suddenly notice, once the issue has abated, what a sty i've been living in, and for 4 hours I will clean places you never knew existed.

But I will agree with Taz. The Duo are awesome. The fearsome nerve-striking Kim is my favourite. Do Not Mess. They are a light.

I do wonder tho (and i realise it is an entertainment programme and, yes, they do go back and check that the flats and houses are still clean after a time) that the welfare of the people they go and see is catered for too.
posted by urbanwhaleshark 30 September | 20:55
I hope you are happy taz - this sent me off into one of my OCD cleaning phases!
posted by gomichild 02 October | 09:51
Yesssss, my child... come into the light.
posted by taz 02 October | 11:22
The horror is best viewed on a television screen (I can't imagine it in HD!) but even watching the YouTube uploads is enough to get me off my butt and do some cleaning. Whoever uploaded a bunch to YT has my gratitude--it works really well to watch a six-minute segment, hop up and do the dishes, watch another segment, go round the house and empty all the garbage baskets, watch, clean a toilet, watch, and... you get the drift.

Some of the dirt that people live in is utterly mind-boggling. I can understand messy, I can understand untidy, I can understand coming home after working all day and leaving dishes undone for a couple of days. What I can't understand is leaving it for years, and living with food, feces and filth in such intimacy.

Remember the lady who let the birds shit everywhere also had slug trails under her couch. Have you seen slugs? Slugs are the single most repulsive living creature on earth, and to share my abode with slugs... Oh, wait--there are also the people who are living with maggots. The people who are living with animals that urinate and defecate in the house.

And they don't clean it up. They don't train the animals, they don't clean it up, they just... live with it. I'm gobsmacked, as they say.

Cleaning isn't really fun for me. It's tolerable when I've got some caffeine in my system and the music going. It's not cleaning I like, it's living in a clean, pleasant, welcoming environment, one I'm glad to open the door on at the end of the day. That makes it worth it.

And if my inherent preference for surfing the web instead of vacuuming threatens to win out, Kim and Aggie are just the cure!
posted by Savannah 03 October | 00:45
Rime Time, Part Deux || so we went to target this morning