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31 May 2006

Use your hot, hot brains to help me cool down my apartment. So, here's the deal, [More:] I have a West-facing apartment, with windows all across the living/dining area and bedroom.

From about 3 in the afternoon until sunset, the angry sun just blasts in to the apartment like God's own heatlamp and hots the place up, even with the blinds down.

So there's a balcony all along the windows, and I was thinking of putting some blinds or something outside to catch the heat and stop it from getting in. But it's all concrete out there and I can't really drill in to it.

Can you get a bunch of potted bushes/trees instead? Or put up trellises and get vines going? They'd probably love the sun, give you shade, and be prettier than barriers.
posted by occhiblu 31 May | 11:03
A sheet-of-water fountain along the window. Just add ice.
posted by Hugh Janus 31 May | 11:04
Liquid Nitrogen Underwear.
posted by jonmc 31 May | 11:05
Tape tinfoil up over the windows. It'll keep the sun out and make you look like a man who should not be messed with.
posted by cmonkey 31 May | 11:05
Grow cactus!
posted by Lipstick Thespian 31 May | 11:06
I wonder if window film would help?

Also, leaving your windows shut during the day (opening in the evening/overnight).
posted by flopsy 31 May | 11:10
I had the exact same problem with an apartment I had once. You don't want to put up awnings or anything permanent or too expenive, right?

I'm not sure what you mean by blinds, but what you need are shades - the room darkening plastic shades that pull down. You'll notice a difference right away. And I know this sounds crazy, but with the apartment that I had where the sun beat down all afternoon, I took down all the shades and lined them with good old aluminum foil, shiny side out, using double sided tape. It reflected the sun back out, and really helped substantially.

On preview: I see cmonkey is a tin foil connoisseur too.
posted by iconomy 31 May | 11:11
If all else fails, you could just break out the grappling irons and plunder the neighbor's AC.
posted by Hugh Janus 31 May | 11:12
Second the vine idea. If you can't attach anything to the balcony structure, you can attach trellises to the plant pots, or get fancy pots with trellises built in.

Blotting out the windows would work, of course, but I'd find it totally depressing.
posted by tangerine 31 May | 11:12
I have no idea about the cost, but you can get a silvery reflective film that goes on your windows and deflects the rays (it's possible that it has to be "installed").

As an added benefit, during the day, at least, nobody can see into your windows (though you can still see out), so you can leave your shades up and still walk around in all your glorious Capn nudity. I can't vouche for it, since I haven't tried it, but I would really like this for two of my windows.
posted by taz 31 May | 11:13
Can you fit a trellis planter like this out there? Plant morning glory vines. They grow like wildfire.
posted by jrossi4r 31 May | 11:16
Oh and more about the shades - you can get them custom cut at stores like Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, etc, and they're super cheap - probably less than 10.00US each.

And about lining them with tin foil - I'm not sure how that would work if the windows were closed (would it reflect the heat out, or just back onto the window for twice the heat!), but I used to do the tin foil thing when the windows were open, which was most of the summer, because we had no AC. It was a lifesaver for us.

Here's an example of what I mean from Lowe's, although this particular one is 73 inches across, so it's more expensive than what you might need.

Also from Lowe's - Heat Control Window Film!

Save money and energy
Reflect up to 55% of summer heat
Retain up to 45% of winter heating
Reduce up to 99% of UV rays
Safe for single and dual panes
Easy to apply
posted by iconomy 31 May | 11:23
Be macho and put the tinfoil on the OUTSIDE of the window. Better yet, put that aluminized bubble wrap on the outside of the window. Keep that deadly IR at a distance. Radiation is not your friend.

PS: Message recieved. Replacement on way.
posted by warbaby 31 May | 11:29
I have the same problem -- west-facing window (which is HUGE). I got some bamboo blinds at Home Depot and hung them outside, thus keeping the sun from getting into the house. They help a lot.

The concrete -- you can drill into it. You just need a masonry drill bit to do so. If you drill a hole and can't screw hooks into it, glue the hooks with epoxy that bonds to concrete. Et voila.
posted by mudpuppie 31 May | 11:56
I can, yes, I meant "shouldn't".

The plant idea sounds like a good one. I'm hoping to move within a year, so I'm not looking to do anything too permanent or expensive. I'll look in to the heat film too.

Reflect up to 55% of summer heat
Retain up to 45% of winter heating
That's pretty damn funny right there.
posted by Capn 31 May | 12:02
Keep telling me how hot my brain is, baby.
posted by matildaben 31 May | 14:02
Your brain is so hot, hats turn to ash just being near you.

I have south facing windows, so, of course i'm meant to roast in a daily convection oven or live in a cave.

must make more curtains.
So far, the key is sealing in the non stop air conditioning.
because i am bad.
posted by ethylene 31 May | 14:07
I'm a bit embarassed to admit this, but nothing beats lying on the couch covered with bags of frozen peas. You can only do this so many times though before the peas themselves become "questionable."
posted by pieisexactlythree 31 May | 14:26
Maybe you could recycle the peas just for cooling.

relief = pleasure

damn flaming skyball.
posted by ethylene 31 May | 14:30
Check out this thread.
posted by theora55 31 May | 20:35
Check out that thread checking out this thread
posted by warbaby 01 June | 15:37
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