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10 May 2006

Well, that was a doozy of a first day. I started my new project today. And it SUCKED.[More:]
First of all, the project itself was sold to me as a Java effort. Yay coding! It's, um, not. I'm not going to get into all the detail, but it's not like that at all. That said, the software we're using is pretty damn cool and the project itself is interesting, which is more than I can say for my normal job. And the project manager is a real cutie. Life could be worse.

But that's not why it sucked. My whole eating schedule was jacked up. Meetings all morning. I did eat breakfast beforehand, but it was earlier than normal. I didn't have my normal bottle of Gatorade. And lunch wasn't till 12:15, when I normally eat at 11. The headache set in by 1:00 and was a full-blown migraine by 3:30. All the symptoms - pounding head, nausea, blurred vision, sensitivity to light. I've only had four of these in my life, and it was the worst I've ever had, by far.

I finally got out of there at 4:45, came home (driving 35 minutes while not being able to keep your eyes open and feeling like you're going to vomit is not pleasant), popped two Percosets I had left over from my surgery, and got in bed. I woke up at 7:45 feeling so much better. My God, what a miserable day.

How are you guys? I missed you bunnies!!
posted by mike9322 10 May | 19:09
I'm great - loafed around, read some career-chasing books, drank some coffee in a cafe, and wrote a poem.
Discovered I like a band called the Weakerthans.

On some days, it's nice to be unemployed with room to breathe a little.

posted by Lipstick Thespian 10 May | 19:15
aww, i wanted to see you do this
but instead i'm going to lie down.
posted by ethylene 10 May | 19:18
I'm in Antarctica, drinking with the crew and making horrendous typos. But it's all good, baby. Just remember: Daddy has to bring home sugar to his baby.

Yes, I mean Hunter. Stop looking at me like that...
posted by TrishaLynn 10 May | 19:26
Just woken up.
But yesterday, I was struggling (as I do many days) with the ungainly, badly concieved programming language that is Visual Dataflex.

And let me tell you - This language is a bag of shite. I had a new requirement to allow the editing of a bunch of fields from one table on a screen which is used to edit fields on a different table.

You'd think this would be easy. What with it sounding like a common requirement and all. But no. Visual Dataflex does a bunch of weird stuff in the background which was designed to make things easier, but in actuality makes things much much harder.

A change I'd given myself 30 minutes to do finally took 6 hours.

When I got home, I made myself some baked potatoes and watched The Aristocrats.
posted by seanyboy 11 May | 01:39
But that's not why it sucked. My whole eating schedule was jacked up. Meetings all morning. I did eat breakfast beforehand, but it was earlier than normal. I didn't have my normal bottle of Gatorade. And lunch wasn't till 12:15, when I normally eat at 11.

OK, now you gotta have a strategy here. Energy bars will fit into your pocket and you can eat them between meetings or even duck into the bathroom if there's no other option. If you've a long meeting scheduled, take a bottle of energy drink in with you, disguised in a fancy insulated cup if you feel odd about taking a bottle of pop into a meeting.

Look after yourself.
posted by essexjan 11 May | 02:46
What is this a picture of? (nsfw?) || A Poem from LT