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Comment Feed:


31 May 2006

Wish me luck! I'm flying to LA![More:]All my stuff is packed away or sold or trucked to my parents' house. I sold my car yesterday (which makes me very sad, because it was a lovely car). I have one box to ship to my new address.

I'm dead worried that the Los Angeles fashion police won't let Boston-me deplane, or they'll immediately whisk me away to be waxed and tweezed and fed nothing but grapes and celery until I meet standards. I'm going to be meeting a ton of new people, which both scares and excites me (cause I'm kind of rubbish at meeting new people). I'll be working part-time for my old company, which means I still have a paycheck, which is very very good.

My face is a mess of pimples from all the stress. Somebody tell me it'll be okay?
It'll be more than OK - it'll be great! Good luck, Fuzzbean!
posted by gaspode 31 May | 08:22
You'll have so much fun! Get a suntan!
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 31 May | 08:23
I think they check to see if you have a Brazilian before they let you off the plane. Have a great time!
posted by iconomy 31 May | 08:30
I'd like to tell you it will be okay.

Really I would.

But as someone who's going through some changes as well (though not as radical as yours), all I can say is:

It will probably be okay. Eventually.
posted by Doohickie 31 May | 08:44
Bon voyage!
posted by Eideteker 31 May | 09:14
Go get 'em fuzzbean. It *will* be ok. Drink it in!
posted by chewatadistance 31 May | 09:22
So where are you going to live?

I grew up there and have worked about everywhere in the city. .email me with any questions I might be able to help on. . .
posted by danf 31 May | 09:37
I just moved to Los Angeles from Boston too. I grew up here. I hope you love Los Angeles, because it's a very loveable, bizarre, strange, sunny town. Have fun; you'll kick LAAss.
posted by Uncle Glendinning 31 May | 11:00
Go get 'em, Fuzzbean! Most regrets in life come from the things you don't do. One way or the other, the move will be a good thing!
posted by jrossi4r 31 May | 11:25
Patches of dry skin have erupted on my face (it must be morgellons of course) but I bet they adjust in a week or so, as will the immediate coastal adjustments.
Your lack of superpolish will make you a star, picked out from the masses to star in the next big indie film hit, since the dry air will kill off your pimples and you will be forced to shed your toxins by the general health freakiness and easy access to wheatgrass and healthy foods.

No matter what, i will suck up all the extra bad karma for a while so it will be fine. really.
posted by ethylene 31 May | 14:43
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