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14 September 2007

My icy glare of disapproval is mighty effective. [More:]They had free face-painting at the mall yesterday. We're waiting for my daughter's turn when the girl in front of us (probably around 7ish) points to a full-face scary-looking sleestak design and says to her mother excitedly, "I want THAT!" And her mother turns to her and says, "Ewwww! No! You don't want that. YOU'RE A GIRL! Maybe we can have them paint some flowers or a butterfly or something pretty."

I couldn't help myself. I shot that woman my patented "look." Chin down, raised eyebrow with a silmutaneously questioning and disapproving expression. I know it was none of my business, but that kind of stuff bugs the crap out of me. It must have worked, too, because that girl walked out with a full-on green monster face and an ear-to-ear grin.

In other mall-related news, my girlie spent her allowance on a stuffed triceratops she named Moreo Jorje Ranil. But his friends, she says, call him HarshTown or occasionally, Harshville. I do not know why.
Ugh, it is so sad to see a small child so deeply entrenched in stereotypical gender rolls. I've actually watched a child having to have to make a choice based on the parents illusions. It was so unfair to the small boy.

YOU ROCK SO HARD for unleashing your superpower on the unsuspecting public. Might I suggest, however, that you protect your true identity as a fantastic parent and advanced human being, by donning a non-gender specific costume of some sort.
posted by MonkeyButter 14 September | 12:25
HA!! You're a cool mom. I bet you would let your daughter get Tonka trucks, basketballs and green chuck taylors like mine did.

A friend of mine's 4 year old daughter named their new cat Mrs. Norris, and she didn't know why either.
posted by chewatadistance 14 September | 12:28
Isn't mrs norris the name of the cat in the harry potter books?
posted by gaspode 14 September | 12:33
Hey, thanks, MonkeyButter. (I always read your name as Monkey Butler and think "I sure could use one of those.") Unfortunately, the look didn't work a few years ago on the dad who wouldn't buy his son a Dora playset because "Dora is for girls."

And she's got that stuff, too, chewie. Only she's moved from black chucks to pink this year (her choice). I think Mrs. Norris is a lovely name.
posted by jrossi4r 14 September | 12:33
I might just be making that up

ANYWAY! jrossi4r, you are superbly awesome. And I'm glad the kiddo got the monster face. And that your one got Harshville. Heh.
posted by gaspode 14 September | 12:34
Good for you jrossi. My oldest son's favorite colors at the moment are green and pink. My youngest son likes unicorns and My Little Ponies. I never discourage anything, and we never say, "that's for girls".

Once an acquaintance commented that the girls clothing is cute, but the boy's clothing in the Hannah Anderson catalog looked a "little gay." I said, "Maybe the people that buy those clothes aren't terrified that their boys will become homosexuals if they wear a striped romper and a matching hat."

I love the non-gender specific costume idea MB. I read an article in Sassy in the doctor's office this past winter. The author's stance was: Down with the sexy maid costumes and the like for women. I couldn't agree more.
posted by LoriFLA 14 September | 12:44
Mrs. Norris is a cat from the Harry Potter books.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 14 September | 13:00
Excellent job, jrossi.
posted by BoringPostcards 14 September | 13:28
When I worked at McDonald's, we would give out Hot Wheels and Barbies at the same time. I always made a point of asking people whether they wanted "hot wheels or barbies" for the Happy Meal toys.

Most people wouldn't notice, but some would thank me for not asking "boys or girls toy."
posted by drezdn 14 September | 13:29
Go rossi go! Turn the gaze of doom upon the infidels! Make them squirm with the knowledge of their transgressions!

drezdn, and the boys' toys are infinitely better, which bites. I went through a happy meal phase this spring when my son was on a major Mickey D's jag and I soon learned I had to ask for the boy's meal, which came with a wind up robot, as opposed to the girls' meal, which came with some horrible lame pink pony that didn't even move. I was mad about that. I even contemplated a letter to the editor.
posted by mygothlaundry 14 September | 15:17
Huh. Well maybe the kid saw the movies. Pretty funny name regardless!
posted by chewatadistance 14 September | 17:51
I always specify "Boys toy", if they even ask because Perle is more often than not dressed like one so they assume. Until the week they had Helly Kitty stuff for girls and I didn't notice until after we got the meal... because I'm a sucker for Helly Kitty.

Good on ya jrossi4r for releasing that look - it bugs me that things are gender specified in an age where gender means nothing. Leave it alone people! One xmas I spent it with my ex and his family, his sisters inlaws were showering their three year-old granddaughter with gifts suchs as a wee ironing board and a cash register and a mini washing up set with brush and towel an drying stand called "Duktig" (good, as in "good girl") from Ikea. Ugh! See why he's an X?
posted by dabitch 14 September | 18:00
I think "helly kitty" was a freudian slip. I've always imagined that cat to grow enourmous fangs and devour us all one day.
posted by dabitch 14 September | 18:01
Awesome. Can I borrow that look, jrossi? I need it for my 11th graders this year. Helly juniors...

posted by Pips 14 September | 18:12
Oh thank you, thank you, thank you for doing that drezdn. That really sticks in my craw. MGL's right, the boy toys are way funner.

And Pips, you just call me in and I will stare down those ornery teens!

"Duktig" (good, as in "good girl")
Oh good lord.
posted by jrossi4r 14 September | 22:47
Good for you!

My response senior year to the junior class boy who told me "you can't dress up as Alex (A Clockwork Orange). You're a girl."--he wanted to, too-- was "SO?" He did get it though, and dressed up as something else. I had everything but the codpiece.
posted by brujita 15 September | 00:43
Hello Cthulhu!

The boys are still fans of Dora, and occasionally wear rainbow girly shirts. I've gotten lots of comments on my beautiful girls. :D

They've also occasionally drawn red marker on their lips, and a black goatee on their faces.

Girly mom can go to heck. Good for you!
posted by lysdexic 15 September | 11:28
Demi Moore || Portland meetup bump!