Curious Characters of my Commute! →[More:]Nothing beats public transportation for great people-watching. Or, conversely, people-avoiding. The following is a short catalog of the folks I spend time with every morning on the way to work:
Heavy Metal Dude - guy in his 40's with a slack, thinning grey mullet who always has Ozzy cranked on his headphones and who wears flip-flops (with the attendant flip-flopsweat), and a hoodie with painted flames flying up from the cuffs. This man is a dead ringer for the Bus Driver from the Simpsons.
"Chatty" Alvarez - This is a guy who hangs out at my stop and who is one of those people who talks loudly, and yet slowly, and yet about nothing. One of those people who is nice enough, but you still find yourself numbly parroting back anything he says in the hopes that the conversation will end soon. Which only comes across as a volley from your side for yet another amusing anecdote about his mother, or the weather.
Drunk Statue Guy - This guy is the saddest character I encounter on my way to work. DSG sits numbly in his seat, with an overpowering flat stench of old cigarettes and years of alcohol abuse rising out of his pores. DSG never mores, never speaks. He is the decaying essence of despair.