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14 September 2007

Demi Moore Remember how just a few days ago we were talking about actresses who've aged shockingly well? [More:]Yep, $458,283 in (uncommonly good) plastic surgery might explain some things.
Just read the comments on the article... almost all of them tell her to invest in acting lessons instead. Ouch. (But true. I'm not a fan of her acting.)
posted by miss lynnster 14 September | 12:14
Damn. I should have started saving earlier! I've always been anti-plastic surgery, but as 40 draws closer...I don't know.
posted by jrossi4r 14 September | 12:15
Isn't that wild? She got good bang for her buck- nothing looks too pulled or faked.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 14 September | 12:18
9 out of 10 times surgery makes people look SO much worse in the end, I think. She seems to have definitely had it done well at least.
posted by miss lynnster 14 September | 12:20
never mind Moore (whose career at 44, sad but true, is over for Hollywood standards, even if she could act, and no plastic surgery can change that fact -- I mean look at Julia Roberts, at this point she's too old, too, for Hollywood, and she's not even 40): what the fuck is wrong with Courtney Love's mouth?
posted by matteo 14 September | 12:26
Whenever I hear people talk about plastic surgery I recall Katherine Helmond in Brazil. Every now an then you see an aging celebrity that had bad plastic surgery and you wonder if they know they got screwed and they're just putting on a brave face or if they really think that they're fooling everybody.
posted by Slack-a-gogo 14 September | 12:28
Actually, I ultimately would like to look like this. But it's the getting there that's hard -- it's like growing out bangs, the in-between stage looks awful.
posted by JanetLand 14 September | 12:31
So true, JanetLand.

Courtney Love looks almost as bad as Jenna Jameson.
posted by jrossi4r 14 September | 12:35
What the HECK happened to Jenna Jameson??? She looks awful! And she looked good just a few years ago! See, sometimes I think I want to be as skinny as possible, but then I see someone who looks like Jenna Jameson, and I immediately eat a brick of lard, just to be safe.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 14 September | 12:41
Yeah, seeing Jenna always bums me out. She was adorable back in the day.

But back on topic, Demi looks great, regardless of fakeitude. Good for her.
posted by eamondaly 14 September | 13:32
I think Courtney Love has Pete Burns syndrome - where your lips are pumped so full of collagen and plumpers that they split open. The link goes to a photo showing stitches, in case of possible squick factor.
posted by iconomy 14 September | 13:33
Good lord, Pete Burns looks like a parrotfish! Why would anyone do that to their lips!?

Courtney looks like she might just have a really bad case of herpes.
posted by me3dia 14 September | 14:51
She should take a lesson from Drew Barrymore and get into production, then she can just buy her way into movies.
posted by Hellbient 14 September | 14:52
Never was a fan of Jenna. What plastic surgery really throws me is Uma Thurman, watch her in Dangerous Liasons, and then a current movie, and they don't really even look like the same person.
posted by King of Prontopia 14 September | 15:20
'I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more'."
Did she just quote network? That's showing your age, girl.

She typecast herself though, didn't she? GI Jane, and that striptease thing, after being the heartthrob girl in the eighties and worth a million dollars in Indecent Proposal. Demi was always lusted after in her roles, and nobody lusts after anyone over 40 unless they're mrs Robinson, so she'll have to remake that. I guess.

And what's with calling formerly married (a.k.a divorced) women "miss"?
posted by dabitch 14 September | 17:34
That said, yes she looks great for her age. Body in particular. Yowza.
posted by dabitch 14 September | 17:35
And what's with calling formerly married (a.k.a divorced) women "miss"?

I thought everyone was called miss now, if they prefer it.

My wife didn't take my name, so she isn't "Mrs" Anything. She's still Ms (maiden name). I thought the whole Mrs thing was over.
posted by chuckdarwin 14 September | 17:48
(oops, forgot to quote)
posted by chuckdarwin 14 September | 17:49
Mrs turning into Ms I get, that makes complete sense to me.... but "miss" is reserved for us folks who never married in the first place! If you marry and go back, you can't get he coveted "miss" title back! *grabs title, sticks out tongue, says nyah nyah nyah*
posted by dabitch 14 September | 18:04
Also, she's currently married to Ashton, hence she's Mrs Moore (or Kutcher). So triple nyah again!

But they always did that to movie stars who tried hanging on to their youth didn't they? Called them "Miss", I mean.
posted by dabitch 14 September | 18:06
She looks much better then most plasic surgery victims but I still think the boob job was a mistake (they look fake). The problem with most plastic surgery is not what she looks like now but what will she look like ten years later? Scary, tight skinned, eternally suprised, zombie Demi will not be a huge draw at the box office.
posted by doctor_negative 14 September | 19:04
doctor_negative, I totally agree. Can I just say how I much I hate fake boobs? I HATE FAKE BOOBS.

If you haven't had a mastectomy, don't get them put in.

There, I said it. Whoever invented this procedure would be smoking a turd in Hell... if there was a Hell and one could actually smoke a turd.
posted by chuckdarwin 14 September | 19:34
Charlotte Rampling (mentioned in the Demi article) is still pretty hot. Also, I think her last name should be used as a verb for acts of naughtiness.
posted by Zack_Replica 14 September | 20:54
I love Charlotte Rampling.
(just watched Zardoz again last night)
posted by arse_hat 14 September | 22:05
Ah, Charlotte Rampling...chupahija's age (c. 1943), looks it, and is still considered desirable.

Ms. means it's not one's fucking business to know whether or not a woman is married and should always
be used as the default.
posted by brujita 15 September | 00:51
But they always did that to movie stars who tried hanging on to their youth didn't they? Called them "Miss", I mean.

Yeah, I think it's still pretty common for the diva set -- "Miss Streisand," et al.
posted by scody 15 September | 01:11
OK, here's the thing. If Miss Jones marries Mr Smith and doesn't take his name... she isn't MRS Jones, she's still Ms Jones. Right? Mrs implies that you took the name.
posted by chuckdarwin 15 September | 03:40
Hmmm... Good question, I think you're right on that.

Also, bless you for cursing the inflated boob inventor chuckdarwin. Those things are not just fugly, but also such a mind-fuck.
posted by dabitch 15 September | 03:45
Also, bless you for cursing the inflated boob inventor chuckdarwin. Those things are not just fugly, but also such a mind-fuck.

I know that our culture glorifies big breasts, but damn. I'd rather see a flat chest than a fake chest. It's a shame that people feel so bad about themselves.
posted by chuckdarwin 15 September | 05:04
JanetLand, I can so imagine myself sipping tea on the deck of a world cruise with her in my waning years.

And fake boobs? Put me down for YUCK!
posted by StickyCarpet 15 September | 08:26
"There aren't that many good roles for women over 40. A lot of them don't have much substance, other than being someone's mother or wife."

Is she under the impression that the roles she's done have had substance?

People are quite right to say Moore's lack of roles has quite a bit to do with her lack of talent, but she is right, there aren't a lot of roles for women over 40. (Though actresses like Helen Mirren and Judi Dench continue to clean up.) What I don't understand about a lot of successful, mature actresses is why they don't finance and produce their own movies. Someone like Michelle Pfeiffer could do it, for instance. They'll only call it a vanity project if it isn't any good.
posted by Orange Swan 15 September | 20:53
How much money do you really want? || My icy glare of disapproval is mighty effective.