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Comment Feed:


23 May 2006

Things I need I need a recommendation for:[More:]

-A good web host that could run Word Press

-A graphic designer who can create me a logo and a look for a webzine

-A website designer who can take said logo and create me a site using Word Press to run the blog

Money is an object right now, but I can be reasonable and will pay for quality work.

Operators are standing by!
Dreamhost runs WordPress and is cheap.
posted by mudpuppie 23 May | 22:59
taz may be able to help you with the last two. She do good stuff.
posted by dg 23 May | 23:04
Yep, I can help you, Trishalynn, with some of that stuff... I can definitely help with a logo and site design. I've never installed or configured Word Press, but I'm sure somebunny has.

For hosting, if not dreamhost, I've used ICDSoft for years, and never had any trouble. Very inexpensive! Or you could go with Typepad (which I also use) for hosting and blogging software all in one and add static pages as you wish.
posted by taz 23 May | 23:33
I'm using WordPress and DreamHost... See my current sites (the blog and the Doomsday Novelty site) to see how a relative fumblethumbs like me can make it look decent without using all the fancy schmancies.

DreamHost gave me two years for about $200 with unlimited domains and enough bandwidth to get SlashDotted daily, ifyouknowwhatImean.

I can consult for next to nothing (as long as Social Security considers me disabled I can't make too much money); meanwhile, I have my own needs for tech help (php and javascript widgets) and graphical stuff (comic character design) for other web projects of mine which I think I'll talk to the taz about later...
posted by wendell 24 May | 07:14
Thirding Dreamhost.
posted by chewatadistance 24 May | 08:13
Many hosts offer WordPress as a "one-buttton-install" from the domain's control panel. (If the one you're looking at doesn't, I have a friend who does.)
posted by danostuporstar 24 May | 08:18
wendell: OMG, I interviewed Brad Guigar for Sequential Tart two years ago! How did you manage to get him to make you into a webcomic character???

I like your blog, btw, and if I ever get the hang of RSS-ing, I may have to add you to a feed. But I am old school (OMG, I can't believe I just said that) and prefer to blogroll via bookmarks rather than an aggregator (did I spell that correctly?).

I was thinking about DreamHost but of all the web hosting sites that Word Press personally recommends, they seem the most corporate and icky. Laughing Squid is making my inner crunchy granola girl happy, but the prices are not.

taz: ICDSoft looks good and the prices look neat, too. I was looking at the "We have a tool that moves files from the old server to the new one" information; have you had to work with that before? How easy is it to do?

dano: This place recommended to me by a friend I trust offers so many one-click installs (scroll towards the bottom) that it's mind-boggling. The fact that I recognize the tool that powers MetaChat tickles me pink. ^_^
posted by TrishaLynn 24 May | 08:24
I use dreamhost and haven't had any issues with them, fwiw.
posted by safetyfork 24 May | 08:59
I use 34sp, which is the most inexpensive hosting I've found. It works very well too.
posted by sciurus 24 May | 09:01
sciurus: You're in the US, 34sp's in the UK. How do you justify having your web host be in a different country? I know that they claim quick tech support, but I like the idea of being able to pick up a phone and not have to dial extra digits to talk to someone if I really needed to.
posted by TrishaLynn 24 May | 09:07
Never thought of DreamHost as very "corporate and icky" (but I moved there from 1and1 which is VERY corporate and icky). Come to think of it, DreamHost's constant efforts to NOT appear corporate may be their ickiest quality (emails from the "Happy DreamHost Installer Robot"? come on!), but they one-click WordPress and several other programs (what they consider the best in each category, and their judgment looks good to me) and their Control Panel makes more things easy than any host I've dealt with before. And, for me, they're not just phone accessible; I could drive to their offices in Orange County, CA if I had to... but I've never had to. And they automatically increase your memory/bandwidth limits at regular intervals - like I said, my little sites could become major Internet memes (which they never will) and I wouldn't have to pay overages. Enough commercial - they may not be the best on the web, but they're more than good enough for me (disclaimer: if you sign up via the box on my blog, they pay me...)

As for "SuperVillain Wendell", I started participating in Blank Label Comics' forums, and when Brad offered to do custom caricatures in exchange for links back to his comic, I was the sixth in line...
posted by wendell 24 May | 12:34
See, Dreamhost's website doesn't "look" all non-corporate and icky. They look as slick as some of those other web hosts I've seen that haven't gotten as many personal referrals. However, tons of people are referring them so I'm going to have to take another look at them. I really wish they had a list of client sites like Laughing Squid does, though.
posted by TrishaLynn 24 May | 13:37
Well, here's a list of DreamHost's Sites of the Month and here's an Ask MeFi about them... I spent too much time and effort promoting them; I'm going to take a shower now. :)
posted by wendell 24 May | 14:45
damn! All that one-click stuff is amazing cool...

But Dreamhost is offering more disk space and transfer (plus as many domains as you want on your account? Nice!), and if people here say they are reliable, that sounds like a really good deal.
posted by taz 25 May | 03:23
Get to know your gay! || OMG MANX KITTIES!!!1