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09 May 2006

A word to the drinkers: When you're too drunk to drive your car to the store for more booze, riding the lawnmower instead may seem like a good idea. But that's just because you're drunk.
He should do what my late, great uncle would've done and simply get his kid to plow through town, while he hangs off the bag with the clippings.
posted by AlexReynolds 09 May | 16:35
Didn't George Jones try this once?
posted by box 09 May | 16:45
I probably shouldn't admit this, but this happened to a family member of mine back in the 80s.
posted by BoringPostcards 09 May | 16:55
I probably shouldn't admit this, but this happened to a family member of mine back in the 80s.
posted by BoringPostcards 09 May | 16:56
BTW, I am NOT drunk, and don't know why my posts keep appearing twice. (I'm working the evening shift, actually, and not on my own computer.)
posted by BoringPostcards 09 May | 16:58
Yeah, the Possum definitely did this at least once.
posted by keswick 09 May | 17:02
The music really makes it.
posted by mudpuppie 09 May | 17:12
Johnny Cash tried this, with a tractor
posted by pieisexactlythree 09 May | 17:22
I actually used to drive to McDonald's because I was too drunk to work the microwave. I'm grateful no one got hurt and I don't do things like that anymore.
posted by Marxchivist 09 May | 17:56
Once, when I was in College at Davis, some friends and I decided we were hungry post-barhopping. Being the responsible sorts (and everything being close in Davis) we walked to Jack-in-the-Box, but only the drive-through was open. So we went up to the drive-through window all positioned like we were in a car (yeah we were drunk). The woman berated us saying we couldn't walk up at a drive-through. We asked her if she wanted us to go get our car and drive in our drunken stupor. Then she points at ME (who didn't own a car and rarely ate fast food) saying I of all people should know better. I must of looked like someone else when drunk. She closed the window on us obnoxious college kids. We were hungry, so we walked down Russell Boulevard to Nation's Giant Hamburgers which worked out better anyways since they served breakfast there 24 hours a day.
posted by eekacat 09 May | 18:52
You went to UCD? I live in Davis! Whoa!

But there's no Nation's here, not anymore anyway.
posted by mudpuppie 09 May | 19:27
We had a family around here everyone referred to as "The Tractor People." Every member of the family with a license lost it to DUI, so they relied on their ride-on mower for transportation.
posted by jrossi4r 09 May | 19:37
Having spent the majority of my early 20ies hanging around various bike shops, I observed that there was a category of customers beyond the usual lycra-clad skinny guys - the drunks. You can imagine the deal - the judge took away their license, or some other sad story, and they take up the bicycle out of necessity. And being avid enthusiasts of various up-fucking substances, they regaled us with tales of getting busted for ______ing while intoxicated, where you can fill in the blank with virutually any verb you like, including "cycling". Good times.
posted by Triode 09 May | 19:38
I went to UCD also, Eekacat, and I remember Nations. Weird. A tiny Davis Nexus exists on Metachat.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 09 May | 20:22
mudpuppie: I grew up in Davis, and went to the University there since it was the best choice for me to study Winemaking and Brewing. Nations Giant Hamburgers was in that tiny shopping mall (the first indoor shopping mall in Yolo County!!!) on the Corner of Russell Boulevard and Anderson. There was a club there, The Graduate. OH and FLUFFY'S DONUTS!!! Safeway and Pay & Save were in the mall. Man, I need to get back and visit Davis and remember the good times. Like the first time I rode Rollerblades and almost fell into Putah Creek at the arboretum. Or climbing up on the dust thing out by the airport (and riding our bikes on the runway in the dark).
posted by eekacat 09 May | 20:31
Putah Creek, that's the one that runs near Prahstitute Parkway, innit?
posted by Triode 09 May | 20:37
Oh right, the mall. Safeway's gone -- now it's a Cost Plus. Fluffy's is still there, though. I've never actually been inside it, so maybe Nation's is still there after all.

Someone else -- a NY mecha person whose name currently escapes me (sorry!) -- has a girlfriend who grew up here. Edible Energy, maybe? I think it's one of the E people.
posted by mudpuppie 09 May | 20:43
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