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30 May 2006

First meetup tonight [More:]I've got my first MeFi meetup tonight and I'm starting to get very nervous about it, even though it was me who kind of instigated it.

Any hints/tips on how to get through the evening without making a total idiot of myself? I'm not great in social situations, especially when I don't know anybody else.
When things get awkward start the shout-outs. Talk about your favorite footballer. Talk about that one thread with the thing and that funny inline that whatsishead posted.
posted by sciurus 30 May | 08:26
The most nerve racking bit is locating people, so it can be a good idea to get all stalkery and look up some photos of people who say they'll be there. It'll be easier for you though cos at least you can easily find ludwig_van!

It might help to be up to date on recent popular threads and the latest gossip about users on mefi, but to tell you the truth it shouldn't make too much difference if you don't.

Ultimately everyone else will be just as nervous as you are but it won't be long before the conversation is flowing.

Have fun!
posted by dodgygeezer 30 May | 08:41
Everyone is there because they want to meet new people! You'll have so much fun. When in doubt, ask people about themselves- what they do, what they love, how long they've lived in town. I've learned all sorts of fascinating things from Mefites- they're so smart!

And yea, finding the group is usually the scariest part, so it's nice to know who is going to be there, so you can locate them. I have become one of the people people look for at NYC meetups (which is a little scary!).
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 30 May | 09:22
Don't worry, relax, be yourself. Once everyone starts getting liquored up you'll be allright.
posted by porpoise 30 May | 10:12
That's true- it's almost worth arriving a little late, so everyone will have had their first drink.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 30 May | 10:14
Kindall gave me a valuable tip: If you never say anything, you won't say anything stupid.

I decided to try saying things, and yep, I said some stupid things.
posted by agropyron 30 May | 10:24
Be really, really noisy so the other people can find you.

I will be bringing the BunnySignal (sort of like the Bat Signal but cooler) to the next meetup.
posted by warbaby 30 May | 10:27
I must have said a whole busload of stupid things at all the meetups I've been to, then.
posted by matildaben 30 May | 10:30
Oh, yes. Wear your bunnypin. Use the password and countersign.
posted by warbaby 30 May | 10:30
I brought my MetaFilter coffee mug with me to my first meetup so folks could locate the group. Your first shoutout can be to the expected participants if that makes it easier "Honk if you read MetaFilter!"
posted by terrapin 30 May | 10:30
What's the password??!! And the countersign??!!
posted by essexjan 30 May | 10:36
Nobody should worry about saying stupid things! We're all very nice (well, at least, I try to be!). And I know I don't hold stupid things against anyone I meet, the same way I hope they won't hold the stupid things I say against me.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 30 May | 10:37
It's true! It's true! I say stupid things at every meetup, and ThePinkSuperhero is very gracious about smiling and nodding.
posted by Hugh Janus 30 May | 10:47
password and countersign
posted by warbaby 30 May | 10:48
Holy crap, Eedge! Some tips from LT, Lover of Meetups:

1. Be yourself.

2. Everyone (except you, wise girl) will eventually be 'faced and loquacious to a fault.

3. I second the "break out the Sharpies" if things get slow, and remember to shout me or I'll never play Squeeze for you again.

4. Remember to take plenty of pictures, and LABEL THEM before posting them on the front page.

5. HAVE FUN! Meetups kick ass, are never boring, and make Metachat the vibrant, wild place that it is. We're not all just cheeky typists, you know!

posted by Lipstick Thespian 30 May | 11:02
I've noticed people tend to bring things to meetups- poladroid cameras, stickers, candy, things to play with (like how ColdChef brought us beads!). This gives people something to do besides think of interesting things to say. Maybe you could bring something fun to share?
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 30 May | 11:11
OK, I have got the following:

- big A4 pad of paper
- big thick black marker pen
- bunnypin (secured safely on denim jacket)
- camera, fully charged.

and I will stop at Sainsbury's on the way and buy a big bag of Haribo or something silly like that to share with people.

Eeeeee ... so nervous.
posted by essexjan 30 May | 11:20
What's the password??!! And the countersign??!!

Metachat... shhhhhh
posted by Eideteker 30 May | 11:24
You're gonna have so much fun, essexjan!

::does 7 cartwheels::
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 30 May | 11:33
If someone as shy as myself can get through a meetup, looks forward to another one and actually goes to the second meetup, anyone can do it! You'll have loads of fun.
posted by deborah 30 May | 11:56
I, for one, will testify that deborah got through an entire meetup without dancing on the table with a lampshade on her head.
posted by warbaby 30 May | 12:26
≡ Click to see image ≡
On to the MeetUp!
posted by warbaby 30 May | 12:39
*sighs at vision of Deborah dancing on tables with a lampshade*

mmmmm Lampshady Deborah.

I'm sorry. I'll go quietly.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 30 May | 13:05
warbaby, that is awesome.
posted by occhiblu 30 May | 13:08
The best way to get through a meetup is to remember that you're there for the sole purpose of making a shoutout to your favorite photographer.

As long as you don't stray from that mission, everything will turn out fine. Otherwise, everyone will point at you and laugh. Or maybe they won't, but it's best to play it safe.
posted by DaShiv 30 May | 14:25
I'm dying to see the BunnySignal in action. Any test run photos available, warbaby?
posted by Zack_Replica 30 May | 14:29
I just about completed the metal refinishing and need to build the alt/azi mount. A couple of days to the test firing. With luck, it will hit low clouds.

*rubs hands and cackles in approved mad scientist manner*
posted by warbaby 30 May | 14:55
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