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artphoto by TheophileEscargot
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Comment Feed:


19 May 2006

Bunny! OMG! What a smiley boy!
That's a very compliant kitty.
posted by nomis 19 May | 10:33
"This is the last smile you'll ever see"
posted by dodgygeezer 19 May | 10:42
He's surprisingly unperturbed by the headgear.
posted by deborah 19 May | 10:56
Maybe he's some kind of feline drag queen.

*sinks into Freudian murk*
posted by jonmc 19 May | 10:57
Could well be, jon, as you can see, he's half in, half out of the closet.
posted by essexjan 19 May | 11:02
Fake bunny! We've been defrauded!
posted by me3dia 19 May | 11:02
Could well be, jon, as you can see, he's half in, half out of the closet.

Good one jan!
posted by rainbaby 19 May | 11:05
My freind Rafael's girlfriend* had a weinerdog that she used to love to dress in rhinestone collars and pink sweaters. Me and Rafael were musing over this one day.

"Do dogs really like it when humans do that to them?" I asked.

"Well, when my girl puts the sweaters on, the dog's tail starts waggin'.."

"At least tell me it's a girl dog, dude, otherwise we're headed into very dark water.."

Well, one time on Newtown Avenue in Astoria, I saw a guy walking a basset hound that he had tricked out in a sleeveless t-shirt. Shit, why not gell his fur back and stick a Marlboro in his mouth? We in QUEENS, baby!

*her dad was some kind of doctor and she once showed me a picture of some dude whose rash had made his private parts almost flourescently magenta. and lumpy. So she was not without her charms, doggie-vestism aside. Or if a dog enjoys dressing like a human does that make him some kind of reverse furry?

I need to lie down.
posted by jonmc 19 May | 11:09
My friend Nev says that the willingness to wear hats is one MAJOR difference between cats and dogs. Seems this fella didn't get the memo.
posted by richat 19 May | 11:13
My freind Rafael's girlfriend* had a weinerdog that she used to love to dress in rhinestone collars and pink sweaters.

In a pet store yesterday I saw England World Cup football strips for dachshunds. My sister has two dachshunds and if these things hadn't cost £17 apiece I'd have bought them one each.
posted by essexjan 19 May | 11:16
Bad to the bone.
≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by essexjan 19 May | 11:22
Nothing says "dangerous" than a tiny dog wearing leather. And studs.
posted by tommasz 19 May | 15:16
Sshhhhh!!! You'll wake the baby! || This is a staring thread